A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

hi gals

i m not a SAHM, but on maternity leave.. but going back to wk soon sob sob.. can i join your activity?

i m keen to join for the
Day/Date: TUE 7 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Alantis City @ Delta
Agenda: Playgym
1) Angi & Seth
2) snail

Welcome, snail!

Wah, bo-lan one...all still ko-ing ah???

U r sooo funny hor!
u wanted to be Ah Meng's nanny..hahahha! Ya, the last time I brought her to the zoo also almost fainted dued to the heat! and as usual she sweat like nobody business! I will bring her again when she is able to walk by herself.

For those not going to IMM today, want to meet for kopi in the afternoon? I am deprieved to go out...
...can go near by my place like bishan or yishun or woodlands cos got dinner tonight at IL's place.
Cheri, YLC

School name is INNATE Montessori, address : 25 Jalan kAKATUA, Jurong Kechil, tel: 64687449,Ms Amruta.

Please do call for an appointment to view the school, mentioned my name and see if she will waived the reg fee for you if you are interested to sign up with them.

Yup swimming lessson once a week is included it.... heheh tats y i liked and would be sending andea there when i settle the transport problem.

Will not be joing u gals this fri liao

Date: FRI 3 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Forum L2 Playground
Agenda: Playgroup & Cheap High Tea?
1) abcdisney n abc ??
2) Angi & Seth
3) Lin & Cayden ??
4) minzz & charlotte ??

Montessori school
humm i should not comment much about it liao.... been talking too much lately ... after i ganna banned ar.. since i 'promote' it so strongly. ;op
i guess its more or less up to the indiv to decide, to me montessori way of teaching teaches the child to be independent, self discpline, confident,intrinsically motivated and be a creative thinker as it is an individualised learning programmeset in a learning environment that is social, innovative and compassionate and caring.
Inmate Montesori
Anyone wan go see see look look?

I hv no cvomments on this but i feel in some ways we r using a part of it unknowingly too. For those interested to find out more abt doing montesori on yr own i do hv a very gd book on it and lesson plan on hw u can use montesori in everyday life at home or even outdoor outings.

I believe all schools whether montesori or not teach kids to b independent, self discpline, confident,intrinsically motivated and be a creative thinker as it is an individualised learning programmeset in a learning environment that is social, innovative and compassionate and caring so long it is in a half day prog or childcare especially nt not those which are too academic focus. In fact i think a gd preschool will do all of the above. Only those which is below standard sch will "ignore" kids n finish up their lesson plan rather than on students.

I am sure some of u who know my gal will know tat she is easy to take care n independent.. but still she is currently not in a montesori school. Guess it depends a lot on school n teachers. But i do agree montesori helps in enabling a kid to hv longer attention span and confident... abc does started off with a montesori sch for 3 mth before the premise is taken over by kinderland. I guess partly oso her current eng teacher was MMI trained tat y she is not the kind of teacher who does everything for d child... jus my personal opinion. :)

However one thing u may wish to note tat MOE education sys is NOT into montesori n i doubt it will b in the near future. Thus if u r fully into montesori guess u may wish to expose her to other types of learning as well when she's slightly older cos if nt they may find study too BORED.
it's true that they can climb stairs in playground etc...but too bad my home no stairs/steps for her to climb n the ones so far in most playgrounds r too challenging liao so she doesn't even want to try. But the stairs at the Montessori trial was at right depth and with good railings so she managed to do it just after one try. This morning, as she left for JG, she wanted to climb the stairs for my block...hahah...guess that's what they mean by when we provide them with the right environment and positive reinforcement, they will thrive. We need to understand our children as every child is unique and i know my ger is not the super gungho type...she needs a bit of pushing and encouragement to try new things...

elmo & celes - ya, i agree wif u that there may be a concern that starting classes now could be too young but i guess many places now know that learning is best achieved thru meaningful play. Hence the kids must enjoy...that's why for me so far, it's only mother-child classes, not drop off types.

abc - re zoo water play area, i went there the other time wif lena but the water quite dirty and brown leh...unlike the water at imm playground or sentosa fountain area...has abc played in it b4? wondering if it happens to be that day we went, it was dirty or wat.

aileen...thanks for the name of the centre...will check it out one of these days as well as a few others near my area...ylc, u wanna go together? anyone else interested in jurong kechil area? dun wan to last min rush lah...prefer to leisurely look around now first...oso cos some centres need to put them on waitlist first.
Aileen if i m nt wrong the sch is near to jurong garden school n open by indian right?

