A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

i always hated "singaporeans" on public tpt, be it MRT or bus alike big pbm both doors & seats....

its not i need e seat but pls lor be more considerate! be auto la! y need ppl to req? or kena stare? i stare damn hard as i can...

i got even madder when i was preggy or w/bb in e sling, they can look thru u & not offer u e seat!

worse when e youngsters not auto, was e older folks who gave up e seat, but of coz i rejected, as i still can tahan....

once, i raised my voice on e bus & said: "wah piang! no one considerate enuf give that preggy woman a seat! SINGAPOREANS! haiz..."
e bus driver peep from e rear view mirror... still nobody moved! then i spoke to e preggy if she need a seat? juz when i almost REQ a guy to let, then another lady auto stand up.... wtf..........

Cheri, squirrel,
yup am interested in the monte trial, thanks
<font color="0000ff">Durians</font>
For durians, I am very particular about them. Only wants the best. Hence I only go Toa Payoh Lor 8 to buy. At least I can trust the stall owner.

<font color="0000ff">Tomorrow's outing</font>
If it rains tomorrow, I will give it a miss. It is quite difficult for me to leave home, as there is no shelter to wait for taxi.

\blue {To Botanic Gardens}
I used to take bus 105 from Toa Payoh.
You may find more info: http://www.sbg.org.sg/visitorinfo/openinghours.asp

<font color="0000ff">Overseas trips</font>
Hmm. Had discussed with hb. Children only capture childhood memories btw 3-5 yrs old. So we agreed to plan our overseas trips for our own interests... hee hee! For Jakarta, I had been there many times before pregnancy. Every time I was there, I felt safe. Aileen, will bring a lot of water for Sha.
Holiday @ Bintan - Cheap Cheap

Date: 7-9 sep (Fri-Sun)
Place: Bintan Agro Resort (http://www.bintanagro.com/front/index.php)
Cost for 3D 2N:
- $107 nett (per adult for twim/triple sharing)
- $93 nett for child with bed
- $50 for child without bed
Prices are for Kampung Air, Kampung Bali, Mediterranean or Cottages (reserved for groups - more than 6 adults)

Fare include
- A 2-way (SIN-TPI-SIN) ferry ticket
- 2-way land transfers between Tanjungpinang's ferry terminal and the resort
- Daily breakfast @ the resort's Heliconia Restaurant
- Free shuttle service to the resort's private beach (15 minutes from resort)
- Free transport to move about within the resort
- 1x complimentary lunch or dinner at the resort (for check-in on Sun-Fri only, except eve of PH and Public Holidays)
- Upgrade to Gazebo units: please add S$10.00/unit per night
- Upgrade to Manado House units: please add S$20.00/unit per night

Additional items for Fullboard Package:
- 2D1N: 1x City Tour (1st Day), 1x lunch outside resort and 1x dinner at resort
- 3D2N: 1x City Tour (1st Day), 2x lunch (1x outside resort & 1x at resort) and 2x dinner at resort
- $163 nett per pax
- $120 child with bed
- $78 child without bed

Other fees that are payable:
(i). Passenger departure fees of S$6.00/pax (subject to changes) and fuel surcharge of S$6.00/pax (subject to changes) payable at Singapores Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal (TMFT)

(ii).Passenger departure fees of S$5.00/pax (subject to changes) payable at Tanjungpinangs Sri Bintan Pura Ferry Terminal (SBP)

Terms & Conditions:
o A maximum of 4 persons, but not more than 3 adults, are allowed to share a room.

o Only one extra bed is allowed per room.

o If an adult shares a room with 1 or more children, the twin-sharing rate shall apply to the adult and 1 of the children.

o Check-in time: 1500 hrs (Bintan time), check-out time: 1200 hrs (Bintan time).

o Any cancellations with less than 72 hours notice will be treated as no-shows and be subjected to full payment

Hoping to get enough ppl to get cottage so we all stay together n even got kitchenette... hehehe

