A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Elizabeth, theortically sounds good enough to BD from May 22 to May 28, hopefully got good news. But this don happen to me, BD liao on O period still no news.


That time my cycle was pretty regular at 28 days. So I just tried BD on the 14th day (if I am not wrong). And was heng "kena" first time around (but of course, tried that together with the method put legs up after sex...blah blah). Maybe cos just married so *luck was there.
yuki - me haven't seen dr chua yet.. gg to see her tonite.. waw telling my hb that no matter wat the results, i'd feel better than i'm feeling now.. coz at least i noe for sure and can take steps to rectify any probs i may have.. thanx for ur concern! hugz
For me, if i am able to conceive successfully and deliver a health baby, i wouldn't care much if it is CNY season or not.
ohohjazz - agree wholeheartedly.. some of my colleagues who noe i TTC-ing, ask me whether i want boy or gal.. i always just say i wannt healthy! tt's most impt.. =)
Long time nv log in liao...

Hi Hoonie,
Same as u I having uncomfortable cramp at my lower left abdominal on & off since I beginning to TTC. Mine will cramp after O until AF come...

Last mth my egg on my right side this mth also the same side. Whenever I O I feel very tired, sore boob & uneasy at the right abdominal like something is stucking there.

Hi Yuki,
I am in my 2WW
, DPO2. Thanks for update!

Something very strange happened on Sat(CD13) I saw a small patch of light pink spotting surrounded by white powdering substance on my undies cannot be preggie coz i O on Sun which is my CD14. When I went V-scan yesterday I saw my egg has been released...don't know what's wrong? I showed my husband my undies he too confirmed was pink stain. However I did not tell my gynae i scared she said i hu shi ruan xiang like what my husband said to me....
Hi ladies,

would like to get some advice on this.
normally before AF visits, i'll have sore boobs. this month, i have no sore boobs but am expericing this AF cramps that you ladies are mentioning. my AF is 2 days late now... do you think i could be pregnant?
i don't dare to have too high expectation as I don't have sore boobs which sounds like a common symptom and i normally have it before AF. also, my AF was actually 2 weeks' late some months back and i was quite disappointed after getting a BFN
dunnoe whether i'm too stressed from TTCing....
Hi Sharon & Yuki,

My AF here tis afternn. Dunno is it what we call "miscarriage" AF was damn heavy n damn painful cramp. Even extra strong panadol does not seem to work this time round
Ya I'll have sore boobs every mth before AF came...preggie & AF syptoms almost the same so very hard to tell...2 days late think u can test with pregnancy kit using 1st morning urine liao.
Hi Unique

Dun scare yourself lah... I dun think it's miscarriage lah... normally, unless u tested +ve then yr AF comes then, it may mean chemical pregnancy... but I think they will probably be some delays in your AF...

Hi Fat Fat

Think agree lah... dun think too much... if u r preggy... u will know very soon... so dun go suspicious over every symptoms... otherwise, if it happens otherwise later... will be very disappointed one... I have gone thr' that before wif all the symptoms similiar to Preggy... but in the end, AF comes... my heart really drop... so, from then on, I tell myself... juz ignore all symptoms... and wait AF due then test... otherwise... will be very stressed up...

Perhaps, u have too much cooling or cold stuff bf AF come?
Oops... Unique... the last sentence of my previous msg was for u... hehehehe... blur blur liao...

Dun scare yrself or worry too much, okie?
Hi icebaby,

You have pple to help you during yr confinement..That is good wor...I live with my hubby only...I know my MIL will be more than willing to be "confined" with me...But I am afraid she can't stand my hot temper...haha..Me damn fussy pot...(Anyway,all these can only say when I have succeed from TTC lah...)**Haven preggy say so much..**
Dun think I will strike this cycle too...hee...


I do agree...I just want a BABY...boy or girl nvm...when I give birth also nvm,crashed with my practicum also bochap liaoz....There must be a way out to solve the problems lor...

Fat fat....

My cramps also like yours leh..after O till AF come since last month when I start TTC-ing...Any idea what is this about?? Why like that huh?
I 1st time saw pinkish discharge very excited mah. keke! If the spotting come after AF it'll be good for me lah...to bad is b4 O...never heard people got preggie during this period??? I never carry much hope lor...maybe cooling tat's y I saw pink....ya lor can't depend on symptoms not accurate one... my AF totally same as preggie signs...guess miss AF for normal CD den zhun ba...my intention is to give birth to doggie if fail again I'l take my time to TTC liao...my next target mouse baby...but I'l still go ahead do my HSG next mth...
No idea leh...I done v-scan nothing wrong with my womb...next mth I am doing HSG see whether is it tube problem or not? I'l update u again.
Oh ok...fat fat...

