A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

S just now doesn't looked tired at all n she z later than other night despite her not getting her sleep in the afternoon

ooh u all did father's day present tdy ah? got pic? btw when issit har?

oh yah checked w inlaws le... will prolly celebrate cay's bday on sat which means we'll be able to attend sha's party

Date: 29 June 2008, Sunday
Time: 6.00pm sharp (end at 7.30pm)
Venue: McDonald Queensway, 580 Queensway #01-580 Ridout Tea Garden (opposite Commonwealth Drive)
1) CG's family
2) Angi's family
3) Cheri's family
4) Elmo's family (tbc)
5) Abc's family
6) Shauna's family
7) lilboymum's family
8) Babygal_1+Kenise
9) Esther's family
10)Cat's family
11) Dog's family....hehe Pebbles's family
12) Lin's family

hehe yah u guys go for sha's party... then we'll hv 3 tots born same yr same mth same day
I nv actually intro naughty corner cos she can run away but since move to new house i make use of the balcony but the 1st time she being lock out was by my HB then till now we have lock her out maybe less than 5 times.Btw it those glass sliding door so seriously it not scary at all lah.
is timeout ur most extreme measure or u hv caned K b4? she can still see u thru the glass door of balcony? think should still be quite frightening for them...may not be scared of the dark, alone etc but cos they wan our attn & love actually. So think they will be really panicky when they know we r so upset wif them.

ya, shauna led the art segment so we did a simple photo frame...hmm now u remind me, we should hv put all the photo frames tog & take a shot hhaha...today no pics at all cos too busy...watching over my ger's busy hands lol

waaa 3 tots same bd really cool leh!
i think tats every child's worst nightmare... being locked out or being ignored... cay oso not really scared of me when i scold him or smack his thigh etc... but he'll panic when he knows im ignoring him and tat i mean biz

oh yah forgot ur hb quite lormantic one
will still bring 2 chairs outside to admire moon

yah sometimes cay oso like tat... though taking shorter nap, end up sleeping even later
lin & elmo
maybe too stimulated so need more down time to cool down, mind too active probably..it happens to me too hahaha...i'm the type who will not hv good sleep the nite b4 any big event keke...mind simply cannot rest.

father's day is on 15 june, sunday.
Naaa...I don't find him lomantic at all leh...
Just now we wanted to go out for movie after putting S to sleep but she didn't want to sleep until so late. By the time she dozed off, he also snoring away liao
Me yet to buy cane and HB slightly disapprove anyway will get it once the lock out fear fade.

Ya i smack,shout etc no use as well only lock out seem to work best for now but won't use it o frequently or it will fade out as well so will only use as last final resort when i cannot take it and feel like volcano erupting.
Ur HB waited too long liao lah cos normally S is very routine 1 ma so u cannot blame him only way is payback the same thing.Aiyo me sound so bad.OMG.
ya, ignoring S also works. If i'm really angry then i will ignore her then she will come act cute...smiling, hugging, kissing...9 out of 10 I can't help it but burst out laughing :p
yah cld be... like i cldn't really sleep well last night cos ytd kept looking at the dim sum menu wondering whether i can finish all the items tat im drooling over

hehe u guys sleep soooo early!
btw my hb suggested to bring cay to watch kungfu panda... but after ratatouille im now abit hesitant... sekali waste money again
Arrow you to be her "jie jie" next time oledi, she kept asking for "aunty where", when we departed! Honestly, you look sooooo young, just like the student helpers who help us out at sunday school (those 13-16 yr old kind :))
Hee....let's bring them tgt again? S loves kungfu panda frm the poster n tv...she will ask:"what does the panda do?" then she answers herself:"Taikwando..heeya!" with her leg kicking!
actually when cay was throwing his gigantic tantrums jus now... i really tot of buying a cane to scare him leh... but i scared if i really buy then one day he makes me soooo angry again tat i'll end up using it which is something i hope to avoid lor

hahahahaaa yah me too me too!! everytime um-chio until dunno will hv internal injuries or not
they really know how to manipulate us!
hahaaa so cute! actually i find lil girls look really cute in taekwando uniforms leh.
hehee okok i check w hb first see whether he serious abt bringing cay to watch panda or not... if not then we jio all the mommies go watch tog one of these days?
ya, I can not buy a cane...sure will not be able to ren one...
Usually hb sleeps at 1am...don't knw why is he so tired tonight. he was acting to sleep so that S won't ask him to play with her. think "accidently" dozed off!

