A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

Ya cute! I also like this "When mummy n daddy made me, they are just trying to SHOW OFF!" I remember last time my hb also got one tee-shirt got similar message, "When God made me, He was jus trying to show off!" Maybe get this for him..hee!

nah I dun think so.

Mine was intensive, and she really picked up alot- blending, word families as well as sightwords. Obviously due to the length of time exposure, it will not be as committed to memory as say, 1 word in 1 mth. Say 1 word in 1 mth, bound to remember, haha.

Of cos I have to refresh often, but even when I don't and test her after a lapse, the "rate of attrition" :p is not that high. 10 words in her "treasure box" :p of hundreds of words isn't that bad. I set aside the ones she's "forgotten", and interestingly, after flashing once or twice, she can remember the next day(s). Still overall gain compared to slower pace, lesser words over a longer time. Cos at least I can take a break to focus on other stuff.

If I do slow and steady, once I stop... it's stagnation too. Stop longer, bound to have attrition rate too. Might seem like less words forgotten, but if looking at %, shld be abt there?

Ahgal is keen, I wanted to stop phonics abt a mth ago. After all, hit the Dolch sightwords liao, and basic word families. But she likes accumulating more cards in her "treasure box" :p . Cheap thrill, hahaha. So I resumed last week, bought coloured cards too, she was so thrilled. This week not touching cos we officially trying to catch up with the more advanced music class
, spent more time to review, kickstart music materials.

When Ahgal first learnt to sightread music notes, she was thrilled! Keen to try new music scores. Likewise with reading words, now that she has basic set of skills, she tries to read words on papers/ anywhere. Although I do think her wanting to amass more words is really quite a cheap thrill motivation (to get more cards, coloured cards, new box).

But that said, Ahgal personality very different from Ahboy. Will need different approach for Ahboy. Actually I'm even thinking, next time dun bother to coach Ahboy- will get me mad and get him angry, far easier to outsource. Send him for class, so easy. Aiyah, some days he's so "challenging", I even wonder if when I go maid-less, why not put him in childcare. Then I feel guilty abt feeling that way abt him lah. But really, he eat food, clean up, change clothes... very "uncooperative" ah.

Ahgal willing candidate to be coached by me, so I try to DIY lor. But yeah, very tiring for me too.
that stranger gave me such a FRIGHT, I quickly sped off. Why wld anyone in sane mind SHRIEK so loudly and TOUCH a sleeping boy?

today I was just asking HB... Ahboy how? Last time sent Ahgal Shichida... now he's about the same age at that time. Kinda shortchanged. But he's quite in a NO-NO phase. Wait run out of class ah.
zy learnt her lesson now. think that time when she was "lost" for 20mins, it drilled into her. now she will look for me if she can't see me. she would cry loudly if i didn't appear immediately. i am glad cos she learnt.

i always tell zy that she must ask daddy/mummy regardless who is gg to bring her out/away. it can be a friend of ours or anyone one the road. from time to time, i will ask,eg can u go out with uncle barry? she said " no must ask daddy /mummy. i just keep drilling it into her brain. hopefully it works.

thinks for the links! hahaha ya...forest is a unique name for someone. they are quite close, we meet for playgroup weekly at his place.

here it may be cold but the sun was also very HOT plus the UV rays are cancer causing.....got to put sunblock all the time and it is irriating at times. at least SG got lots of trees to block....here the trees miniature types.

mummies thesedays are superwoman, got to keep up with so many roles from teacher to cleaner so let's keep inspire each other to keep ourselves going. if not, will go nuts when they are cranky......
hi mummies
just now went out to top up on some yogurt n pocky n the likes
it was just a beautiful evening.
the kids just had their dinner and the sky so clear n blue
the clouds were golden on the right of the sky
on the right was a bright full moon!
kai was so thrilled that he kept running(to catch the moon?)
then he shouted so loudly, MOON! MOON!
Aft a short walk, the clouds were a crimson sea...
then the dark clouds moved in...
when we got out of the shop, the moon was brighter than ever!
Kai went Moon Moon Moon again.
Then they had a bit of pocky.
Ning was not allowed to open her packet since she did not behave herself.
but she got to 'borrow' fr kai.
Told her for every stick she took she must return 2.
So she did a bit of counting in twos.
not too bad.

too bad i didn't have my camera with me to capture such a lovely evening!

