A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi jolene,

maybe u are too stressed over TTC or work... jus relax. maybe u can plan for a short trip to relax yourself. actually the last 3 cycles i am also very stressed over TTC but this cycle i will take it easy. i stop taking BBT liao cos it's really stressful to 'see' my BBT whether it's up or down. but i will still use OPKs to detect my O day.

i am now planning to go for a short trip to batam in mid june (my O should be around that weekend).


Sorry to disturb.

I have a brand new box of Clear Plan Home ovulation Test (5 sticks) selling at $50.

Also another 3 loose pcs selling at $10 each.

If you get all 8 pcs of ovulation sticks ($80), will throw in 1 watson BBnews plus pregancy test.

Expiry for ovulation kit is dec 2006
Expiry for pregnacy kit is nov 2006

Interested, pls pm me.
so u saw two lines huh, monitor it closely. If u hv spare OPK, u can test tomorrow again, maybe in the late morning, it shd be 2 dark lines. Work hard! Ovulating soon....
Hi there ...

Wanna ask ... if I ve detected ovulation with the kit ... can it be possible that even I tried during that period ... & still won't get preggie??

Actually, I tried 2 mths with positive result for using the OPK ...

Anyone has the same experience as me??

Sihui, from what I read, if the ovulation kit tests positive, you must try for the next 2-3 days as ovulation only occurs 24-48 hours after the LH surge.

Normal healthy couples may take up to 6 months to conceive, so do not be discouraged.

My advise to you will be start eating healthily and exercise and it affects your chances of concieving also.

Sharon, when u test +ve for LH, don'te tell your hubby. I din tell him so he won't feel the pressure. All i did was seduce him into action...heehee...it's more fun and there is a saying that baby is concieved out of passion, so must have passion!!!! :p

For those who are interested to take herbal soup, just go medical hall tell them u trying for baby, they will help u formulate something
Hi Mrs Wong ..
Thanks for your reply .. hmm, I will try that again ...
as for me I have been trying since last Nov ... so, giving myself a few more mths ...

There herbal soup for trying for baby?? Okay, I will check it out .. just tell the medical hall .. & they should know?? Normal medical hall???


alot of us here O well and yet never conceive too..


remember last time one of u were saying that cannot take DAND GUI while TTC....I was reading up this recipe book for tonic soups,it states that for woman prepare for TTC,must take DANG GUI

looks like u have quite a few problems....u say have no courage at this moment to do a surgery and are trying TCM now...Probably u want to wait a few months more,and if there is still no improvements after taking the TCM to resolve your problems,u should just go ahead with the surgery.
(As of 1 June)

Waiting to Ovulate

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> O date</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tami</TD><TD> 6</TD><TD> 16 June</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 34 - 36 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sharon</TD><TD> 6</TD><TD> 12 June</TD><TD> 28 June</TD><TD> 31-34</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yuki</TD><TD> 8</TD><TD> 10 June</TD><TD> 24 June</TD><TD> 28 31</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hayashi Hakida</TD><TD> 10</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 16-18 June</TD><TD> 30-32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hoonie</TD><TD> 14</TD><TD> 8 June</TD><TD> 20 June</TD><TD> 30-35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Icebaby</TD><TD> 17</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 16 June</TD><TD> 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elizabeth</TD><TD> 19</TD><TD> 27 May</TD><TD> 11 June</TD><TD> 26-30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>penguin8</TD><TD> 23</TD><TD> 29 May</TD><TD> 13 June</TD><TD> 30-32</td></tr></table>


<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> DPO</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD> 19</TD><TD> 4 dpo</TD><TD> 10 June</TD><TD> 28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stella</TD><TD> 26</TD><TD> 9 dpo</TD><TD> 2 dpo</TD><TD> 6 June </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bettle_bug</TD><TD> 26</TD><TD> 10 dpo</TD><TD> 5 June</TD><TD> 28 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piggy_ng</TD><TD> 27</TD><TD> 11 dpo</TD><TD> 6 June</TD><TD> 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD> 30</TD><TD> 14 dpo</TD><TD> 27-28</TD><TD> 27 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blueblue</TD><TD> 30</TD><TD> 10 dpo</TD><TD> 1 June</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fat Fat</TD><TD> 31</TD><TD> 17 dpo</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 28</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Berries</TD><TD> 32</TD><TD> 17-19 May</TD><TD> 2 June</TD><TD> 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gladys bride</TD><TD> 35</TD><TD> 17 dpo</TD><TD> 26 May</TD><TD> 27-28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Char</TD><TD> Any good news?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Louie</TD><TD> Any good news?</td></tr></table>

