A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

i think i am looking more for disciplining boys or both gal and boys.. in fact my gal is very well behaved. hahaha... but both my kids are very different. What work on my gal definitely wun work on my boy... prob oso cause my mum has 3 gals thus i understand gal more than boys.. now must learn more abt boys!

hahaha yfuang i like yr phrase"they must learn how to write difficult words first." Well both my kids have super long names "Arielene Belle Chu Yun Yi and Andrae Brendan Chu Yi Hao" Worse my gals' name is in fan ti... in her BC.

C's chinese name has 7 strokes, 7 strokes and 14 strokes. In fan2 ti3 too. So together 28 strokes. The last character YAN1 is very very difficult to write haha.

hihi, forgot to intro myself. My gal is coming to 3 next april. Conceived her thru ivf. Now doing FEt ( frozen embryo transfer) as I have 17 embryos left from my first ivf.
Wow, do you take care of the kids by yaself? Where do u stay?
They are jian ti words. In hanyu pinyin, it's Fan2Xun1 and Fan2Mo4.

ABC, Pebbles
Fan ti is back into fashion? Wow! Such long names! How come?
Words with many strokes are sure more difficult to write. We don't give easy life to our children, huh? Hehe.

Yes, taking care of the kids myself. Currently, have my mum and CL to help out. I'm staying at Farrer Rd HDB. Have a 2nd home in China 'cos hubby is working there.
Good morning all mummies!

FM is back to getting up every 2 hours. Whole night I had been up and down, like a robot, milking him. I'm a robot cow! This morning, super-active; tomorrow for sure I'll be totally knocked out!

How did the photo shop ppl take the bb's passport photo so nice one? With correct posture and eyes open big big! I did it at home for FX, took me and my hb hours just to get him sit upright and open his eyes. The result was some crooked photo! Ha! Gg to do a passport for FM, maybe I should consider letting the professionals do it.

When are you coming to visit me ah?? No invitation for full month celebration, but you're certainly welcomed
. In fact, everyone here is most welcomed to my place!
The guy is pretty good. He took just 5pics in less than 5mins n got this. Daddy was holding him on his lap with a white paper board behind K. Think go to photo shop faster n easier. Paid just $15 with 8 pics n a CD rom.
Where do u stay?

So sian...hb wants to get additional maid to help me but the problem now is NO ROOM for the maid to stay...
The current maid is overwork with housework, laundry n cooking for the whole kampung.
Oh i knw...travel past there quite often.
The maid is now staying with my ils which is 2 roads away. My plc no more extra room cos am staying with 3 old folks.
saw more pics for the atlas..gives me better idea now of wat i'm buying & i like the globe hhaha


i intend to use it more for intro the country that we will b visiting or visited when i bring her for hols! Definitely dun think will be reading it like a story book :p
hahaha visit u? waiting for u to give me the go ahead then i chiong liao, but make sure FX must be home k? then N can play wif him keke. most afternoons except Fri ok wif me...looking forward to meet FM too; think must meet him real in order for ur scary newborn pic of him to be erased from my mind! so glad he's fine now

elmo & yf
we took N's passport pics ourselves against a white wall at home then did online application. But she was much older (7 mths) then. We just propped her on her bumbo seat & then started making funny faces to make her laugh hahah...had to make another passport for her again b4 our states trip cos she looks too diff, accordin to the immigration haha

these r her passport pics

ur boys indeed hv v unique names

u're another strong mommy... taking care of 2 kids while ur hb is working overseas.
so do u go to ur china home often?
ooh the westlake restaurant is at a hdb block right?

how r u feeling tdy?

cramps still there?

yah we only been to cruise once so think the novelty still there

tot ur pl only ur auntie staying? got 2 other old folks? or maybe can partition a small area for the new maid?
btw so funny when u said the current maid is serving the whole kampung

its the other way round at my fil's pl... 3 maids serving 4 adults 1 kid

anyway talk abt maid i wan to cry liao... mine will be leaving us next may. though still got a few more mths but i alr dreading it. think my current maid set too high a benchmark liao... wat r the odds of getting another gd one.
i will be going to atm later to pay for the atlas book...u wan me to help u pay? u can transfer back to me when the dbs site is ok. no problem.