Oh ya, ned to upload photos later cos Ning has a concert tmr. The camera went dead, need to charge it 1st!

cheri, will email u the photos later.
ya, the sch's paper is really wide...the ikea ones i hv oso cannot let her stretch her hands wide. a bit scary indeed that u cut the body tracing out...now 7th mth leh keke

sha is indeed v smart to just colour the insides of the rubber band! Can she colour inside a circle that u draw? i will try ur activity wif N too but so far, she doesn't stick to the insides yet. I wonder if it's the rubber band that will make them colour only the inside...mayb a 3D rubber band does the trick compared to a 2D circle.

we baked the pre-mix cookies again today...this time v successful! & she helped out a lot, could knead, flatten, put cookie cutter etc...some of her shapes a bit distorted lah but i'm happy

wat's easier to start next for baking? cupcake? muffin? anyone has any easy tried & tested recipe?

hehehe u or ur hb r really bent on doing all the travelling b4 the baby comes huh...who? u or him or both? keke

re handling strangers
it's a very thin line hor...knowing how safety is so impt, i oso dun wish to drum distrust into her at such a young age. Esp for a slow to warm up & cautious kid like N, she finds it hard to even smile or say hi to strangers now...how to strike the balance huh?

holding blades is safer? if the kids imitate us & hold the blades too, will it be dangerous for them? cos i'm telling her not to touch the blades now leh...will i b contradicting myself?
cg & i will be bringing the kids to Pasir Ris park tmr morning abt 9 plus to hv breakfast, feed ponies, cycle, playground etc...anyone keen to join us? Park at Car Park C, opposite Pasir Ris Bus Interchange.
have you heard of little neuro tree?

something like shichida but without the esp thingy which is something im qutie uncomfortable with. it focuses on languages. three languages. you can choose english, mandarin, japanese or english, mandarin, malay...

the borchure is too big to be uploaded. not cheap but cheaper than shichida. can try. i bought some products from them so got to know about their classes.
well, as far as i can rmb when ning started on scissors that was rule no.1, hold the blades!
cos if they happen to fall, chances are the worst scenario is a cut finger if they are holding the blades.
But if they are holding to the handles, means the blades are exposed, so when they fall they cld be grabbing to the handles still, allwoing the blades to point out, towards their eyes??
so it shld always be hold on to the blades when not in use.
it applies to passing to others too. it minimise the chance of accidentally piercing someone.
I get very frightened when i see anyone in the house walking with a scissors blade exposed.
Worst was when i saw my maid happening snipping the air, with rhythm, like clipping castanets?? when she walk towards me with the scissors.
it was my class rule too.
i do think that parents wld be extremely upset with accidents in the class... so it's always hold the blade.
keke seems that both my kids like the salt baked chix.
so i shall carry on with the tradition?
yes, we had that every week for a period of time.
esp aft my grandpa passed away we had to go to my uncle's place for the 1st 7 weeks.
so we wld stop by without fail...

i read an article in Zhao Bao. The writer talked abt his dad being very passionate abt food. Though he doesn't cook usually but for special occassion he will whip up sthg nice, esp seafood.
That's so much like my dad.
He wld cook crabs, lobsters, etc...
He once bought home a tin of oysters and we had such nice oyster omelette...
Yes, we got to keep a lobster for a pet too!
we wld observe how it cleaned its body etc...
that was the only lobster we didn't it.
power trip n it died.
we were too emotional to eat it.
we buried it.

oh ya, my dad watched loads of documentary so we wld watch tog.
maybe that's y i love to watch documentary too?

this afternoon we had lobster for lunch. it was big!
ning was very thrilled.
Kai was asking for MORE MORE MORE when he saw us enjoying.

and i wonder why ning likes seafood so much...

Yesterday kai had a little cut on his toe.
he cried when i used alcohol wipes on him.
cried more when i used antiseptic ccream.
he cried n cried.
then he took the phone n said DAD DAD!
I put Dad on the line.
He cried so pitifully, Dad..! DAD!
Then he pointed to his toes and more sobs.
Finally stopped.
Dad said passed the phone to mummy.
Ok, bye.
Ooops, kai went Dad dad again...
By this time the phone was all wet!
Yes, the rubber bands do help. That was the reason why I pre-glued those first. Today we did another arts n craft on ladybirds with some pasta. Then Sha started to talk to the ladybirds, asked them to eat fast. Hahaha!

Yesterday, Sha was playing with her toy baby. Then she started to talk to it.... seemed scary!
Actually she was so happy that her toy baby can wear her infant shoes.

There was once at Pasar Malam, Sha cannot find me. Then she started to shout loudly "Mama Mama". I praised her for not walking around and remained at the same spot. I read books to her, keep telling her to hold my hands. But once something distracts her, she will just walk by herself in her own directions. Especially in shopping centres. Hope her curiosity won't get her in big trouble!
• 2 1/4 cups self-raising flour
• 1 1/3 cups sugar
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1 cup milk
• 1 teaspoon vanilla
• 2 large eggs

Preheat oven to 200 degrees.