Just now I came back feeling so full still so I didn't eat dinner...now I'm feeling hungry...grr
Aiyo dun like tat say leh 13-16 yr old.OMG

Ya i noe if i buy a cane i sure will use it also but then i heard from my frenz experience(those kenna cane frequent by parent)say after long term frequent use their skin numb liao and their parent change touse those bamboo stick.OMG.
Aileen and Lin
Do bring along a bd cake, in case my cake is too small, hee hee!
It would be a great fun event, then we can sing bd songs for Andrea and Cayden too!
Thanks. if too heavy for u to carry, let me know ok? then we just go for postage. do let me know the outstanding international postage as well. ")

No prb. Not able to really lead with sidney all over me. i think must make it easier for the kids in future... ended up with glue all over all the moms' hands!
hope i din frighten chris with sidney bawling away..

lin, elmo-
what did shannen and aishite do that impressed u gals? share leh..

oh my, yesterday saw the global gaia ad. SO super scary. think its really not ideal for kids to watch regular tv. u jst never know when horrid scenes pop out..

just set up the naughty corner. will use it once this boy bites or pinches...

haiz..my mild lil boy is turning into a monster

must nip this problem at the bud coz biting can get very shiok and addictive one...if it becomes a habit then i have to chain him at home liaoz...

see, it wasn't so long ago u were worrying that he can't fend for himself hor...
like i always believe, they will know the art of defence once they're older
for me, i always hope that my kids will not be the agressor
lugi a bit also nvr mind
everyone wanna win=war keke

i noticed cy likes to wander off during skit
i thot the skit entertaining le
last time what i did with ning was i'll whisper(talk with disturb others le) to her the explanation.
kai wanted to dash off i tried it yesterday
like oh little rabbit has long ears, kai small ears
rabbit short tail, oops kai no tail...

even at forum, he was scared of puss in boots but i just carry him n even if he wasn't looking i'll say oh puss is dancing... hello puss bye puss
puss going to lil red
hello there
oh puss not coming to catch kai? hi there!!

oh dear u mean 1st to 4th day she was ok then started to cry?

i sent ning when she was 22mth
she cried and had very bad experience
ended up we took her out of that centre
cried till she was so affected had fever then went hospital...
yup 1st-4th day she nv cried then 5th day onward cos i picck her up at 6.30pm and previously was 4pm hence tat why she kinda panick and cry lor but the 6th day was ok cry a little and as for the 7th day due to lack of sleep so slught cranky and cried a little when i send her sch and tat was 1st time when i send her sch she cried but after tat she fine so overall she actually adapt quite well except on the 5th day she totally bawl her eyes out.

Wow ur ning experience seem very bad even admit hospital so eventually how she overcome sch??

how she overcame?
granny sat in her class for god knows how long!!!
dunno weks or months
until all the kids know granny very well!
then when i send she'll also cry
so ended up i dun like to send
even now she'll ask me to stay...

not too long ago she had speech n drama so i sent, she told me dun go, stay outside
kept grabbing my arms!!!

so i'm so surprised ur girl soooo gung ho!
Ur mil also very power leh stay in the sch for so long period as me think max to date accompany my gal in sch is 5mins and even peek the max is 30mins and tat it.

Btw how come was ur mil who accompany her at tat times?

