A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

i didnt say anything loh..think he mustbe thinking this woman siao one...hahaha...strawberry milk for a young baby...

hmmm....i didnt managed to give my elder boy breastmilk...so hor..when i could bf my #2 for 6 mths..i happy liao..hahaha..maciam some great achievements..hehe...no regrets...

huh really ?!! ok but at least she is taking fresh milk. aiyoh, so wasted. i could spare you a tin. bought mine only $9 per 400g tin from supplier...


this thread is really lucky!! hahaha okie I will do some wishing too hahaha

bfing... dun give up!! Last time when I had to bf C, woah.. i had so much trouble, breast engorged, then became very very painful. Yup it bleed too but i endured the pain and continue to latch her. After awhile, the pain went away and i continued to bf her till now ;)

Same as C, she refused all formula milk... luckily i went to pd to get samples or else waste money ... she prefers fresh milk or SMOO vanila flavor...

hahaha C prefers my Fat free milk than her full cream milk... sometimes have to force her to drink the full cream milk and later she will give me that wanna vomit kind of look! She is definitely not a milk person!
yes i oso came across one article on how some women jus unable to produce as much milk no matter wat and tat makes me feel better and accept the fact... rather than give me false hope.

hehe u wish for a boy or girl??

Sling mommies
aiyo how to use the sling?! til now i still cant get the hang of it leh. really wish i can use it w ease then at least i can bring kate out yet not too exposed
Lin, cheri, elmo
well, im always under the impression that all women will have milk as long as they maintain the ss. bbs can extract milk better than machines, so if we express very little, doesnt mean very little milk...

my ss has been quite decent (*finger and toes crossing*)...but haiz, not losing any weight leh...does it mean if ss is good then must be fat fat??!!!!

what you mean bring kate out and not too exposed? you mean bfg in public? then why not just use it as nursing shawl? it works...

ch doesnt like his legs curled up in cross position so now when i sling her still in the craddle position. cy used to like sitting up, but this girl likes to nua lying down...

hahaha I am hoping for a boy since I already have a girl but my hb is hoping for a girl cus he says girls are way cuter than boys! hahaha so we just let nature takes its course... boy/girl will both love & treasure... as long as they are healthy most important!
really?? u also want FX to learn swimming?

remember earlier u say boggles junior here is cheap? now i bang my heart....i bought at $20 after 20% discount but today i saw it selling only $15 in Kmart with 4 small pots of playdough as bonus.

any mummies familiar with this brand for electronic toys for tots? i saw this laptop with MOUSE to click selling at $69.90. it has 30 diff activities for tots but i find the screen kinda of small. anyone bought ? any comments?
wei.. u v qua zhang leh... the last i saw u u werent fat at all and tat was when u were still pregnant!! so how fat can u be now?!
okok i hv an explanation for tat... gd ss yet weight stagnant means all the fats go to ur boobs!! gd news for ur hb!

umm may sound silly... but im thinking if sling then kate will be shielded mah in case pple walk pass ah-choo or cough in her face etc

keke yah daddies always prefer to hv girls

wah $15 plus 4 playdough v gd deal leh!!
oh cay has a vtech thomas n train laptop v v similar to the one in the link. my sis bot it for him fr hongkong for $60 while kiddy palace here selling ard $99.
he had it while he was jus 1yr plus so at tat time he din really know how to play w it jus anyhow press the buttons... now the novelty has worn off so he'll only play w it once in a blue moon. anyway he still doesnt really know how to play the activities properly... or rather doesnt hv the patience. but i think may be more suitable for zy's age
yah agree the screen is v small plus no colour one... but oso cant expect the sky when its this cheap
not true leh...cat's ss was extremely good when she bf ning! can feed twins kind, she said! hahaha so dun think it's abt fats lah

ya, it definitely gives a diff perspective medically cos all too often, the bfg discussions hv been focused on how milk ss is always bountiful so long as the mummy is willing to persevere, sacrifice etc. Seems like the burden is all on the mummy's responsibility in getting it rite.

hehee N is oredi past 90 cm but so far, no one seems to notice leh...not the bus driver, not the mrt ppl, so far so good still.

hahah not to worry lah, even if she doesn't learn from FX,she'll learn from others in her sch etc. Can't protect her every sec rite? Only thing we can do, as parents, r to nip the bad habit in the bud when we see it.