I dun mind mtg up. Causeway point?
abc - yes, i fully agree wif u that inculcating independent thinkers who r self motivated in learning is the direction our country's education system is moving towards...hence most programmes r structured along that line...but i think the difference v often lies in the teachers...like i said previously in earlier post, the school can hv very glorified vision & mission statements but if these ideals and beliefs r not cascaded to the staff at even the reception level, wat happens in class will very often surprise us. I think attending trials provide us wif one means of gauging things, among others....
abc - yes, i fully agree wif u that inculcating independent thinkers who r self motivated in learning is the direction our country's education system is moving towards...hence most programmes r structured along that line...but i think the difference v often lies in the teachers...like i said previously in earlier post, the school can hv very glorified vision & mission statements but if these ideals and beliefs r not cascaded to the staff at even the reception level, wat happens in class will very often surprise us. I think attending trials provide us wif one means of gauging things, among others....
Yes i agree. I think teachers play the most impt part rather than the kind of school or way they use to teach. For me i guess i am lucky abc's teachers are very nice and professional and most imptly must be standing the same side as how i feel abt bringing up a child. I cannot stand those who think they r teachers and thus they r more superior than us. Hey so wat u r the teachers? We are the parents ley... Tat wat i feel.

Yup, its open by an indian expat wife... she is currently a PR now.

I fully understand and agree with ABC that MOE do not support montessori curriculum.... however our PCF kindergarten adn NTUC childcvare centre in singapire has include partial montessori in it w/o openly acknowledge that montessori is good in their aspect as well. our country education is moving along that like to cultivate our kids to learn through self motivation but .... we are still lacking in the soft skills approach which montessori has. However, like i say b4 i went thru both the amin stream training and montessori and i see the difference and approach of teaching is big thats y i would still choose montessori than the mainstream approach.

bottomline is like what cheri said the teacher that is teaching is the main draw for our child development. As for ABC case, her daughter is in a mainstream school but the teacher is montessori trained so approach of teaching is different.
I guess all in all as long as teacher is gd, child is happy and looking forward to school.. ultimately it will be the mummy who's the happiest. :)
Personallu i wan see the innate school becos of swimming class. No nd to fork out additional for swim class. But then again may reconsider too cos distance wise nt convenient. Mabe if i stay at my parents place... hahaha.. but nevertheless see see look look is FOC. Dun mind taking a loook....
hahah i agree withu ABC, and as for innate, the swimming pool was the main drwa for me as like you i think its worth it if i do not have to fork out xtra for the swim class. Do remember to call in advance b4 u gals pop in ya....

We shall discuss again about innate school after u gals visit it, hopefully our gals can be classmate ya;op
i am rather hesitant to change cos i am paying $418 for kinderland for 5 full day childcare ley... where got such a good price right? hahaha...

But mabe if they wun gv me such gd price next time then i can jump ship... but free swimming class... hahahaha....

I wont be able to visit the premise tml cus i have a prior appointment. I will probably call in next week.

the swimming pool is certainly an attraction and definitely an edge over the rest! QUite excited to see the premise. hahaha so young, caitz gonna have classmates!
a warm welcome to snail...

erm next week seems like poor response... pls do come back reg to cek on us for cfm... thx... looking fwd to cya!

ling, if u wanna order, then go ahead, i wont bring wings ord of coz... but theres only a pathetic few of us, will they take our orders & deliver? have u ordered b4? i think its exp lor.... anyway u're e host, its ur call....

btw, kindly adv e amt for dnr e other day & rtn me e receipt pls thx....

Day/Date: MON 6 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Botanical Gdns (near swan lake?)
Agenda: Picnic
1) Cheri & Nikki + helper (mat, bananas)
2) Angi & Seth [H2O for adults + bubbles]
3) Lin & Cayden + helper (tidbits)
4) CG & Sha (TBC)
5) Abcdisney n Abc (Nachos and cheese)
Day/Date: TUE 7 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Alantis City @ Delta
Agenda: Playgym
1) Angi & Seth
2) snail

Day/Date: WED 8 August
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge
1) abcdisney n abc
2) Angi & Seth - cfm: 1pax

