A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

Cheri & Celest,
Both yr HB look so young & trendy..really cannot tell their age..i was telling my hb that they look younger than him..even thou he is abt 10 yrs younger..kekeke..

Hey i wan go fireworks. Mabe we go on 17 Aug since it is Friday night? Then we can hv dinner at esplanade too. There is open hawker centre style food court there. Very nice ambience. Anyone?
Hey i wan go fireworks. Mabe we go on 17 Aug since it is Friday night? Then we can hv dinner at esplanade too. There is open hawker centre style food court there. Very nice ambience. Anyone?
Date: MON 30 July
Time: 3.30pm
Venue: Kidzloft
Agenda: Shopping + coffee
1) Angi & Seth
2) CG & Sha
3) Garfield & Kenise
4) abcdisney n abc
Date: TUE 31 July
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Taka
Agenda: Shopping
1) abcdisney n abc
2) Lena & Summer
3) Angi & Seth
4) Lin & Cayden

Date: WED 1 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Forum L2 Playground
Agenda: Playgroup
1) Angi & Seth
2) Lin & Cayden
3) CG & Sha
4) Lena & Summer
Date: THU 2 August
Time: 3.00pm
Venue: Zoo
Agenda: Animal Show
1) CG & Sha
2) Cheri & Nikki
3) abcdisney n abc
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]
Date: FRI 3 August
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge
1) abcdisney n abc
2) CG n Sha
3) Lena & Summer
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]
5) minzz & charlotte
6) Aileen & Andrea
7) Lin & Cayden

Date: 9 Aug 07
Time: 5pm
Activity: Swim cum BBQ
Place: Signature Park Condo
1) Abcdisney n abc
2) CG, hb n Sha
<font color="ff0000">Date: 17 Aug (Fri)
Time: ??
Place: Esplanade (Fireworks cum shopping)

1) abcdisney n abc</font>
wat time the trial, where are we meetig up on Wed? Will bring the VCDs.

hope to see pics soon.

wow wisdom op for all 4 at one go is really brave! High pain tolerance!
Good Morning Mummies,

Angi and Lena,

Thanks for the invitation to share the joy in celebrating King Seth and Princess Summer's 1st Birthday.

Lena,your caterer is good. where did you cater it from? How's your tooth now? better?

HIgh 5, my hubby is super sloppy too... look at how he was dressed at the 2 party and u will agree with me.

Cheri and Celest,
I agree too that both hubby look young for their age. Very fashionable and trendy heheheh

Cheri, turf city is nearer for me compare to Australia's school. Will join u gals if you confirm switching over. Let me email them and ask as my trial yesterday was canx due to Mr Storm.

Congrats to u. I was not sure when i heard u talking yesterday at Summer bash, however when ilog in today and go thru the post i realised that u r expecting.

It so sweet for your hubby to arrange for the firework. So nice and romatic.SIGH!!! that blockheaded hubby of mine.... even if you drop hints to him ah he will still not get it.i have to tell him straight at the face than he will understand.if fact i just had a big fight with him last night.... i find that we hardly has time together as a couple now, he works till so late and when i say late it is really late... (remember he was called back halfway during seth's birthday.... he only get bak home on sat morning)and when he has the time, i will try to let him have some time with andrea as he hardly get to play with her as well.... so in the end no time for us.

Montessori Trial
Mummies who are attending... i need a brief background of your child as the teacher need to tailor the lesson plan for each indiv child.
Cheri... dun need to give me Nikki's details liao as i have. Angeline and Pawprint pls pass me details like... if your child is walking or crawling? Self feeding? sleep thru the night? seperation anxiety? main caregiver?

Good Morning Mummies,

Angi and Lena,

Thanks for the invitation to share the joy in celebrating King Seth and Princess Summer's 1st Birthday.

Lena,your caterer is good. where did you cater it from? How's your tooth now? better?

