A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

wow this thread moves so fast, i can't seem to finish reading...

puzzles has 28 pcs (i think)and once completed it is about 50x 40cm.

The pooh i got is the new verision, educational type. think disney wanted to capture this market. think they are launch these new Dvds over here. The mickey u watched is called Mickey Clubhouse is it?

wonder if you have any idea wat food source contain taurine?
If you happen to pass by, can help me check out those puppets at that shop u mentioned?
I have the alphabet tray.
Now looking for sandpaper letters.
Sha is very good in shapes, but not colours yet.
Shapes is much easier to introduce by using her 'touch' senses.
Sorting colours, she is confident but identify the colours itself still not yet.
Sorting other things like clothings, shoes, toys, utensils and etc she can achieve most of the times.
Haha, I take advantage of asking her to sort out our laundry after washing before I fold all.

You going bkk? So good!

Now I am training her to put back the shoes to the original spot after her crocs "flew away"
CG & doris
hmm i thot kindergarten is compulsory now after they intro the Compulsory Education Act or sthg few years ago? the govt agency in charge of this (not MOE) will actually go to the last known address of every child who doesn't attend & check wif the parents why. Usually if it's due to financial reasons or no caregiver to bring them, they'll help the family out thru financial aid or get a kindi near their house. Think it was reported in the papers b4. I'm just not sure if nursery is compulsory or not.

i always find the smallest size for crocs so cute & adorable leh...too bad when i wanted to buy for N, oredi couldn't fit.

shauna, cy, lin
i dun read aloud CL books if she moves out of range...but usually if she stays beside me but is interested in doing some other thing, i'll read more animatedly to catch her attn...usually it works. Songs may oso help. i feel books wif storylines r more suitable for them now...vocab r meaningless & boring after a while without a context. N will be concerned abt wat happens to the diff characters in her stories etc..sticks in her mind better than the names of the animals hahah

i think it's add the barley in to cook...u can oso try giving him chrysanthemum water..put a bit of rock sugar, see if he will drink? does he hv thin nose lining too? how frequent is his nose bleeds?

wow bkk! but must take care k, dun walk ard too much to shop hahah...but can eat the yummy food there.
Add in the barley seeds together with the rice.
Do mix "fried barley' with normal barley seeds which is more effective. Can get from Medical Hall.
Date: 5 June, Thur
Time: 430pm -5pm
Venue: Forum Shopping Centre
Agenda: Showtime - Return to the Fairyland Tales
1) CG and Sha
2) elmo & ger
Cheri, shauna
no he is not interested in chinese. once he sees it's chinese, he will start packing them up in little stacks and put them away.

im thinking of trying GD coz he was opned to GD for english mah, so maybe that is a good way to introduce chinese too...haiz...

wo hui du is a little clumsy leh.i mean the flipping part. haiz..but am so lazy to try new things now. so many things to do everyday..GD english, his BOI, GD math (stalled a bit liaoz..), and phonics and reading tonnes of books.....

i still havent introduce crafts yet...

still must bring him out to rough rough it out...

wanted to introduce chinese during reading but he simply hates it..not walk away even, will pack up and pick up english books instead...

hmmm...maybe try the songs first...cheri burnt the cd oredi hor...thankie!!!!
forgot to add. kindy not compulsry..not under the Compulsory education act. only start from p1 nia.

kindy difficult to keep track coz many kiddoes attending private kindies, and some attend two different kindies...
Sometimes they don't like (or don't understand) Chinese, should be because they are not explored to this language since birth.
Hence it might takes a longer time to let them adapt to it.
Children are smart to choose the language they understand and are comfortable with it.
Do you and your hb try to speak Mandarin at home? Or maybe Chinese enrichment lessons for him like JG?
Some children actually understand that language but just refuse to speak, maybe due to home environment or no confidence?
so far her chrysanthemum i've been using it to make her milk so din let her drink...she's not a big fan of honey drink but not sure how it will taste when mixed wif chrysanthemum...she likes delrosa now though..will add a bit to her water sometimes.

not compulsory ah...sure hor? then my sil may wanna take her son back to msia...

waa u very hardworking leh, do so many things wif him at home everyday...my schedule for N is very own time, own target hahah...i guess at the end of the day, EL is still more impt to us...can't imagine if her EL is not good & i hv to send her for tuition in all the subjects that use EL as a medium of instruction..at least CL no good is just one subject? hahah...of course, ideal situation is bilingual lah
Shauna, Cheri
re chinese... yah think i jus hv to be patient n continue reading to him. i jus bot a chinese song bk cum cd last week... though the chinese qiang1 not too strong but i still find english songs nicer and more catchy leh

hee yah must rem not to walk too much ya

Cheri, CG
Thanks thanks
oh so im supposed to let him eat the barley. hmm not too sure whether his nose lining thin or not... last night was prolly the third time since birth though the 2nd time happened 2-3 days in a row... not considered too frequent right? sianz... if only he drinks his water

wah yah lor u're really one hardworking mommy leh!
wats BOI? yah loh , agree with the rest of the mommies.. u are very hardworking. the sheer thought of having to sit n prepare flashcards is already making me giddy..hmm..