Next year is piggy year leh..not mouse...Me aiming for piggy now..**I am a pig lover,character also like pig..lazy** hehe
was itchy-hand so went to do a test just now. sigh, it's BFN again!! dunnoe what's wrong also. will be visiting gynae since we've already tried for 6 months liao....
Hi Jam...

Dun despair....We are here to give you support

Me also face disappointment every month when I see AF...but can't help leh..maybe it is not my time yet...

if u still have unbearable cramps then better go see ur gynae.


maybe too early to test? if AF still never come after 1 week then test again lor....


i same as u, as long as can get preggie then i dun care if when i give birth leh.


my breasts now a bit sore.... and sore nipples.... think AF will report soon... sian
babydust - i found you gynae is really super irresponsible. how can he/she just prescribe you with clomid without doing any scan or test... HMMMM i strongly encourage you to seek 2nd opinion. Don't mind to PM who is that iresponsible one?
blublue- which brand of OPK are you using. Since you have big big egg. maybe you might try to test with another brand as well.

btw, who is your gynae...
I dunno which brand. It has the green tip. Hmm, bought it together with the rest of the ladies here I think last month....

My gynae is Dr Watt from Raffles at compass point, near my place...lazy to travel
yuki - me went to see dr chua ytday.. nice lady.. =) she din do any scan for me coz she said since i oredi did one previously, sldn't have anything wrong.. i did a v-scan in feb w another gynae who din explain anything.. disappointing thing is she says my body may not be ready for pregnancy coz of my weight.. so she wants me to gain weight before gg back to see her SIX months later then she'll start on helping me TTC.. dunno y but feel darned sian lehz.. me n hb will still just BD lor.. but at the same time will start to take care of myself.. but gaining wt is sthg i've been trying to do since pri skl with no effect n i told her this.. but she quite insistent i gain weight! coz if not she says pregnancy will be very very tough for me..
me also under dr chua. have just made an appt to see her next week (she's fully booked this week!). AF still not reporting and HPT shows -ve
when i saw her last year for pap smear, she also advised me to see her 6 months after TTCing if no good news. dun worry, i think we are in good hands
(though i read in today's Mind Your Body that the success rate for IVF is the lowest in TMC!)
jam - i oredi TTC for 5 mths.. she wants me to use the 6 months before seeing her not to ttc.. but to build up my wt.. when was ur AF due? dun be too sad.. as long as AF not reporting, still got some chance.. how long have u been with dr chua? i think we're in good hands too! =)

well, now grandma-in-law pass away liao. Since she pass away, I think my mum will probably pop by often and teach the maid how to cook for me if I give birth the 3rd time around. If it's girl, my parents might take me "in" for 1 month! (they love girls more)
Last two confinement didn't do very well, so I guess if heng, i will do a more proper one. Eat well and have my massage to clear the wind.

(Sorry just have to remind alot of pple. It is a MUST to have the massage. It makes a big difference hor.)
AF was due on Sunday. mentioned in my previous post that was having cramps but no signs of AF. dunnoe whether i'm too stressed abt TTC and made my hormonal cycle go haywire.

I only went to her before I got married last year. She did a scan for me. Then I went to her again after getting married for pap smear. Very nice lady, assuring and encouraging...(just have to wait super long whenever I visit her). Sigh, really hope to get some good advice from her next week...
jam - oic.. u scan before marriage ah? i din have to wait very long.. guess coz i was the last one to see her ytday.. i went to see her coz i feel pain during intercourse.. she check says i dun have muscle spasms so probably just need to adjust direction.. coz my bone very small so will feel pain if inserted in a certain direction.. she oso say i may not be able to have natural birth coz of e bone..

do u track ur BBT? if so, is ur BBT still high? if high then got chance for preggie?


u got the OPKs when we purchase together is it? so far mine are ok leh. when u test no even a faint line since ur egg is already there?
Hi Caitlyn

Wat's yr weight and height? Think u must be pretty seriously under weight...

I think if she advise you that, she probably has her reasons coz she is very supportive of TTC...

As u noe the 9 mths of conceiving is also a very difficult process... it may be dangerous for both the baby and mummy if the mummy's body is not strong enough to carry the baby...

U might wanna stuff yrself up then... eat more norishing food, try to eat supper....
Must eat breakfast... and eat more meat & fruits
too... If u wanna snack... dun eat crackers... try eating cereals or uncle tobi bar, etc. Think nutrients are very important to you now...