HIgh 5, my hubby is super sloppy too... look at how he was dressed at the 2 party and u will agree with me.

Cheri and Celest,
I agree too that both hubby look young for their age. Very fashionable and trendy heheheh

Cheri, turf city is nearer for me compare to Australia's school. Will join u gals if you confirm switching over. Let me email them and ask as my trial yesterday was canx due to Mr Storm.

Congrats to u. I was not sure when i heard u talking yesterday at Summer bash, however when ilog in today and go thru the post i realised that u r expecting.

It so sweet for your hubby to arrange for the firework. So nice and romatic.SIGH!!! that blockheaded hubby of mine.... even if you drop hints to him ah he will still not get it.i have to tell him straight at the face than he will understand.if fact i just had a big fight with him last night.... i find that we hardly has time together as a couple now, he works till so late and when i say late it is really late... (remember he was called back halfway during seth's birthday.... he only get bak home on sat morning)and when he has the time, i will try to let him have some time with andrea as he hardly get to play with her as well.... so in the end no time for us.

Montessori Trial
Mummies who are attending... i need a brief background of your child as the teacher need to tailor the lesson plan for each indiv child.
Cheri... dun need to give me Nikki's details liao as i have. Angeline and Pawprint pls pass me details like... if your child is walking or crawling? Self feeding? sleep thru the night? seperation anxiety? main caregiver?

Jus emailed them and the fireworks on both night is about 2100 hr.

No nd to complain. Since abc is born, me and hubby never spend a single meal outside. Well at least he is here with u at both party. For mine is busy working over the weekends. He came back about 1am on at night but din came back last night until this morning! So.. don't complain! heehee.... The only times we hv together as family is few times he bring us to supermarket to buy things, CNY , abc's bday.. tat all...
Am very glad to know that you mommies like the food. The caterer is my MILs' usual caterer...


The menu is selected by my hb. He came out the list that he wants then ask the caterer to quote.

My "wisdom" tooth ah (why is it call wisdom tooth ah...should be "stupid" tooth..hee...make us in so much pain) going to the dentist appointment at 3pm lo...pa-pa!!!

I will try to send you the pic asap...need to strink abit cos i set my cam in high resolution so big file.
angeline - hey, u can log on to our thread finally? how did u do it? yes, i guess we'll meet at MMI directly at 3 pm?

Aileen, is the following the correct address for Wed's trial? pls confirm, thanks!

MMI Building
72 South Bridge Road
#01-00 Singapore 058702
Tel: 6220 8200
Fax: 6220 2400

Celes - re swimming at Turf City
will be emailing to them first to check if it's applicable for bb classes. Yes, if possible, will switch over in Oct 07. So how? U will still do in TP? It's good lah, near ur place n heated pool somemore.

lin - go apply unlimited wireless broadband from Singtel lah...i've just recently changed to that...n now both hb n i can surf on our own notebooks at the same time, anywhere in the house...then no need fight...ahhaha

klcc - hahah, ya CG's n my hb both same age...hahahaha they marry young wives so must keep up :p always lidat one lah, when young, they r sloppy n dun bother, older, then must take care of image...hahah

abc - watching fireworks is great idea but i sugg u guys go hv dinner elsewhere? i recently had din there w my hb n the food there is terrible..not many stalls n variety is so limited.

not waterloo street? where is the MMI building..?

mrs chng,

hihi...let me koe wat else info u need..celest can walk already..i haven intro self feeding ( porridge) yet..she can eat biscuits on her own though.last time she used to zzz thru the nite but since she turn 1yr,she been waking up every nite to cry etc...wonder if its bcoz she teething molar...i am looking aft her alone..tink she has separation anxiety..dun really like other ppl to cary her.
angi - dun forget to let me know how much i owe u for the cab fare so far k? should hv asked u yest but forgot...oso the Globetrotters' meal...abc, is the receipt still w u? i dun like to owe pp money lah, very scared forget then later paiseh

Its not MMI la. address is as follows:

192 waterloo street
skyline building

its beside the guan yin temple.the same building as the bronze budda - the 1 alot people tough the tummy for luck. entrance to skyline building is by the side of the road, facing bencolen's carpark.
angeline - i got the above add for MMI from their web but it's at South Bridge Road...is that quite near to Waterloo Street...that's why need Aileen (aka Mrs Chng
) to confirm the add first.

school name is One Eduaction.Run by an Aussie

please address me as aileen.Thanks for the details.

