A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

weekends definitelymuch more crowded ...so usually u need to reach earlier if u wanna take pix on stage with the characters...only 1st 40 families got the pass for pix...

i went on a weekday afternoon and was a 1pm show..i reached slightly b4 12pm...already got Q le..somemroe some ate packet economic rice there leh..so think they reached even earlier..maybe 11am? and we were seated at 1245pm...for some warm up...then elmo appeared at 1pm sharp...

No the lunch at kuishinbo is $24.90. Just that they have this promotion that if u finish within one hour the buffet will then be $19.90. Lunch is from 11.20am till 3pm.

Bring kids out
For me i prefer to bring kids out than stay home. Maybe cos they r better behaved outside. Hahaha to do that i definitely prefer the kids to be on strollers. haha...
1st time using our twin stroller on weekend

now she doesn't like drawing n cycling. All she wants is play pretending games...singing n dancing.
Ya hb bought that drawing board before she was born. So ex right!

So shall we meet on Wed 11am for buffet?

Kuishinbo Lunch Seafood Buffet
Venue:Suntec City
1. elmo & K
2. abcdisney
3. precious
4. lin & Kate
5. cheri (prefer dinner)
6. Yfuang
make me so envy. but i think phil n teds dun work for me cos my boy dislike stroller. With the side by side stroller he sits longer cos his jie jie is beside him playing with him. I think with the phil and teds he would wan to be carried and sometimes i feel would the one below feel left out cos cannot see? but all in all i still love the phil and teds... look so nice and easy to push ard! so PRO!

i am ok for this wed.
The advantage of side-by-side stroller is they get to keep each other accompany n play together. But hb doesn't want to consider side-by-side at all leh. Saying it's way to 'broad' to move about. Even when we were using our front-n-back stroller already quite difficult...I mean compare to our normal single pram. We can only take lift cos don't want to take the risk on trying the escalator. Then when the lift is semi full also can not squeeze in. So waste quite abit of time waiting for lifts.
Overall P&T is quite a cool n easy to manipulate stroller. It catches alot of attention when we moved around.
abc has given u the price info liao. The only nice seafood they have is the big clams for lunch. Only for dinner, they serve the big n yummy cold alaskan crabs and sometimes grilled butter prawns! Other than that, almost the same to me.

Dinenr has different pricing too. there is early bird dinner if you can finish by 7pm or something like that and also latebird dinner after 9pm.

Just had the kuishinbo buffet last week and tomorrow i m going another buffet with my sis to "drown my sorrows".....haha. No lah, i m not having depression, I m a pretty blessed mummy liao at least in my first ivf

Maybe next month if you guys are still organising!

Summer must be so pround to be in this stroller! Ya this stroller is already big to manoveur, let also side by side, cannot imagine haha.
actually this is 2nd time S sat on the stroller. the 1st time was the morning of my labour day of K
She quite like it. And weekend out she was zz in there for more than 2hrs.

how do you put ur infant to z?
CY I remember you were saying that you put CH to z at 8pm? how?
make her drink milk milk...then put her down to bed...think she is used to it liaoz...of course there are occasions she is uncooperative...

depending when lo...eih, then whos taking care of the todds when you guys are out huh? you mean the todds wont be there?

lunch no crabby??still nice meh?

haha..i can make it for latebird dinner leh!!!kekekek

bringing kids out
eih, i not so garang as to bring both out alone! the only times i tried is only to bring them down to the park or playground for walk walk nia...too far i will go bonkus!
You just feed her full full then put down she will z herself?
I will leave S with my fil n aunty.
I go buffet is more for get-together

Yalah don't think I'm garang enough to bring both kids out myself also. will definitely get someone to tag along if need to.
So sweet of your hb, bringing you to buy more LV bags.
We should be getting Toyota Estima though I find the price a bit steep, it is really very spacious.

It is good for them to enjoy in the strollers.
But sometimes I do feel bad if I bring her out and yet she is always in it all the time.

These 2 days I suddenly feel exremely sleepy, every 3-4hrs I want to sleep again. Hope it is normal. As long as I don't vomit, I am happy.
Thank God that G is not working these few days, and he takes care of her. Ytday evening, he actually brought her out for more than 3 mths so that I can have a good sleep.

