A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

hahahah u dun need to be sahm to ask for books lah...ur mini library collection for ning was built up during the years when u were ftwm hehehe

cg & cat
was sugg to cat if we wanna bring our kids to the National Museum after the baby prom show on Sat. Our show should end at 11.30 am. MT, wanna join us too?

yayaya my sis also telling me that try not to bring S out too often (remember at one time we met almost 5times aweek?!). Was saying next time she will not want to stay at home blablabla...

Am still looking for velcro BLACK color pram hook. Went to Daiso at Plaza but couldn't find any. If any of u see one pls help me to get 2 pairs. Thanks!

I was feeling weak n whole body acheing ytday when I woke up in the morning. Nap for many hours in the morning n afternoon but still didn't feel good until evening. Tested n got fever. No choice but took panadol n vitamin C pills so stopped breastfeeding for one night. This morning woke up feeling much better.
My supply of bm is not very good n each time K seems can't empty my breast each time he suckled on it cos he fell asleep almost immediately. Am worry how to continue my breastfeeding.
S is having running nose n a little cough n K also got it from her. Now K got blocked nose n slight cough...*haiz
Tmr will be bringing K for his first check up.
i think i can understand where they r coming from..could it be in the past, ppl seldom bring kids out except for weekends, so when they do, the kids go bonkers! just hazarding a guess here hahaha

N oso doesn't latch well then & it was frustrating cos there was milk when i pumped after she latched but yet she can't seem to get it out. Probably, u hv to be more hardworking to pump after u latch him to keep ur supply up...hehe extra milk give S to drink!
I'm going to the Baby prom show @ 1130am.

I tested when I was 2 days due. Now is about 1 week. My sis told me my tummy is getting obvious now, haha!
And when I carry Sha for 5-10mins, I can feel slight cramp. She is already 12kgs, around 90cm.
watching fireflies on a boat in the dark... sounds so romantic!
bet tat must be the highlight of the trip

hehe Sha so cute... so confident tat she will hv a meimei!
oh so r u in the midst of getting a helper?

CY, Cheri, Elmo
oh then seems like the trick to get them to wan to stay home is to bring them out consecutively for days until they get so sick and tired of the outside world and beg to be allowed to stay home ya
... sekali backfire -_-"

keke kids ears r v sharp ya... can pick up easily on things they like to hear!
so nowadays when me and hb dunwan cay to know wat we're talking abt (like go out, sweets etc) we'll speak in mandarin

Cutie, Pebbles
haha yah me too! bought 3 diff brands of test kits jus to be sure!

wat r some of the bombastic words tat N can say now??

oh cld it be mastitis?? if K is not able to empty ur breasts then prolly hv to pump after every feed?
tats the thing w hving more than one kids... if one is sick the other sure kena oso

hope all of u hv a speedy recovery!
Thank you!
I think could be mastitis. Am having super painful right breast! Think that is why K can't empty or suckle properly?
Wahahha me n hb too..when we don't want S to knw what we are saying we'll speak in mandarin...but the problem now is S is getting better in mandarin n she understands what we are saying. In fact, hb was saying now S's mandarin is better than him.
oh, so not the same show as us? hahaha forgot ur family r not early birds.

oooh so fast tummy is obvious & can feel cramps? then u better take care the next few mths since trimester 1 is v impt.

wat words ah? offhand i can recall r words like responsible, generous, energy, memory, terrible...

now hb & i will use cantonese cos she will oso understand us when we use mandarin at times...realized though she doesn't speak mandarin voluntarily, but she understands quite a bit now. haahah cannot imagine if she understands cantonese then how? charades?? lol

C understands cantonese.. I really wonder what language to spk to hb when talking in private... now we only spell out words cus I dun think she knows how to string the letters together yet kekeke

There is this band to wear on your wrist, its supposed to help with MS or any travel sickness. I recently got 1 for my sis who has got really bad travel sickness. TOld her to try when she flys back to SINGAPORE. hahaha let u know if it works!
no MS means likely to be a boy wor... hahaha... When i preg ABC wan a boy so it turns out to be Didi... anyay MS reaches it peak during 4th week.

