A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?


CONGRATS!!! actually not that lagging behind lah, he's not even 2!!!you must be really happy that your effort to get him walking paid off!!!

CG, shauna
not thinking about getting a maid?actually manageable wo maid but i feel it is pointless for me to stay at home if im spending so much time doing housework and cooking. so maid actually allows me some nice one-on-one time with the kids...

wow, 18kg at 2.5years??!!!! that's like wow for me!!! if cy can even hit 10.5kg by that time i;ll be the happiest mummy on the block!

TPY got big playgym like the one at redhill?
mummies, now that our kiddos has grown....wanna to bring them to a BIGGER version of playgym. anyone got nice place to recommend?
ya...he is abt 18kg...haha..when u carry him u will hope he is lighter...i cant cary him for long...unless i ergo him..and no one besides hb can help me carry him..haha...

oooh..cos he was a very heavy at birth mah...so now a heavy toddler
Mummies, we found 3 abandoned kittens ( they are at max 3 days old now) and took them in coz they were left out in the sun and immobile for many hours. Now looking for familes who may wanna adopt them as we cant keep them for too long. If we send them to SPCA, they will be put to sleep if no one adopts them within 24 hours. Anyone who wishes to adopt the kittens, pls let me know.


really wanna try to cope without maid for as long as i can. i dun cook so its alot less work compared to moms who do everything. not so good at managing helpers coz i'm the kinda person who will really wanan get down on the floor n SCRUB! but i agree that IF somehow i can live with a helper, it will allow so much more time with the kids. we'll see 1st. more imptly, must get pregnant 1st!
congrats!!!! it's a great feeling when our kiddos make the first step.

if in SG, i will opt for a part time cleaner like CG did before.
My ergo is the 2nd pic.

can help me to see hw much is the insert?

thks, u r so kind

So happy for u that S is on his own. Next thing to worry about is chasing after him

Hahahaa...think the air at the bottom shd be ok as long as jiejie don't let go gas :p
congrats on Sidney's development!!

oh the kittens so poor thing... really hope some kind family wld adopt them
btw does S like animals?

hope u'll get well soon! maybe can try pebbles method... take one big tbs of manuka honey!

pfwah!!! 18kg!! yah me and cy can only dream of such fig!
oh yah if im not wrong u ever mentioned Ian was 4.5kg at birth right??

keke then better dun let S eat too much onions, sweet potato etc

oh btw u bringing pram tomr? u be driving or hb fetch or cab?
It's at Tower 1, #03-002. Need to make a reservation or not??

Wow! Ergo can take up to 18kg! Impressive! Now I need to do a serious consideration, whether to get an ergo or a backpack carrier. The carrier is more for me/hubby to bring the kids out for a long distance walk. Maybe I should get one ergo and one backpack carrier...hmmm...

Free advertisement for Ergo! Haha! It looks neat and Andrae looks very comfy too.

ABC, dsii, elmo
You guys ever had backache or not using Ergo?

Hi Shauna, I'm new on the thread. I'm sorry to ask this, but what happened to your child??
to be exact...4.8kg at birth..hahaha...scary hor?

backache ah? hmm no prob at all when he was lighter...but now...yes at times...but hor..compared to sling...think ergo is much better support...

really truly im impressed!!! if i were you , i opt for csect no 1....my kiddoes were born 2.75kg and 2.68kg respectively..all the weight gain on me..haiz...
aiyo...hehe...no lah..gynae oso dunno my boy so big leh...he said this #2 sure bigger than #1 (3.6kg at bitrh)..but he cannot measured the exact weight..so we both assumed will be ard 4kg..but who knows...4.8kg at birth...when we were told by the nurse the weight...we both shocked..i was like 'HUH? issit 3.8kg.??? weigh wrongly???'..hahahhaa
thanks for the kuishinbo location

yah dunno whether need reservation or not... but if we meet 11am so early shld be nobody right??

hey u shld post pic of ian at birth... think i ever saw it at dunno which thread
let cy drop her jaws further!!!
OMG!!! My jaws dropped and eyes popped out!!!!!
He's so HUGE!!!! Amazing!! Did you have a long cut/tear???

Come to think of it, shouldn't be any prob without a reservation la, since it's early and some more it's a weekday
wow nice pic of u juggling TWO, LOL!

I use a hippychick hipseat, but even I think Ergo looks fab. Can't buy Ergo cos no mileage left... :p


if u dun cook, then the kids' meals how? I'm asking cos I'm going maidless next yr... 2 kids though mine are much more manageable ages currently

Housework- have I plugged the Roomba and Scooba floor cleaners yet? I haven't received mine, can't wait and hope it really helps! I'm really apprehensive abt ironing pile-up, if bohbian will get PT help... I dun relish getting upset over housework instead of enjoying the kids.
Not sure yet..think will get hb to drop me or else will take train

how about u?