Day/Date: THU 9 August
Time: 5pm onwards
Venue: Signature Park Condo @ Jln. Jurong Kerchil
Agenda: Swim cum BBQ
1) Abcdisney n abc
2) CG, hb n Sha
3) Angi & Seth
4) Cheri, hb, Nikki & helper
Day/Date: FRI 10 August
Time: 11am or 3.30pm
Venue: Sentosa
Agenda: Picnic cum Nua at Cafe del Mar
1) abcdisney n abc
2) cheri, nikki & helper (will join in aftn)
swimming pool @ bukit timah... hmm.. far for me, though it would be nice if our bbs can join together. hee hee! Aileen, you are right. Have to settle transport issue first.
Angi: i dun mind yr wings really. But then hor i may nt hv the energy to go buy other things unless we potluck. Somemore my parents n sis may join us. Let me ask my sisters see how k?
sha is getting mischievous. unplug my handphone charger and hid it. let me search low and high for almost half an hour, finally found it under my bed. i also have no idea how she managed to hide it there... now worse.... her favourite place at house is BATHROOM.. i wonder if i should change the door
i am worried that it might be heavy for you to bring the chicken wings over.

maybe you check the rates first, then divide it by the number of people.

do come and join BBQ for dinner and can have some fun. if can go earlier, can arrange to bring bbs for a swim.
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">Globetrotters Bill</font></font>

<font color="ff0000">Abcdisney</font>
Globe platter $3.026
Half chicken $13.17
GST $1.188
Svc charge $1.542
<font color="0000ff">Total: $18.93</font>

<font color="ff0000">Angi</font>
Globe platter $3.026
Fried Rice $6.71
Fish n Chip $7.57
GST $1.188
Svc charge $1.542
<font color="0000ff">Total: $20.04</font>

<font color="ff0000">Cheri</font>
Globe platter $3.026
Fish n Chip $7.57
GST $1.188
Svc charge $1.542
<font color="0000ff">Total: $20.05</font>

<font color="ff0000">Elmo</font>
Globe platter $3.026
GST $1.188
Svc charge $1.542
<font color="0000ff">Total: $12.48</font>

<font color="ff0000">CG</font>
Globe platter $3.026
Design Delight$10.97
Add Ham $1.27
Add Bacon $1.27
GST $1.188
Svc charge $1.542
<font color="0000ff">Total: $19.27</font>

Total : $90.77

Angi, pls provide us your posb acc number.
wow auditor so accurate one ah! i maths fail de... haha... thx for e effort...

angi's POSB saving a/c: 107443134

i dont mind pot-luck... i can bring chix wings no pbm.. take cab lor.... host & family decide lor....
<font color="ff6000">Popular Book Sale</font>
Public - Free Admission @ Singapore Expo
Hall 4B
02-Aug-07 to 05-Aug-07
Start Time: 10:00; End Time : 22:00
<font color="ff6000">I might be going this Sat at around 1pm</font>
<font color="0000ff">Angi</font>
Had transferred
To Account POSB Savings
107-44313-4 Angi Wee
Amount S$19.27
Transaction Reference 1294126472
hi zoe, erm, guess till ard dnr time? then we can all go for dnr together nearby? hope 2 cya & dylan! =)

TQ Celest & Lena, rec'd $ wired...
hehee... Sha so cute! btw, cay oso loves gg to the bathroom... when he was younger.. whenever he fussed we wld bring him there and he wld stop crying immediately.. now he likes to play w the bathroom door... open close open close
aileen, abc & ylc - abc & i decided not to go down to Innata Montessori tmr aftn as we prefer to see the place during lessons...makes more sense. But their lessons r usually in the morning. I checked wif them...next Mon & Tues, we can go abt 10 plus am...Wed is out as they r conducting a trial class for some kids...maybe they prefer not to have visitors during trials...thurs is national day so not opened...fri is their 'leisure' day...for water play and swimming so if we go on Friday, may not get full pic oso but can see their swimming lah..hahah. Abc, may be quite tough for u to go down in the morning rite? Aileen, u've seen enuff of the school? Ylc, if morning, which day is good for u? I'm ok for Mon only cos Tues & Fri, she has JG class. Let me know k? then will call back n let the teacher know.