If he cannot empty the breast u may wish to express after he finish drinking. Anyway u r SAHM, not to be worried about not enuff supply. Jus latch and latch and latch. Supply will go up. Always remember demand = supply....For me i nd to work thus more afraid of not being able to express out while at work thus i always pump in the morning at before slp. of cos sometimes lazy la. hahaha... i always console myself nvm bm expire 3 mth in freezer... so now he has until March supply to drink.. but hor i usu throw them away after 1.5 to 2 mth. hahaha....

CG (re hol)
It is gd that she is a gd traveller. In fact i mention to u i went Genting with ABC and abc in sep right? she is really a great help to me too. Guess got to wait a while before can travel with u again right? heehee... btw did u go up genting? i hope to bring her up again in March...

If mastitis, keep latching and pumping. Do u hv fever? i have some friends (from March thread) who develop from blocked ducts to mastitis then absecess (need surgery to drain the milk). If it is blocked duct, usu wil jus be hard and no fever. Mastits is accompanied by by fever.. but after 1 week if not gone, better see a breast specialist esp the more u massgae the more swollen it gets...
yes got to be careful with what i say in front of ABC now. She is listening. When i am talking abt her to other ppl , gd things she is very happy. Bad things she'll sulk.. then i realise she understand and listen to ppl's conversation now...
yes yes spelling the words out is sthg i use too when i dun wan her to understand wat i'm saying in Eng. That should last for quite a while cos dun think they will be able to spell for years more hahah
Thanks in advance.

G said if He were to give us a boy, He must have his reasons.... keke!
Most importantly must be a healthy bb, gender is secondary.
Heard that Sunway Lagoon is a very beautiful place (had just renovated), maybe Genting + Sunway Lagoon tour? though is a bit rush.
Oh dear. I had mastitis too! Was darn painful! And I was expreesing milk in the dim light, when I switched on the light, I saw a bottle of STRAWBERRY MILK because of the blood! I kept using hot towel to massage though really painful but no choice.
RE:pregnancy tests
Oh yes mummies, I have tested 8-10 tests in fact. today went to buy Clearblue Digital and it displayed PREGNANT! Went to the clinic because my cramps are so painful and gyn told me to dl blood test today instead of sat. Should get to know result in a few hours.....keeping my fingers cross.

If I am delivering, we will be having close dates i think! We are hoping for gals too.
so happy for u! yeah, think positive, think positive...sending all the positive vibes to you!

eeeeks strawberry milk? then throw away or feed C still? sounds yucky :p
i was spelling out but ning cld catch me now.
charade? how abt f language?

kai... he doesn't speak in Mand but he'll say dirty in mand and when i told ning come out in mand he'll repeat!

sometimes when i heard when talk it's really quite cute.
he'll say where dog? where dog?
oh yes! dog! here dog!
my hb and sis oso thinks galliera is nice but i dun like. Dunno how to appreciate ba. But I think slim ladies like you can carry off this model nicely! I still cannot find anything I want this year.

Of cos did not let C drink. I got lotsa milk supply last time that I have to throw away as no place in the freezer.