Interested parties
1) CG and Sha - 1 adult, 1 child
2) abcdisney n abc - 1 adult, 1 child
3) pawprint - 2 adults, 2 children

Anyone help me out here, does mine work out to abt,
Normal $357 ($107 x 2 adults + $93 child with bed + $50 child without bed) PLUS FEES $68 (SG side: Dparture S$6.00 x 4 + fuel surcharge S$6.00 x 4. BINTAN side: Dparture S$5.00 x 4) = $425 NETT TOTAL

Fullboard $524 ($163 x 2 adults + $120 child with bed + $78 child without bed) PLUS FEES $68 (SG side: Dparture S$6.00 x 4 + fuel surcharge S$6.00 x 4. BINTAN side: Dparture S$5.00 x 4) = $592 NETT TOTAL
<font color="0000ff">Aileen</font>
I read your story on the MRT in awe. I applaud you, not many people would do what you did, good job!

<font color="0000ff">Montesorri trial</font>
If there is a trial and suitable for a ten-mth old, I would be keen too. Pls keep me in the loop, thanks!

<font color="0000ff">Cheri</font>
I have the exact opposite problem: I cannot seem to shed the last few pounds I put on from pregnancy. It has been almost ten months, I really, really want to be back in shape soon. Sigh! btw I have replied your email.

JG Mandarin trial - will give them a call, thanks! BTW when I attended the one-week hol programme, I had Huimin as well and really like her, I def will aim to be in her class if I decide on JG in the future.

Ooh I would love to try sunday brunch at Paulaner, I heard so many good things about it. In fact was even considering holding baby alexis's 1st birthday party there but with so many relatives, it will be hard to justify why we serve six types of sausages!
wah jus one night so many post?

<font color="0000ff">Public Transport</font>
If i am really in need of a seat i will stare at them n purposely placed my diaper bag or stroller near to those who pretend to slp. When they gv me the disgusting look then i will look back and say.. sigh sometimes ppl jus duno how to gv way to small children. Tat's esp so when i bring my gal out w/o any stroller... i will then tell my gal "Sorry gal gal, no place for u to sit. U got to stand ok? Cos the aunty/uncle dun wan let u sit ley. Be careful hor... dun fall down ley. If not mummy's heart pain pain. " Usu this works esp if u say aloud. Hahaha.....

<font color="0000ff">Holiday</font>
Indonesia is safe. No worries. If really afraid of this n tat i think staying at home is best liao. hahaha.. who know wat will happen? hahaha....

<font color="0000ff">cheri</font>
Not sure about direct but 1 night in LA i think better not take the risk la. Unless he can ask someone to hold on his behalf and when he go there he jus take fro them lor. If not he prob can try pharmacy. But y dun u jus buy from vitakids?

<font color="0000ff">Montesori Trials</font>
Any trial for 2-3 year ones? How much and where?
Dear all,

Want to get something from www.jshoppers.com
Their shirt quality is gd and cheap.

Let me know if any of u is interested in joining me for the spree.

1 yen = $SGD 0.0135

Shipping is 900yen for purchases of below 12 999 yen

If interested, do post it below

Item name:
Item No:
Item under which category:
Total price in SGD:

thank you so much for the tip of taking bus. guess no other ppl is taking bus there...hmm! Yes if it's raining i will give it a miss also to the park eventhough I've bought all the titbits.