thanks for the info on the first atlas...i like the magnetic set too...but u think shipping cost will be ex cos it's metal tin etc? if u doing spree on this, count me in k? thanks.

hahahh ning samson! but must admit she does look much neater in her new hairstyle.
yf just came back from bj to give birth to her #2...think she will be going back to BJ too once her #2 is older.

btw yf's #1 is oso in Faith Montessori at Dunearn leh...ylc's oso sending her daughter there next year.

can understand how u feel abt ur helper going back. i just casually asked my helper yest if she would wanna renew beyond the 4 years...she says yes, cos if she goes back, yes, she will be able to see her kids etc but the whole family will die tog since lil income & all her 4 kids r gonna start sch soon. Kinda sad to hear her say that though i'm happy that she wants to stay cos i oso dun wanna put up wif the hassle of training another maid,if possible.
hey thanks for the kind offer... i managed to log on to the dbs site ytd.
u wan to try again?? then no need go atm so troublesome

sorri ah but wats bj?

so gd! meaning she'll be w u guys for at least 6 yrs... bet u all treat her like family member liao hor

initially i tot of persuading her to stay but hb told me we shldnt be so selfish cos she has a 5yo son whom she hvnt seen in 3 yrs le n her father been nagging her to go home to take care of her son
my maid 4 yrs will be up next yr. hopefully she decide to stay on another 2 years too. Good maids r hard to find.. tat y now i let her go home every yr... fully paid for..
haha tats wat makes a baby so cute n endearing mah

others might find baby cay ugly oso... but me and hb always cldnt help saying to each other like every other day "our son v cute hor" and now we're doing the same thing w kate
good maids r definitely hard to find!
urs still the same one... w long hair?
yah if she agrees to stay on longer we'll increase her pay and pay for her yearly trip back
hehe i usually do my transfers via atm...bj is Beijing :p

ya, honestly, if my helper wants to go back, i wun persuade her too. No point if she stays on just for the sake of money but misses home so badly or feel guilty abt staying here. Will probably lead to more problems later on.

keke no leh, J & I v honest hahah..we always tell ourselves that our ger ger isn't so pretty afterall. Must face up to the fact mah hahaha..anyway, character & upbringing is still the most important. Intelligence & looks can only bring them that far.

annual trip back? very good leh...we only let our helper go back once every 2 years.
yes still the same.. tat y i can safely put abc at home with her while i work as she has been taking care of ABC last time too.
yes.. annual trip back fully paid for. Well she dun hv any off day and she is really good thus we dun mind spending for her to go back every year...
Aiyoh, I was waiting for you to let me know when you wanna come ah! Weekday after 4pm is fine; weekend, FX is in whole day and I'll make sure he's in if you come on weekend. Sometimes, his gugu brings him out gaigai during weekend. I can't wait to meet N! Let me know when hor!

So sorry, been using BJ with Cheri all this while. BJ stands for Beijing. Ya, can understand perfectly well when there's no helper around, esp. good one! One of the reasons I don't mind going back china is the very affordable domestic helper service. It's the choice I made. I didn't want to give birth in china ah! I came back last Aug when I was abt 30+ weeks and stayed until I delivered recently.It was an induced labour so that papa was around when I delivered. We webcam every night until when I mention papa, FX will look for the computer! Yes, Westlake is at the HDB block.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! With your and J's influences, am sure N will turn out to be one of the most beautiful girls in town! In fact, N was chubby and bubbly, absolutely a happy, beautiful baby, I recalled.
ermmm me and hb oso v honest leh... tat time we honestly think tat cay was so ugly until cute

but of cos looks r secondary lah... he be a gd boy i happy liao

Cheri, yfuang
keke dunno y i kept thinking bj is bukit panjang!

gd for u
Am staying with granny, uncle n aunty. uncle is always in Australia so more like 2 old folks.

If I hv my own maid that is reliable, I don't mind to pay full n let her home every year too.
Now also worry if get a new maid then got to train...if trustworthy...headache!

