A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

Kai loves ort but not Chinese books. He prefers 'words' vs Chinese.
He can sing n dance but not swim.
He can do loads of monkey tricks but acad wise... He counts up to 13 then 40 41 42...
Recently he has fear of me dying then went to announce ppl need to be buried to die...
He is very sociable so when contractor comes he will talk to them, doesn't mind they don't understand English!!!
He enjoys meat n fish n tells me he's growing stronger and taller cos he eats well.

with that in mind I won't even dare take out the barometer to see of he is literate! But like I said, I thot ning was illiterate too! I rmb being so thrilled that she cld read that I SMS cheri, and she replied saying she thot all those while ning cld read n that I was evidently elated!
Think ning was 4plus then? The words? Dog, rat, sit...
So just let the kids enjoy this bliss for a while...
Aye I'm very relax la... Juz wanna rig this forum up a little. Else everyone wld feel very stressed up ( more than the kiddoes)

of course each kiddo is lacking in one or more areas when u wann compare la juz as long as parents are comfortable with their ability or the lack of I think it's absolutely fine.

Kai can count so well liao? Cy won't count. I said won't coz he jus counted the stars from the nightlight you gave him in bed juz now... In English then in mandarin... Of course he went further in English hahaha evident he isn't a balanced bilingual... He usually pretnd to be stupid when you wan him to count...

But o well he is happy at home so I cannot complain much.
u r v rite...after they drop their nap, really loads of time...i'm realizing it now wahhaha...even if u do sthg fun wif them, it takes at most an hour?! But there r so many hours in one aftn! At least S will hv Kieran to play wif...I hv to play wif N lol...pity me! Darn the impossibly hot weather this week. Plus cos of her rash, we had to stay home every aftn.
hehe tats so funny...pretend to be stupid?? i say cy is one smart boy ya!

yes yes the hrs r super long when they dun nap. cay has been skipping nap for mths le... unless he's in the car
so how do u keep N occupied?

Just 1 page a day nia during then...not read the whole of 4B at one go la (she and I wont have the stamina)...actually the person who inspire me to start P&J was Joyfulmum, she showed me how her G was reading already and I realised it was possible for them to read, so I thought to try and I realised it was actually workable. Key is to keep it super fun for her...if she's bored,then just stash it away, just like the approach that all the mummies here do :)
make it super fun for them using P&J ah? but but how fun can P&J be, really? even I myself find them so boring to read. First time J read that to her, he actually rolled his eyes at me after a while...like why did u buy these books? lol

haha N has just been skipping her nap for only one week so far. How to occupy her? hmm activities like playing playdoh, painting, play-acting teacher & student, shopkeeper & customer etc, water play in the bathroom (she washes her dolls), baking, watching tv, going next door to talk to the neighbour's kid wahaha.

she displayed those masak food toys the other day using the Big Blocks foodstore...i got her to put one flashcard (chinese word) under each food item. We take turns to be the shopkeeper or the customer. The cust has to read the word on the flashcard(told her that's a pretend price tag) b4 she can buy the food item..she's v auntie leh...asks for big ntuc plastic bags; really wanna go grocery shopping hahah. But besides having fun, we managed to revise the words for the day! she can't wait to play the game again this morning once she wakes

next rounds,i'm going to push out my clothes hanger or we can do a sale of shoes, hairclips/hairbands or even toystore, bookstore....oooh fun! hahaha
i luv the games u and N play :)

P&J ah...Joyfulmum taught me this too: fold the book into 2, read with her the word, and when she's done, excitedly applaud her to cheer her on and show the picture part to let her see what the word meant(conjuring up an excited face whilst reading P&J takes some Oscar-equivalent-kinda-acting skills, but one will get there :))
wahaha! Count me in!
Same sentiment for P&J.
I actually GAVE AWAY an almost complete set since I cld not foresee myself making good use of that set...
I went to Chinatown on Sat liao...still not really very crowded yet...guess not really the mood yet?!