Is it cheaper for LLB there?
i had strawbeery milk once or twice tooooo....damn painful while pumping...can die...while i fed my boy with the milk...my dad still ask how come can drink strawberry milk when he was just fewmonths old...hahahaha
yikes...strawberry milk!!! *faint
U mean u still give it to them when it's pinkish?
I was having great pain last night with very hard right breast so I pumped before I go to bed after medication. I didn't get strawberry milk. Then I woke up to pump again at 4am cos was feeling very uncomfortable. Then I had a super hot water shower in the morning. Can feel it loosen right away.
poor thing.
did you use hot towel to massage? it helps more. No lah, i did not feed the strawberry milk.....eeeks

In fact i kenna 2-3 times such that i got a phobia , tats why i stopped after 6 months. Every 1-2 hours, my brests would be sooooo full and I could not keep on expressing while working rite? Somemore it was really tiring to walk around with "huge mountains" with my height. Also it is tiring to wake up to pump every 2 hours. I did not enjoy BF seriously.
we really hv diff problems w bf hor. for me is not enuff milk... even after many hrs boobs still soft soft no engorgement. and dd = ss doesnt apply for my case cos i bf every hr yet still low ss! jus now kate seemed so frustrated sucking until i so stressed immediately went online to order another pkt of nursing tea
pebbles/elmo..i still gave him...cos my milk supply not fantastic mah...so dun wan to waste it..hahaha...yuckies...but...dun careloh...haha...i oso stopped 6mths later..cos withing the 6mths...i had countless of fevers...countless of infection..mastitis...cannot take stronger med...so every 1-2 weeks...will sure hv fever...until i sianz
I was having no problem at all when bf S. Everything seemed so normal n perfect. No engorgement n yet just enough for her. I didn't need to pump nor take any medication to boost the supply.
All the while I wanted to bf her for a year. When she turned 1 n my supply dropped n that's it.
Was hoping it would be like that again this time but with K's bm jaundice everything went wrong. Or I shd say I wasn't expect anything would go wrong that's why made me kadang-kabuk!
Hb was saying maybe stop bfding. But I want to bf him. Somehow I feel it's very unfair to him if I don't...*haiz
yes every pregnancy is diff and i guess the same goes for every bfg experience.
its great tat u had such a gd experience bfg S.
i guess as long as u still hv milk and K is willing to latch then of cos its gd to continue.
but if it really gets too stressful for u then dun feel guilty abt stopping... afterall both mommy's and baby's health r equally important.

actually for my case i'll be really happy if kate is willing to drink fr bottle... cos at least i can supplement w fm if my ss really cant meet her dd. sigh but both brother and sister the same... absolutely hate the bottle
hahahaa u v funny leh

but i think its ok to drink ur strawberry milk...
cos if latch him on instead he wld oso be drinking ur strawberry milk anyway
dun feel stress...one thing that affect the supply is stress...cos the 1st 6 mths while i was BFing...i was always stressed abt the supply..not enuff for ian...and stressed abt the amount i pumped out..etc....then supply not fantastic lah...but when i decided to stop after 6mths..wah piang...i just pumped for 10mins...i can get 200ml from each breast...faintz...really manz...then i was thinking now supply so gd maybe can considered to continue..but but but..i took pill to stop.....so cannot le...
ya hor...anyway..i dun care loh...even if choco milk he oso got no choice..but lucky..not serious till got choco milk lah...hahaa
I will try my very best to continue. K can latch on good but just that he is still a very sleepy infant. So whenever put him on my breast, he will suckle for a little while then doze off liao. Maybe it's my smell. Good thing he is taking bottle very well *touch wood! At least I can still pump n give it to him.

I was using Avent n S didn't like it when I introduced her bottle. This time hb bought Medela. The teat is softer, maybe that helps.

wahahha yikes again...choc milk *faint
i had mastitis too. Breasts were rock solid man!
i was getting feverish and no matter how i tried to express still cannot.
Hb had to use really hot towel to massage and kena bruises.
came a point that really cannot liao went to KK lactation consultant(think ning had jaundice then) and she used the hospital size pump to pump out the milk.
had to take panadol before seeing her.
Yes the blood was in the bottle.
I freaked out.
she said can give bb but i threw it away.
and i had a whole freezer of bm then.
we have a separate freezer and one compartment is purely for milk supply.

aft bb prom, TS might hv to back office.
but we can go museum aft that.
will u be lunching out?