my case abit different. for sidney, familiarity breeds interest so i just have to read n read n read until he hears it so much, he actually begins to like it. this happens for both english n chinese books tho he seemingly has way more fav eng books than the mandrain ones.

bought the tikes walker. our fren is just reluctant to stand. just cant make him cruise. he hardly even cruises ard the whole day..
and cant make him leh. he will just do a split n crawl off ..
Ya am looking forward to the trip...quite bored liao! At first planned for Europe but got preggie...then thought of Japan then Australia then now Bangkok...grr...cos of shorter flight time. Ohwell, I don't mind near by cos don't think I can take long flight now...

hey haven't heard from u for a while!
or maybe cos i seldom log on these days?
good to know you're going away for a short break!
Doesn't matter where, as long as you're spending time with your loved ones!
Her Idea of Fun, But It's Torture for Me!


Yes, she won't just go to sleep.
She took out this book thing and opens it up. Then she tried to read the facts.
After which she asked me to read to her.
ARgh... I was really very tired!
But I read to her.
Then she took a huge pile of books to me!!!
HB came back and was so shocked to see both of us in that manner!
Told her she was orturing me, lying down on the floor.
Her reply?
But I gave mummy my blanket!!!
yo people...

hahaha cat...
Ning ah...farni!!! 'i gave mummy my blanket'..very magnanimous hor...kekekekek...

i hope i wont be as pai mia as you in the future. but CY is getting difficult to put to bed recently. pat until i sng still refused to sleep...

oooooo...kai and Nikki.... oooooooooOOOooooOOO...so sweet..must show them when they are older!!!!

BOI=bits of intelligence...GD flashing of cards for encyclopedic knowledge.but im quite lazy in this area..hahahah...

shauna, lin, cheri.
no im not hardworking...my DIY flashcards mostly on laptop so easy to do..dun need cut and paste. the rest of cards all bought with money so just need to flash.

flashing super fast...

but ive been lazy these few days. so stalling many of my programmes. busy with settling the house in order. should be able to resume end of this week...haiz...
no need to eat the barley...use them to boil ur porridge should be good enough. unless the barley boils till so soft that it disintegrates then can eat tog if he doesn't mind. Ya, he's not bleeding very frequently...N had like more than 10ish episodes oredi.

awww those pics r so nice & the captions...pls email me the pics hahhah

iya, u spoil Ning lah...sometimes must tell her 'no' oso.

hmm maybe let him sit down to explore, play wif the walker & the buttons etc first...try to hold him up & let him walk...even short while everyday is good...dun rush him.

yes, doesn't matter where..it's the packing for trip, the looking forward to that recharges us...away from routines works wonders! enjoy!

re forum show
we were a bit disappointed that they were not acting out the stories of Lil Red Riding Hood & Gingerbread man etc...but the characters did song & dance...must say the kids enjoyed it still. Good to go on weekdays..think weekends will be jam packed esp during sch hols now.
re:beautiful pics
heehee i think creative editing n caption makes some of our pics all the more precious ya??
I wanted something that speaks about NOW and not hinting about future...

no la i dun think it's spoiling her la
actually we used to read a whole lot more but eversince Kai it's been difficult reading to her n patting him
so when TS is back he'll read to her but she'll sleep almost instantaneously
she'll ask me to read and i'll tell her after kai is asleep... but most time she can'tlast that long!
that night, she was staying up trying to finish the card she made for Daddy and she was getting tired but she wanted to read and she wanted us to snuggle up tog so she dragged her quilt n extra blanket n pillow to the reading corner to read there!
so i couldn't really refuse!