Wah u r a tough mummy...u take care of both urself? I don't think I can do it without help...

Stories with Speed-reading CDs, similar to that used in SM.
How to use:
Flash stories card by card, as you narrate or to CD narration in various speeds.
Condition: Cards all mint except for 2 or 3 abit bent right at edge only. CDs mint condition.

melpawprint at yahoo.com.sg

1) $60 "Alphabet Stories"- 26 stories professionally printed on hard A5 size card.
ie. 234 cards, comes with 2 CDs.
The stories are narrated 4 times on the CD, in normal speed, 2x speed, 3x speed, 4x speed.

2) $55 "Prefix Stories"- 24 stories professionally printed on hard A5 size card.
ie. 216 cards, comes with 1 CD.
The stories are narrated 4 times on the CD, in normal speed, 2x speed, 3x speed, 4x speed.

3) $74 "Suffix Stories"- 32 stories professionally printed on hard A5 size card.
ie. 288 cards, comes with 2 CDs.
The stories are narrated 4 times on the CD, in normal speed, 2x speed, 3x speed, 4x speed.
I think if maid wants to return, no point to ask her to stay... heart won't be in her work too.

I'm going maidless come January... current has been with me nearly 3yrs, Boy is attached to her and says he doesn't want her to go. *sigh* My gf is going to employ her for another year, then see what's the maid's intentions beyond that.
my worry if they go back annually is they tend to get ideas when they go back or kena psychoed by their relatives back home...even my helper was affected by this when she came back. Luckily, we spotted it early & nipped it in the bud. Had to sit her down for a chat session. Sometimes, it's not just abt their reliability but cos some can b easily influenced. It's definitely not abt the money cos an air tix only costs few hundreds of dollars..even cheaper now wif budget airlines.
I knw what you mean...esp when they gone home n gotta leave their love ones over n over.

Bought the Mickey Mouse crystal magnet earrings for S n she simply loves them. Surprisingly it's very strong magnet eventhough so small. Would love to bring her for the real ear piercing soon.
hi mummies
forgot to inform:

HFMD is on the rise, it seems.
when kai was hospitalised there were many cases and I was worried cos he was down with acute bronchilitis and I was woried he might contract sthg there!
according to the nurse, the week b4 we went in was even worse!

then I recalled kai had his last yr...
Nurse was saying yr end more prone cos of change in weather and more pp down with flu etc...

rmb my buddy's mo told me it's the turn of the season, so when the drafts cross with have flu etc...(sthg like that)
for instance, when my hb sugg sending my helper for cookery lessons for helpers in the cc near my house, i decided not to. Mine has off day monthly & she does hv other maid frens from the agency which they keep in contact via sms etc. But to go for the cookery lessons so near my house is a lil too close for comfort. Imagine most of the helpers who attend would be staying in the same neighbourhood & when they come tog weekly, u cannot be sure wat will happen. Hv heard of so many such cases. Told my hb i would rather put up wif eating boring meals from her hahaha
No, no, no, I'm no tough. Currently I have my mum and CL to help out, and FX goes to 1/2 day cc. Not getting a maid 'cos we'll leaving for china next year, most likely Apr. But I was one crazy mummy. Refused to get a chinese helper and did everything myself until I was only 47kg! Kakaka!

Thanks for the alert! Thot HFMD only attacked when the weather was really hot! I was surprised when a cousin's daughter also got it.She's in JB. Must remind our children to wash hands!

You're so vigilant with your maid. Can she read? Get some recipe books and let her experiment!
u no longer need a helper le??

when u intend to bring S for ear piercing? i had mine done when i was ard 5yo... still can rem it was quite painful!

actually ur maid quite lucky alr... has off days... serves small family... no pets... plus u guys treat her to watever u're hving... like kuishinbo!!!

oh no! thanks for the alert!

oh y din u wan to get a chinese helper? not used to their way of doing things?
I heard stories abt how the china ppl kidnapped baby boys and sell them at high price! So at that point when I just went over, very scared to let anyone of them touch FX! We got FX only after 6 years of trying.
Phew... hard finding this thread when they are doing maintenance..