Cool stroller! I wonder next time when K is much older, would both of them argue to sit at the top? Hee hee!
That will be long way to go...now can't wait for K to quickly grow bigger. I saw quite a few of P&T in town n most of the time the elder one is at the bottom...think bottom is more fun for tots so I think they will fight over who gets to sit at the bottom instead...hee!
yes phil n teds always attract lots of attn!

err of cos will let her walk if she wants to. but hor my arielene loves stroller since young. so she dun feel a trap to be in it. hahaha .. my purpose is so she wun miss her nap n oso didi will sit in stroller too. easier for me to manage when i'm out ane wif two...

arielene n andrae both go to bed @ 830pm...
Once she is done with her nap in the stroller, the 1st thing she asks "Mama, I want to come out and walk"
And one interesting thing she loves to walk behind me, I don't know why.
After a while, these are the top few things that I find really worth for us investing in:
1)playpen at the living room
2)Aprica pram
3)Ergo baby carrier, etc
phil n teds
CG if u wan invest let me knw. may b able to gt cheaper lobang @ $800plus for full set with double kit excluding raincover.

I cannot leave home without it. in fact it is my helper when my maid go home for holiday. ergo him while do housework, ergo him while I settle arielene n when bathing her. Mine's black with butterfly n dragonfly print. been using it since arielene's days. Will upload a photo of me ergo andrae behind while carrying another bb in front later.

causeway pt metro sells ergo @ $199. go grab during sales as they hv 20% off. but ergo can only b used when bb abt 4 mth old. after sale is $159.

hahaha I oso hv a playpen in living rm. only useful when younger. nw tat he is cruising I find bumper mat important but my house has no space for one.. thus we hv to b ard him all the time when he's awake!
oh dear, can imagine how frustrated it was for FX when he can't go in & sit tog wif the other kids...if u r not afraid of the heat, actually outdoor is better for the newborn & oso it offers more space for FX to run ard safely. I'm more stressed when N is in malls cos afraid she'll bump into things, run onto escalators, go missing etc...we can arrange to go Bot Gardens one weekend morning. N loves the space there...can feed fish, turtles & birds, play wif dogs, play ball, blow bubbles, lay down mat & nuah etc.

waaa u extended ur cl..heheh another mth for u to enjoy keke

ic...ok if few hours lunch buffet then is good, more time to chat hehe..count me in then.

ABC sleeps v early at nite leh..N only sleeps at 9 plus now but she naps only abt 2 plus. wat time does she nap now?

think it's normal to feel more tired & sleepy during the first trimester. that was how i realized something was amiss too & went to do my preg test then cos my periods r not that regular. Should feel much more energetic once Tri 1 is over.

how much is toyota estima? u went to look at it oredi?

ya i oso feel bad if i bring her out & she wants to be or i keep her in her stroller all the time. Sometimes, i'll even encourage her to come out & walk hahah. If all the time in stroller, seems so passive leh, better to stay home keke. We usually bring our stroller out only for zoo or overseas.
is ur stroller a 3-wheeler like the quinny type? Looks so cool but i've heard that 3 wheelers r harder to move but look nice? not true?
which level is kuishinbo on? near what stores in suntec??

Kuishinbo Lunch Seafood Buffet
Date: 10 dec 08 (wed)
Time: 11 am
Venue:Suntec City
1. elmo & K
2. abcdisney
3. precious
4. lin & Kate
5. cheri
6. Yfuang
keke i have a reason for telling u to take care of urself.
i was v depressed ntold hb y bb n not me?
He told me i was more impt la.
told me it's impt i take care of myself.
so, same to u!
awaiting the good news this coming march! Then u shld get yr end bb like kai kai???
Anyone keen???

Ice skating musical show at Central mall
Date: 11 dec 08 (thurs)
Time: 7 pm
Venue:Central mall
1. cheri & N
very very sorry, i've overlooked ur mail.
i was looking for cutie as the sender...
ok will transfer today.

btw we wentto JB over the long weekend... very last minute ddecision.
manaed to get some pelangi chinese books(not for myself la) and they were really really very cheap.
I came back and checked, paid sgd$2.90 there only rm3.90 and there was a 20% discount!!
Each book abt half price le!

if u r coming back maybe can go there n buy instead of getting them online??
Pebbles, Cutie & Cat,

Such experiences only makes us stronger mummies
You all are indeed strong mummies

Yeah... always feeling sleepy & lethargic... I felt that when I had Caitz... but thats for the 1st tri.. after that full of energy... Can walk the whole of orchard rd to and fro! hahaha

usually i go out without stroller & carrier... hahaha make C walk and burn off her energy hahaha! SHe is now a shopaholic! she can walk long distance and loves to see those beautiful dresses & accessories!
Ergo at $159 is a good buy! Only at causeway pt? At one point I was desperate to get it 'cos it can take more than 16kg. My babybjorn can only take up to 12kg.
Nowadays FX doesn't sit long in his stroller and he can get down from it by himself! He wants to walk. Now the challenge is more of training him to follow us, rather than walking on his own.

