A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

thanks for your feeedback...yah so far only ecreative have the design I wanted..the others don't becos of patent right.

wah...ur Sha really look like you loh Confirm plus chop..Mine dun look like me...everyone see her only say look like daddy....well.. good loh...anyway she love daddy...daddy's girl manz...(ai lao pei mai lao bu ) hahaha
I am interested to go to The Animal Resort with KLCC recommended, but it closes at 5pm. Location is quite far, hee hee!
Ya lor, I looked like a boy. Cos my mummy told me she got to cut my hair short. Whenever my hair is long, I will get rashes. Luckily when I grew up, don't have this problem.
lin - u not interested in the montessori trial? thot since you hv not signed JG,good to compare n see. Maybe u or Cay will like Montessori more?

re sunday brunch
iyo, lin, u not meat lover ah? then why not we change buffet to another place during weekend where timing is better then more mummies can go? I'm ok, really...can always go there w my parents one day..my dad loves meat! hahaha..then they can look after nikki in the playarea while my hb n i go paktor...lol. Any sugg for saturday or sunday buffets or food place?

hate this weather now...this week is supposed to be swimming for her outdoor play but cos of the weather, cannot swim. Sian...she loves water play so much...

CG - wow! the smile...goodness...so amazing...minzz, my ger oso 'daddy's ger' looks like him a lot...esp the chubby face...i must try v hard to find any resemblance btw her n me leh...

abc - yes, yes, must show u the pics of abc n hb...

wat time the rest of u going seth's party tmr ah? we try to go tog leh then more fun!
ur gal is sooo precious!

trial date noted thanks!

BINTAN still on?

am tired, no time to read just did a quick scroll-thru, hopefully can chat more with u ladies when I am not so overwhelmed, hehe.
hahahaaa the open mouth now become summer's signature pose liao!

wohoo! really look alike leh!
yah u last time really looked like a handsome boy!

u planning a theme?

oh cos been hearing much abt JG... not so much on montessori... hmm actually i oso dunno wats the diff... but montessori the one at waterloo right??

re sunday brunch
no problem... we plan something else where more mommies can join us

Animal Resort
gd alternative to zoo hor... plus its free kekee.. but yah... abit far and out of the way

<font size="+2">KING SETH'S BIG BASH</font>
yah we try to reach ard same time?? wat time u guys propose? i prolly go on my own w cay first cos hubby may need to work late
lin - ya, montessori is the one at waterloo street. too far for u huh?

dun think will swim tmr looking at the past week's weather...scared water too cold even if it does not rain tmr. lucky her swim class has heated pool..if not swimming, i'll probably reach ard 6.30 pm. Hb not working tmr since touched down in morning. he will accompany nikki for her JG class tmr n i can take a break hahah. So we all try to reach ard 6.30?

klcc - how big is this animal resort? u been there w ur girls? wat can our kids do there?
Date: FRI 27 July
Time: 6-10pm
Venue: eDew @ Bt.Batok St21
Agenda: King Seth's bday bash! All welcome! Waterplay - swim!
1) Lin & Cayden
2) Lena & Summer
3) Pebbles & Gal
4) abcdisney n abc
5) cheri, hb & nikki (reach abt 5 pm for swim if good weather)
6) aileen & andrea

Date: MON 30 July
Time: 3.30pm
Venue: Kidzloft
Agenda: Shopping + coffee?
1) Angi & Seth
2) CG & Sha
3) Garfield & Kenise ?
4) Lin & Cayden - confirm again k
5) abcdisney n abc
Date: TUE 31 July
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Taka
Agenda: Shopping
1) abcdisney n abc
2) Lena & Summer
3) Angi & Seth
4) Lin & Cayden ??

Date: WED 1 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Forum L2 Playground
Agenda: Playgroup
1) Angi & Seth
2) Lin & Cayden
3) CG & Sha
4) Lena & Summer
5) Cheri & Nikki

Date: THU 2 August
Time: 3.00pm
Venue: Zoo
Agenda: Animal Show
1) CG & Sha
2) Cheri & Nikki
3) abcdisney n abc
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]
Date: FRI 3 August
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge
1) abcdisney n abc
2) CG n Sha
3) Lena & Summer
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]
5) minzz & charlotte
6) Aileen & Andrea

Date: SUN 5 August
Time: 11.30 am to 2.30 pm
Venue: Paulaner Restaurant, Millenia Walk
Agenda: Sunday Brunch & indoor play area w minder
Cost: Enjoy a buffet of German and international dishes w free flow soft drinks at $30+++ and $40+++ for free flow of Paulaner beer.
Children under 5 dine for free.

1) Cheri, hb & N
2) Lin, hb & Cayden
3) Angi & Seth [play by ear]

ya what time u gals gonna be at Seth's????I will probably get my IL to drop me then my hb pick me...all reach there at 6pm la!!!
angi - lin & i thot no one else going for sunday brunch...thot of changing place leh...u have any sugg?

Date: FRI 27 July
Time: 6-10pm
Venue: eDew @ Bt.Batok St21
Agenda: King Seth's bday bash! All welcome! Waterplay - swim!
1) Lin & Cayden
2) Lena & Summer
3) Pebbles & Gal
4) abcdisney n abc
5) cheri, hb & nikki (reach abt 5 pm for swim if good weather, if not 6.30 pm)
6) aileen & andrea

Date: MON 30 July
Time: 3.30pm
Venue: Kidzloft
Agenda: Shopping + coffee?
1) Angi & Seth
2) CG & Sha
3) Garfield & Kenise ?
4) Lin & Cayden - confirm again k
5) abcdisney n abc
Date: TUE 31 July
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Taka
Agenda: Shopping
1) abcdisney n abc
2) Lena & Summer
3) Angi & Seth
4) Lin & Cayden ??