hey u are absolutely not fat la!
it's good to jst unwind and let the kids play ya?
ok next week must let cy try the maze book again.

i let him try the easier one yest.
today he cld do them almost independently.
he's quite happy doing them.
a long way b4 he catches up with nikki, but i'm just so proud of him!!!

dun feel guilty abt not bfing K.
i did feel bad when kai stopped bfing.
he was only 10mth old.
ning... i had to force her to stop and the milk ss was so good then....
kai... i was like drink a bit more?? expressed?? bottled?? spoon?? no?? why?? why???

kai's time my ss wasn't that good too.
dsii, yup i think stress plays a huge role in milk ss.
i was so distracted with ning when i was bfing kai.
i was worried that she's alone.
she's jealous.
no one plays with her.
hb will not be able to handle her...

so the ss really dip... plus he's small drinker, making it worse.
i tried to wake up n pump but to not much effect le...

do i love one more than the other?
who wld i save 1st?
it's very very hard to choose.
ning has a very special place in my heart.
she's the 1st bb in the house...
plus she's very very precious fr the sec she was born cos she's the exact replica of the elder one...
we had many wonderful moments tog...
kai... he is a totally diff story.
he is very sweet n very sensitive.
not as bright as ning but he sure makes it up by other aspects...
he's playful and a bit notti at times...
but he really makes ur heart melt...

so they are just so impt to me right now, until someday someone comes along la...
then i'll only have my hb lor... keke
I really really hope I can bf K at least a year too. Just have to work harder n keep my fingers crossed..no stress no stress!

Ohya both of my bbs will be my bbs for the rest of my life. I knw it sounds corny, like movie script but as a parent I really feel this way. Eventhough now K is still not very much participating in our life but each time he smiled at me he melts my heart. S is definitely my angel nomatter how naughty she is.
Cat, Elmo
yes i so so agree w u guys... our babies will always be our babies

right now cay and kate r most important and precious to me... will sacrifice my life for them! (aiyo v drama hor)
hb oso v important but he can fend for himself
I always remind myself that when the child grows up, he/she will be somebody's wife or husband.
And we cannot expect them to be always there for us.
Really have to learn how to let go and let God.
Just like my own mother has very high expectations of me, always wants me to bring her out every Tuesdays.
Those days when I can't meet her, she gets upset for the whole week.
I am very soft hearted person, hence no matter how tired I am, I will still meet her even for that couple of hours.
I remembered on my wedding day, she cried so badly, for more than 4 times.... haha!
wow Sha is quite tall...zy is about 6mths older but think about the same height.

your mum is lucky to have u. we only usually go out for dinner during weekends. for shopping, i only go out with my sis...not mum cos both of us are fashion nuts...hee hee

only now that i come to realised there are so MANY...earlier, i only look for interesting storybooks but none are leveled.

kiddos are really fortunate now. we bought lots of toys/books for them. still got to make arrange in such a way that they look appealing, easy to access, rotating them to ensure all been played/read and right location.

actually, for alex and myself we intentionally speak mandarin infront of zy cos we want to up her mandarin . but for things we dun want her to hear, we speak in dialet. but maybe she can catch a hint or two in near future.
that's why i said spelling the words out will give us a few more years mah...ning's much older & can read now. Long way more for N to reach that level hahah

good that kai can do the easy maze book. When he's more confident & keen, can slowly intro the tougher ones. At least another activity for them.

i agree wif u too that much as we love our kids, we must not neglect our own relationship wif hb. It's very easy for us to be complacent to think that when our kids r older & dun need us as much anymore, we still hv our spouse. But in many cases, b4 couples even reach that stage, the marital relationship has oredi deteriorated to a loveless one. It's sad to read abt old couples who have no other common topic anymore cos their only common topic was their kids for the past 30 years?

whenever i read abt mummies throwing away their ebm, i'll think so sayang! hahaha. I had the same problem as u too. No matter what i eat or do, the supply is always more or less the same. After while, i just ren ming liao, partial FM.