<font color="aa00aa">Gaduates

Yeah. It seemed that lap op is the next step. My TCM sinseh is also for it. She says it is not a big op. Just a check to ensure everything is fine. But I still does not have courage to go for it yet.

Anyway, I find going to gynaes very stressful. Seeing the TCM sinseh is more relaxing. Although the waits are equally long for both. She is very friendly and jovial. I actually look forward to seeing her. :p

I find my BBT charts looking better and my body getting warmer for past few months. So, I assume things are looking brighter. Oh, and yes, I have to be relaxed. Else also difficult to conceive if too stressful. So, reminding myself not to be stressed at work too. Well, I guess I just need to be patient.
Hi Hayashi

Not too sure if u r refering to me... but for mi, I can't take dang gui now even though it's good for TTC coz I've endo... and some of these chinese herbs may worsen the condition and dang gui is one of them, accordingly to my gynae... but of course, I haven't see any sensei... so cannot verify with them.... so better be safe than sorry mah... hehhehe...

Hi Whee

I have gone thr' lap to remove 2 big cysts... it's really nothing much... it's 3 keyholes surgery where u only see 2 wounds coz one of them is yr belly button...

If u think that u can't determine the reason why u can't conceive and there's possibilities that yr tubes may be blocked... then better try to find out earlier... so as not to waste time also... if can cure then cure earlier then better chance of conceiving mah...
Hayashi - Tks .. not very sure of the O thing that y .. posted a msg ... so now, I know .. alth you maybe ovulation .. &amp; no eggs released ... or tubes blocked &amp; so on ..

I can tell u this month i do not think i have chance. My CM is so "screwed" up. Imagine on the 7th day (menses start = 1st day), my CM is like EWCM. Which means = ovulation (in most websites). Then after that was slippery wet for 1 day or so. Then dryness.

Today is the 15th day, and still dry. *how?
Hi Icebaby

Actually, CM may not be reliable for all... like for mi, when my CM looks promising... I tested for progesterone... but it's low... after taking Clomid, my progesterone went up... meaning that I ovulate well... but my CM is dry all the time...

It's better to juz BD alternate days from CD 10 to 20 rather than keep thinking of yr CM...

I guess for me because I am NOT taking any external medication at all. So my CM might still be a good way to gauge. It's just that ever since I decided to TTC, my CM for the last mth and this has been very different from the usual. I am only afraid is because of hormonal changes at the moment.
did u mention dat 1 scan + consultation is $100-$200 plus?

if u intend to scan for ovulation etc, maybe u wanna consider CARE @ Paragon? i jus signed up for their scan package @ $250, for 1 cycle. the package covers all scans in 1 cycle.
actually the advice to BD alternate days is really for men with normal SA.

those with not so normal SA may do better pinning down O day with OPK.
hi ladies...

Congrats to Kat &amp; Zenn!!
So lovely, another 2 ladies grad liao!!!

Whee, suggest tat u go for the lap. Since u already did HSG &amp; still can't really confirm whether tubes blocked, better for for surgery. Doc can SEE &amp; CLEAR everything v quickly... then u can start on ur TTC-ing proper. TCM will not help if tubes are blocked etc.

Yuki, me still no good news to share (today CD43). Just tat AF still lost its way. Haven't tested HPT, coz BBT is quite low &amp; fluctuating! Maybe wait until my hub back tomorrow nite then test on sat if AF still haven't report.

Taking Zenn's approach, guess no point thinking so much abt it lor. otherwise, get more upset only... tats why now chatting less. And of coz BUSY with work lah!! Sigh....