Today watched Princess & The Frog with S. She was pretty excited at the start but when she got to know that the 'lead' actress is actually not a real princess then she was not interested already -_-"
we were in Chinatown on Sat nite too...considered v crowded to me liao...was commenting to my hb i can't imagine how it will be on cny eve haha...did u guys go near the getai area? N was enjoying herself watching them sing & dance...did not wanna leave hehe
Until now, Sha always asks "Why the frog kiss the frog, did not turn to prince, but turn into another frog?", and also asked "Why the two frogs must kiss, then they can become prince and princess". It is good that the director was trying to be creative, but in the end, he might confuse the kids... haha!
It was crowded but expected more crowded :p

S was insisting that the dark skinned girl is a real princess but when I told her she is not, she was disappointed :p
Sha is cool. Will see if S dare to or not :p
Still looking for things that "click" for G...so far..none yet. :p

Super duper hot the past week..Or maybe due to the fat piled up on me as m getting nearer to D day. That is one of those places I avoid..:p So G will be seeing deco only in shopping malls..hehe

G has not been to a movie before! Heard certain part of Princess Frog is rather "scary"? Not? Haha..she is so into princessy stuff now. Got her dress, water bottle, school bag, stationery with pix of Disney princesses but...she knows none of their stories..apart from Cinderella which I "read" to her before she learnt to read..as in I retold it to be "toddler-friendly"...:p Never like the prince rescued princess and they live happily ever after...
Hi where is everybody again :p
Ok, let me bore you all with my life story :B

S has been skipping naps again these 2 days n K is skipping his morning nap so nap only once these 2 days. I'm so lost with both changing their sleeping patterns..hahaha! But good thing is, as K is napping around 1.30pm for 2 hours so will be awake at 3.30pm...which means he will be asleep by 9+pm. For S, she will be able to come into the room to z by 9+pm too...bliss
Not boring at all, u r funny la !!
With 2 kids, the dynamics are totally different. That day I put Shan at gym and had breakfast by myself (hub was at reservist)..and I was thinking to myself, this "me-time" is only possible because it's only 1 kid at this juncture...and I started to think of how you & the rest of the mummies cope with 2...it's an awesome time-juggling feat man.
Sunday after dinner hb needed to go back to office to pick up some stuff and i wanted to get sthg from the mall.
So i told him to take the kids for a ride and i shop in bliss!
Ning was in sch fr 730 to 1030 on Friday.
After that she went over to granny's to practice piano and Kai's sch ended at 12noon.
I was literally free and I didnt do anything except to curl up in bed to read(after waking up darn early to pack their snacks)...
BUT time passed so very fast... before i knew it I had to pick Kai

When he was napping, I was feasting on my crab!! Keke and I had a huge Coke to go with it!!
Heavenly man, i luv the sound of crab + coke !! This I think is poss after all e kids go beyond a certain age, like 3yo or when they go to school. Yest I met with a fren, her 2 kids are 2 & 4.. and she was happily thinking all is gonna be bliss from there (cos both r in schools), and then she realise she's preggie again..unplanned for, so she was like, wahhhh...gonna start all over that 1st 2 yrs again ... diapers changing, nite feed etc :)
Yes, with 2 kids timing is everything.
Now as I bring S out after school for lessons so I'm kind of enjoying having just her together...she will z for couple of hours

S has always been sleeping at 10++pm but if she doesn't nap then will KO by 9+pm. K is usually asleep by 9+pm.

CY and CH have not gone to school yet, so i must be kee siao-ing soon
but their schedule is ok so far.

they have playgroup on monday and friday, music and swimming on wednesday, and most prob another chinese playgroup soon...

they take naps together most of the time and go to bed by 7plus..reading and fooling around before knocking out 8for ch and 9 for cy...

i can have time to myself when i bring the kiddoes to in laws so it's all very good.

and come on, i was married for 5 years before cy (i had wanted 7 years of me time...o well), so i had much much more me time than most of you le..kekekek...plus side of marrying young

now im doing spring cleaning...bit by bit clearing stuff..yawnz...though i just moved in last july, seems to have so much to clear...human really clutters!! gotta head to ikea for some stuff soon!!

