A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

cheri & mummies
yes, they are listening. S will 'practise' her rhymes n talking before she sleeps in the afternoon n night bed time. She will sing like 10ryhmes n talk non stop before she KO...alot of times also surprised me when she sang or said things that I taught her long long time ago. Now whenever I say something new, she will repeat after me over n over as if trying to memorise it

i wanna bring N for the leapfrog thingy...but which toysrus venue? may go on sat since fri is our playgroup day.

yes, yes, putting her to bed is quite a pleasant task now...i really enjoy listening to her...N doesn't seem to b very good in remembering the tunes but she can recall some of the lyrics. After a few tries when she realises her song dun sound quite rite, she'll actually ask me to sing the song for her! hahha
I will confirm with you if I can make it tmr to Forum cos hb will not be able to meet me after work, he got gathering with his school teacher n classmates. Now I am kind of handicap without help of hb or sis lar...
hahahha so cute right...but usually I will just ignore her cos the more I 'participate' the longer she goes to sleep. all I do is lie next to her n fall asleep myself while listening to her singing...to me...hee!
too bad sat will be quite crowded leh...wonder if it will be worth going hahah...hv u been to the forum fairytale one yet? can one bird hit 2 stones!
i m going to the forum fairy take this sat.
dumped c at my pils's place these few days so that we can go eat and shop keke.

Cheri, Elmo
Ya ya, nowadays C oso will yak and sing non stop before she hits the slumberland. Or she will be talking to her barney, baby bop and bj soft toys. I will just ignore her too, otherwise she will take longer time to doze off. But so far, she only sings 3 songs. 1) ABC song 2) Barney i love you 3) Twinkle star.
hahah N will oso sing those 3 songs that C sings plus Head, Shoulders, knees & toes, mummy & me theme song, old macdonald etc...quite a number of songs from the Mummy & Me since she likes that so much...loves listening & watching the discs still...but think her best song is still Twinkle lah...the rest r like snatches of it.
<font color="ff0000">happened to see this post.... well-said</font>
I have a 4.5 months old baby, and a SAHM for a year. Had my Master in Edcation but still prefer to stay at home to take care of kid myself because I strongly believe in building strong foundation for our baby in the first 5-6 years or so. It's the best time ever to teach moral, social, language, and motor skills that you believe in, or you want your child to acquire. It's the best time too that they absorb the most. When you see what your baby accomplishes each day, it's the most fulfilling things compared to having a monetary career that allow you to miss the best moments of your child's life, like first walk, talk, teething, etc....
Don't have to feel guilty of having maid, she is there to help out, and you also can spend quality time with your bb or do your own things to take a break. I struggled too, but i believe that my bb is a blessing to me, and I want to provide my whole attention onto him before it's too late. They grow up fast, and before you know it, they will want to be with their peers and not you anymore. We all went thru that stage, didn't we? We can start our career anytime, but once we lose our kids, they will be lost...
Wah so shiok you can just drop off Sha to you ils...

S's favorite songs that she sings everyday are 1)twinkle star 2)ABC 3)Ni-Wa-Wa 4)Row Your Boat 5)Ba-ba Black Sheep 6)Shan-zhi-lao-hu 7)2 Little Diggy Birds(she will change the names of Peter &amp; Paul to everyone she knws) 8)Humpty Dumpty(also will change Humpty Dumpty to Daddy Daddy or Mummy Mummy...)....then she will read Sun-Sat then for sure follow by Jan-Dec. She thinks they are one set
Very busy before she dozes off!

gd mrng! how is everything with ya?
Today start off was great but ytd when i went to pick K she was pathetic as once she spot me she bawl her eyes out as ytd was the 1st time i pick her up so late at 6.30pm to let her get used to it since next week onward i got to start work and tat would be roughly the time i pick her up.

The teacher comment tat ytd starting from lunch she started crying on and off and when she fall asleep during naptime can still heard those after crying sound like breathing in like tat and at 4pm(as past 2 day i pick her up at tat time)she started taking her bag and wait for me but since i nv appear she started panicking and started crying on off for big time.

But luckily today she still willing to go to sch but when send her in she slightly reject the teacher carry but settle in within 5 min and let the teacher carry and no crying.Hopes it stay tis way till ltr fetch her(after 6pm again).
Repost.Juz in case u all dun remember tomolo is the big day.