Durian, yummy but i cant take much cos will trigger my throat to sore...just 2 nights ago i finished one box myself..hee! Lin, my hb also no fan for durian so i get to eat all by myself...hooray!
wow...durian talk here ah..
my hb can take durian for breakfast, lunch & dinner but not me(dun really like the gas smell)..
everytime he buy durian is in term of 10 and above fruits for my family..i faint ah..
re public transport

ahahha...those mummies w bb boys now, must rem to tell ur sons next time to be chivalrous and those of us wif daughter, must tell them to remind their hbs n sons in future to be nice..hahah..then the world will be a better one

CG - hahah, ur hb n u have a point too...enjoy while u can
agree wif u that they might not hv the memories yet...but for me, think it's the memories i will have of going for hols wif her n spending the time tog, seeing new sights n enjoying new experiences...i've not been to farmstay myself b4...

bintan trip - any possibility of change of date? if not, then i'll pass this round...enjoy! n must show us more pics k when u gals rtn?

re sunday brunch at paulaner
wat abt next sunday? i'll post first k then we see how many keen...

abc - buy from vitakids more ex rite? how much cheaper if order online, any idea? i emailed luckyvit and they told me can mail to his hotel address in LA...stil thinking abt it...does luckyvit site sell the Cold & Flu Relief? cos i dunno the brand so v hard to check...

re indonesia
hahaha...it's true we can't be too worried..but i was really freaked out when my hb stayed in Marriot Hotel in Jakarta one week b4 the bombing incident...i'm actually worried everytime he leaves Sg but no choice it's his job...can only pray to God to keep him safe.

KLCC - wow, ur hb really good leh w durians...if my hb eats it like him, sure get nose bleed the next day...

weather still looks gloomy now though not raining...let's play by ear. Lena, ya i oso bot my grapes this mornign oredi...
Last night Summer woke up like 20times and biting her arms away...teething! I can't feed her gripe water cos it will make her "LS" for many days. So I used only gum gel but works for just awhile. Then this morning she woke up only around 10am...now still awake, going to put her to her nap soon but not sure if we able to make it for the picnic. Am looking forward to it but if she is not sleeping now or soon then might be either late or miss the fun!!! Will keep you gals informed ya!
this Fri's Seth's bash, who planning to bring their bb for swim ah? Wat time will u all be there?

Date: WED 25 July
Time: 4 pm (try to be on time)
Venue: Picnic @ Botanic Gardens,grass field in front of Symphony Stage,
Agenda: Picnic, join in JG fun!
1) Cheri & Nikki (bring grapes & mat)
2) Lin & Cayden (play by ear)
3) Angi & Seth (H2O for e adults, 1bot/pax +bubbles &mat)
4) Lena & Summer (titbits...to make all of u fat...hee!kidding!)
5) CG n Sha (will bring bread)
6) abcdisney n abc - think and let u know later

Date: THU 26 July
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Ang Mo Kio Street 12, McDonald
Agenda: Playground for babies and Coffee for Mummies
1) CG n Sha
2) abcdisney n abc
3) Lena & Summer

Date: FRI 27 July
Time: 6-10pm
Venue: eDew @ Bt.Batok St21
Agenda: King Seth's bday bash! All welcome! Waterplay - swim!
1) Lin & Cayden
2) Lena & Summer
3) Pebbles & Gal
4) abcdisney n abc
5) cheri, hb & nikki
6) aileen & andrea


Day/Date: MON 30 July
Time: 4pm
Venue: Kidzloft
Agenda: Shopping + coffee?
1) Angi & Seth
2) CG & Sha ?
3) Garfield & Kenise ?
4) Lin & Cayden ?
Day/Date: TUE 31 July
Time: ???
Venue: ???
Agenda: ???
Day/Date: WED 1 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Forum L2 Playground
Agenda: Playgroup
1) Angi & Seth
Day/Date: THU 2 August
Time: ???
Venue: ???
Agenda: ???
Day/Date: FRI 3 August
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge
1) abcdisney n abc
2) CG n Sha
3) Lena & Summer
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]

