A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

went see doc jus now... now better jus abit woozy
wow really nice of ur hubby
bet Sha had a great time!
btw tot u alr hv the playskool?

oops paiseh... i got it wrong.. the one i hv is playskool.. not little tikes ;)

yup its rather tiring but fun organising party & seeing all my frds enjoying e gathering w/food & ppl...

terrible last night really, aft settling him to zzz ard 2am, king seth kept waking up to cry loudly non-stop till morning... prob too much excitement & awake for more then 12hrs?

haha Lena, tml ur turn to get bz! then i can sit down w/mums & tots to enjoy e food & fun! of coz snap snap snap!!! wishing u smooth party!

i didnt bbq e chix wing, its e skill of e chef really... but its really yummy, u want my mil's concoction?
Go get from kino. It is a really great book if you are into healthy baby's diet! That is how I ended up adding those weird stuff into C's food
Hey thanks Angi

aiyo yah must be all the excitment.. they always say daytime play too much at night will hv nightmares
oh yes pls!! can i hv the recipe!!
Nebber order from the farm this round....pretty pissed wif them as the organic vegetables not as fresh as be4. Maybe next time i crave for the sunflower sprouts then I order from them again.
Maybe he feels guilty not able to finish work early daily, that is why he make an effort to bring us to see fireworks since he finishes work before 6pm today (suppose to be half day). Then he kept asking me..."Nice or not? Happy or not? You like it?..." He behaves like a little boy, keeps asking mummy this and that.
I am thinking of getting organic teething drops from Lucky vitamins, anyone keen to get Sambucol, cold flu drops, organic teething drops?
Went to Vitakids this afternoon to check out the teething stuff....so ex!
yup was tired but still went out kekkee....

my gf's back in spore, staying @ pan pac L25 sea view, invited us to pot-luck dnr in her room to watch fireworks live!!!

it was really awesome, thou we wished it went on & on & on hahhaha....

thou king seth was awaken by e fireworks, he wasnt frighten & enjoyed in silence, eyes big big....
wah really envy u all ley got chance to watch fireworks. U knw i used to go watch every national day prview and actual day but since hv abc no more liao. This time round worse, with my MS and tiredness tat y i din go in the end. Also tot i will be squeezing with ppl... but when celes say nt very crowded i feel so ke xi... sigh... But i guess national day itself will be super crowded... sigh...

Pawprint, the bintan is ON and the calculation is correct.

Celes, if u confirm then i can book le. Btw u all mind we all share the cottage?
Good morning mommies! Yes today it's gonna be my turn to run around...all for my princess..hee!

Are you ok? Sorry didn't log on ytday after the last post. I was out and still in agony...toothache!!! I think I got to go and see my dentist 1st thing tomorrow...grrr!!!

Thank you so much for having us to King Seth's party...I didn't get to eat the "famous wing" cos I couldn't really able to open my mouth properly

Haha...ya I am hoping for a boy next though

pawprints, gafield & who else ah(i very blur one)


I should have post this earlier right..not the same day right...shit!
re accessing this forum
by the way, any of u know why some mummies cannot seem to access this thread anymore...lin, remember it happened to u b4? I've just spoken to Angeline Goh, few days ago. She's from June thread and joined us at Forum b4...her daughter is Celest. She thot our thread is down cos she tried few times to access but only could read the archives...funny hor?

lin - hope u r better oredi...this terrible weather is making many of us sick...

celes & angi - wow, sha & angi must hv enjoyed the sound n sight of the fireworks greatly...btw, there's vacancy for Sha if she's keen to join Nikki for swimming at Avondale TP. However, i just read Marsden's latest newsletter, they hv a new venue in Turf City, starting in Oct 07. N it's a covered, heated pool, next to playground somemore...we will most likely switch there when it starts since it's nearer to our home and covered means rain or shine, so even better i think. Aileen, is turf city nearer for u?

pebbles - i'm keen to get the cold & flu drops but when will we likely get it if order online?

abc - ya, i will be there at lena's abt the same time as u too...we will prob go ikea first to buy some stuff.
sorry, can't join u all this Wed at forum cos forgot her Montessori trial is this Wed...hahah...aileen says no minimum number to start so it's on! Yeh!

This coming week's program
Date: MON 30 July
Time: 3.30pm
Venue: Kidzloft
Agenda: Shopping + coffee
1) Angi & Seth
2) CG & Sha
3) Garfield & Kenise ?
4) Lin & Cayden - confirm again k
5) abcdisney n abc
Date: TUE 31 July
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Taka
Agenda: Shopping
1) abcdisney n abc
2) Lena & Summer
3) Angi & Seth
4) Lin & Cayden ??