educational tours in botannical gardens
brought cy to a fruit and vegetable tour at botannic gdns today. quite fun though it was mighty hot !!!

it's for aged K1 to whatever but its ok for our kiddoes... there is this tour think something like mathematics and plants on 27th feb which i signed him up for as well, mummies might wanna take a look, can meet up if you are interested...

teacher mummies, dun 'hiam' coz most of the stuff are what you feel 'i do that with them at home'...but it was fun when they do it with other aged group 'strangers'
hehe looks like u guys are still hving lotsa fun w the big blocks! ;)

wow the bungy seems really fun! think cay will love it too!
but to queue 40mins for it?!

yah that day we went oso not exactly crowded maybe cos weekday
oh u mean S not allowed in the room til K sleeps ah?
i wish i can have such kind of arrangement but no way boy..
cay sure knock til the door down

hehe i oso married (ok lah rom) for 5 yrs before cay ;)
ur schedule sounds good even though they're not schling!
wow peifu u! bot gdn in tdy's weather! i almost died of heat stroke at home! hahaa ok abit qua zhang.. but weather really sux
oh wat time is the maths and plants tour?
cy & lin
hahah i beat u all leh..i was married 7 years b4 i gave birth to N! no wonder i'm not a young mummy keke
You still look young. Well-maintained.

Since Nate arrive, I did not really have enough rest, and of course less time for myself. Each day, I sleep around 6 to 7hrs.
Thank God got Eve to help me in the housechores and cooking, if not I would have less sleeping time :)

I also realise Sha learns faster from older children :)

My house is too small. Even when Sha is not inside the bedroom, when we talk, Nate can hear :)
keke ok congrats u're the winner!

anyway yah u know how to bao yang ;)

talking abt maintenance... any skII users here??

oh yah yah now u mention... u're so right... same here even if cay not in the room we can still hear him loud n clear
Yupe, she is not allowed in the room till K is asleep. Then once she is in the room, she has to whisper :p So everyone has to entertain her before that...
Mine even got upstairs downstairs can still hear her loudly cos she is soooo loud

Ya good 保养

Me married for 4yrs then have S
hahaha u make my day...thanks thanks. Wrinkles all coming up liao leh, can't hide so must embrace them graciously

6 to 7 hours sleep is v good oredi leh...i oso sleep abt that number of hours. sleep too early, i end up waking up v early too

i tried sk2 b4 but my skin is sensitive to it, small bumps on skin after that. Hee i ever heard ppl say, if u use sk2, might as well use rice water to wash ur own face hehe...their ads r so enticing hor?

i was almost giving up having a child leh...seeking TCM help was our last shot. Was not prepared for more intrusive intervention like ivf etc. that's why we named N 可恩...really a very precious gift from Him.
Ya 6-7hours is good enough. Some night I get only 5hrs...

N is definitely a precious gift
Everytime I see S's best friend I think of N as they both have similar charisma
That's a wonderful testimony about how N came about..and her chinese name is pretty & meaningful

Ya, I waited for a while for Shan to come by too, she was born 5 yrs into the marriage. 5 is # of grace in the Bible too :) I always share with her how she's such a blessing to us and daddy's & mummy's up-and-down moments whilst awaiting her conception. She knows she's a champion kid in ours and Jesus' eyes :)
可恩 is an unique name.
Natasha (The gift from God) was chosen because when she was inside me (at 6mths pregnant), one of her kidneys was not developing. We prayed about it, believing that God will protect her, and God will make her strong and healthy since HE gives her to us, that was why we chose the name "Natasha".
I sleep very early everyday, at 130<font color="ff6000">am</font> or 2<font color="ff6000">am</font>, then wake up at 730am, keke!