Day/Date: SUN 5 August
Time: 11.30 am to 2.30 pm
Venue: Paulaner Restaurant, Millenia Walk
Agenda: Sunday Brunch & indoor play area w minder
1) Cheri, hb & N

lena - ya, she's probably teething, may can try either rusk or just a ice cold wet towel...my ger prefers that...dun worry, if she can sleep soon, think will still be in time ba..
Last night Summer woke up like 20times and biting her arms away...teething! I can't feed her gripe water cos it will make her "LS" for many days. So I used only gum gel but works for just awhile. Then this morning she woke up only around 10am...now still awake, going to put her to her nap soon but not sure if we able to make it for the picnic. Am looking forward to it but if she is not sleeping now or soon then might be either late or miss the fun!!! Will keep you gals informed ya!
yes i find Globetrotters is too small. they have only one structur for them to climb. the rest just small toys on the ground for them to "lick"! it's definitely over-rated. Been there twice and both time didn't enjoy myself.
sorry mommies, prolly not gg picnic. cay seems fine but got lotsa phlegm. anyway hubby oso not v happy i bringing cay to picnic so soon after he recovered

woke up 20times??!... poor summer must be feeling v uncomfortable

btw everytime before i cld apply the teething gel on cay's gum he alr sucked it off my finger like some popsicle! think he really likes the taste and will pass the tube to me asking for more!

durian plantation?! wow can eat to hearts content!

King Seth's bash
wont join in the swim. Think the earliest we can reach is abt 7pm?? lemme know wat time u guys will be there k?

ooh think my hubby will like Paulaner cos he's a sausage person

Date: WED 25 July
Time: 4 pm (try to be on time)
Venue: Picnic @ Botanic Gardens,grass field in front of Symphony Stage,
Agenda: Picnic, join in JG fun!
1) Cheri & Nikki (bring grapes & mat)
2) Lin & Cayden (play by ear)
3) Angi & Seth (H2O for e adults, 1bot/pax +bubbles &mat)
4) Lena & Summer (titbits...to make all of u fat...hee!kidding!)
5) CG n Sha (will bring bread)
6) abcdisney n abc - think and let u know later

Date: THU 26 July
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Ang Mo Kio Street 12, McDonald
Agenda: Playground for babies and Coffee for Mummies
1) CG n Sha
2) abcdisney n abc
3) Lena & Summer

Date: FRI 27 July
Time: 6-10pm
Venue: eDew @ Bt.Batok St21
Agenda: King Seth's bday bash! All welcome! Waterplay - swim!
1) Lin & Cayden
2) Lena & Summer
3) Pebbles & Gal
4) abcdisney n abc
5) cheri, hb & nikki
6) aileen & andrea


Day/Date: MON 30 July
Time: 4pm
Venue: Kidzloft
Agenda: Shopping + coffee?
1) Angi & Seth
2) CG & Sha ?
3) Garfield & Kenise ?
4) Lin & Cayden - confirm again k
Day/Date: TUE 31 July
Time: ???
Venue: ???
Agenda: ???
Day/Date: WED 1 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Forum L2 Playground
Agenda: Playgroup
1) Angi & Seth
2) Lin & Cayden
Day/Date: THU 2 August
Time: ???
Venue: ???
Agenda: ???
Day/Date: FRI 3 August
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge
1) abcdisney n abc
2) CG n Sha
3) Lena & Summer
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]

Day/Date: SUN 5 August
Time: 11.30 am to 2.30 pm
Venue: Paulaner Restaurant, Millenia Walk
Agenda: Sunday Brunch & indoor play area w minder
1) Cheri, hb & N
2) Lin, hb & Cayden

<font color="119911">Sunday brunch at paulaner</font>
Cheri, I will try to join. As I am attending 230pm church service @ Suntec.

<font color="119911">Weather</font>
The weather looks fine today. So far no rain. Hope it won't be a hot or rainy day, good weather for picnic.

<font color="119911">Jakarta Trip</font>
Will KIV first. Contacted one of the girlfriends whom I always stay at her place @ Jakarta. She will be coming to Spore end of Sept to visit Sha.

<font color="119911">Lena</font>
Then are you still going to Botanic Gardens?

<font color="119911">Angi</font>
Kidsloft closes at 5pm. Maybe wants to meet earlier?