Date: 6 June 2008, Fri
Time: 3pm-6pm
Venue: Yum Cha@Chinatown(Url:http://www.yumcha.com.sg/High_Tea1.html)
Agenda: High Tea
1) Babygal_1(might not bring K cos she in childcare)
2) Aishite + S
3) elmo &amp; ger (probably will be slightly late)
4) CG
5) Lin (prolly no cay cos his naptime)
6) esther n randal
Awww so poor thing! It's my worst fear if me or fil go late to pick S from school...eventhough so far never happened. Just thinking of her being the last one to leave n got panicked make me sad...
K is such a brave gal! Am so very proud of her!!!
where n when is the leapfrog event?

wow! the tots are always doing really little things that mean the world to mommies. still cant help but snigger when i recall N singing loudly at toyrental.
yah loh, we have alot of books but cant resist from buying. the next time at my place, u can browse the encyclo.. n c if u like it.
also strongly believe they are listening. we marvel at sidney's attention to books. he generally has minimal attention towards anything. and he responds to the titles, which really makes us wanna buy more books for him. (altho alot of my book purchases is without knowledge of hb.. haha)

dun u have to pack her off to bed really early, ah boh no time to finish her "routine"?? haha...she's a talent!

indeed, ive never been more grateful that im the person to spend my time with sidney all this while. the last thing i want is to blame someone else for his relative delay in devt. at least i know he's always been getting my 100% everyday till now. thanks for sharing.
yes, now really gotta pack her off to bed earlier otherwise sure z really late...i'm serious! last time took 5-10mins to doze off now she needs at least half an hour.
So far I leave Sha with ils, my parents and girlfriend she is alright. Oh ya, she also likes the song: Little Diggy Birds

Finally K crys... hee hee! She misses you.
When I go and fetch her, sometimes she refuses to come out, still wants to stay in the classroom, hahah!
Cheri, Pebbles
wow ur girls can sing so many songs alr
cay is best at the leapfrog phonics song and bits of wheels on the bus and some of his self-composed ones keke...

hahaa summer really one cute lil girl! no wonder she drinks so much water everyday cos gotta sing so many songs and do recitation of days plus mths everytime before she sleeps!
btw yah agree... every night after my gdnite kiss to him i'll try to ignore him no matter how sweetly he calls 'mommy' or how gently he caresses my face to get my attention else he'll sure take even longer time to fall sleep

aww... tats so heartbreakingly sweet hor... Kenise actually got ready her bag and waited for u since 4pm. she's been doing really well so im sure she'll adapt to the new timing v fast

hehe me too... some of my bk purchases were wout hb's knowledge... then i wld pretend i bought them long time ago... make him feel guilty for not spending enuff time w cay to know the difference

Sha is another independent girl
think i'll be v happy if cay refuses to go home when i pick him up fr sch cos it means he must be hving a really gd time
Yaya, most of my purchases for Sha were wo G's knowledge.

Gucci is now having great sale! Hinting u again? keke
So good you can just leave her with girlfriend also....I got no one to leave to leh...mil is still working...my own parents in msia...sister is always not around...

She loves singing and starting to get abit of tune correctly...hee! Just now she was singing "Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall...." then I asked her:"Are you Humpty Dumpty?" She answered:"Noooooo Summer is a big girl already...."....eventhough it's not exactly the correct answer but I was bursting out laughing
CG, elmo-
its good they can stay with someone for awhile.my mil told me in my face she cannot watch sidney for me, coz one time he cried really badly. 15 min after we went out, we had to come back coz she insisted we had to. luckily he's ok with my mom. so once a week, i get to take a breather and roam in hougang for 1-2 hours. hee.

must sing so many songs, of coz need at least half an hour lah!

wah u good. actually hb is quite nice abt my book purchases. he knows we read alot everyday and these books are always put to good use so he wun really nag too much. but he will still tell me to hold my reins abit coz i always buy books that he feels are too cheem for sidney. i beg to differ! can always show pics. even one a day is good! rite??

thats why i like the disney encyclo coz there are so many different animals! since he like animals, might as well show him the whole lot!

