2WW - for those TTC-ing

that is call Progessence Phyto Plus... so far i only read up on tis item.. there is other EO to apply during pregnancy.. but i tink 1 at 1 time better..
u let me know if u need me order for u if u find inconvenient to get thru ur frd. haha
haha ok. if u know e price, let me know :) i wanna knw how much first. thanks bel. the link cannot be opened.

May I ask, for sisters who temp, do u ladies have a consistent luteal phase? I read that it should not differ more than a day, but mine range from 12-14 days, not sure is it bec I got the wrong O
hee mine oso not consistent de. sometimes 18 sometimes 20 days
Congrats gamma, pooh and iwanbaby! Have been silent reader for quite a while... Was tested positive last yr sep, got mc as was diagnosed to be empty embryo... And have been ttc for 8 mths since.. Till now still ttcing.. Just came back from visiting my gynae as I got all symptoms but yesterday my af decided to visit me. Due to curiosity as I see gamma tested on opk for pregnancy so I tested too with the below pic with faint line appearing... Now waiting for BT from my gynae... My gynae said a lot of possibilities that the fertilized egg and mine not attached might due to low hormones.. This is my 2nd time with all symptoms, but af still decided to visit me after delaying 1 wk... Anyone experienced b4 same as me?


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May I ask, for sisters who temp, do u ladies have a consistent luteal phase? I read that it should not differ more than a day, but mine range from 12-14 days, not sure is it bec I got the wrong O
By right shud be consistent but sometimes it shift because the day u o maybe off by +-1 day... charting may not pinpoint o to 100% accuracy
Congrats gamma, pooh and iwanbaby! Have been silent reader for quite a while... Was tested positive last yr sep, got mc as was diagnosed to be empty embryo... And have been ttc for 8 mths since.. Till now still ttcing.. Just came back from visiting my gynae as I got all symptoms but yesterday my af decided to visit me. Due to curiosity as I see gamma tested on opk for pregnancy so I tested too with the below pic with faint line appearing... Now waiting for BT from my gynae... My gynae said a lot of possibilities that the fertilized egg and mine not attached might due to low hormones.. This is my 2nd time with all symptoms, but af still decided to visit me after delaying 1 wk... Anyone experienced b4 same as me?
May be chem preg. My gf had a chem preg last yr... tested bfp on af due date, one week later af come. That's why the day that af due u shud test, don't wait too long, because chem preg may screw up ur cycles
same here .. i also dont dare to join the thread.
Go and join! I did for my #1 and I'm super glad I did. Made so many new mummy frens and we still chat abt our kids now.... I learn so much compared to my frens who didn't join .
Congrats gamma, pooh and iwanbaby! Have been silent reader for quite a while... Was tested positive last yr sep, got mc as was diagnosed to be empty embryo... And have been ttc for 8 mths since.. Till now still ttcing.. Just came back from visiting my gynae as I got all symptoms but yesterday my af decided to visit me. Due to curiosity as I see gamma tested on opk for pregnancy so I tested too with the below pic with faint line appearing... Now waiting for BT from my gynae... My gynae said a lot of possibilities that the fertilized egg and mine not attached might due to low hormones.. This is my 2nd time with all symptoms, but af still decided to visit me after delaying 1 wk... Anyone experienced b4 same as me?
Hey thanks. Fyi the opk is not a definitive pregnancy test ah as the name suggests.
I just tested for fun cos ppl sqid tt when preggie u wil get a positive opk but getting a positive opk doesnt mean u r preggie fyi
Congrats gamma, pooh and iwanbaby! Have been silent reader for quite a while... Was tested positive last yr sep, got mc as was diagnosed to be empty embryo... And have been ttc for 8 mths since.. Till now still ttcing.. Just came back from visiting my gynae as I got all symptoms but yesterday my af decided to visit me. Due to curiosity as I see gamma tested on opk for pregnancy so I tested too with the below pic with faint line appearing... Now waiting for BT from my gynae... My gynae said a lot of possibilities that the fertilized egg and mine not attached might due to low hormones.. This is my 2nd time with all symptoms, but af still decided to visit me after delaying 1 wk... Anyone experienced b4 same as me?
if pregnant opk turns positive. Meaning both likes are same colour or test line is darker than control line. But it's I think the control line is darker.
I just tested for fun cos ppl sqid tt when preggie u wil get a positive opk but getting a positive opk doesnt mean u r preggie fyi
Gamma I did that too and posted a pic of my positive opk that time. But very weird some ladies 9mths preggie opk still negative! Hahaa So really for fun loh
Thanks Chloe, gamma and hopeful mum... Ya.. So I also test test... To see out of curiosity too... I tested on hpt last wk.. Which is on the day my af due but neg... Ever since my last mc.. My af has been messed up from 28 days cycle to 35/36 days cycle... Then now every mth also worrying bcos of cramping here and there... Haha...
Thanks Chloe, gamma and hopeful mum... Ya.. So I also test test... To see out of curiosity too... I tested on hpt last wk.. Which is on the day my af due but neg... Ever since my last mc.. My af has been messed up from 28 days cycle to 35/36 days cycle... Then now every mth also worrying bcos of cramping here and there... Haha...
No prob. After mc is like that. The cycle will take some time to recover and go back to normal. Maybe can see tcm to "tiao" nurse ur body back to regular cycle.
if pregnant opk turns positive. Meaning both likes are same colour or test line is darker than control line. But it's I think the control line is darker.
for me my result line is super dark. shld I be bo liao and use my clearblue ovulation kit to see if I get a smiley face ???loll
for me my result line is super dark. shld I be bo liao and use my clearblue ovulation kit to see if I get a smiley face ???loll
lol confirm u get super smiley. After awhile u will stop testing lol