<font color="119911">Next Thursday</font>
Anyone interested to go Zoo or Jurong Bird Park at around 3pm?
What?! Caycay will pass u the tude to ask for more??!! Ya she was waking up crying n biting away. when i put the gel into her mouth then she stopped crying and tasting it...think she likes it too!

Will depends on what time she wakes up lor. Once she wakes up still got to feed her lunch. will see how! Yes superb weather for picnic indeed!
yah lor... everytime i'll let him play w the tube when i apply the gel... and after applying he'll always grin then pass the tube back to me indicating tat he wants more!
btw Summer still got phlegm?? did u give her any phlegm med etc?
i am bringing abc for swim. See how first. shld be ok.

Abt kidsloft, i dun mind joining.

All the kids who's unwell, get well soon!

Yes definitely cheaper in US.
i am bringing abc for swim. See how first. shld be ok.

Abt kidsloft, i dun mind joining.

All the kids who's unwell, get well soon!

Yes definitely cheaper in US.

Day/Date: MON 30 July
Time: 3pm
Venue: Kidzloft
Agenda: Shopping + coffee?
1) Angi & Seth
2) CG & Sha ?
3) Garfield & Kenise ?
4) Lin & Cayden ?
5) <font color="0000ff">abcdisney n abc</font>
Day/Date: TUE 31 July
Day/Date: WED 1 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Forum L2 Playground
Agenda: Playgroup
1) Angi & Seth
Day/Date: THU 2 August
Time: 4pm
Venue: Signature park condo @ Toh Yi
Agenda: Swim
1) abcdisney n abc
Day/Date: FRI 3 August
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge
1) abcdisney n abc
2) CG n Sha
3) Lena & Summer
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]

Day/Date: SUN 5 August
Time: 11.30 am to 2.30 pm
Venue: Paulaner Restaurant, Millenia Walk
Agenda: Sunday Brunch & indoor play area w minder
1) Cheri, hb & N


<font color="0000ff"> how much is 5 aug lunch?</font>
<font color="0000ff">Date: WED 25 July</font>
Time: 4 pm (try to be on time)
Venue: Picnic @ Botanic Gardens,grass field in front of Symphony Stage,
Agenda: Picnic, join in JG fun!
1) Cheri & Nikki (bring grapes & mat)
2) Lin & Cayden (play by ear)
3) Angi & Seth (H2O for e adults, 1bot/pax +bubbles &mat)
4) Lena & Summer (titbits...to make all of u fat...hee!kidding!)
5) CG n Sha (will bring bread)
6) abcdisney n abc - think and let u know later

<font color="0000ff">Date: THU 26 July</font>
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Ang Mo Kio Street 12, McDonald
Agenda: Playground for babies and Coffee for Mummies
1) CG n Sha
2) abcdisney n abc
3) Lena & Summer

<font color="0000ff">Date: FRI 27 July</font>
Time: 6-10pm
Venue: eDew @ Bt.Batok St21
Agenda: King Seth's bday bash! All welcome! Waterplay - swim!
1) Lin & Cayden
2) Lena & Summer
3) Pebbles & Gal
4) abcdisney n abc
5) cheri, hb & nikki
6) aileen & andrea

<font color="ff0000">NEXT WEEK"S EVENTS</font>

<font color="0000ff">Date: MON 30 July</font>
Time: <font color="0000ff">3.30pm</font>
Venue: Kidzloft
Agenda: Shopping + coffee?
1) Angi & Seth
2) CG & Sha
3) Garfield & Kenise ?
4) Lin & Cayden - confirm again k
<font color="0000ff">Date: TUE 31 July</font>
Time: ???
Venue: ???
Agenda: ???