tonight, i ask if she wants to read, she told me
"oh mummy but my eyes are really small right now!"
"Are u sleepy?"
"Yes mummy. That's why i tell u 1st then i sleep!"
"Ning? Hey, I love you!"
"E-R is 'er'!"(think she must have drifted off to dreamland...but i almost laughed out loud when she said that, pulling out her milk bottle at the same time!)
of course u can & must read to her still but wat i meant is if u r really tired or lying on the floor is not the best place to be reading, just tell her 'no' or read in a more comfy place...keke reminds me of the asparagus soup incident in ikea leh :p
ya there are things i'm very lenient with her
but there are things she knows she better follow what i say
actually few days back she got caned by me, quite bad one...
she was very rude and was fussing just because she was tired!
in fact just now she didn't want kai to sit behind with her. insisted he goes to the front cos she wanted to watch vcd
mil quickly took kai to the front
i was really fuming
i told her if it had been in daddy's car she wld be left in the carpark by herself!
after that mil said she's been spoilt cos she used to have her way
almost tell her YA LOR but since she bad mood so let her have her way la
but after that i asked ning if she remembers what happened she quickly said sorry mummy! sorry!
i told her i didn't want to hear her sorry.
i wld rather she show me by action.
awwww the pic is so sweet!!!
yes packing to go away is recharging us, it's not the destination...I don't mind Bkk at all actually cos I want to shop

ya, been staying at home the whole time n only out on weekend with hb. S n I been sleeping like 3.5 hrs for the past 3 days in the afternoon...hhahaha like mother like daughter...piggies!!!
I have an activity walker.
But Sha did not want to use it at all.
She just played with the music buttons, that was all.

Have an enjoyable trip.
Just don't shop till you drop, hee hee!
Today I was glad that Sha took 3.5hrs afternoon nap.
Btw, just curious.
Do you sleep a lot when you were expecting S?
When I was expecting Sha, I was still very active, almost everyday I went shopping for many hours.
Only slept 6hrs or maybe less, she was so active that I hardly could sleep well especially at night.
Is the new Pooh educational nice? Yes, mickeymouse clubhouse and C really wakes me up before 9.30am in the morning and ask me to open the door so that she can go to the living room to watch. Have you watched before? I prefer this to Barney.

Taurine is found mostly in meat and fish! Red bull has it
why do you ask about taurine suddenly? We adults can make Taurine in our bodies.
Wow so nice to go BKK ya.Enjoys ur trip but dun shop till drop ya.

No prob wif the pics.Btw tis gal is opposite of C though when come to being bully as i once saw tat a boy older than her(from next class)push her during assembly she fight back by pushing tat boy anyway she older than C(now 2.5yr old).
She juz accidentally knock against the table edge last week anyway juz a little bit red in the cheek and recover the next day liao.Thanks for the concern ya.
the pics with kai n N makes me laugh.. his tall "gf"..hmm..

so u run the flashcards on laptop? easier hor.. yah i hate to flip the books too. clumsy. they do sell level 1 in flashcards u know? i bought the book form coz i thought it would be easier to keep. and yah lah, easier to keep, harder to flip. sianz.

cheri, cg-
doesnt wanna stand at all. actually we had so many walkers and push n ride toys. one more at my mom's , one at my mil's.. and now one more at home. put him to stand and he just kneels. just have to give him time loh.. but self feeding, he can do abit of fruits. load the spoon n give to him and he can shuff it in his mouth. not too much accuracy but ok lah, not too bad, most fruits get into his mouth.. haha. cheri, suprisingly, he doesnt do the same for yoghurt. i thought it was motivation enough, apparently not!
mrning mummsies

quiet morning leh...

yes running on laptopn makes it so much easier! i dun like books leh, veri ley chey...

maybe sidney is just bored with being pushed to walk?walkers dun work on all bbs...

enjoy your bk trip!!! so fun!!!eat good food and shop shop shop..got personal nanny to take care of S somemore!!!!

wow, K is really hardy hor!!!i never fail to be amazed at how garang she is!!

pooh encyclopedia
went to bb popular yest..but didnt get those encyl. bought too many chinese books, so didnt get them. also not sure if CY will appreciate them lah..personally dun like pooh leh...hahahahha...

Yes I was sleeping quite alot too....I took nap everyday in my office about an hour+...then at night I will KO about 10pm till 9am...hahhaha...maybe that explains S sleeps alot too! But I was active after work, dinner out then shopping centre all the way!
This one same, I am so looking forward for my nap time in the afternoon...hee!
yeah me too. i dun like pooh bt i like the vivid pics in the encyclo but the pages are really very very thin..

i duno if he's bored of walking. he just isnt doing it much. sometimes he will just climb on the sofa and sit there for a long period.

good chinese books very hard to find hor? so whats the plan? ur hb speak to cy in mandrain or u have to double the languages with him?

oh yah yah BOI, ive read it in glenn doman book but forgot. oh man, thats alot of work.

shiok leh. the last time i was in bkk was when i was 6 weeks pregnant with sidney. hee.
then i must sleep a lot now leh, i wanna a bb that sleeps loads!!kekekekekek.

yes the pages very thin,so im concerned loh,cy is so rough leh....

the intention is to let hb speak to CY in mandarin loh. but hten his contact with CY limited too...so most likely i will play those chinese CDs in the day for him too...
Any good recommendation for good food or good place to go?