That's why I have given out all opks. Hope it can bring the ladies some luck.

I stop testing on hcg strips after I saw a heartbeat lol
angelbaby, what is O and G ??? pls enlighten me. thanks

I am most likely seeing Dr SF Loh which stoney, chocopiggie and pooh are seeing.

or Dr benjamin tham which gamma and bel vodlka seeing/seen last time.

still deciding TMC or Mt E


my 2cents worth -- go for fetility gynae like Dr SF Loh .. or you can also consider Paul Tseng ! they are well-known for fertility
Dr paul tseng is a man of little words. U ask one question he answer then stop. But he us gentle. Appt w him dun need wait long.. but when I failed 1 of my ivf cycle w him, dun know y he didn't even do a post bfn consultation w me.. so I switch away from him.
i think its really fated !
i was seeing Dr Loh, together with Stoney, and he advised me to go for IVF ... which i didnt go ahead, and plan to do IUI but end up surprise came !

and you are rite, Dr Paul is a man of few words, but quite a charming guy hor ! my type .... hahaha
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lol confirm u get super smiley. After awhile u will stop testing lol

That's why I have given out all opks. Hope it can bring the ladies some luck.

I stop testing on hcg strips after I saw a heartbeat lol

My husband gave me the WTF look when I showed him the photo of the pregNancy test and opk yeSt,after we saw hb on fri
i think its really fated !
i was seeing Dr Loh, together with Stoney, and he advised me to go for IVF ... which i didnt go ahead, and plan to do IUI but end up surprise came !

and you are rite, Dr Paul is a man of few words, but quite a charming guy hor ! my type .... hahaha
haha I m oso looking at dr paul tseng...
benjamin tham, paul tseng n sf loh. still deciding who to see. btw, Benjamin not fertility gynae?
thank you hopeful mum.. currently im tiaoing my body, but not fertility specialise tcm... will be going for 2nd opinion after seeing so many of u go tsb from NTU... i got a friend who is also trying to conceive but try for 5 years still no news. she and her DH went for full fertility check up and everything is fine. She also had clomid, went tcm but also no news... she now same age as me too.. think probably really is the stress that we have ard us.. the gynae that im seeing is Dr Fong yang.. both my elder sisters go to him so i also decided to visit him. he is very gentle and patience, he will advise when got a lot of queries.
hey i ask u ah, do u suffer from ms? i am a bit scared cos i was experiencing some nausea last week, and earlier this week but it seems that... no more nausea since tuesday? hmm.
I also wonder lor. But everyone's experience is diff I can only think of that.
Bel, i think bedok is dr YY tan... Ex... Hahaha mayb i can check out Dr Wong..
I actually googled and saw Dr John Yam but kinda far clinic @ gleneagles... Can choose birth hospital at Mt A thou... Still contemplating to go for him bo due to distance.. :(
Let me make it clear just a sharing of my own experience.
You can go dr John yam if ur pregnancy are smooth without complication. He did not jab me when there is spotting only ask to take his medi. Until admitted to hospital only gave medi to stop the blood den day b4 d&c he told me hcg drop n need to go for op n told me mc is v common. My heart break. For post op review I went to c another gynae for check up.
I also wonder lor. But everyone's experience is diff I can only think of that.

Let me make it clear just a sharing of my own experience.
You can go dr John yam if ur pregnancy are smooth without complication. He did not jab me when there is spotting only ask to take his medi. Until admitted to hospital only gave medi to stop the blood den day b4 d&c he told me hcg drop n need to go for op n told me mc is v common. My heart break. For post op review I went to c another gynae for check up.