Re swim at the school...i checked wif them too...they hv an instructor who comes in on every Fri to do swimming wif the kids but for those kids below 3 years old, they do water play in big tub only. If parents wan them to do swimming, must sign letter or sthg cos they wun bear responsibility if anything goes wrong. Guess wif one instructor, quite hard for them to monitor so many kids lah...unless our child is quite good in swimming oredi...

re outing at Botanic Gdns on Monday...actually i prefer the Visitor Centre side as opposed to Swan Lake...find Swan Lake so pathetic leh...only 2 swans there...Visitor Centre has bigger sloping field...plus the big pond where the kids can feed fish n turtles...n water fountains around...but plus for swan lake side is there's a foodcourt...so how?

re bbq on Thurs
either potluck or pay to order bbq, i'm oso fine..yes, abc, you check out the prices n whether they will cater for our small group then u decide k?

celes - u going popular sale this sat? Not afraid crowded ah?

zoe - usually we'll meet abt 4 plus for picnic, stay till 6 plus perhaps then those who wanna go for dinner will adjourn to dinner place while others will sayonara...u joining us? Come leh!
re playing near bathrooms
just be more careful...i read somewhere that when they can start to walk into the bathrooms, we must rem to close the toilet lid. n not hv pails of water lying around...detergents etc. oso...oso since bathroom may be wet n slippery at times, they can slip n fall. I dun encourage my ger to go into the bathroom if it's not time for baths...dun wan her to think that it's a fun place lah.
eh...tmr no programme ah? anyone game for imm waterplay tmr?

Day/Date: MON 6 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Botanical Gdns (near swan lake or Visitor Centre???)
Agenda: Picnic
1) Cheri & Nikki + helper (mat, cream puffs)
2) Angi & Seth [H2O for adults + bubbles]
3) Lin & Cayden + helper (tidbits)
4) CG & Sha (TBC)
5) Abcdisney n Abc (Nachos and cheese)
Day/Date: TUE 7 August
Time: 4.30pm
Venue: Alantis City @ Delta
Agenda: Playgym
1) Angi & Seth
2) snail

Day/Date: WED 8 August
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: GoodWood Park Hotel
Agenda: Buffet @ Coffee Lounge
1) abcdisney n abc
2) Angi & Seth - cfm: 1pax

Day/Date: THU 9 August
Time: 5pm onwards
Venue: Signature Park Condo @ Jln. Jurong Kerchil
Agenda: Swim cum BBQ
1) Abcdisney n abc
2) CG, hb n Sha
3) Angi & Seth
4) Cheri, hb, Nikki & helper
Day/Date: FRI 10 August
Time: 11am or 3.30pm
Venue: Sentosa
Agenda: Picnic cum Nua at Cafe del Mar
1) abcdisney n abc
2) cheri, nikki & helper (will join in aftn)

I have seen enuff of that school, not joing you gals, will discuss with u gals after the visit.

need help here... any mummies here experience your child sudden cry thru the night? i wuld describle it as fretful.....eyes closed but hands stretch out in fear. andrea has been doing this for teh past few night a bit worried leh....

i thot so too.... was recalling her events for the past few days, no leh everything seem normal and its her daily routin so rule out that reason.
ok i'm on for imm tmr aftn too...waterplay rite? not just shopping hor? hahah better ask secali i bring all the barang barang then u all not getting wet...hahah...i will go earlier maybe abt 3 plus, can shop shop hv tea first..anyone wanna join me?

aileen - i read, think they may hv a term for this, night terror or sthg lidat...not sure if it's the same thing as what andrea is going thru now...it's worse than nitemare...they will cry non stop n no matter how u try to tok to her or comfort her, they cry, sometimes dun even open their eyes to look at u...just hold her n comfort her till she stops crying...ya can be v stressful...found an article in babycenter.com...u can read n see if symptoms r similar

Day/Date: FRI 3 August
Time: 3 plus for shopping n tea, 4.30 pm for waterplay n playground at Level 3
Venue: IMM
Agenda: Shopping, tea, waterplay, dry playground
1) Cheri & Nikki
Ya lor, removing the stitches tmr. Monday botanic ah...probably on but don't know what to bring le...long time no see liao hor!

My girl woke up a few times crying non stop few months back...now so far no more.

Thanks alot! read thru it and one of the main tjing that causes it was lack of sleep..... humm i think andrea nap in the faternoon this week was indeed shorten by half, normally she will cleep for 1.5 to 2hr but this week teh max hr she sleeps is only an hr.not too sure ifthis is the reason or if she is really having noght terror, will monitor again closely.

count me and andrea in for tomorrow

Day/Date: FRI 3 August
Time: 3 plus for shopping n tea, 4.30 pm for waterplay n playground at Level 3
Venue: IMM
Agenda: Shopping, tea, waterplay, dry playground
1) Cheri & Nikki
2) AIleen & Andrea


me missing summer liao leh heheheh, not too sure if i can make it for mon's Bot as andrea class end at 5pm. if i cant than i will miss a chance to see miss summer liao ha.hehhehe