So now she finally like to go sch?
i was working then
the cc was very understanding when i approached them and told them ning was traumatised by previous experience.
the 2nd cc was the one ning liked but we thot put her at the one nearer my work place better and her cousins were there
bad choice!
wah ur frens parents scary leh... change to bamboo stick?! but i guess last time pple r like tat one... believe in physical pain then the kids will learn. heard of some using belts... oso damn painful. btw did u rec my sms har? sorri initially tot of gg science ctr then last min realised need to get diapers n grocery so ended up gg imm instead. brought cay to see the beetle and giant ant... at first cld tell he was abit scared but after awhile he got v curious and kept saying "big biggggg"

told my hb tat kungfu panda may be too violent for cay but he said nvm... he's forever so relax one... everything oso nvm

hmm no specific incident actually... jus tat thru out the meal Aishite was really patient w S tat she hardly got to eat! oh issit the one where theres blood flowing down the kids face???? tat day i saw one ad which i think is damn scary lor... definitely will cause kids to hv nightmares!

CY still biting even though he's not teething? cay got one period kept biting... then stopped... but now back to biting again but milder kind... prolly cos his molars coming out. actually how r u gonna implement this naughty corner thingy huh? im sure our kids wont guai guai stay put right?

oh tat was quite bad hor... traumatised until admitted to hospital?? i wonder which will be easier for them... sending them to sch earlier or when they're abit older... by the time cay starts sch he'll be 2.5yo le
hi mummsies

i might try that next time. not sure if it works for this lil boy. if he sets his mind to wander, quite difficult to hold his attention. even my mom was shocked at the amount of strength his skinny body possesses when he tried to struggle outta her hands...

i use the play yard, one set. he hates to be locked inside, even if it is in a more 'public place' like living room. did once to him today and he bawled his eyes out. at least i managed to get the dishes done in the meantime, and no more pinching after that..but then this is for long haul man...he wont give up so easily lah...

will be in msia tomr till wednesday!..kekkekeke...hope CY will enjoy the trip man...gotta isolate him when he starts to bite others there...wonder how to do it then...haiz....

cat again
hahah..Nikki and kai got along so well le. how come at loggerheads with CY huh...
yah think w a play yard its easier. aiyo poor boy... wat did he do tdy tat got him sent to the naughty corner? pinch u ah? cay now is into throwing things at us... books, toys and tdy even attempted to throw his leappad system... kena serious scolding fr me.

wow shiok... another preg mom gg for holidays... me now wan to go oso cannot... sure kena stopped at customs etc.

cay napped fr 5-8pm jus so hb said since he sure sleep v late tonight so went to book tix for kungfu panda... 12am show! hehe will update u guys how it goes... hopefully not money down the drain again!
i think when nikki 1st hit kai i was not to panicky and told kai to take other toys etc
i tried to distract him fr the pain n cry
he didn't hit her back so maybe nikki found no kick in hitting kai, ended up fren fren?

but when nikki hit kai i did tell her off.
told her cannot hit.
so cld be
1) nikki finds no kick in hitting kai
2) doesn't feel kai is a threat
3) nikki knows that kai is not agressive but his mummy is always watchful in a way and won't hesitate to tell her off

cld it be she gets startled by CY?
cos i noticed he screamed out of a sudden.
dunno le CY wasn't too 'vicious' towards kai also le
he bit kai but think was not the hard type
kai wanted to sob i ignored him then he frowned n aft a while nothing already

yes i know what u mean when u say CY can really struggle twist turn jump off ur grip!
kai is like that too
when we go for walk he wants to go down to chase the bird he'll really fly off my arms, no matter how hard i grab
so struggle this way is definitely OUT for u!
i mean cuddle him talk to him coo him, etc la...
Oic u were working then so lucky tat ur mil were there for her or else till now shemight still have phobia of sch.

wat sms i nv received ya btw do let us noe how was cay reaction after movie.

gd for u leh go holiday btw does cy when after naugty corner will he behave or still the same???

Have u tried biting cy really hard and explain to him how pain and why he should not bite etc???
Maybe u might wan to try the hard way for him.
Juz to share tis info
Re:Supplement DHA
Juz now i went to sheng siong and i saw tat scott emulsion got sold in softgel form and it quite cheap at $5.10 for 100s and $18.90 for 500s.
Movie verdict: CMI
30 bucks down the drain. cay was super hyper... gg up and down the stairs, yakking nonstop, fake laughing when pple laugh... continue faking even when its dead silent! anyway was out of the cinema less than 5mins into the show. told hb "i told u so" but he said it was the experience

oh u nvr rec my sms nor... no wonder tot how come u nvr reply. oh yah i used to love taking the scott emulsion softgel
Yup brought it and have tried on K and she say it ball ball.