Hi yfuang,
My C is going to Faith Montessori @ Dunearn Rd next yr ... hahaha only next mth! I'm so looking fwd to it. You are staying pretty close to me hehehe
bot her a few cookery books b4 but i guess cooking is just not her passion leh...she will try to cook a few dishes from the books but after a while, will revert to her old dishes hahah

but i'm not gonna be too fussy on this;give & take lor cos my priority is really that she loves my ger & i can trust my ger wif her when i need to go out. For instance, even when it comes to giving my dd medication when she's sick, i just need to instruct her & she will do it well. Sometimes, she's the one who reminds me when i forget hahaha

u r so funny, dun dare let them touch FX..he's so plump & cute, must hv been quite hard stopping them from pinching his cheeks etc hehe

hahah that's what my mum always tells her too. Says she doesn't hv much to do, can take afternoon naps everyday when N's sleeping etc. That evening, my mum looked ard kuishinbo & told my helper that she should feel v lucky as she seemed to be the only helper in the fully packed restaurant. But i dun like to say such things lah cos i think if she has the heart, no need for me to tell her how well i treat her. But my mum will always do that, dunno why hahaha.

But at the end of the day, i always believe it's not the material things or money that we give them to show how well we treat them. It's in our daily words, actions , body lang, disposition that reflects how much they r a part of our family which in turn hopefully, they will appreciate & reciprocrate.

ya, the elmo show's quite good considering it's a free show hor? Some free shows can be v slipshod effort. I'm gonna bring her for the ice skating musical at Central next.
thanks for sharing ur idea of using those magnetic numbers to teach the tots our phone numbers! I tried that out & she finally can recognise her 1-10..almost! i got her to pick & put out the numbers on the magnetic board then press the same numbers again on her toy cash register & a calculator..finally she was so elated when she managed to use my home phone to call my mobile! Now she seems to be more keen on numbers...maybe she sees the utilitarian value of numbers now hahah
FX looks forward to Faith every morning! When he refuses to get up in the mornings, all we have to do is to say 上学了.Immediately, he'll be up and ready to go! Sad that I have to pull him out by end of this year. I'm sending him to my ILs's place (Woodlands). Taking up ILs'offer to take care of him.

Where r u? You're welcomed to pop by!

Yes, u r rite. So difficult not to let the locals touch him. Yes, I mean literally here. Worst is they always want to carry and hug him! Some even kiss him! Yucks! What scares me most is that they might run away with him and I have to chase after them!! It sounds funny here but when I was there I was living in constant fear, esp. when my hubby traveled, I'd be alone in BJ!

Hahaha think your mum just wanna double make sure your maid knew that she's been treated extremely well! Some maids may take it for granted.

Sesame street show at Marina Square is free?? Got such thing here ah?? A lot of kids? Got places to sit? Or have to go very early to "chop" places?

Pebbles, Cheri
Magnetic numbers - sounds interesting! Can get them easily from the toy shop?
wah 47kg!!! How I wish I can also reach that weight...hee!
Now all the xmas shows around the town is free of charge unless u want to meet-and-greet with them then some shpg centres required some spending.

Don't knw leh. Hb said don't bring her for ear piercing at such a young age...I remember I did mine also around 4 or 5yrs old.
yes marina sq got free show..fromnow till 7th...

<font color="ff0000">Sesame Street LIVE Show</font>
Marina Square, 22 Nov-7 Dec
Tues-Thurs: 1pm &amp; 7pm
Fri-Sun: 1pm, 4pm &amp; 7pm
Meet-n-Greet for first 40, no purchase required

sit on the floor ...1st come 1st serve basics...must queue...ya..mostly kids...but alot of adults tooo....
hi mummies

forums finally up for me! how did you managed to log on all these while? you guys bookmarked the page huh??!!

okok i just recently splurged on something ive always wanted but never got it coz too ex and many says pointless...ahhh..but got it anyway at second hand!!

me got myself an....infant crawling track!!!!!!

yipppeeeeeeee...CH is going to start on it asap when i collect it!!!!


hihi..never got around to greeting you! how old's your boys? wow two boys! must be a handful..

ive got a boy,25 mths, or izzit 26?born end oct 06 Chih-Yu 智语 (two qualities that set man apart in creation) and a lil girl born this september 20th, Ch'i Hui 祈慧 (a prayer for wisdom) simple writing...

i like your kiddoes names!