most articles on bfg will always say demand = supply. Only recently, i came across an article that there r some of us who do not hv enough milk ducts in our breasts hence no matter how much the demand is, our supply is always limited. It's not abt the size of the breasts but the milk ducts which will affect the milk production, i guess.

keke so did u tell ur fil why it looks like strawberry milk? hahahah so funny...

nice meeting u & ur 2 'men' today heheh...it's so funny. When we were at my aunt's place, N started to put her 2 fingers to suck in her mouth like FX! & she went to take a stool to touch the tv screen...oh my, really monkey do so fast! did FX imitate any behavior of N? it was so sweet when he really climbed into J's car & really sat there quietly, wanting to go 'gai gai'
Congrats! Wah, this thread very "ong"! Pregnancy comes one after another!

Pebbles, dsii
OMG! Bf until there was blood?? To think that bf is supposed to be a natural thing, but it's just not so natural to some of us! I wasn't quite successful with FX and used to call my boobies useless! As for FM, thot it would be a gone case too 'cos he was in Special Care Nursery in KKH, and I couldn't latch him much. I diligently pumped every 2 hours and now the supply is more than enough! No more useless boobies...hehe.

So good to see N! And made me very nostalgic. When I'm more settled with FM after confinement, will bring FX over to your place and also get those children shows from you. Need to stock up english materials and bring them over to china.
Hahaha...N is a fast learner! And it's all FX's bad habits, which I've been trying so hard to get rid of. I'm almost giving it up now and hope he'll just grow out of it. So paiseh and sorry abt it. Bo ler! No new behaviour. The only thing is he's still curious abt his present. After sending you guys off, he came home and continued playing with it!
Told hb abt FX sitting in your car, ready to follow you guys out. He was shocked and said we must start teaching him abt asking for our permission when he wanted to do something with other ppl. But how??

Cat, Cheri
What's this baby prom show??

You read my mind?? How you know I'm looking for swimming lessons for FX?? I didn't mention it at all on the thread!

Pebbles, ABC
I have no idea which part of WDLS my BIL stays. Just followed hb, never paid attention to the directions and numbers. But I remember it's somewhere near kranji.
ya hee...we used to say this thread is very lucky...whatever we wish for will come true. Those wants a boy will come boy n those wants a gal will come gal
congrats celest & clarine!!
take care & rest well!!!

really miss u guys.. sorry only screen thru...

a warm welcome yfuang!
king seth is 2.5yrs, attending childcare far far west...

elmo & lin, go go bf! dont give up! give ur bb e best u can offer even if its a little works magic!

elmo, shall i give u my ctc, KKH's lact consul Yenping? pls see her if pain persist... take care...

when we dont want seth to know what we wanna say, we'll spell hahaha...

he's still 1-2 syallbus words 2 words @ a time only haiz very ltd vocab...

i love king seth but i dont think i've the heart & energy to a 2nd bb...

he's now 13kg but far from 90cm i hope, then no need to pay for movies hahahha...

hope 2 cya all soon! xmas perhaps....
morning mummies

what?im not fat?i hung that sling on myself most of the time lah..kakakak..camo camo..

CY's fine motor is ...sigh....shall let him practice at home, but he;s like that lo, no patience...thoughts and attentionall over hte place...

takes very long to warm up now hor...only when he's ready to leave then he starts to show interest in the bicycle, tricyle..

at night before he slept, he still could go auntie cat kai kat...

who to save first???
i sling one, carry the other..hmmm...ergo one, sling the other...hmmmm...

oops but i cannot swim leh!!!

cheri, cg, cat
but i think once there is a family, there is a family. couple time is important but perhaps there is too much premium placed on it these days. once the kids are around the entire relationship dynamic changes, and we can no longer differentiate husband-wife, parent-child relationship...just family loh...my point of view lah...