did he do an ultrasound when u first saw him?
did he do an ultrasound when u first saw him?
Yes but that time cant c anything yet so did hcg it is ard 600 plus den seeing him every few days till c the sac aft that from spotting to bleeding also he asked to take an tai yao only.
Actually I'm seeing him last time because recommend by my elder sis but my sis no complication she don't understand my condition also when I explained to her.
I think with a declining hcg, it is bad news already and it is a matter of time the inevitable happens.
I didnt do a hcg test cos hb was seen. However after a couple of hrs of my jab last fri, I started bleeding again (more than I did in the afternoon) and I was also told, there isnt anything much that can be done if the inevitable should happen. The only thing I could do was to..rest and pray... to quote my gynae..
I do agree that he cld have been more sensitive than to say.. MCs are common.... Cos I'd say...there are also many ppl who have uneventful pregnancies!
Give a hope, I am vy surprised at that moment yr gynae didnt jab u when spotting happens. I was with dr fong yang for my boy & when I only complained bad cramps, jabs were given to me le. I rmb I had several jabs as I was either cramping badly or slight spotting. Dr Fong was vy careful for his patients during 1st trim....
I think with a declining hcg, it is bad news already and it is a matter of time the inevitable happens.
I didnt do a hcg test cos hb was seen. However after a couple of hrs of my jab last fri, I started bleeding again (more than I did in the afternoon) and I was also told, there isnt anything much that can be done if the inevitable should happen. The only thing I could do was to..rest and pray... to quote my gynae..
I do agree that he cld have been more sensitive than to say.. MCs are common.... Cos I'd say...there are also many ppl who have uneventful pregnancies!

i also didnt do the hcg yesterday, unless i want to how good is the pregnancy at this early stage, but again, even good or bad, nothing much can be done at this stage ... so i decide to give it a miss !
i also didnt do the hcg yesterday, unless i want to how good is the pregnancy at this early stage, but again, even good or bad, nothing much can be done at this stage ... so i decide to give it a miss !
Yeah.... at this early stage I think we can only have faith in our beanies....u went to see a gynae yest?
Give a hope, I am vy surprised at that moment yr gynae didnt jab u when spotting happens. I was with dr fong yang for my boy & when I only complained bad cramps, jabs were given to me le. I rmb I had several jabs as I was either cramping badly or slight spotting. Dr Fong was vy careful for his patients during 1st trim....
That's y my 1st mc happen. Nightmare for me n dh last year aug. He always claim medi can help if not nth much we can do.
That's y my 1st mc happen. Nightmare for me n dh last year aug. He always claim medi can help if not nth much we can do.

Sorry to hear that. My fren had a mc too & she took cordyceps to pu her body & did mini confinement cos she is a vegetarian. Now she is a mother of 2 lovely boys (her elder younger than mine & I m still struggling to hve #2)Hehe. So maybe u can try ask yr tcm if u can take cordyceps.
Sorry to hear that. My fren had a mc too & she took cordyceps to pu her body & did mini confinement cos she is a vegetarian. Now she is a mother of 2 lovely boys (her elder younger than mine & I m still struggling to hve #2)Hehe. So maybe u can try ask yr tcm if u can take cordyceps.
Your friend had one mc but I had two one in aug the other one last year dec both gynae more on normal pregnancy type. 2nd ones v famous but long q hard to arrange time to c gynae n waiting time w appt at clinic also scary. Till I found high risk pregnancy gynae now I am w prof I am liking his experience n play safe gynae.
Now I'm stop seeing tcm for the time being as the medi that I am taken now is clash w tcm medi. Now I'm pray hard n keep telling myself everything will be fine.
hey i ask u ah, do u suffer from ms? i am a bit scared cos i was experiencing some nausea last week, and earlier this week but it seems that... no more nausea since tuesday? hmm.
Ya I had ms from week 6 to week 9. But every pregnancy is diff. I'm in close touch with some nov mtb mums. 2 of them no ms at all! But baby still healthy haha and one very happy one worried abt no ms.
One ms up till now, 18weeks twins and nearly went to drip. Very poor thing
So I'm inbetween. :)
Give a hope

I'm same as u 2 mc.
Had 1 2 yrs ago & another 2 Mths ago..
Gynae can jab , give pill .. but dr tham told me . In western all these are not given / recommended .. He is hinting me if preg is not viable do wad also useless...
Those who mc may I check if your menstrual cycle is long or short? Short would be less than 26 days and long more than 30-35. Told my tcm my cycle this round very short only 23 days and she said no good. Must try to achieve 27-28 days. Maybe reason for my chemical pregnancy last yr. Reason could be the egg not very matured n when ovulating.
Those who mc may I check if your menstrual cycle is long or short? Short would be less than 26 days and long more than 30-35. Told my tcm my cycle this round very short only 23 days and she said no good. Must try to achieve 27-28 days. Maybe reason for my chemical pregnancy last yr. Reason could be the egg not very matured n when ovulating.
Actually more of bcoz ur luteal phase is short. So not enough time for implantation assuming you O on cd14. Luteal phase only 9days. If u O early at cd10 then luteal phase okay.

Actually mc got nothing much to do with short or long cycles. I had 5mcs before.
Ladies I have been a silent reader. Yeah jus wan to assure all after 2 MC still can get preggie n give birth.

I m trying for a second one now. Seems harder. Cos mi got endo n adeyomosis . Plus high age 38. So leave it to fate. If dun have then also no choice. Very happie to see so many BFPs. :)

Hopeful mum : u are one whom I respect cos of your preservance.
Pooh n gamma n I wanbaby : happie for u ladies :)
U are too kind. Jia you for 2nd one! I have met really amazing women in the mc threads. They are so much stronger than me and has given me a lot of strength and advice.

U are 5 years younger than fann. No problem! Got chance. :)