Date: WED 1 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Forum L2 Playground
Agenda: Playgroup
1) Angi & Seth
2) Lin & Cayden
3) CG & Sha
4) Lena & Summer
5) Cheri & Nikki

Date: THU 2 August
Time: 3.00pm
Venue: Zoo
Agenda: Animal Show
1) CG & Sha
2) Cheri & Nikki
3) abcdisney n abc
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]
Date: FRI 3 August
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge
1) abcdisney n abc
2) CG n Sha
3) Lena & Summer
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]
5) minzz & charlotte
6) Aileen & Andrea

Date: SUN 5 August
Time: 11.30 am to 2.30 pm
Venue: Paulaner Restaurant, Millenia Walk
Agenda: Sunday Brunch & indoor play area w minder
Cost: Enjoy a buffet of German and international dishes w free flow soft drinks at $30+++ and $40+++ for free flow of Paulaner beer.
Children under 5 dine for free.

1) Cheri, hb & N
2) Lin, hb & Cayden
3) Angi & Seth [play by ear]

lena - 6 pm we all reach, will stress Angi or not...secali she not prepared yet mah...that's why i thot 6.30 better...hahah
<font size="+1">KING SETH'S BIG BASH</font>
Okie we confirm meet 6.30pm ya

Sunday brunch
yah angi, maybe we change venue/date so tat more mommies can join us

yo Tue we may hv the JG trial leh... 11am... then u still mtg 4.30 Taka shopping? or trial change date??
u guys can come early 6pm no pbm!
come to swim & play water first lor...
can start to eat bbq too...

lin, i can make it all day hahhaha......
they wont stay till very late one la...

sunday brunch, cheri leader, she decide e date & time? venue, can change oso no pbm...
y not united sq's buffet? been wanting to cek it out... think rhys like oso, so he might wanna go hopefully... hahahha....

aiyo, i stress le...
super procrastinator, now still got so much not done...
tml got so much to buy & collect...
still muz go early to deco & all.....
but still looking fwd la hahhaa....

<font size="+2">Happy 1st Birthday to Seth</font>

<font color="0000ff">Angi</font>
Relax and enjoy tomorrow celebration. Don't focus too much on the deco. Most important is to enjoy Seth's birthday celebration together with your family. Thank God that HE has given you the strength and energy for taking care of Seth.

<font color="0000ff">Minzz</font>
My girl loves her papa too. She is very manja towards him. Now insists him to piggyback her each time he is back from work. Every morning will open her eyes (though she is still sleepy), kiss and wave goodbye to him before he goes to work. Sometimes I myself cannot stand her.... maybe that is why my hubby prefers girls... wahahahhaha!
<font color="0000ff">Cheri</font>
Nikki has slimmed down a bit. Her face is not as chubby as before. Big girl already. Now she looks more like you instead.
<font color="0000ff">Lena</font>
It would be quite far for those mummies staying at Jurong area. Though I am keen to go to The Animal Resort.

<font color="0000ff">KLCC</font>
Have you been there? Interesting place for
damn ulu le.... but i dont mind gg since king seth seems to like animals....

so is it zoo or resort on thurs?? =)

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Call The Animal Resort at 6338 7665 for tour schedule and reservations.
The Animal Resort is an extraordinary new facility designed to house Singapore's education, conversation and science programs under one 'living roof'. It is an experience you cannot get anywhere else in Singapore!

Tour Tips

book in advance

punctuality is crucial

the best time to visit us is during the mornings

please notify us at least 2 days beforehand if you cannot keep to the scheduled time

try to schedule tours during the earlier part of the week as it can get very crowded on weekends
Please click here to download the Group Tour booking form. <!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL YOUR WARM WISHES!!
<font color="ff0000"><u>just for laughs</u></font>
<font color="0000ff">boys acting cool</font>

<font color="0000ff">KING SETH</font>

<font color="0000ff">PRINCE CAY</font>
Hi all mummies interested in animal resort,
I have not been there yet, was planning to pop over one of these weekend as is v near my hse mah..but my collick went, she said only farm animals, place not v big but enough for the kiddies to roam ard..
Maybe let me go first & give u guys a field report after that
Wah didnt know u gals chat till so late. I was awake till 2+..should have log on to chat!

I think zoo is too much walking for us lor. good only when they are able to walk or run by themself then more fun
I don't mind animal resort one of these days.

When are u going to the resort? count me in le!
King Seth likes animals ah...shit should have bought him a tiger as a present..keke!

Mommies so what time u gals reaching at the party today? 6pm or 6.30pm?
hahahaaaa Lena u win liao lor!!
for a moment i tot my eyes playing tricks on me ah..
tot i double post but name is lena leh.. kekee..
wow...tiger wo..angi, say yes to tiger present & see wat lena get for u..kekeke..wait paper tiger nia..kekeke..
sure, will inform u when i go animal resort..when the weather is better..
Lucky i havent buy any present yet. U wan a lion? hahaha.....

Yes still on. Sorry abt the price thingy cos i cannot locate yr post on price.

Sunday brunch too ex la. U knw la now i eat and throw. a bit waste $. hahaha.....

Happy Birthday Seth!
angi - looks like waterplay/swim today at the condo is out leh...too cold...thunderstorm at west side now. will be there at 6 pm...lena & pebbles, u both too rite?

united sq got buffet? which one?

CG - really? looks more like me now? hahah...so happy to hear that

i sugg we go zoo first this thurs since we not sure abt the animal resort yet...hear from klcc first lah since she's planning to go...
<font color="0000ff">wow King Seth gets a noah's ark from all yiyiS here!</font>
hamster... tiger.... lion.....
more more more???

heavy thunder storm le... haiz........