Directions to get to waterloo atreet.
I normally take mrt to bugis station adn walk from there to the temple. about 10mins walk.
<font color="0000ff">Cheri</font>
Do let me know when they have replied you. Would prefer to have it at TP cos got direct bus, only 4 stops. Lazy to go Turf City or Aquaduck @ Suntec. Hee hee!

<font color="0000ff">Abc</font>
How about watching fireworks on 18 Aug, Sat instead?
1st stop kidzloft then proceed taka?
Date: TUE 31 July
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Taka
Agenda: Shopping
1) abcdisney n abc
2) Lena & Summer
3) Angi & Seth
4) Lin & Cayden

Date: WED 1 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Forum L2 Playground
Agenda: Playgroup
1) Angi & Seth
2) Lin & Cayden
3) CG & Sha
4) Lena & Summer
Date: THU 2 August
Time: 3.00pm
Venue: Zoo
Agenda: Animal Show
1) CG & Sha
2) Cheri & Nikki
3) abcdisney n abc
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]
Date: FRI 3 August
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge
1) abcdisney n abc
2) CG n Sha
3) Lena & Summer
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]
5) minzz & charlotte
6) Aileen & Andrea
7) Lin & Cayden

Date: 9 Aug 07
Time: 5pm
Activity: Swim cum BBQ
Place: Signature Park Condo
1) Abcdisney n abc
2) CG, hb n Sha
3) Angi & Seth [i'll bring chix wing haha]

Date: 17 Aug (Fri)
Time: ??
Place: Esplanade (Fireworks cum shopping)

1) abcdisney n abc
Celes - since u r keen on TP for swim lessons, why not just start now? I'll only be switching in Oct, that's 2 more mths away.

Aileen - if u can join swim at TP (Sat, 4 pm)too, then Nikki, Sha & Andrea can do it together...so fun...hahah

eh...thot Kidzloft is today? how come nvr go?
1st stop kidzloft then proceed taka?
Date: TUE 31 July
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Taka
Agenda: Shopping
1) abcdisney n abc
2) Lena & Summer
3) Angi & Seth
4) Lin & Cayden
5) Cheri & Nikki (taka only)
Date: WED 1 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Forum L2 Playground
Agenda: Playgroup
1) Angi & Seth
2) Lin & Cayden
3) CG & Sha
4) Lena & Summer
Date: THU 2 August
Time: 3.00pm
Venue: Zoo
Agenda: Animal Show
1) CG & Sha
2) Cheri & Nikki
3) abcdisney n abc
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]
Date: FRI 3 August
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge
1) abcdisney n abc
2) CG n Sha
3) Lena & Summer
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]
5) minzz & charlotte
6) Aileen & Andrea
7) Lin & Cayden

Date: 9 Aug 07
Time: 5pm
Activity: Swim cum BBQ
Place: Signature Park Condo
1) Abcdisney n abc
2) CG, hb n Sha
3) Angi & Seth [i'll bring chix wing haha]
4) Cheri, hb, Nikki & helper

Date: 17 Aug (Fri)
Time: ??
Place: Esplanade (Fireworks cum shopping)