I used to have Aprica sling but didn't like it. Ergo doesn't give me any backache. I used to sling my girl quite alot for a long time each time.
When u use ergo sling, make sure the waist belt is place below ur waist on ur hip. This way the weight is on the hip.
hi mummies

any one has any idea what is this cartoon character called? The third one from the left. (blue base and yellow stars at handle) Bought from taiwan for my spree

they are inflatable toys for kids. its not balloons. so cute right.. They are all standing at 1.5 metre tall!
i like it a lot too, so bought quite a lot of them!
Do they last? i mean not those inflatables that last only for a while right? more like those beach balls can be inflated then deflated then kept then bring out again etc??
hehe though this is not the first time im seeing tat pic, the wow factor is definitely still there!!

yep will get hb to send me there... but if he too rush then i'll take cab

eh so u not bringing CH to join us tomr?

keke at first i tot they're pencils/pens... only after seeing the 2nd pic then realised the actual size!
u starting a bp on these? how much is one?

mommies, say paiseh first... in case kate gets cranky tomr!
eh would love to but cant coz ILs family down with FLU!!!!no one to look after the big and small...

and aiyoh, how to enjoy buffet with ch around?? she is koala in the afternoon one leh...
hehe think ur boy the champion in smhf!

icic. actually im gg more for the catching up than buffet cos kate nowadays oso koala me 24/7 tats y im prepared to one hand carry one hand eat lor
hehe..ya ya..last yr this time i was still so stressful abt #1 going P1...now this time still stressful cos he is going P2 and no more honeymoon period le...hehe...
Must go leh...me also more for catching up with u gals.
Am thinking if I should bring the pram...otherwise how to take food?
huh? champion? hehe..this kind of champion very scary leh...hahaha..am thinking lucky still can natural..if not half way need e-csect...tummy pain lower pain...siao liao...

hmmm...long cut? i dunno leh..but think gynae cut twice and many stitches...cos i heard him asked the nurse for another pack of thread...hahahaha
yes yes will be there!

oh im bringing pram leh... then at least if carry until arms sng at least can put down for awhile
ok lah ok lah oso to show off my spanking new pram tat i've been pestering hb to get for the longest time!
nothing fanciful... jus an economical combi... but its in bright pink!! finally can get all things in pink wahahahaa!!!

eh i dun mind hving abit of tat kind of glory!
hehe paiseh me and my fat baby obsession
Good then I will bring pram as well...too bad mine will be the 2.4yrs old pram...:p
Me also obsess in fat bb...K is still very small *haiz
yah lor... too bad S not gg... else we can all finally get to try out ur ultra cool P&T!!
talk abt small... im not surprised if ur K is catching up w kate cos she's really tiny!
but ok lah as long as she's healthy n guai im happy alr
Black with beige, pls. Thanks.
Oh ya, I still have the MIM sling, won't be getting the infant insert then.
Btw, after she saw Andrae today, she keeps saying "shasha wants didi"

Just now my hb and I were discussing if we should hire a maid. He plans to get one when I was into 2nd trimester, so that the daily housechores and cooking I can leave it to the maid. We are still comfortable having the PT maid, she has been helping me with the major cleaning like furnitures (shelves & kitchen), toilets, ironing, windows and her toys. Will see how it goes.

Yes, TPY Safra Kid' Adventure has big play area.
Another good place is Fidgets @ Turf City.
what is Kate's weight now? how much older is she to K? My friend's son which is only 25days older than K n he is 6+kg...K is only 4.5kg weigh on last Friday at PD.
kate born on 22 aug... so abt 2mths older than K
last pd check she was only 5.6kg... tat was abt 1 week plus ago
if i rem correctly bbs by 3mths shld double their birth weight right?
so kate is falling behind by a gd few hundred grams
yes one girl one boy is oso nice

btw if hire maid shldnt u guys hire in the first trimester?
cos first trimester more xinku? then at least can help take care of Sha for u?
So far, no MS, thank God. Though I vomited twice b4 I brought her to watch Barney at PS, maybe I ate too much.... keke! And today I don't feel sleepy at all.
hehe ya i think the one u hv at ur home is playyard..playpen is the really small type; bed size. I removed my playyard long ago & only left the abc mats on the floor cos pointless liao leh...no way that she will wan her movt restricted in the house. Now her fav hiding place is in my wardrobe. Whenever we can't see or hear her at all, she's bound to b inside. She will bring her toy torches inside to shine ard hahha.

should start looking for the helper soon if u r aiming to hv her in ur Tri 2. Takes a bit of time to source for & arrange for them to b here. Better not to rush.

think partime helper is good for chores but cos they r not there daily, there's still a lot of stuff to wash, dry etc esp when there's a newborn. Even though G helps out wif them after he's back from work but having a helper means he can spend time wif the kids after work rather than catching up on the chores.

it's sha's sch hols now rite? G is clearing his leave? at least u dun need to send & pick her from sch daily but how do u occupy her everyday when u r feeling so tired?

so happy to hear that S is doing fine! He looks so happy in ur fb pics. Love his grins! while i was reading ur post, thot u r preg now then anti climax, ur last sent "must get preg first" hahaha

oh my, 4.8 is omg! But u r rite lah..he was a heavy baby so heavy toddler too...he should be way off the charts at 18 kg now rite? how tall is he?

time really flies! so scary! I still recall u were asking me abt P1 stuff when isaac was going to start P1! heheh so now u expert liao lah in pri sch.

those inflatable toys look really huge...is it fun to play wif? R loves?
fit into NBdiapers..hmm..can lah...the pix showed him in pampers NB diaper..but just nice nia loh...and at hmi stocked up NB diapers too...lucky they poo n pee countless time...so i can can change n change him...then bought S size...hahaha..so within 2 weeks i changed to S size le...

ya loh ya loh...asked u so many qn..hahahha...now am still stress/..cos p2 le...more work n more tedious..hahahha....no lah..me not expert lah...till need guidance from u all leh....
