A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

Ya maybe so tat why she showing tantrum lor.

Ya K has a weird taste she would rather chew and tell me nice than swallow it.
all the best on ur first day of work tomr ya
hey think Shauna bought one of them but in Chinese fr bras basah. din know they hv it in english! too bad i dun see them in local bkshop... else i'll sure get them cos i like the illustrations

I saw this website selling 8 bks for A$30. By far the cheapest. I'm asking my sis to get for me in Australia the remaining 4 bks. But seeing this offer so tempted to buy hahaha
too bad dun think they take in overseas order... even if they do wonder if the shipping will be ex or not. anyway jus checked... acmamall has 3 out of the 8 titles... each copy $15.76

anyway thanks for sharing

If you want, I can order and get my sis in Australia to send back. Not sure about the shipping but if more pple buy, we can share the shipping cost.
hey lin,
you know what?? my mum is going Australia this mth! So i can order and get it sent to her place and she can bring back! Save on shipping!!!!!! But she will only be back end of the mth.

no problem... but these bks are not hardcovers... think they are soft covers. Might not be heavy... anyway she travels super light...
oh yah din realise they're softcovers... nvm think i'll jus wrap them up cos my boy pretty rough
thanks again

u can pm me on the payment details etc ya

Another bk thats really interesting is Charlie & Lola ... its like one series kind... very interesting. Caitz always ask me to read to her everyday. In the morning after she wakes up, twice b4 her nap and 2 times before she goes to bed at night!
I check with my mum when she is going over then I will order the bks and get it sent to her. Payment later then collect lah
wow Caitz must really like her Charlie & Lola books! yah after hearing fr Cheri how much Nikki loves C&L books i oso got a lift-the-flap one for cay... so far he quite enjoys it

Yeah she is absolutely in love with them! hahaha I should be getting more for her! They have dvds as well... its her all time favourite now!
hehe but hor C&L bks not cheap leh.... the one i got cost abt $20 fr popular. now one of cay's fave is fr the robin (my pet story) series.. Harvey the Hamster. maybe cos he has his own pet dwarf hamster tats y he's particularly interested in tat bk

yeah its not cheap... i saw from Amazon website... most ex cost US$6.99, have not add shipping but definitely cheaper than $20 i guess

Now they have promo... buy 3 get 1 free... so tempted to place an order! hahaha

hehee yeah... i think i spend so much on bks for her... i stopped buying toys since she shows no interest in them! But quite worthwhile to get the bks... since she can read them over n over again until she is like 4-5 yrs old hehe

but must control or else hb will nag nag nag hahhaa
lin & ylc
ur kids like C&L too?! great! honestly, b4 this, i've not even heard of C&L keke...oh ya, there's this C&L monthly activities mag sold in most big newstands..i got it from Popular mag section...$5.90 only...quite interesting, i intend to buy a few issues to keep for her to do when she's older. Check it out!

i'm keen on the set of 8 books for $30 too! can help me get? TIA! i dun mind sharing shipping cost if too much for ur mum to bring over.

how was ur day of work? share share!
hee yah then i'll justify no. 2 can read the bks oso

yah so far he's quite interested in his C&L bk but it cld be bcos its lift-the-flap kind. ooh think recently theres some promo gg on... subscribe to their mthly mag and will get some freebies (C&L bks etc). anyway how r the activities like? will they be too advanced for our tots?
ya u can subscribe to the mag but i figured she doesn't really need so many copies of it...ermm the activities r quite varied, will touch on things from diff C&L books...not for their age now but maybe 4 years old? involves colouring, cutting, pasting etc. Guess $5.90 is not too ex compared to the cost of their books haha...just hope they'll still like C&L when they r older lol

hehe just saw your post
No prob... i will ask her. She travels light so maybe can bring back more books.

C&L is fantastic! I quite enjoy reading the book to Caitz. I think the books are worth the buy. Love the vibrant colour and something she can relate to when she is older. I have got this book "I am too absolutely small for school" and its really interesting. that's y i'm considering ordering from Amazon.com since buy 3 get 1 free hehe
Next time No. 2 also can read... its the best seller in Australia now.
i will ask my mum how many she can bring back first... but shouldnt be a problem since only paperback books. Its 18pages each according to the website
hmm i dun hv that title leh...really nice ah? ok i will go bookstore browse first hahah...i've the "I can do anything that's everything, all on my own", "Whoops but it wasn't me" & "You can be my fren"...she loves the last one best! thanks for helping...

No problem! Hey i heard gd review about "Whoops but it wasn't me"... i was thinking since she is so into C&L, might as well buy more bks for her to read so she wont get so bored with only 1 now hehe
if really too many, just arrange to send back for shipping...too bad my hb not in melbourne this period or else can help.

yeah if too many then prob will opt for shipping... either that, she can pack them in a box and check in. Soft cover not so heavy as compared to hardcovers.
Ylc, Cheri
the only C&L copy cay has is "Sizzles is completely not here". those tat u guys hv... r they board bks or soft pages kind? roughly how much is the price range huh? my popular here only carries the title tat i got for cay

the one i have is soft cover. I bought it in Australia, not sure how much I bought for also... i remember getting them from Target cus its the cheapest there. Heard Melbourne having Sale now... maybe got gd bargains for the books.

Did a T-shirt printing @ Bugis.
I can't wait for Sha to wear it, and see how G reacts!
That's his Father's Day small gift.
This is the design I choose.

aiyo so sweet! hehe Daddy's little girl, whatever she wears, he sure like one
This will give him a pleasant surprise
ooh ic...

hey tats really cute... bet G will be v happy when he sees his lil girl wearing it
hehee can i steal ur idea??

I probably will ask my mum/sis to go Target and see if there is any C&L on sale below $10. Anything below $10 is worth the buy hehe
That is really a great idea of father's day gift!!! Am still cracking my head what to surprise him...I'm sure G will be a very proud daddy on that day
Is it this sunday?
Can can. Just need to buy a plain T-shirt.
I bought a plain sleeveless tee from OG @ $4.90
The sleeve tee is $7.00
The printing itself is $12.00.
Does Jurong Point has T-shirt, caps, mugs printing shop?
Btw, I came across this unique name: Kaelyn
Father's Day is this Sunday.
She will wear it to her church too... I wonder if G will find a hole to hide his face, hahahahha!

thats a fantastic idea! I havent even thought of anything for Father's Day. hahaha

if you want C&L books, try Amazon.com
The price quite cheap and there is free shipping within US then only have to pay shipping from USA to Singapore. Price range from US$3somthing - $6.99
Also buy 3 get 1 free

Had dinner with 3 primary school classmates.
It has been more than 15yrs since we last contacted.
Definitely a wonderful day for me!
But somehow I find a bit weird especially I am the only one who is married with a child... suddenly I feel so old......