China??!! wow!!! You moving back to BJ soon??!!! wow and wow!!!!
finally, i can see this thread. it has been missing for 3 days from my laptop. dun know why, i can see all threads in forum except year 2006.

rec'd our books liao, rec'd on mon, wanted to share with you this great news but can't see our thread.

my UOB statement shows exchange rate to be 1 AUD to S$0.9989.

the tiger press books with CD is really nice. i let zy listen for 4 times then she is able to read with me(memory lah) 60% of the book. i am happy cos her focus is the words rather than pics. usually, she will be looking at pics first then words.

Jez books are also great cos it's simple and nice.

other 2 sets are slightly more difficult for her now, maybe 3-4 mths later. now, i try to get books with few sentences and read together with her. if too wordy, she may not have the interest to finish it.

hope u are feeling better now.

for some reasons, me and hubby scared of gg cruise. maybe cos after we watched titantic.....hahaha. sometimes i will imagine too much like plane crash, how am i gg to save my kiddos. save which one first.....crazy at times.
yes, heard many stories from china. actually i think it happens everywhere but maybe more obvious in china due to one child policy.

i watched human trafficking, wow i was so scared for a while after watching cos there are organised gangs to kidnap and use young ladies and children for sex trade. worst of all, they are not paid. young children who fell ill were either killed or let them die.

the show was so real! but i believe to some extent it is true even now it's 2008.

just tell us how much to tsf, do it asap!!!

titanic???!!!!imagination overdrive lah...
You can get easily at kiddy palace. Cold storage and shop and save sell them too....very cheap. The ones I have is those puzzles magnetic type. I taught C my mobile numbers so that in case of emergency, she can contact me......kiasee mummy here


Yeah! It is fun to see them calling us. C is at pil's house since last week and she will call me to chat. When I started her to memorise my mobile numbers, I did not use the magnetic numbers. I wanted her to use her memory. It was only a few days later I miedx the magnetic numbers and asked her to arrange them, to reinforce and make her capture into her memory. So far she can recognize up to 29.
thot ur ils stay opp ur place? woodlands v far leh...FX will stay be coming home every nite? they r really keen to take care of him ah? quite a waste, since he's settled down so well in Faith.

the sesame street show is in Marina Square. If you go on weekdays, only need to queue up abt half an hour b4 the showtime of 7 pm. Should be able to go up the stage to take pics wif the characters on weekdays. weekends will be more crowded.

magnetic numbers r those v cheap type (less than $10) which u can easily find everywhere. Those colourful ones...some r in alphabet.

J oso dun agree to ear piercing so young...he feels these r for vanity purposes &amp; afraid if she scratches etc, may hv risk of infection bla bla bla...N's quite a fussy person too, dun think she will be able to put up wif the idea of wearing ear rings daily. She's not a fren of bangles, bracelets, watches, necklaces so far hahahah...maybe cos her mummy oso doesn't like!

yes, i bookmark this thread so had no problem accessing it at all these few days...bookmark easier mah, saves time too hahaha

i had a very bizarre experience on the plane once when i was travelling wif my hb. The turbulence was quite scary for me then. But surprisingly, as i prayed &amp; reflected, i suddenly felt so much peace knowing that if i do hv to die, my hb is rite beside me...it's like life has been good to me! It really din feel scary anymore. When i shared this wif an ex-colleague who's single, she found it so amazing that i could hv such feelings though i've only been married like less than 5 years. She cannot believe that we can love someone that much hahah

r these the learning resource sight words tiles in ur pic?

hehe guess our objective is kinda diff. For me, increasing her memory via knowing my mobile is not the main objective. My main objective is to get her to recognise &amp; differentiate the numbers cos i told u b4 how diff it was for her to even identify &amp; label 7 correctly though i point out the number 7 on our floor level daily! So putting up the magnetic numbers of my mobile in front of the cash register gives her a point of reference.