1) abcdisney n abc
Date: TUE 31 July
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Taka
Agenda: Shopping
1) abcdisney n abc
2) Lena & Summer
3) Angi & Seth
4) Lin & Cayden
5) Cheri & Nikki (taka only)
Date: WED 1 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Forum L2 Playground
Agenda: Playgroup
1) Angi & Seth
2) Lin & Cayden
3) CG & Sha <font color="0000ff">How about Taka shopping & Forum playground on the same day, since Orchard area?</font>
4) Lena & Summer
Date: THU 2 August
Time: 3.00pm
Venue: Zoo
Agenda: Animal Show
1) CG & Sha
2) Cheri & Nikki
3) abcdisney n abc
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]
Date: FRI 3 August
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge
1) abcdisney n abc
2) CG n Sha
3) Lena & Summer
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]
5) minzz & charlotte
6) Aileen & Andrea
7) Lin & Cayden

Date: 9 Aug 07
Time: 5pm
Activity: Swim cum BBQ
Place: Signature Park Condo
1) Abcdisney n abc
2) CG, hb n Sha
3) Angi & Seth [i'll bring chix wing haha]
4) Cheri, hb, Nikki & helper

Date: 17 Aug (Fri)
Time: ??
Place: Esplanade (Fireworks cum shopping)

1) abcdisney n abc
Montessori Trial
if your child is walking or crawling? Self feeding? sleep thru the night? seperation anxiety? main caregiver?
- My Irvin is crawling, self-feeding biscuits, just started training to self-feed spoon cereal, sleep thru 7hrs block, takes long time to warm up. Main caregiver me... but I live with my mum, and have a maid, so he's got varied caregivers actually.

Address of trial is 192 waterloo street
skyline building

its beside the guan yin temple.the same building as the bronze budda - the 1 alot people tough the tummy for luck. entrance to skyline building is by the side of the road, facing bencolen's carpark.

Walking distance fr BUGIS MRT- anyone wants to meet me there? What time's the trial, i forgot!

Another thing, am not sure if Irv will be completely cough-free (he started since last, last Fri, so abt 1+wk into his cough). Just went GP again just now, cos I'm neurotic abt lungs... apparently lungs all-clear. Anyway my pt is, if by Wed he still sounds bad, I think I better give a miss cos I dun wanna affect the other kids. Is that ok, Aileen?
Date: FRI 3 August
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge
1) abcdisney n abc - confirmed. 1 adult 1 child
2) CG n Sha
3) Lena & Summer
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]
5) minzz & charlotte
6) Aileen & Andrea
7) Lin & Cayden

Is it confirm? If so i will call for reservation liao.
Won't be joining u all this afternoon. Not feeling well. Wan rest at home. Sorry.


Date: TUE 31 July
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Taka
Agenda: Shopping
1) <strike>abcdisney n abc </strike>
2) Lena & Summer
3) Angi & Seth
4) Lin & Cayden
5) Cheri & Nikki (taka only)
Can't make it this Friday. Got something on that day.

Date: FRI 3 August
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge
1) abcdisney n abc - confirmed. 1 adult 1 child
<strike>2) CG n Sha</strike>
3) Lena & Summer
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]
5) minzz & charlotte
6) Aileen & Andrea
7) Lin & Cayden
Date: FRI 3 August
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge
1) abcdisney n abc - confirmed. 1 adult 1 child
2) Angi & Seth - cfm: 1 adult + 1 baby
4) Lena & Summer
5) minzz & charlotte
6) Aileen & Andrea
7) Lin & Cayden

thx, erm ling, pls cek prices for e local high tea? thx....
pawprint - oh no, irvin still not well ah...hope he'll be better by tmr then he can join us at the trial too..

angeline - if can jio more pp for the trial, more fun...do u think sunflower will be interested?

abc - take care...must rest more.

re taka shopping later
wat time will u all be there? i'll be early, will probably shop ard in wisma first or sthg...sms me k if you r early? my phone sent for servicing lah, so now using my old phone...not able to copy all the numbers over so may not have some of ur contacts. Hahaha..angi, that explains the sms i replied u yesterday nite :p
ok no pbm i ustd, erm wont be any early most prob b4 5pm for sure, coz gg kidzloft 1st w liz? u shop first, reach then call u guys? cya...
me dun hv notebk.. so must fight it out w hub!