Hmm i'm not sure if reading books to him abt getting lost, abt being wary of strangers etc will help? For N, it does lah...cos she's pretty timid & cautious by nature. Quite a thin line hor? we wan them to b friendly & easy going but yet afraid if they r too lax abt strangers & what danger the outside world can pose to them.

SSO baby prom is an annual show that is very interactive for toddlers...we brot our kids there last year & they enjoyed themselves. Think they will like it even more this year as they r now older & more expressive. But think tix sold out liao...next year if u r ard in dec, let me know. Can help u get tix in advance.

u looking for swimming lessons for FX? N does hers at Marsden Swim Sch, Turf City but at his age, need a caregiver to go in wif him mostly. Can u do that? or u intend to start when u go back to BJ?

in fact, i just brot her swimming this morning cos she doesn't go to sch on Fri mornings.
hmm...think it wouldn't last too. personally, i am tempted to buy but the screen is too small and only black and white so i am worrying it may be a fad rather than a learning tool. thanks!
cheap white board that kept her so happy drawing...she was busy using her water bottle, box cover, scissors as a base to draw her main shapes...

so r we still going for the kuishinbo buffet dinner next week??

anyone keen to go Central mall for the ice skating musical show, 7 pm??? FOC!!
dsii no no, many shows...

tues to fri, 1 & 7 pm
sat to mon, 1, 4 & 7 pm
No shows on dec 1, 9, 15 & 22
Extra show on dec 19, 11 pm
hmm yah maybe can use the money buy other toys, books... how abt leappad?? since zy is at the reading stage? or u alr hv it

i oso got the same board for cay... 1 blue 1 pink... cos 2 for $10

the pic taken w sesame characters so cute

oh got ice skating show ah?? cartoon theme?
wow, N has really good fine motor skills (albeit poorer gross motor according to you)!!!!nice nice!!!

CY still doing broad strokes...
Very well-taken your sesame street photo! Yes, been reading on the thread that the sesame street live show is worth to go. See la, this Sat or Sun, I'll bring FX there.Today morning I followed him to Singapore Discovery Centre. After the outing, I really collapsed. Slept from 1pm till past 4pm!

Wow! N can draw so well? Think that needs very advanced drawing skills ler. FX just draws circles and goes round and round, like some optical illusion!

Will go for a swim trial with Aquaducks and see whether I can handle him in the water. How much is Marsden Swim Sch charging?

I'm certainly on for kuishinbo buffet dinner next week! That's the main reason I'm still on the thread. Muahahaha! Wait a min... bf can eat sashimi??
Vtech laptop with MOUSE, toysrus is having promotion at $39.90. Usual price is $59.00
Colour is pink. Quite similar to the one you posted.

I also bought the similar board. One side is a blank, the other side is abc's write and wipe. It does includes a wipe-off marker.

Just came back home after meeting my friends for lunch. Quite sad to hear from one of my friends complaining about her son being too dependent on the maid. This yr she decided not to hire a maid because his son is already 7yrs old. Unfortunately it turned out that the boy cannot adapt it at all. He is comparing why his classmates have maids to do things for them, why he has to do eveything by himself, why he used to have a maid and why when he grows up he cannot have any maid anymore.
so envious!! ever since w the arrival of kate (3mo now) i've nvr had the opp to take a proper nap!
btw if u gg for the kuishinbo buffet... FM ok w u gone for so many hrs?

tats the problem w hving too gd a life! kids nowadays r really too used to the maids doing everything for them... big or small. and tats still not the worst part... i think the more worrying issue is their attitude towards their maids. cay now alr know how to bully, scold, beat our maid... and when he's angry he'll actually point his index finger at her and shouted "1.. 2.. 3!! go to the kitchen!!" imitating the way i scold him!!! tats y everytime we see him being rude to our maid we'll quickly tell him not to do it and insist tat he apologises and oso to use words like 'please' 'thank you' etc when talking to her
My bro and sis are also like that.
They are very rude to the maid. And each time I have to remind them not to do that and also not in front of Sha.
If I need the contact for the LC will ask u, thanks!