Combine flour, sugar, and salt in a large mixing bowl. Add milk, and vanilla. Beat for 1 minute on medium speed. Scrape side of bowl with a spatula.

Add eggs to the mixture. Beat for 1 minute on medium speed. Scrape bowl again. Beat on high speed for 1 minute 30 seconds until well mixed.

Spoon cupcake batter into paper liners until 1/2 to 2/3 full.

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.

Cool 5 minutes in pans then remove and place on wire racks to cool completely.

wow! u r so creative n hardworking!
seems that u r doing a lot of craft w sha, on top of all the montessori activities!
sha is so lucky!

Ning was lost at Tampines Isetan once. It's just so fast...
she was walking next to me, next thing I turned ard was, WHERE IS NING??!!!

Then I heard a voice calling out, MUMMY! MUMMY!

She was standing at the spot where she lost sight of me. Thank God for that cos I rmb it was Christmas shopping n super crowded. Standing there made my search for her so much easier, just retrace my steps.

She was "lost" at the mama shop outside my house. How HUGE can that be? She lost me anyway.
And yes, she says hello to the uncle everyday. Uncle even gave her a plush seal and a light-me-up-with-a-bounce ball... but she was scared stiff.
Good thing was she dashed back to the stroller(without kai) and sat there, sobbing n calling out MUMMY! Her reason was so simple and logical. Mummy, I know u r still in the shop cos i checked n found stroller still here. But dunno where to find u so sit here.
Kai was an infant then so she shld be ard 3plus?
Cat, wow... lobster for lunch!

Cheris, which premix cookie did u use? Phoon Huat? They have other flavours eg. oatmeal, butter etc.
Or try baking bread- google any recipe that doesn't require breadmaker. The kid will enjoy kneading the bread.
Cheris, aiyah just saw ur post abt Pasir Ris Park. Can't make it liao, HB bringing kids swimming now... happens music class today cancelled, wld have been able to make it.
Ahgal used to love Pony rides there- I brought her quite abit when Irv was 1mth old. Hmm, so Irv was "exposed" at 1mth age too, haha. Nice to picnic there (just anywhere on grass field near to the cafe). But a caution to anyone with asthmatic kids... my gf's kid got an asthma attack after picnicking with us there. He din sit on the pony, din really touch either... just all the animal dander in the air. In an open field!
cheri, cat
wow, you are baking with tods liaoz.i still cannot bake with cy yet. those few times we baked at playgroups end up quite a disaster. so im shelving it and hoping he can be more coordinated and cooperative when his sister is old enough...

cy scape his knees sometime back too. bled a bit and he was whining through dinner and thereafter. fell in love with the dettol cream from then on. will tell me it's 'pain' (urggh...painful) and insist i put on the cream for him even after it's healed. see, this boy super whiney...

wow, lobster for lunch. what lux. hahah..you spoiling your kiddoes appetite lah. next time they spurn commoner's food how? kakakakka...

yah, agree with cat. should let cy mix with sha a bit more. coz he shows little interest in crafts (ok mummy too).the most i'd do is to let him doodle.
Her daily 1.5hrs montessori program focuses more on using montessori teaching and materials instead of arts n craft activites, like paints. Colour pencils/crayons are frequently used in school instead. Iya, I am more handworking in cleaning the mess after she has finished her craft activities at home... heehee!

Oh ya, just remember you are also staying at Pasir Ris. We took the gals to Kids Kampong too, since it was nearby. N was very brave to feed ponies and touched fishes unlike Sha being the Chicken Little. Howeveer, she was perfectly ok with the pony ride, and even requested to her father: "One more time, sit"
making use of colourful construction paper........ cut and paste. the blue dots are actually stickers, good for fine motor skills.
u mean u set aside 1.5h everyday to do montessori stuff w sha?
wow! that's very disciplined!

pony rides
i rmb i 1st sat on a pony abt pri1? We went zoo and at 1st my young sis n bro wanted to sit bt bro chickened out.
So up i went.
I rmb vividly i was tugging at the mane of the pony n it was jerking away...

yup, this morning kai woke up and stuck his foot into dad's face in an attempt to tell him he got it hurt downstairs...

went to ning's concert and it was kai's nap but guess what? he kept pointing at the stage and asked, Che? Che? Ning? Ning?

