A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

Yesterday night at around 10pm, Sha had her 1st step without much support. This morning, she insisted to use her activity walker to walk around. Quite shocked, though looking forward!

how come u eat and throw?? issit bcos u alr....???
Those taking train, mabe we meet at 6pm at bb mrt station first?

Wah so cool all the bbies... ehee

CG: glad tat shja took her first step. Soon she'll b able to walk.

lin: yup! :)
<font color="0000ff">Lena</font>
Thought your hb send you to Seth's party venue?

<font color="0000ff">Pebbles</font>
Chanz looks so so so cool! With her guitar on her hand.
Sha is going to walk really soon liao

It's ok, cos im not sure if i want to go out earlier now cos summer didnt sleep much just now...maybe will have to stay at home to let her ko before leaving for Bukit Batok.

Hee...all of them so cute wearing glasses...
Yes he wanted to send me there but will be slightly late cos he will leave his office around 5.40pm by the time come back home will be 6+...then will reach there late lor. So he asked my IL to drop me instead...but I want to kaikai...yet to confirm
abc, pebbles
I will be at Bukit Batok MRT Station at 6pm...wait for me ya! I've decided to go out in a short while and let Summer ko on the way cos need to get something from Plaza.
<font color="0000ff">Lena</font>
But it is still raining, how to go kaikai?

<font color="0000ff">Cheri</font>
I realise the activity walker is not suitable to use on floor tiles. How about yours?
Yesterday I went to PS, so quiet there. Thought of going Daiso to shop, nothing much. Still prefers the one @ IMM.
My side no more rain liao. U want to go? but u just went hor...

Btw, how long does it takes to go from DhobyG to BBatok station?
re sunglasses pics
hahaha...nikki still can turn her shirt out to show her seh leh...hahah...

CG - no leh, the walker i rented that time can use on my living room tiles leh...why urs cannot?

angi - thanks for letting us be a part of Seth's special day today! we had a fun time sitting down, chatting w one another...hahaha..u were too busy being the host lah...nvm this Sunday, lena will run ard n u can sit down w us to chat...hahaha

wat time u all going to lena's on sunday? 4.30 pm?
finally managed to get cay to zzz...

yep thanks for inviting us!

King Seth looked soooooo happy and was clapping away when we sang the bday song... sooo cute!! =D
must be u everyday practise with him at home right?! kekee..

<font size="+1">Summer's Big Bash</font>
Think will reach ard 5pm??
<font color="0000ff">Lin</font>
I will try to arrive Summer's birthday bash b4 6pm.

<font color="0000ff">birdie</font>
Welcome to this thread. You stay at West area too?

<font color="0000ff">Cheri</font>
The activity walker is too slippery to use it on my living room tiles. Hence got to go to the storeroom and take out the big carpet. I don't really like to have carpet, cos always need to vacumn.

<font color="0000ff">Angi</font>
Glad that King Seth enjoyed and clapped his hands when sang the bday song. You must be very happy about it, right? Same here, when Sha did the same thing.... she saw others clapped, and she followed, I was somehow caught in surprise. And she kept laughing. Sometimes I wonder if they know what we adults are doing for them.
Hi Birdie
You new here?

Thanks for the invitation. You are GOOD HOST by allowing us such nice chicken wings... now i knw who we cant miss if we hv bbq. hahaha.... Anyway hope u like the present we al got for Seth.

Abc was very happy seeing the cakes too. well to her it's always her bday. She even wanted to go in front and blow the candles.... hahaha....
birdie aka summer's mommy,
wah u got us all!!! =D

btw this morning woke up with sore throat and slight fever... been awhile since i last fell sick.. the feeling really sux man
No worries. Anyway u r like me. There was a period i keep changing nick too.. even called myself birdie as well. Nvm u be our sweet bird - tweety bird!

Yes angi's bbq chicken is SUPERB!
<font color="119911">This coming week program</font>
<font color="0000ff">Date: MON 30 July</font>
Time: 3.30pm
Venue: Kidzloft
Agenda: Shopping + coffee
1) Angi & Seth
2) CG & Sha
3) Garfield & Kenise ?
4) Lin & Cayden - confirm again k
5) abcdisney n abc
<font color="0000ff">Date: TUE 31 July</font>
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Taka
Agenda: Shopping
1) abcdisney n abc
2) Lena & Summer
3) Angi & Seth
4) Lin & Cayden ??