<font color="0000ff">Date: WED 1 August</font>
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Forum L2 Playground
Agenda: Playgroup
1) Angi & Seth
2) Lin & Cayden
3) CG & Sha
<font color="0000ff">Date: THU 2 August</font>
Time: 3.00pm
Venue: Zoo
Agenda: Animal Show
1) CG & Sha
2) Cheri & Nikki

<font color="0000ff">Date: FRI 3 August</font>
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge
1) abcdisney n abc
2) CG n Sha
3) Lena & Summer
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]

<font color="0000ff">Date: SUN 5 August</font>
Time: 11.30 am to 2.30 pm
Venue: Paulaner Restaurant, Millenia Walk
Agenda: Sunday Brunch & indoor play area w minder
1) Cheri, hb & N
2) Lin, hb & Cayden
3) CG, hb, Sha

<font color="ff0000">National Day is coming, any programs for the babies?..... maybe we dress them in red and white and arrange to meet to have fun?</font>

Day/Date: MON 30 July
Time: 3pm
Venue: Kidzloft
Agenda: Shopping + coffee?
1) Angi & Seth
2) CG & Sha ?
3) Garfield & Kenise ?
4) Lin & Cayden ?
5) abcdisney n abc
Day/Date: TUE 31 July
Day/Date: WED 1 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Forum L2 Playground
Agenda: Playgroup
1) Angi & Seth
2) Lena & Summer
Day/Date: THU 2 August
Time: 4pm
Venue: Signature park condo @ Toh Yi
Agenda: Swim
1) abcdisney n abc
Day/Date: FRI 3 August
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge
1) abcdisney n abc
2) CG n Sha
3) Lena & Summer
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]

Day/Date: SUN 5 August
Time: 11.30 am to 2.30 pm
Venue: Paulaner Restaurant, Millenia Walk
Agenda: Sunday Brunch & indoor play area w minder
1) Cheri, hb & N

the millenia walk playground timing is out for me le!
<font color="119911">Abc, below are my orders</font>
Nick: CG
Item name: Tops 3-piece set
Item No: A65803, Pink, Size 90
Item under which category: Top
Price: 1730
Total price in SGD:23.36

Item name: 5-piece set(For girls)
Item No: A65502, Black, Size 90
Item under which category: Others
Price: 2240
Total price in SGD:30.24

Total: SGD53.60
National Day
Celest, idea leh! all the lil ones in red & white sure v cute!
but hor.. prolly not meeting on national day itself right??
Day/Date: FRI 3 August
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge
1) abcdisney n abc
2) CG n Sha
3) Lena & Summer
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]
5) minzz & charlotte
abc - re paulaner sunday brunch

Enjoy a buffet of German and international dishes w free flow soft drinks at $30+++ and $40+++ for free flow of Paulaner beer.
Children under 5 dine for free

CG - the national day idea is cool...would be so cute..we must buy small flags for all of them too..hahah...can imagine the perfect pic liao
hahah...lena...u edited ur post rite? no wonder i couldn't find it when i wanted to respond to your post...was going to tell u u blur leh!kekek
Date: THU 26 July
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Ang Mo Kio Street 12, McDonald
Agenda: Playground for babies and Coffee for Mummies
1) CG n Sha
2) abcdisney n abc
3) Lena & Summer

Date: FRI 27 July
Time: 6-10pm
Venue: eDew @ Bt.Batok St21
Agenda: King Seth's bday bash! All welcome! Waterplay - swim!
1) Lin & Cayden
2) Lena & Summer
3) Pebbles & Gal
4) abcdisney n abc
5) cheri, hb & nikki (reach abt 5 pm for swim if good weather)
6) aileen & andrea


Date: MON 30 July
Time: 3.30pm
Venue: Kidzloft
Agenda: Shopping + coffee?
1) Angi & Seth
2) CG & Sha
3) Garfield & Kenise ?
4) Lin & Cayden - confirm again k
Date: TUE 31 July
Time: ???
Venue: ???
Agenda: ???

