PV01 = Price Value of 1 basis point?
repo = Repurchase agreement?
ELN = Equity-linked note?
OMO = Open market operations?
Teacher, correct or not?
TN = Teachers Network
DD = Deputy Director
AD = Assistant Director
PDOs = Professional development offiers
By the time I finished my workshop at 6pm, TN office was already empty and locked! Only managed to catch Ros and Ms Tambyah. The workshop was for gifted education officers. So far, work is still manageable. I'll be off for my maternity by end of July. So really don't mind the work now. Hehehe.
F1 doesn't take milk anymore before bed. Instead, he has it once he is back from school. As for then night one, I slowly reduced it till one day he totally forgot abt it ler. Hahaha. He sleeps thru' the night nowadays. He's very lazy to get up to pee. Maybe that's why he doesn't mind not drinking it.
Coming this fri, 12th is the school's cny party right? I'll catch you there!
DD is still Ms. Ong Pheng Yen.
By the time I reach your place, it could be 6.30pm, still got food ah??
Same here la. My hb's never used those things too. Maybe can get some mask for your hb, it'll be a whole new experience for his face!