Hi Jam

U wif Dr Chua Yang too? Mi too... Dun worry too much... No AF means still got chance... if after 1 week due, still no AF and no BFP... then better see her to check if there's anything wrong or not... but given her schedule... think better book now for next week... hehehehe...
blueblue - my OPKs are also ok so far.. did u use it correctly?

sharon - me eat alot one.. but still dun put on.. i frm sec 1 is this wt.. haha
Hi Caitlyn

Wat's yr weight and height? Think u must be pretty seriously under weight...

I think if she advise you that, she probably has her reasons coz she is very supportive of TTC...

As u noe the 9 mths of conceiving is also a very difficult process... it may be dangerous for both the baby and mummy if the mummy's body is not strong enough to carry the baby...

U might wanna stuff yrself up then... eat more norishing food, try to eat supper....
Must eat breakfast... and eat more meat & fruits
too... If u wanna snack... dun eat crackers... try eating cereals or uncle tobi bar, etc. Think nutrients are very important to you now...

Hi Jam

U wif Dr Chua Yang too? Mi too... Dun worry too much... No AF means still got chance... if after 1 week due, still no AF and no BFP... then better see her to check if there's anything wrong or not... but given her schedule... think better book now for next week... hehehehe...
caitlyn - yup, eat more! or drink more milk? think that can help to increase your calcium intake too. yah, i kiasu and went to scan before getting married just in case there's anything wrong with my body. but all looked ok at that time.

sharon - no, i started tracking BBT last month, then gave up half way when I realised my thermeter was low on battery so the readings might noe bte accurate. anyway, Clearblue HPT says it's 99% accurate. so i really don't think my chance of being preggie is very high....
yuki - me is 1.59m, 37.7kg.. as of ytday.. keke.. yup i noe she has her reasons.. she din exactly say cannot ttc now.. she just says i'll see u in 6 mths then we tok abt pregnancy IF u've put on wt.. but wat if i really can't? now eating the calcium pills and multivits she rec me.. hopefully this helps.. instinctively i feel i strong enuff.. but well.. now i'll just start to shun qi zi ran.. thanks.. =)
(As of 17 May)

Waiting to Ovulate

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> O date</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD> 4</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 10 June</TD><TD> 28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>penguin8</TD><TD> 8</TD><TD> 30 May</TD><TD> 13 June</TD><TD> 30-32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bettle_bug</TD><TD> 11</TD><TD> cd 15</TD><TD> 5 June</TD><TD> 28 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stella</TD><TD> 11</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piggy_ng</TD><TD> 12</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 13 June</TD><TD> 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD> 14</TD><TD> 17 May</TD><TD> 27-28</TD><TD> 27 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blueblue</TD><TD> 15</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Berries</TD><TD> 17</TD><TD> 17-19 May</TD><TD> 2 June</TD><TD> 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Char</TD><TD> 22</TD><TD> 8-10 May</TD><TD> 26 May</TD><TD> 30</td></tr></table>


<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> DPO</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fat Fat</TD><TD> 16</TD><TD> 3 dpo</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 28</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gladys bride</TD><TD> 19</TD><TD> 3 dpo</TD><TD> 26 May</TD><TD> 27-28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sharon</TD><TD> 24</TD><TD> 7 dpo </TD><TD> 22 May</TD><TD> 31-34</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yuki</TD><TD> 26</TD><TD> 8 dpo</TD><TD> 23 May</TD><TD> 28 31</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hoonie</TD><TD> 28</TD><TD> 8 May</TD><TD> 20 May</TD><TD> 32-35</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Louie</TD><TD> 28</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 24-32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tami</TD><TD> 29</TD><TD> 7 dpo</TD><TD> 24 May</TD><TD> 34 - 36 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Icebaby</TD><TD> 32</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 16 May</TD><TD> 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hayashi Hakida</TD><TD> 33</TD><TD> 7 dpo</TD><TD> 16-18 May</TD><TD> 30-32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jasnie</TD><TD> 40</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 36-40</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baby26</TD><TD> Any good news? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fat Fat</TD><TD> Any good news? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Roslyn</TD><TD> Any good news?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zenn</TD><TD> Any good news? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Paperplane</TD><TD> Any good news?</td></tr></table>

<font color="aa00aa">Gaduates


I have seeked 2 opinions liao and I'm very angry with my previous gynae!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday night - Went to see Dr Koh at Raffles Women's Clinic in Tampines. He said I did not ovulate at all the previous month (even with 2 tabs of clomid) and that he saw 2 spots when he did a v-scan for me and suspect that it's blood clot. Gave me hormone pills to try and clear the blood clot.