Date: WED 1 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Forum L2 Playground
Agenda: Playgroup
1) Angi & Seth
2) Lin & Cayden
3) CG & Sha
4) Lena & Summer
Date: THU 2 August
Time: 3.00pm
Venue: Zoo
Agenda: Animal Show
1) CG & Sha
2) Cheri & Nikki
3) abcdisney n abc
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]
Date: FRI 3 August
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge
1) abcdisney n abc
2) CG n Sha
3) Lena & Summer
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]
5) minzz & charlotte
6) Aileen & Andrea

Date: 9 Aug 07
Time: 5pm
Activity: Swim cum BBQ
Place: Signature Park Condo
1) Abcdisney n abc
2) CG, hb n Sha
Thanks mommies
I'm ok today! see u ladies & tots later ya!!!

sorry no time to read and reply cos hubby always fighting w me for the comp so...

did any mummies catch last nite's episode of the 9.30 pm show on Ch 8...abt kids one...wow they featured this boy who has ADHD...hyperactive 6 year old boy...really like a monkey leh..climb everywhere in the house, but v smart n creative boy...but i think the child psychologist is v good...she gave the hapless mummy a lot of tips to help the boy...hope that he will turn out well...they will feature them again 2 weeks later, i think to see if any improvements in his behaviour.
thanks, dun mind!

Happy Birthday to Summer
Sorry we cldn't drop by, Irv still not completely well, plus we went Bird Park in morning, then now Athena got UTI (just went doc in afternoon).
Lena & Princess Summer
Thanks for hving us at Summer's 1st bday bash! Ballerina Summer look really too cute for words today!

Thanks for the blankie ;) will wash it clean clean then return u prolly on tue ya. mon not joining u guys le cos hubby will be working fr home... yippee!!

Date: MON 30 July
Time: 3.30pm
Venue: Kidzloft
Agenda: Shopping + coffee
1) Angi & Seth
2) CG & Sha
3) Garfield & Kenise
4) abcdisney n abc
Date: TUE 31 July
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Taka
Agenda: Shopping
1) abcdisney n abc
2) Lena & Summer
3) Angi & Seth
4) Lin & Cayden

Date: WED 1 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Forum L2 Playground
Agenda: Playgroup
1) Angi & Seth
2) Lin & Cayden
3) CG & Sha
4) Lena & Summer
Date: THU 2 August
Time: 3.00pm
Venue: Zoo
Agenda: Animal Show
1) CG & Sha
2) Cheri & Nikki
3) abcdisney n abc
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]
Date: FRI 3 August
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge
1) abcdisney n abc
2) CG n Sha
3) Lena & Summer
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]
5) minzz & charlotte
6) Aileen & Andrea
7) Lin & Cayden

Date: 9 Aug 07
Time: 5pm
Activity: Swim cum BBQ
Place: Signature Park Condo
1) Abcdisney n abc
2) CG, hb n Sha
Lena, Summer look so stunning in her baju..got mummy pretty gene..thanks for the invitation..

To the rest of the mummies, nice meeting u guys
birdie...wat a relief the party is over rite? Thanks for having us...now u must go settle ur wisdom toothy liao...take care.

the montessori trial still ON on this wed 1st aug? i can go liao...
keep me informed...whos going btw...
actually not much pain one leh... except for the multiple jabs... i extracted mine all at one go.. 4 teeth, 6 hrs... but gotta admit after tat mouth v aching lah... cos open so big for so long heh..
Birdie and Lin
I extracted mine all at one go... only took less than one hour. So maybe now got no wisdom, wahahahaha! Thank you for inviting us over! Summer looked so beautiful today, she behaved so funny, opened her mouth so big during singing birthday song.

So coincidence. Your younger gal wore the same shoes as Sha wore.

Would you be confirming changing the venue to Turf City?

One thing I don't really like my hb to work from home, is that his phone will ring non-stop and I really cannot stand it. Maybe because too noisy, hee hee! How come yours was 6 hours for wisdom tooth? Only one of mine needed to do operation, the rest just extracted.
yah lor.. think my dentist not v experienced tats y took so long... some more charged me $1.4k
oh btw, mine the upper ones jus extraction... bottom two need op

re work fr home... for him not so bad.. no phone call cos they communicate online.. which oso means tomr no surfing for me cos he sure hog the comp the whole day one
I also paid $200 plus as I went to Tan Sock Seng hospital dentist, the rest deducted from Medisave. It was referred by Polyclinic. After extraction, the 2nd day I went back to work (too workhalic though given 1 week MC), with my swollen face and gum!

We meet @ Kidzloft directly?
hehe no lah.. of cos i still prefer him to be home...

wow $200 for all four v cheap!
yah my face oso swollen.. become a square
btw ur hubby look young for his age!
My hb prefers to work from home too, then he can see Sha and I. But if he is @ hm, then I can't go out. Thanks, btw he is a vainpot... remember I told you b4?

Realised most of the husbands are anti-social today, hee hee!
kekee.. yah i rem u told me tat abt ur hubby... so funny leh... seldom will find guys taking such particular care abt their appearance... my hubby the exact opp... super duper sloppy lor!

re anti-social hubs... mine he is jus shy lah.. once u know him he's actually v frenly n approachable

So i directly meet u there at kidzloft lor 3.30pm hor btw if any changes sms me k.

Ur tooth extaction+op damn ex leh but hor well worth it to get rid of the pain.

U can go yishun take bus to kidzloft but got to walk a distance after reach there.