Date: WED 1 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Forum L2 Playground
Agenda: Playgroup
1) Angi & Seth
2) Lin & Cayden
3) CG & Sha
4) Lena & Summer
5) Cheri & Nikki

Date: THU 2 August
Time: 3.00pm
Venue: Zoo
Agenda: Animal Show
1) CG & Sha
2) Cheri & Nikki

Date: FRI 3 August
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge
1) abcdisney n abc
2) CG n Sha
3) Lena & Summer
4) Angi & Seth [play by ear]
5) minzz & charlotte

Date: SUN 5 August
Time: 11.30 am to 2.30 pm
Venue: Paulaner Restaurant, Millenia Walk
Agenda: Sunday Brunch & indoor play area w minder
Cost: Enjoy a buffet of German and international dishes w free flow soft drinks at $30+++ and $40+++ for free flow of Paulaner beer.
Children under 5 dine for free.

1) Cheri, hb & N
2) Lin, hb & Cayden
3) CG, hb, Sha

oh popular selling the plastic s'pore flags... cheap cheap $1.50 only... yah can buy for the outing!
btw, wat did lena post?? hee tell us leh!
btw paulaner play area has a minder to help look after our tots... means we dun hv to stay by their side issit?? tat means no need bring helper?
Kakaka...i read too fast then missed the "N"..hee!

Ooi, can not meet u gals on the National Day itself le, cos it's my wedding anni..hee!
lin - ok, let's get from popular the flags then. if meet on national day itself, would be nice if we can go somewhere where can see fireworks...hahah..m i too greedy?!

hahah...dun wan lah, let lena tell lah, i dun dare say or else she humtum me...hehehe
pretty lena mommy... pls share with us wat blunder u've made... entertain me lah... im so bored stuck at home the whole day!! ;)
oh we meeting on national day? hmm not too sure whether hubby keen to join cos usually PH he wld wan to stay at home and nua...
lin - ya minder can take care of them..or we can rotate w our hbs lor...maybe ask them take care of them in the play area then the hbs can jiao liu, jiao liu, their fatherly thots..hahah

lena - why sunday brunch timing u cannot ah? hv family thingy to go to issit? actually it's N's naptime too but thot for once, let her lah...if she's really tired, she'll probably sleep in the car on way there.

waa...u v patriotic leh..get married on national day!hahah...u come out lah, we celeb for u too...heheh

Re sunday brunch at paulaner
mummies, can we confirm by this Friday? Cos i will call n try to book...since someone mentioned need at least 1 week's advance...
lin - hahah, u bored mummy indeed? how did u pass ur days b4 our dear Angi started this thread..hahah..just kidding. How is Cay btw? His phlegm clearing up? Ya when they r sick, we oso sian hor? Grounded tog w them..hahah

u try to sweet-talk ur hb to join on national day lah...u so sweet, sure can outwit & outlast him one...heheh
hehe idea! then no need bring helper... not tat i stingy but $30+++ not cheap considering she doesnt eat alot one...
lin - i think ur maid indonesian, cannot eat sausage rite? pork? but think got other types oso. yalor, i fully agree, dun mind to pay n bring her but she eats so lil, so wasted. i hv to even tell her 'this is nice, try! that is nice, must try a bit' faint! think in their culture, not used to feast like mad like us during buffets...i always think she must be thinking how we manage to squeeze so much food into us...hahah
hahahaaa gd qn... b4 angi started this thread i everyday jus eat, nap, surf, eat, tv, sleep... and in between looking after cayden lor
re national day... pls lah now i honeytalk oso no use le... tog so long he immune to my charm le

Aiyo u super ke-po le! just that just now i read cheri's post saying that she is going with her hb n N...then i missed the "N" lor n suang her saying that wah all of them went then no need to bring Nikki ah! Like that lor...hee!

Ya super patriotic hor...I LOVE SINGAPORE!!!..kekeke...I think will have dinner on that day lor cos all these years my ILs will chia dinner for our wedding anni...

Ya that timing is exactly summer's napping time...and for sure hb will not be very happy about it if I distract her nap cos usually I'm the one very onz about it.