I dare not bring 2 kids out alone too. Now I have my mum with me, so thot at least there was an extra hand. But she is afraid of gg out with the kids!

Ya lor, I felt what a poor thing for FX too. I tried my best to go early, but needed to express milk for FM. Haiz.
Thanks so much, that'll be very nice. FX needs alot of outside stimulants to keep him sane. Nowadays I feel so guilty if I have to nurse FM and cannot attend to him! So doing alot of expressing, so that others can help feed FM.
Ya, at least I have an extra hand for FM for another month! Hope by the 2nd mth, he'll be on a routine.

re Sleeping
I don't know whether it's FM's character or it's just breastfeeding. Getting more difficult to get him to sleep longer. Always wake up and cry. But once he's carried, he'll be ok!
When FX was an infant, I used to put him to sleep at 7pm. Now as a toddler, he takes his shower at 8pm, then drinks his milk, and goes to bed at 8.30pm.

re Kuishinbo
No crabs for lunch ah?? Lunch at $19.90 is very tempting too! Think maybe I'll go for both! Ha!
yo mummies!!

yah ergo good, and am waiting for CH to reach 3-4mths before putting her in...then it'll be more hands free for me. nw she still struggles when slinged.

toyota estima..wah, 8 seater!!!how many kids do you plan to have??!! :p

we just put infant car seat plus cy's toddlers seat in the back seat and then the maid squeeze in the middle a real tight squeeze coz shes not that skinny....

cat, pebbles!!
yahyahyah!! year end bb gooooodd...hahaha..i just realise something about year end bbs! when they are around 3mths plus and trying to settle down to a nightly routine, the weather is so good (December, jan) taht they easily sleep thru...then when they are around two when they want to negotiate later bedtime, weather is too good for them to resist going to bed again!!!!


okok..im one crazy mummy for early bedtimes...

yesterday cy slspt later than usual at around 9:30pm..coz we were out grocery shopping then started to rain etc...anyway, he actually woke up at 9am this morning!!!!!!when he's usually up by 7am!!! wahhhh...am lettng him skip his nap today and putting him to bed by 7plus hopefully...weather too good liaoz!!!
S likes her playpen very very much. She will ask to go inside there all the time n can stay inside for hours. That is why I think it's a good investment.

I nv used any 3-wheel stroller before. I knw what you meant bu P&T is quite good I feel. It's going wherever I want it to :p I don't feel heavy at all when pushing it.
If I remember correctly, the Kuishinbo is at top floor where all the food are.

You've seen me using ergo on S before right? I am now thinking of getting an infant insert for it. You can use it for new born when u have the insert. Otherwise like abc said, will be for 4mths n above.

is metro selling the ergo infant insert?
so sweet of ur hb

ur stroller is so cool!! but most of the times i saw bb on top n tot below? so either way oso can?
making bb sleep... last time used to carry until sleep but nowadays she prefers to latch until sleep

yah if go buffet will leave cay at home w helper

yes feeling sleepy is way way way better than feeling nauseous!
hope ur pregnancy this time round will be smooth-sailing w no ms

actually im oso v tempted to get ergo cos everybody is raving abt it... the only con i can think of is maybe it will be abit too bulky for my height

hahahaa no wonder ur mom was stressed! w u carrying FM and running after FX!

oh actually 3-wheelers r v v easy to manoeuvre... at least the quinny is. but i find tat they're not as stable as 4 wheels... esp gg up and down the escalators (okok know we're not supposed to do tat hehe)

oh yah where is it huh? shld ask hb to drop me at which tower huh?
Okok...i know this is very last minute. coz i was thinking it'll be boring for you guys to attend it but then hb says invite anyway...so here goes...

Event: CH's dedication service
Date: 13/12/2008
Location: Will email (my church at geylang)

We arent holding a bb's full month so just bb dedication. thats why a bit later than usual lah...try to make it if you can...heeee....
P & T is infant on bottom n tot on top. It can also remove one of the seat/bassinet to use just one either for bb or tot.
Kuishinbo is at the shopping centre tower right?!