<font color="0000ff">Date: WED 1 August</font>
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Forum L2 Playground
Agenda: Playgroup
1) Angi & Seth
2) Lin & Cayden
3) CG & Sha
4) Lena & Summer
5) Cheri & Nikki
<font color="0000ff">Date: THU 2 August</font>
Time: 3.00pm
Venue: Zoo
Agenda: Animal Show
1) CG & Sha
2) Cheri & Nikki
3) abcdisney n abc
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]
<font color="0000ff">Date: FRI 3 August</font>
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge
1) abcdisney n abc
2) CG n Sha
3) Lena & Summer
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]
5) minzz & charlotte
6) Aileen & Andrea

<font color="0000ff">Date: SUN 5 August</font>
Time: 11.30 am to 2.30 pm
Venue: Paulaner Restaurant, Millenia Walk
Agenda: Sunday Brunch & indoor play area w minder
Cost: Enjoy a buffet of German and international dishes w free flow soft drinks at $30+++ and $40+++ for free flow of Paulaner beer.
Children under 5 dine for free.
1) Cheri, hb & N
2) Lin, hb & Cayden
3) Angi & Seth [play by ear]

<font color="119911">Date: 9 Aug 07
Time: 5pm
Activity: Swim cum BBQ
Place: Signature Park Condo
1) Abcdisney n abc
2) CG, hb n Sha</font>
Dearest frds, esp folks of,

<font color="0000ff">PRINCE CAYDEN</font>
<font color="ff0000">PRINCESS ANDREA</font>
<font color="ff0000">PRINCESS ARIELENE</font>
<font color="ff0000">PRINCESS CHANZ</font>
<font color="ff0000">PRINCESS NIKKI</font>
<font color="ff0000">PRINCESS SUMMER</font>

<font color="ff0000"><u><font size="+2">WE DEEPLY APPRECIATE UR PRESENSE & PRESSIES @ KING SETH'S BDAY BASH LAST NITE. </font></u></font>

<font size="+1">You've made our party a great hangout! we love e tots all over e place haha!
we love e pressies too! thanks heaps!!!

we hope u've enjoyed e party as much as King Seth did!

with love & hugs,
King Seth
mummy angi & daddy rhys
Not juz carole there another famous KPO start wif a J and end wif 8 btw in tis forum is better to avoid tis 2 person cos they r like peter pettigrew in harry potter.
not me lah. not so free to write such a complaint thread! hee hee! Your username is so interesting... are you hoping for a bb boy?
this is pawprint's enquiry about the bintan trip.

<font color="0000ff">Anyone help me out here, does mine work out to abt,
Normal $357 ($107 x 2 adults + $93 child with bed + $50 child without bed) PLUS FEES $68 (SG side: Dparture S$6.00 x 4 + fuel surcharge S$6.00 x 4. BINTAN side: Dparture S$5.00 x 4) = $425 NETT TOTAL

Fullboard $524 ($163 x 2 adults + $120 child with bed + $78 child without bed) PLUS FEES $68 (SG side: Dparture S$6.00 x 4 + fuel surcharge S$6.00 x 4. BINTAN side: Dparture S$5.00 x 4) = $592 NETT TOTAL</font>
<font color="0000ff">Lin</font>
You feeling better?

<font color="0000ff">Angi</font>
Feeling exhausted after yesterday celebration, did the party ended till very late?

Today, my hb brought us to see fireworks. I was quite surprised that he suggested to bring us there (he don't like outdoor at all). All of us had a great fun indeed! Sha was very patient waiting for the fireworks to start, and she really enjoyed it, opened her eyes big big when it began. When it ended, she kept turning her head to see if there was any.... when we said "pomp pomp", she automatically looked up to the sky. Hee hee! She expected to see more!!!! This was the 1st time I saw fireworks RIGHT in front of me!

Hi angi,
Thanks for inviting us. I nebber had a chance to eat ya famous BBQ cos of my cranky C

I got the playskool at home.
In fact I have 3, but I very gian when Cheri mentioned The little tikes with speed control, too bad it is oss. Hee, nevertheless C is cruising more these few days...and will walk 3 steps when I challenged her. Keepin' my fingers cross!

Hi birdie
Wow, why you choose this nick ah? haha.