Btw it kinda hard when i feel it but K chew it and even ask for more.

(Btw to her anything tat is nice is called ball ball.)

Nvm wait till K older tan bring him go watch movie again lor.

As for the softgel u mean last time have liao huh???Haiz like tat i really suaku leh as first time i saw it nia.

Think maybe becoz everytime K handle my hp and drop it every often tat why it gone slightly haywire and nv receive ur sms.
So consider you all didn't watch the show? I thought it's abit violent also looking at the shots...hmm...better not then...but I realised most of the children fairytales also alot of times are violent or scary. Was at Kino n wanted to buy some books to bring along for the trip but found alot of them are scary...like the wolf eat up the gingerbread man...girl fell into the sea n got catch by the sea monster...

ya, I'm not comfortable to let S watch our regular tv show/advertisement. Yes I saw that stupid kid with blood flowing down her face!!! Also I thought the usual 9pm sitcom chinese show also too violent and rude...they like to scold n fight...

I heard about children behaving like K frm the principle also. Saying that the first few days it's kind of fresh new thing for them to go to school but after that they are more aware n knowing that you will only appear so many hours later so they show the unwillingness. Hang it there, she will enjoy it again after she knws her friends n teachers better.
yah cld be cos he was really happy and excited when we left the hse last night... hb tot his son pretty cute in the cinema but im sure other movie-goers find him a big nuisance

yah think so... took them couple of yrs ago. oh K actually chewed it ah?? tot the taste quite yucky leh... kids tastebuds can be quite funny at times

hehe yah lor i got to watch at least abt 5mins of the show but dun think hb and dyah managed to catch any of it.

yah lor how cld they show such ad hor. anyway most of the time cay not interested in the tv prog... but he does hv a few fave ads... Gatsby (eeew! find tat jap male idol quite er xin), cold storage, heinz ketchup and holicks

actually true hor... y do some fairytales hv such funny plot one... nursery songs oso... like the lullaby where the baby and cradle fell fr the tree etc

anyway hv a great time in bkk!
N hit Kai on the head many times too when he was younger...he din do anything to provoke her even. Erm we only saw her change in attitude towards him when cat & i started to meet up without Ning...N really adores Ning so her 'solo' time wif Kai without the distraction of Ning probably fostered the bond for them...plus they shared biscuits, played tog etc hahah...i dun think it's so much due to my scolding or cat's presence hahah.

I gathered from there that she may need to build a personal relationship wif the kids then she feels more secure & comfortable wif them. That's why i tried to ask her to give stickers & hug when u guys came over that day...hopefully, over time, she'll improve. Those r her fav barney stickers so it was good that she was willing to share them oso.

Having said that, i cannot be condoning her behaviour cos in the real world, there's no way for her to foster a relationship wif everyone. i think i'm starting to see a bit of result...in her past few swim lessons, she din hit or push anyone on the slide & i'll praise her for her positive behaviour.

That day, when i brot her to stand at the corner in my room after she hit CY, she stood there & then said sorry to me after a while...she knows she's wrong but she just needs to learn to control her impulses...when she tried biting me that day, i was very fierce towards her & slapped her mouth cos i really cannot imagine if she starts to develop that habit & add on to the problem...i've oso told my hb & helper that if she starts trying to bite, to b sure to punish her...no more nice talk talk.

re caning
i think some kids can get away without the use of cane much thru out their childhood but maybe it's more due to their temperament...probably the more mild, easy & compliant types who will get frightened easily if u just scold them/ignore them. If i ignore N, no way that she'll come sidling up to me shortly to make funny faces or try to make me laugh...she's really stubborn. For the not so compliant types, i believe the caning, if postponed, will only mean that u hv to cane harder when they r older & more argumentative. Of course, the caning has to be coupled wif a talking thru session after that...my personal opinion lah.

Oh ya, I always make sure the books that I bought are "POSITIVE".
<font color="ff6000">Angels are under the bed</font>, instead of Monsters are under the bed. Hee hee!