I think it's quite true yunno...most of the mothers I kwn that doesn't get enough sleep during pregnancy n bb also don't really sleep much...think it's the habit!
Thanks for the barley info

hehee Nikki and Kai... soooo sweet

CY, Shauna
yes, the ency pages r really thin... but after my constant nagging... cay now seems to understand tat he gotta treat those 2 bks w extra care... but for the rest of his board bks he'll still be as rough w them

Elmo, CY, CG
hahaa no wonder... tat prolly explains cay's nocturnal schedule.. cos when i preg w him i slept my day away and only got up ard 5-6pm when hb was abt to be home
Ya K is so garang most of the times and even at home sometimes when she run and play wif me can u imagine she can juz run straight to the wall and bang her head or the sliding door or sofa.OMG and if HB not at home I would laugh my head off and if HB at home he will rush to her and sayange her and i muz try to not laugh lor.
i tend to agree wif u too leh abt the tots' sleeping habits being inherited from the mum hahha...maybe cos if we sleep or nap when preg, baby will oso know it's rest time in tummy so when they r out, they will oso auto know it's knock out time...

shauna & CY
was in popular just now, so u all still thinking of getting the books? i din see it on disc leh...didn't hv the time to ask the sales asst...if there is disc, i'll get the Nature one. thanks!

re spiders in junction 8
N was really afraid of it...clung so tightly to me esp affter she saw it move! Hee i hv another thing to frighten her wif if she's notti now...told her if she's notti, will put her on spider's back & let it take her back to the spider's web lol! they had free photo taking so we took a pic in front of the spider. thot the art activities were pretty interesting but more for older tots...they were making caterpillars, ladybirds etc. cat, u should bring Ning...think nicer than her gingerbread man yest hahah
i went to popular too! and bought ALL of them. haiya.. couldnt resist again.. its still buy 2 get 1 free .. so u gota find someone else to share with u...

the last time we went, hb was on a biz trip so it was just me going shopping alone. but i always go to siam square for cheap buys.. what type of things are u looking for? branded or non-branded. there is a mall that sells only branded stuff. but its not any cheaper than sg..

well hope sidney can be as gentle as cay.. he has some paperbacks which he helps to turn the pages.. and ok lah, passable. never crush the pages in my face.. so i'm gonna try them out tmr. hee

jack of all trades? haha. i read abit of the book.. and they had some ideas for the BOI. if the kids really know these, they would be walking enclyclopedias..

yup yup, good to play some chinese songs. sometimes when i listen to sidney's discs, i would hear some songs that my mom played to me when i was young. its all at the back of my brain, just needs to be fished out. which is really nice coz it meant that all my mom did is all tucked somewhere up there.
hahahah poor N got another ba-bin on mummy's hand...hee! S is not scared of all the creepies but she is scared of something else...songs!!! She doesn't like this elmo bed time song (u go to YouTube n type elmo bed time song) and she doesn't like to watch Humpty Dumpty cartoon or animation...song is ok...funny hor!
i like pooh better than mickey. got more storyline while mickey's clubhouse squeeze alot of "teaching" in a single espiode.

cos i notice taurine is found in newborn formula powder and none in toddler formula. i am hoping to change to another brand so hopes to know if taurine can be found commonly in our food sources. Thanks for the info, really helps.
Today, I left Sha with my mil from 2pm till 10pm (a total of 8hrs).
Normally just 2-4hrs.
She is totally ok with it.
I'm so happy. Finally my girl has grown up.
gee ya man, when N was so frightened of the big spider, i was smiling to myself when i thot of u saying S actually laughed at the spider keke...such contrasting reactions hehe

i like Platinum Mall a lot the last time i was in BKK...air con, few storeys wif many shops selling all kinds of stuff for men, women, kids (cut label clothes, toys) etc. It's a wholesale kinda place so they offer u cheaper price if u buy at least 3 items from the shop...only thing i dun like is that most of the shops hv no fitting rooms.

no prob, may not buy the book afterall...honestly, she has so many books oredi hehe
a pleasant surprise for me this evening

was out wif her in pasar malam in my estate. suddenly, while walking, she started blurting out a few lines from one of the books i've been reading to her...came home, i whipped out that book again & 'tested' her for those pages...wa, really can rem & say word for word leh hahah...it was kinda cute to hear her 'read' even though i know it's from memory lol.

so mummies who r reading to ur younger tots, continue to read! they r really listening!