K very independent already. so are u enjoying ur last day of freedom? tmr or next week starting work? vaguely recall u told me 6th of june or something..
Got lor only fil or aunty. My routine now is after lunch I will leave her with fil/aunty/maid for half hour then they will bring her up to nap. Then when she wakes up from her nap, I will leave her downstairs to play with old folks till dinner time at 7pm. But I never left her like whole day or many hours lor...the most is just 3hrs...
sounds so poor thing leh...did u tell K b4hand that u would be picking her up later? maybe she expected u to come at the usual time...

re purchasing books wif hb's knowledge
how to seek hb's permission everytime u buy books or toys? they r not all the time ard when we go shopping. Even when we were without a child, i'm sure we dun seek their permission when we shop for our own stuff rite? though we r sahms &amp; aren't exactly financially independent at present, we r doing our part for the family too. So things shouldn't change lah. I think most of our hbs trust our judgement to buy only wat we think is good for our child...will not spend unnecessarily.

2 lil diggy birds? that's the 2 lil black birds song rite? N is oso more familiar wif the Peter &amp; Paul version but bishan teacher G sings Jack &amp; Jill version...can see N is always slightly confused...heheh plus JG even has the chinese version for this song..damn cute!

heheh we sneaked out for a swim this morning b4 it started to pour...enjoy ur forum outing today...not raining at my place anymore.
Hi mummies

pon pp's playgroup today coz have to stay on to wait for tingkat man to collect debt...haiz...

you good life lah, can leave S with others in the same house so she is not outta your sight...wont S come running to look for you?

maybe S thought only lil bbs fall? that if she is a big girl, she wont fall anymore?

buying books.
i just got large enough budget to buy chinese books for CY. coz hb says CY turning baba...cant utter a single word in mandarin...

but i just realise hb really bad story teller. frankly if i were CY, i wont be interested too :p haiz..but just wait and see lah...

regarding speaking
im just pondering why isnt CY speaking much yet. i mean he understands what i say, he understands some of what i read to him, and he can even point out words to me...but he just doesnt SPEAK!occasionally he will lapse into his whole string of conversation which are really mumbo jumbo incoherence, and when he does speak, his pronunciation is really bad. he cant pronounce 'j', 's', 'k', 'g', 'z','ch','sh and many of the back sounds and vowels in words

and even though his vocab is more than 50 words oredi, he is still not stringing htem in sentences yhet leh...not even 'mummy bao bao...' (ok, he doesnt understand what is baobao...) the furthest he went so far is 'more please' adn it sounds more like 'more pee'

how to encourage him to speak in sentences??ive never ever spoken to him in singlish or what, so he shouldnt be so confused right?
yaya,i oso thot summer probably thinks Humpty Dumpty is a baby or sthg...

i think most hbs r not good storytellers but dun discourage or criticise him lah...J can't pronounce certain words well but i think it's the bonding time that's impt, not so much perfect pronunciation...N will not mind either of us reading...

erm i guess some kids just dun like to talk much...N is oso such a child esp in front of ppl. I dun think it's a problem &amp; nothing much u can do...just continue to speak lots to him...Hee i doubt N can vocalise those sounds correctly either...no need so kan cheong lah.
haha..no i nver criticise him lah, dun dare wor, wait he leave me to read to CY in mandarina nd english die lah...

but i dun think CY doesnt want to talk, the same thing loh, he will point and point and refuse to say the word, point until he turns purple. then i give him the object he will tell me the name (sometimes)!!!
my hb practially raps to sidney the stories. no rhythmn(count fast then slow and sometimes count till the back, and i cant hear anything anymore..), always reading to him in high pitched tone (he thinks that is being animated)and he rambles thru the story without pointing to anything that he reads (like say "apple" then at least point to picture of "apple" rite??)

now ive come to accept its just his way of reading to the kid. i guess apart from the prim n proper way of reading to a kid, its nice to have their bit of fun. (which is btw still very ridiculous to me)..

anyway just to add, one day we were at the library, hb said he wanna borrow some books on how to read to child, coz he says i always tell him not to read funny to sidney...then i felt SO bad.
There was still like about 7-8 student when i pick her up ytd but think becoz she might be used to me picking her at 4pm tat why she got panick.

K also wanna stay in the class and continue play wif her classmate b4 ytd when i attempt to pick her up so late.Haiz dun noe how she will be ltr???

ya very sweet of her but ytd se her cry till like tat really heartache and now i hoping today will be a better day.

Me starting work next mon so now enjoying my freedom and nua till the max.

Told her liao think she probably think i am joking or nv heard wat i say but ytd nite b4 sleep and today on the way to sch i remind her again and again and she say k.Hop she really mean it.