We chose Natasha's chinese name is Yang Ting as "Ting" means Grace :)
Nathanael's chinese name is Yang Yi as "Yi" means Righteousness

Yes it is very stressful and frustrating when one is sleeping, and the other is not sleeping.
so nice tat u hv shared wif S all that. i must do that one day too.

the innocence of childhood
N: why Aunty Celes can hv another baby, why can't you?
Me: Mummy's too old to have another baby. Other mummies r younger. Mummy gave birth to you when i was much older.
N: Why? Daddy's old too?
Me: Yes, we met &amp; only got married when we r older.
N: I know, Daddy was naughty, did not meet u early or else you will be young mummy! :p
too bad S' best fren was nt at her bd parties so far? or else the 2 look alikes can take pic tog hahah. Wif S in the centre...that will be quite a pic
Haha! Sha always likes to ask me why I chose her Papa, and also asked if we danced in our wedding celebration.
lol !!! "Daddy was naughty...."

sleep at wee hrs in the morning and still can wake up at 730 am....biang, i really take my hat off to u man
hehe N has a new classmate this year wif the same Chinese name as her...when she first told us abt it, we thot it was her imaginary fren. Cos we asked the principal in sch abt it, she says not that she knows of. Turned out that the girl is usually addressed by her Eng name keke
yes yes hahha...so her name is definitely not unique anymore. btw, realised that Chloe is such a well-loved name among parents now. Her sch alone has got 4 or 5 chloes hahah
hahahhaa N is so cute

S's best friend was at K's party that day.

S is quite funny too. Ytday as she was sitting on the toilet n got shocked when tilted backwards abit.
Then I told her:"Iyo, you better don't fall or else will get flushed away then no more Summer...ohno no more Summer!!!"
Then she said:"Then you can buy another Summer...hee!"
I said:"Huh! Where to buy another Summer?"
She said:"You can go to Summer's shop to buy another Summer.."
really? iya, u did not introduce haha

hehe tell S i oso wanna go Summer's shop to buy a summer...one as sweet &amp; smiley as her
ask her to gimme discount k? lol
Yes, Chloe is quite common.
When we decided on the name Natasha, a few of my cousins were asking me why, because most Malays named "Natasha"

S is very imaginative!
think it was the most popular name in preschool? some survey done recently i rem..

it's 10am to 11am... in fact they ahve quite a few of these tours which are really suitable for their age group

you can go to this website to find out more...

yes CY is the youngest in his homeschooling playgroup, and he is just getting used to the group
... think it is good for him though most of the time he is only imitating what the older kids say, but o well!

haha, i had wanted to stay childless for 7 years!!!

i was married at 25..think quite young hor...

used to use SK2 and i find it quite good. i went to honkong to cart back boxes of it coz it was cheaper then, but that was some years back when i was still childless...

the miracle water is good and the mask is good too...the rest dun bother

fermented rice water..different...hahahah..you must leave it for a couple of weeks first..yucks!!!!
Cheri, CY
oh me too leh... initially got few small red bumps... was thinking die liao lor... waste so much $$ end up not suitable
then went back counter ask the staff she said it's common to encounter minor breakout cos it means the pitera taking effect
anyway after a weeks use now bumps gone but hvnt seen any miracle yet

yah my sis oso using and she say good... her fren long time user and her complexion is like baby.. but i think its the genes lah

cy, used to use? then how come now not using?

me younger.. married 23 :p

hehe yah i oso almost name cay 'chloe' but turned out its a boy
anyway cayden is another super duper common name ;)

Elmo, Cheri
the things that kids say r jus so darn cute!
I was married at age 25 too.
We dated for 4yrs then got married.
Wanted to plan for a child at age 27, but G is not getting younger. So we let God decide. Hence we only managed to enjoy the childless marriage life for only 7mths.

hehe yes, Natasha was oso one of the names we considered then. Heard abt the association of the name wif more Malays too.

i was married at 27, the ideal age i wanted to get marry. when J knew that, he actually planned for us to get married that year. Or else he said he would hv proposed one or 2 years later hehe

ya, r u still using sk2 then?

really? wow, must let me know how it goes k...u r making me itch to try it again (pun not intended; bumps or no bumps hehe)