Take care ladies
it is possible but under normal circumstances, there should be EWCM (egg white cervical mucus). This EWCM would help to protect the sperms and help them to swim to the eggs.

if dry, then the spermies would have a hard time getting to the eggies because basically our vaginal is not a very conducive environment for spermies.
My AF coming soon so this month failed again. BBT dropped and saw red spots just now. It's quite sad and tiring when TTC. I feel like stopping...very tired.
Hi gals,

When is the best time to use OPK to detect LH surge? I tested yesterday and the day before,still show one line only(No O),I test on CD12 and CD13...I tested at night..is that the wrong timing?

Dun be discouraged,maybe for the next round,u stop taking BBT,just rely on OPK,maybe less stressful for u??

keep going. sometimes O could be CD14 onwards...

what i do is i test once a day (at 2pm)...when i get one faint test line...i will test again at night (at 8pm)

hi all...

penguin - Yayy!!! feels good when u get a +ve reading ya? i went thru e same last mth! =)

dodo - any updates? hope everything is good w ya!
my AF still not here yet. but got AF reporting cramps.. feel better now tt i no longer have any hope.. keke.. hurry hurry AF!

i noe this was discussed before but i can't find e posting.. may i noe which resort in batam is good n cheap? thinking of either batam or bintan just before skl starts again.. too bad tho.. due to this wonderful delay of my AF, i wun O during skl hols.. ;p
hi sharon,

juz come back from bali in apr during O period. so tot that this time strike liao but ...
anyway, will follow up with my gynae on 21jun. going for my V-scan and pap smear
Hi yuki, louie,

Thanks for the advices. Actually I know going for lap should be the right choice now. I know it is a key-hole surgery. But, I just cannot imagine having few holes on my body. Cannot get through myself leh.

From my knowledge, I understand TCM can help to "tong" the tubes too. But of course it will take a much longer time compared to western medicine. Maybe I will do the lap when I am getting impatient or no choice or when I am ready. See how lah. Meanwhile, I am very hardworking in drinking the TCM. Hope it helps too. :p

I have been to 3 gynaes before. Different experiences and comments from them. So, I also don't know who to trust. The only common advice is can go for lap op if I want. So, just stick to TCM now.
I hv stayed at Harris Batam before and it is quite nice and affordable. I think we paid $320 for two pax with breakfast and 3hrs of spa package.
eliz, peg &amp; sharon, yah yest cheong back home straight to "prepare for BD" hahaha.. no lah juz kidding, life is as usual coz I think we already had enough BD-g the past few days. DH said he tired leh, but i dun want to stress him and add more pressure if I tell him I got +ve for OPK and O-g soon.. See how hopefully he not tired tonight else I m going to be very sad missing the boat liao.

blueblue/caitlyn yest saw the +ve line at 3pm very excited and I forgot to bring my OPK today!!! Sigh. Maybe i go back to test at 8pm, should be ok on different timing right? hopefully it wun fall back to faint line. Agrhhh###

hoonie, me also test till siao then got 2 lines yest. It's my first cycle to use and i wasted 7 pcs! u only tested 2 pcs OPKs?

blueblue dun be discourage yet, please come here and chat, every1 here face the same problem over and over again as long as we didn't grad. So buck up ok!

I know what you mean. At times, I feel very sad when AF reports. Especially on those cycles that I thought look promising.
But my husband is always very positive. Very encouraging. I am the one who adds pressure to myself. Set targets, then missed targets.

Now realised these targets is stressing myself up. So, now, don't set target anymore. I am indeed less stressful now. Hope this will help in conceiving soon. Provided my body is in good shape lah.

Jia you! Don't lose hope!
blueblue, saying about the Harris resort, that time i intro the promo to Sharon about the package also, it's 2D1N but free 1 more night so total 3D2N for the price of 2D1N, think 1 pax around $98 (less than $100). U go during non-promo time?

Sharon did u sign up?

I went to Holiday Inn resort Batam instead. It's abit more ex than Harris but still ok lar, just a stone throw away from the jetty. Good thing for Harris is, they got the beach. For Holiday Inn Resort, the spa looks more luxury and room is big. Quite relaxing.
Hi Penguin

At least u see +ve line... u test @ 3 pm? maybe, I will follow u also... test @ 3 pm... hopefully, will see 2 lines soon... so depressing when u dun see +ve... Last cycle, I wasted 7 or 8 pcs... see this cycle how lor... today only my CD 8... so perhaps, start testing sometime next week...