This mrng after dropping S to school with hb, we brought K for his check up. At the same time I went to see my gynae for routine check up as well. After that gone shopping at Paragon & Taka. Taka is having 4days 10% extra member discount on top of sale. So stocked out our supplements frm GNC...including Fenugreek. Now just hope my supply will be up soon cos eventhough I tried pumping n latching him more often still no improvement. One thing still bothering me is heard that not every mother took Fenugreek works. Oh well, at least today everything went well.

Think sashimi should be alright ya?! It's fish so good for us?! Just make sure it's fresh!

I wish I can join u gals for the buffet too next week. Which day what time? Pls do remind me again so that I can make arrangement

S does that too nowadays! Ordering n really rude to the old folks at home. Ytday I almost fainted when I saw her using the yoyo string to go round the maid's neck n the maid let her. Immediately I told both of them off. It's such a dangerous act.
One time I was sitting quietly at one corner when S came back from school. She didn't knw I was there. Yeye carried her in n she was making alot of noise. Whiny n all behaving like one rotten spoilt brat while yeye, aunty n the maid all trying to comfort her at the same time! ...*haiz what's wrong with my angel...
I have the vtech laptop plus same one same color! Wanted to get pink but they were not selling that time.
Pretty educational. I like vtech stuff

wahaha, Cay is so funnie to order the maid to go kitchen.

This Sun is the last day.

Sesame Street LIVE Show
Marina Square, 22 Nov-7 Dec
Tues-Thurs: 1pm & 7pm
Fri-Sun: 1pm, 4pm & 7pm
Meet-n-Greet for first 40, no purchase required.
i didn't get leapfrog, no chance and too rush the last time i was in SG.

that's half price! good to share news....we can buy cheap stuff from both sides and save money.....making shopping more fun and satisfying.

still thinking......temptations

when u introduce vetech to C? she knows how to operate it?
mummies, puzzles may be good for our kiddos but to how many pcs will u stop buying for your tots to piece them together?
kiddos bullying maid
this is a hard nut to crack cos our kiddos are like "monkeys" ...they do wat we do to them.

zy already telling me "it's too loud, my ears hurt mummy " when I AM WATCHING TV!
wow N can draw so well! Boy has occasional glimpses of "car" drawings and that gets us all excited, haha.

hmm my girl was asking me why so-and-so at her sch doesn't have an "auntie" (helper).
but it's like my gf's girl- asked why WE don't have a car. We don't drive whereas they do.

it's natural to make such comparisons, I just explain. But I do feel weird when the kids "order" adults (helpers) around... somehow jumbled up hierarchy...
kiddoes and maids
think it's natural for them to compare. they compare anyting and everything too, so maid is just one item on the list...why your mummy so fat? why your daddy so short?? how come xyz have 2 aunties?

just their way of organising their reality i guess...

as to being attached to maids, ok lah. i mean children have to be attached to someone. they are humans afterall.children who do not form attachment to any adults tend to have problems later in their lives.and i think most of us here are fortunate enough to be sahm.but there are many working mothers out there who have little choice but to leave the kids to the maids.well, just as long as there is someone who will love the child, i guess that suffice...
ya last time i had very good ss when i bfing ning.
the lactation consultation actually told me to go share with other mummies my success story, honest.
was i fat then? haha not really la.

but my vtech broke down shortly after i got it, so ever since then i am not so keen on vtech stuff...
i had expected it to be more durable.
The plastic was thick and good etc but... the screen just went dead. so it's only audio.
oh ur siblings quite big alr right? tot shld be sensible enuff

alamak tat was really dangerous... i mean S cld hv tried it on herself next time... i guess ur maid prolly afraid to 'spoil her fun'

okok i gotta admit when he first imitated the '1,2,3' part i was pretty tickled lor... but of cos i kept a straight face

hmm wat do u mean by 'to how many pcs will u stop buying'? as in the no. of pcs per puzzle or total no. of puzzles we buy for them?

hey u mentioned tat CH only wants u to carry... will cry if ur helper carries her... so wat do u do? carry her all the time or let ur maid carry and bear w her crying??