Tue morning - As I didn't feel comfortable with Dr Koh, I made another appt to see Dr Thong at Raffles Hospital (who specialises in infertility) and when she saw my scan, you know what she said immediately???????? That I have got one cysts in each of my ovaries and this is different from the PCOS which I cleared when I did my lap and ovarian drilling in mid March! She said that as my previous gynae didn't do a scan prior my lap, he didn't see the other 2 cysts and just cleared the PCOS which are on the surface of our ovaries *ANGRY* So she said my cyst will grow (in fact the one in the left ovary is quite big) and if I dun clear now, I will have difficulties ovulating as the cyst is weighing down on the ovary and even if I do ovulate, the eggs will not be good. They did an estimated hospital bill for me and it came up to almost S$11000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I can only claim up to S$2800 from my Medisave.

After discussion with hb, we decided that to go a more affordable gynae and I have made an appt to see Dr Heng next Monday. My hb was so angry that he wants to go and sue my previous gynae cos I have to go through another round of surgery when he could have remove the other 2 cysts at the same time too. And thus I wasted all my 3 cycles of clomid ...

ANGRY ANGRY ANGRY!!!!!!!!!! My previous gynae is Dr Venga in Tampines. He is a nice man, quite old thus I guessed he based everything out from experience (that's why never do blood test, scans etc). To think that I trusted him
Hi Caitlyn

Mi since pri 6 already this height and weight... nvr change before... at most +/- 2 or 3 kgs...

Wow... mi height is 1.52m and weight is 43 kg... already considered underweight liao leh... u must be very very slim then...

U can continue to TTC lah... but better to put on some weight... hopefully, those multi-vits that she give u will make u physically stronger even if u dun gain weight...

For mi, after some of the multi-vits that she prescribed to me... I felt better... coz I'm thalassemia minor... so get dizzy easily... but after eating... dun feel dizzy so easily liao...

Hi Jam

I suspected that we are not talking abt the same Dr Chua coz u mentioned abt TMC and as what I can recall the Dr Chua that mi &amp; Caitlyn are seeing delivers in Mt A, Mt E &amp; Glenagles... hehehhe... never mind this Dr Chua or that... both should be equally good...
Hi gals,

I start taking multi vitamin this month too,hope to build up on my weak body..I take Centrum multi vit,can be bought at watson or pharmacy...

Envy u leh...so slim...Your weight was my weight when I was 21...and since then it went up and up....haha
Hi Babydust

I'm surprised when u told me that yr gynae never do any scan for u and juz went ahead wif the Lap... but guess... he's really not very good afterall...

I think the bill is $11,000 coz it's done in Raffles Hospital... I did mine in Mt A, the bill comes up to $5k plus which almost full amount is claimable using my insurance... do you or your company cover you with hospitalisation and surgical insurance? If u have... then u probably can claim most of the amount with the remaining claimable from medisave... then u dun have to pay much...

Where is Dr Heng having his ops?

Btw, did she say wat's the measurement and wat kinda of cysts is that? Today's ST paper has a Q&amp;A on ovarian cysts under the "Mind, Body..." section, u might wanna read up a little...
babydust - sorry to hear abt ur experience w that gynae.. at least now u noe wat's wrong n can rectify it.. all e best.. hugz..

yuki - i not slim.. i skinny.. pathetically.. sianz.. keke.. did she give u the vit with ginseng one? the capsule so big!! dr chua doesn't deliver at TMC ah? hmmm.. i wish to deliver there next time lehz..

Yes I guessed I trusted him as I have seen him since 2001. Yes they do but not sure how much is claimable from insurance though ... and they will not tell you when you enquire over the phone. As as my previous one didn't stay in the hospital for more than 5 hours, I didn't get to claim
How do I see whether I can claim?

I believe Dr Heng has hers at East Shore (where I did mine previously).

She mentioned a name but I didn't catch it and yes I do know the size of it from the scan. Thanks, will go read up on it.

Thanks! ya at least I didn't "gong gong" just continue with my clomid and in the end waste all 6 cycles.

ur previous gynae is so irresponsible! ai yo! luckily u went to another gynae and never stick to him.


u also underweight leh! got to eat more.... both of us now in 2WW....
It's me not blueblue

YA LOH!!!!!!!! now trying to check whether how much I can claim from insurance and see what Dr Heng says on Monday when I see her