Oh ya feeling sleepy is definitely way better than feeling nauseous. I was very very sleepy too for the 1st trimester for both pregnancies.
no worrie...take your time.

when u mentioned lights went off....do u mean short circuit in the OT?

ya...it is really x to buy from brisbane, i paid about $4 per book cos i used Fedex delivery. i may still go to Popular to grab cos gg JB without transport is a hassle and time consuming....

sleepy is nice...time flies when u are tired and sleepy.

zy's N2 is from 2 to 5.30pm at forum, daily. i will be taking school bus with her. while kj from 3 to 4.30pm , thrice weekly at forum.

PM sessions is good for me cos it will be a mad rush every morning getting 2 kiddos ready to go out. and usually AM class starts from 8.30am.

nvm....we just need some planning to meet up for our nasi lemak....oh ya..roti pata too.

Too bad Sha don't like to be inside the playpen at all. Hence I sold it. Oh ya, saw the infant insert in the website too.

If you go CW Metro, can help me to check it out? Thanks in advance.

I think the disadvantage for ergo carrier is too bulky to carry around as compared to sling.

My mum always super kai cheong over Sha. She follows her very closely whenever we bring her out.... haha!

Kuishinbo Lunch Seafood Buffet
Date: 10 dec 08 (wed)
Time: 11 am
Venue:Suntec City
1. elmo & K
2. abcdisney
3. precious (tbc)
4. lin & Kate
5. cheri
6. Yfuang
cool stroller!

Aiyah i can never make it to the get-togethers here... down with flu. Terrible sore throat cos greedily ate the choc that my kids made (choc moulding).
i am very sure metro at cwp has cos recently jus help a friend to buy. CG if u wan and cfm let me know. Yes they sell infant insert too but i feel no point buying cos use only a while. U may wish to ask who has second hand or rathe first 3 mth i use sling. U wan i can lend it to u since still keep it. Infant insert can be very warm.

This is the picture... u see cranky andrae cos he is very sleepy then.. other than that he enjoys himself in the carrier a lot. Oh this carrier is so important that i think i'm not able to survive during his hospital stay as i am with him alone most of the time then.


It is near toyrus!
out with kids
if i am alone with arielene i dun bring stroller out. But if 2 i hv to. Anyway she enjoys it so i am ok. Easier for me to manage and well i still hv the freedom to go shopping and sit down for food with 2 kiddos... heehee... no guilt feeling at all. Will feel guilty only if she wan to walk and i dun allow la.. but so far no such prob. heehee
np, we shall arrange the meet ups since we are staying so near each other. Maybe u can come by my place too if you want

oh you sold ur playpen in ur living room? So now she will just stay in the living room to play? It can be dangerous if you are occupied with something or next time when 2nd one came...

Kuishinbo Lunch Gathering
See you all mummies tomorrow
i have brand new playpen. Havent open before. let me know if u interested. Sometimes a playpen in living room is gd as they duno hw to crawl so jus put them inside a while while we hv toilet breaks or do some things... u got to think that u r now handling 2 not jus one kid lor. At times we jus bo pian but to put him in even if he cries...
U think no point getting the insert? how much is it selling at metro? I got one sling but K don't seem comfortable in there...which sling r u using?
Abc and Cupcake
Sold her playpen then I bought the play yards... hee hee! I'm still keeping the play yard, now has become her music corner.

Yes I want, but I only want black colour. If only you are going CW, ok?

I will be at PS later, will go Daiso to check the black stroller hooks 4 u.
Thank you very much!
Oh ok u sold the PLAYPEN then now is the PLAY YARD that I saw the last time right?! I call my living room one PLAYPEN
i go there every sun. will call u when i am there. U wan black n green or black and beige?

Infant insert
yes i feel no point getting.
re: ergo
i agreed with the mummies that ergo is great..i dun think i can bring my kids out without ergo...i invested in one when my boy was 8mths old..and now he is going 2.5yrs and 18kg..am still using it..hahahaha....i go out with ergo n stroller...

Hi mummies,
been awhile. reading silently coz really duno what to say n was still pacing myself to all the changes we had in daily n schooling programs. tho i'm really envious the kids are progressing by leaps n bounds!

THE NEWS. S finally took off on his own. imagine our wait! now the problem is getting him to go where we wan him to go.
he's made some really good improvements these months but devt is lagging behind his peers. anyway, heck, we're delighted he can do things, even if it means we have to stretch our necks for a few more months than other parents. in time and with love, we trust.

congrats! we're gonna start trying for no.2 next year. so keeping fingers crossed. n hoping everything will go well.
r u still looking after Sha on ur own with no help? abit fearful of how i will manage if i'm pregnant.

u're looking really good for a mom who just delivered! n ive always wanted to ask... for the one on the lower deck on P&T, the air fresh anot?!