Dun worry about cy not speaking in sentence as K haven't even speak in 2 words yet so he not lacking ya.
Since our bb is juz apart by 1 mth.
r u bringing summer along to the dim sum tomr? maybe u can try leaving her w ur fil/aunt/maid so tat wont be so xinku for u to handle her alone outside. but of cos i wld love to see her lah

Buying books
actually when i say hb nag abt my bk purchases... its more like he's teasing me... cos everytime when he says something like 'wah new bk ah' then i wld get all defensive... dunno y oso since its not as if im splurging on myself... its for the gd of our son's future mah

yah me same thinking as cheri... no need to rush or be overly worried abt their speech development. cay oso considered one of the slower ones here... but i believe he'll be able to catch up sooner or later. unless he's still not talking much when he hits 3 then i'll be worried

my hb is one lousy storyteller too!!! actually he speaks much better english than me but dunno y when it comes to reading to cay... he jus sounds really funny lor... like v awkward like tat.

hahahahaaaa i almost burst out laughing when u said ur hb actually raps instead of read to sidney!! aiyo reminds me of the letter 'W' man!
ya, her Ladybird CD is "2 Little Diggy Birds" n it's Peter n Paul but S will change them to "One name Lena, the other name Daniel"(her parents) or "One name Mrs Chia, the other name Ke-Lao-Shi"(her teachers) n so on.

She loves her playpen downstairs n she will play inside for hours n make all the old folks like a clown. Then she will proceed to her drawing board, etc. Oh forgot to mention, after her dinner I will leave her with old folks again from 7.40pm-9.10pm then they will bring her up to drink milk then zz. But sometimes if it's too hot weather then she will asks to come up earlier.

Yes bringing my koala along..don't knw leh, nv thought of leaving her with them in the afternoon yet...maybe one day lah...
hehe replacing peter n paul w lena n daniel is really cute! ooh gd gd will get to see lil summer n the other tots tomr
hmm... dunno whether to bring cay or not... ytd and tdy he refused to nap... ytd fr morning 10.30am play until night 10.30pm then ko... then this morning woke up at 10.30am again and til now still dunwan to nap

aiyah forgot to add this is the 2nd time this wk... plus now im craving for bubble tea again
You still haven't build his sleeping pattern ah? Now S will automatic ko at her nap time n night time sleeping.
I also want bubble tea...
hey mummies, long time never come in post! just came back from hong kong, fun but tiring as i brought randal along. Then i dunno why he was super clingy to me throughout the trip. when i started shopping, he would yell at me for my attention.
But i would say he is a good traveller, he takes to flying quite well, no problems with take off and landing

Yum cha date
i almost forgot that tomolo is the big day for tim sum! ok ok i'll see u all tomolo at 3pm at the chinatown

Randal really enjoys seating in the bassinet seat!
R is so cute...hee! What is the weight for the bassinet? I thought it's like 9kg or something near there? Hee...I've returned all my training to them already. So far we travelled with SQ most of the time but nv asked for the bassinet cos thought S is too big for it. And I think S will not stay very long in there too so didn't bother to ask.

awww...just heard about you thinking of trying then bingo!!!!eh, december bb or jan huh? wow, we can have another playgroup liaoz...with abc boy as the gang leader!!!

Lin, elmo
i love bubble tea, but hor cannot take at night coz will be sleepless in singapore. my system for absorbing caffeine very hyper one...haiz...

your hb really sweet. say must go borrow books to learn how to read to sidney...that must have made you feel so bad lah..

K can say xiexie right?that is very sweet mah....

randal looks so small in his bassinet!!

hey im also like u, love all kinds of tea, including bubble tea, but it will keep me hyper and awake. So i can only drink tea early in the day or before 1pm, then it wouldnt affect my sleep. R looks small ah.. Aw, may say that he has slim down a lot, i also think so. There was another baby seated beside us on the plane, and she was the same size as R. When i ask her mummy how old was she, i got a shock when she told me the baby was 9 mths!

R was busy entertaining himself in the bassinet. I threw all sorts of stuff into the bassinet, cups, toys, remote control, sweets, biscuits etc so that he will be distracted and sit there nicely. Then i can sit comfortably in my seat and don't have him squeeze with me, hehe!

ya thought who r u talking like knw we all...hahaha! ya why changed account?
I thought leaving bb in the bassinet is quite dangerous. We usually will get seat for S.