Out w both kids
jus now we decided to bring both kids out for a meal... din wan to leave kate at home w helper cos she's now v sticky to me. anyway was at a jap restaurant and jus when the food arrived... kate started wailing and cay was misbehaving by monkeying ard... everybody was giving us tat kind of 'aiyo bb crying n tot so hyper y still come to restaurant' look. in the end i din get to eat my food at all so tabao home. felt so lousy. and to top it off... one auntie when realised kate is 3mths plus actually exclaimed "aiyo i tot she 1 mth old only... y so small??" double sianz...
mix and match :p

i sometimes will take over and carry till she stops crying then pass it back to maid. she can sometimes tong for a bit until ch starts crying again...usually when im feeding cy or cy is whining lah...else i carry lo...
I bought it last Nov. She has been playing before 2yrs old. It is only recently she is playing on this laptop more. Pretty durable. I have a few big vtech items and they are still in good working condition
Touch wood.

Aye....what do you mean by how many pieces? Hmm...if C can do 10 pieces, then I will buy 20 pieces, then graduate to 30, etc?

You suay la
poor u, can understand how lousy u must b feeling...but dun give up on bringing them out. U must praise urself for still being brave enough to do that. I think i would be one of those who gave those looks to u in the past too but after J & I became parents, the whole perspective changes. So just tell urself that these ppl will learn later when they become parents themselves that some things r just beyond our control at times.

she only started drawing per se few mths back..b4 that oso mindless doodling but we will oso go oooh & aaaah over it hahaha

hhmm good question abt puzzles...N only started being able to do 10 pc type recently but i dun think i will keep 'chasing' lah. Honestly there r so many things for them to learn hahha

ya, i'm one of those mummies who took fenugreek but i din see obvious improvement. But i still took cos afraid if dun take, will b even less hahha..sounds so silly now, rite?

re kids being rude wif helpers
N's oso like that nowadays but both my maid & I hv realized that when she's alone wif the maid, she'll be extremely cooperative wif her...but when i'm ard, then she'll insist that only wan mummy...told my helper she cannot sit on the dining chair, it's mummy's. Dun wanna play game wif u, only play wif my mummy cos i love my mummy etc...we really dunno whether to laugh or scold her at times.

we r very fierce wif N when she's rude to the helper cos we r afraid it will only get worse in time if we dun clamp down hard on her. I've even told my maid in front of N that if she's rude, my maid can take the cane to cane her, when i come back, i'll cane N a 2nd time, daddy comes home, cane a 3rd time hahahah...N's v scared of the cane so far though we hardly cane her.

it's really so funny when u described how Cay imitates u guys to scold ur helper...omg! they r so impossible hahah
actually the sesame street pic a bit blur leh...my helper took it & they kept rushing her.

she used to draw lots of circles too..think they all start that way.

marsden charges $25 per half hour session. I like the turf city pool cos it's a heated & sheltered pool...so rain or shine, still can swim. Plus heated water & good shower facilities. Aquaducks at Dempsey has heated & sheltered pool too, i heard.

does Sg Discovery Centre hv fun stuff or suitable for our tots' age? FX went cos of sch excursion?

sometimes i'm oso not sure if her fine motor skills r good or not. Cos though she can draw & do mazes etc, she's v bad at opening bottle covers etc. V clumsy when she's handling small objects...so is that good or not so good fine motor skills? gross motor, she can swim & cycle but still falls a lot suddenly & cannot catch a ball at all hahahah

the ice skating show has clowns, stiltwalkers etc, i think...can't really rem.
re kuishinbo
elmo & yf
i'm ok on either next tues, wed or thurs nites...wat abt u guys? any other mummies wanna join us?
<font color="ff6000">Bookshelf from Ikea @ only $79 (usual price: $129), the one on the left</font>
When we were away to KL, G actually went to grab it, fixed it and organised her stuff.

B4 her bedtime, I informed her that I will be bringing her to watch a concert tomorrow morning.
Her immediate reply: "Nikki also, Nikki perform stage, Shasha support"
2-3 weeks had passed and she still remembers of Nikki's 1st concert.