Hi Whee

On the same day itself and 2 days after... there's some pain when u try to get outta bed... for mi, coz I'm Thalassemia minor... that's y, after op... so 1 mth MC... usually 2 weeks..
whee, me too, i gave up measuring BBT, 1st time start to monitor OPK just to track my O day. Just in case if mission fail this round, i will roughly know when I should O next round.
Hi penguin,
On which cycle day u see +ve on the OPK? Ya...so far I used 2 OPKs only..hehe..(pretty fun see the urine travel up...haha)

My hubby very cute,he say no matter see one line or two line also try...haha...Dun risk giving any chance a slip...
Hi Whee,

I think from my experience,ttc-ing cannot set targets one...haha...There is a minor factor of luck..No luck,even if you track your O nicely also no use
I think we just gonna relaxz and see how things go...
Yuki, yes i test at 3pm got a 2 lines.

Actually the green OPKs instruction did says that best to test between 2 to 8pm right? i always test at 1 pm after lunch (sneak to toilet)for the past few sticks, always cannot see +ve or only get trace of very faint line almost to invisible, so yest I purposely wait till 3pm!!!

Yuki u good lor, 28 days CL. Me so long ave 30-32! In the year if accum, you got at least one more O chance than I do leh!

wat is Thalassemia minor for?
hoonie, faint line on cd21 and visible on cd22. Today s my cd23, maybe will be more visible or maybe fade away..

gers, i follow yuki's formula, use your estimated AF due date minus 14 days to get estimated O day.

For eg mine:
Est'm AF due = 13 Jun
Less 14 days
Est'm O date = 31 May

Not sure if correct but no harm testing your OPK at 3pm and see?

Sorri to trouble u...jus like to noe if u hv helped me to find out fm yr gf abt Zinnat?...thx a million...


Congratz...it is really excitin...best tink tat wil happen to u...
the consultation + ultrasound is between $130-$200. Where exactly is CARE in paragon? Can share what type of scans provided in the package? Can go multiple times to scan for each cycle?

me so happy it's the start of another month. Knowing that we've got at least 2 graduates for each month, it just keeps me motivated. Maybe I'll be next...hee

So let's all work harder this month, and who knows, maybe ALL OF US can graduate this month.
penguin8: Maybe u can check it out this

Heard from my cousin, lately got a new OPK pdt using salive and can be reused, but dunno how much it costs. Think the name is something like "Mum" ... Will check it oout today at Guardian ...

Hee hee .. hope to join you gals for TTC ... alth, I started to try in Dec/Jan but not really doing alot of homework on it, cos I do not want to stress myself too much on the planning .. anyway now, I will check out this thread .. to have a better understanding of things that I should look out and take note also ..

Gals .. we "Ganbette"!!!!
Oh icic...penguin...maybe i test too early hor...Coz if i use your method to count:

estimated AF due : 17th June
Less 14 days will be 4th June
Meaning I mic O on CD17...

Then dilema liao,dun know if I should waste any stick at 3pm later...today only CD14 leh..
yes, multiple scans for each cycle. last fri i went to scan on cd02 for pcos. tmr i'm going again to scan if i will ovulate. if everything go smooth, will hv to go back on cd21 to scan if i had ovulated. each scan is $90, so 3 scans is $270...

a normal cycle need abt 3 scans, alrdy saved $20.
if u hv irregular af like me &amp; may not ovulate on cd14 (plus minus a few days), then the pkg is good cos may need 4 or 5 scans in total for the cycle.

u never come in here so i haven got the chance to tell you...she says her clinic gives curam which is safer for preggie woman....and not Zinnat
Hi Penguin

Mine range from 28 to 33 days... so, hard to say... like last cycle... shot up to 33 days... think it's effect of Clomid...

So, would u hardworking last nite? think if possible... tonite also work hard lah... so as not to miss the chance mah...

Good luck Sihui...

Actually me not expecting to strike anytime soon coz it mic affect my course,but anyway,if have also good...

This month I juz start using OPK to roughly track when I will Oed...at least have a better understanding of my cycle...