re taka shopping
prince cay jus zzzz... will join u guys if he wakes up early
Hi abc, sorri will give the high-tea a miss

Date: FRI 3 August
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge
1) abcdisney n abc - confirmed. 1 adult 1 child
2) Angi & Seth - cfm: 1 adult + 1 baby
3) Lena & Summer
4) minzz & charlotte
5) Aileen & Andrea
ylc - sure, you r welcome to join us for the Montessori trial tmr!

aileen - next wed might be tight for me as day b4 national day, hb might be on leave. maybe we can arrange another session for pawprint n other mummies who r keen in future?

pawprint - it must hv been so tiring for u these past weeks...now ur girl has uti...how did she get it? i heard girls usually hv a higher possibility of getting uti than boys yeah? Any reason?
I left u a PM with my mobile phone. Do contact me via SMS in case i nvr logged in tml! have to go make my ger sleep first.
so tomorow still ON?
cheri, sms me ok...wana meet somewhere 1st? or meet there straight?my bus alights behind the temple...
very quiet here... all's pretty bz?

Date: WED 1 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Forum L2 Playground
Agenda: Playgroup
1) Angi & Seth
2) Lin & Cayden
3) CG & Sha How about Taka shopping & Forum playground on the same day, since Orchard area?
4) Lena & Summer (still MC?)

celest, we might cxl due to low participation & go imm instead, u ok?
ylc & angeline - yes, let's go tmr at 3 pm. I'll be catching a cab there so will meet u all in the school itself. Dun think i can meet earlier cos she wakes up from nap abt 1 plus..gotta rush to feed her lunch then leave house to reach by 3 pm..hahah

maybe we can go for a drink somewhere nearby after the trial? then can gossip gossip abt the lesson too...hahah
posting on abc's behalf - she wonders if u all would like to change the Goodwood Park buffet from this Fri to next Wed afternoon instead? cos so many cannot make it...lena 'ko' by her little pearlies, Celes other appt, lin oso cannot...
ylc - hv noted down ur number...angeline...can u sms me instead cos i sent my phone for servicing n lost some of the numbers though i tried to copy it over...hahah...feel so handicapped at times...
since buffet proposed postpone, let's go tots play & coffee instead???

Date: FRI 3 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Forum L2 Playground
Agenda: Playgroup & Coffee???
1) abcdisney n abc ??
2) Angi & Seth
3) Lena & Summer ??
4) minzz & charlotte ??
5) Aileen & Andrea ??
<font color="0000ff">Angi</font>
Won't be joining you mummies to IMM tomorrow. Plans to go shopping... hee hee!

<font color="0000ff">Cheri</font>
Are we still going to zoo this Thursday?
<font color="ff6000">Shall we plan to go to Sentosa for sandplay, swim @ Toa Payoh Safra or Lena's place (Lena, can?) and Delta playgym next week?</font>
Day/Date: MON 6 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Alantis City @ Delta
Agenda: Playgym
1) Angi & Seth

Day/Date: TUE 7 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Sentosa
Agenda: Sandplay

Day/Date: WED 8 August
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge

Day/Date: THU 9 August
Time: 5pm onwards
Venue: Signature Park Condo @ Jln. Jurong Kerchil
Agenda: Swim cum BBQ
1) Abcdisney n abc
2) CG, hb n Sha
3) Angi & Seth [i'll bring chix wing haha]
4) Cheri, hb, Nikki & helper
Day/Date: FRI 10 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: TPY Safra
Agenda: Swim

can we change the sentosa from 7 aug to 8 aug? 8 sug i half day and thus we can go sentosa earlier n nua at cafe del mar. if not 10 aug oso can since i nt working tat day