So I told him coming out soon.
He actually waited all the way till ning came out to perform.
His nap is usually 12plus but 2plus was still awake.
Towards the end he knocked out so we had the chance to grab some refreshment.

erm... I dunno how to change colour of font or enlarge or do blink blink thingie but...
From the bottom of my heart:
she looks like she really enjoys the ride! she so brave , dare to go up the pony. I guess if its my R, wont dare to go up, keke!

wow Sha is so brave!!! and she looks so cute wearing the helmet

ooh all those r iron-on patches? i like the slipper!
Ya she likes it so much! Just bought it frm Mothercare this afternoon. It's bonny frame, not heavy. Hb said just feel like wearing a backpack
wah so brave on the pony! Ahgirl was abt 2+yo when she first had pony ride... she liked it but still didn't look as comfortable as ur girl. Haven't brought them there in such a long while... anyway the girl's requesting for elephant ride at the zoo. Again, no time to bring her to zoo (and it's real far for us lah).

Haven't put Ahboy on the pony yet.
How r u? How's everyone doing on Wed am class now? U know, Isabel miss her friends there! When I asked her u want to play with your friends? She'll nod and say Irvin, Roy (with the high pitch like R) and then Edward she can't quite remember how to pronounce still. Say hi to R & K for me.

Sorry couldn't join u today, gotta go office coz rushed off yday to send kids home. CC called n told me Z vomitted a few times at sch, told me to bring him back right away. I was super bz coz got interview etc! In the end didn't finish my work...
Did Ivy go also? What happen to the May outing? I thot they wanna go to new pool? ;)

Sha is so brave! I thk Isabel got this strange phobia... so far she doesn't like goats, birds, Barney! The purple dinosaur leh... kids' favorite! Well, yet to find out what else she dun like.

Ning is so brave n clever to know wat to do when she's lost. Zach got lost once at Motherhood fair! Whoa, scared me coz u know how crowded it can be. The thing is we were going home n he walked in front n then somehow just went out of site at a turn. We were panicked, but when we found him, he still looked cool like nothing happened. Hmm...
wow, that's a lot of craft you are doing.

eih, dun think i'll ever get down to doing it. haiz. me not that interested in crafts leh. i;ll rather read, lazy mummy's best companion is the book..kekekek...

word recognition
realised today that CY can recognise a few more words: train, track, truck, hibiscus...

but when i ask him to point to the words, he will use my finger to point. he simply refused to use his own fingers...wonder what's wrong with this boy...ask him to read out the words...he goes 'tain', tuck', 'tack', 'bibi..boooo' (for hibiscus...dun even know how that came about unless my pronunciation is that horrendous.)

dun think cy will ever get down to blending words until he is very very much older. he is too easily distracted.

he still cant pronouce consonant clusters.am thinking of getting books on speech therapy. better start early. know there are a few recommneded activities to do with them but better read up first...
your hb looks like he's going for mt everest!!!

wow, zy getting prettier and prettier!!!


i hope my children next time will be as loving. im not sure if the girl would be nice to his brother or would kick his ass. i suspect it'll be the latter though...im just hoping there aint too many fights to break up...
when i looked back at the tadpoles and ladybird i did with zy earlier, it was was so dull. your really lively! going to make it again.



sha looked happy on the pony! though zy is much older, she dare not ride at all.
Ya, Sha looked so happy n cool on pony! Don't think S dares to...she is getting more n more ku-nian!

Hee...he is looking like gonna go for mt.everest ya
He bought it thinking of gg for hiking/tree top walk. Also thinking of using it for stroller unfriendly country trips.
I thought he bought for you... hee hee!, so that you can bring two children out alone. Then S on backpack, BB in stroller. How about the ego carrier? Not suitable for S now?
Also bought for me consider but don't think I will lug them out like that leh. maybe if I bring her for jogging..hee! I haven't been using ergo cos my tummy is in the way...hahaha!
hahahha...ytday I actually put it on without strapping the waist belt...quite comfy to carry her! You get also lah then next time we go hiking tgt
<font color="0000ff"> <font size="+2"> HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGI!!!</font></font>

Wow... that new "toy" looks really cool! I showed to my hb and told him he shld carry C like that hahaha C saw the picture and said "my friend" hahaha she is beginning to recognize who are her friends!

The other day she surprised me with the zoo-phonics. She is able to remember A-D. hahaha I'm contented!

Wow! Sha is so brave... I think C will cry and wanna jump down! I'm afraid to let her sit cus never know when she will wanna "jump" down by herself!
ohayo mummys!
celest, pebs, cat, lin, lena, yy, yuen, many thx heaps for e well wishes! appreciate e thots...
angi&amp;king seth

celest, i saw e same pix mini on e wall yeeekkksss...

celest, lena, cat &amp; all...
keep flooding more pix i love 2 see!

have a great week!

shall do a gathering this sun b4 lin delivers?
cheri, lena, ur hse ok?

Cool PC-Illusion! I saw it too...n stayed for quite a while...

I'm fine with my place...which day are we planning on?
