2WW - for those TTC-ing

I test at night also for ovulation. so since I used the fertility monitor, when my body tells me im going to O, I test at night abt 11pm. Then it shows positive. next moning when I use the monitor, it will also show peak. coz monitor says test with morning urine.

I read somewhere actually better test at night also. so I already knew my peak before the monitor tells me so. next experiment im going to do when I properly start ttc, I will use the monitor at night and see if its the same results.

Maybe I should also get the fertility monitor .. Heheh.. I wanted something reliable.. I am
going to use these 3 months to figure out my ovulation properly.. Before I start engine in April :)

oic. i tink i using the easy digital ovulation kit. but once show positive i stop testing liao. dun knw is it the rite way or nt. hahaha...
so far still ok. if tomolo can wake up. will go c her. c wat she say
Hopeful mum, the test strip for fertility monitor can be bought separately, right?:)
Ya can buy separate. I more gan chiong spider. So after positive opk, I will test again next day to see if the surge goes down. Lol then I self determined I have ovulated! Lol the I play dr, fertility monitor and bbt role! Lol
I test at night also for ovulation. so since I used the fertility monitor, when my body tells me im going to O, I test at night abt 11pm. Then it shows positive. next moning when I use the monitor, it will also show peak. coz monitor says test with morning urine.

I read somewhere actually better test at night also. so I already knew my peak before the monitor tells me so. next experiment im going to do when I properly start ttc, I will use the monitor at night and see if its the same results.

Hi Hopeful_mum!

Is there any reason why it's better to test for O at night?

Like I'm wondering whether is there like a time range when the ripen egg will burst/escape/run away from the rest or it will happen any time within the 24 hours time frame?

I seem to be so lost.. Don't really know alot of things!

And say if my period came at about 11pm on 24 Dec.
Will you count 24th as the first day or 25th?
Hi Hopeful_mum!

Is there any reason why it's better to test for O at night?

Like I'm wondering whether is there like a time range when the ripen egg will burst/escape/run away from the rest or it will happen any time within the 24 hours time frame?

I seem to be so lost.. Don't really know alot of things!

And say if my period came at about 11pm on 24 Dec.
Will you count 24th as the first day or 25th?

Should be 25th as first day. My gyane's assistant told me if period comes after 8pm, then next day is considered first day.
when are u testing? today I think I shd be 6dpo. Not much symptoms. lol and I try not to think abt it. my bbs have some throbbing pain, but I think that's normal before AF.

hehe i itchy hands tested that day 5dpo hahah of course bfn since then not tested yet..today im 8dpo i might test say this sun or next week lah..i am trying my very very best to be guai guai and not look much into symptoms cos they always make me crazy as PMS also much the same thing.
the no. of days take clomid is the same for everyone, but not for the dosage.
U maybe only take 1 tablet per day. but some will take 2 or 3 tablets.

For me, if my AF arrive, i will have to take 4 tablets per day. which is of the higher side dosage....

I wish i can. unless i can tink of something to siamz the family gathering at my side.
if not die die also have to go. :(
Day 1 is definitely cannot siamz. so hope my KPO uncles n aunties dun come ask me this question. lol...

ah i see...

do not use 1st urine for OPK use midday pee..best say 12pm onwards, your test looks dark but not positive, but then hor did you also feel your cervical mucus? It must be egg white stretchy type google for pictures..(ps:it might be gross on the web pictures) i reckon you o might be soon in a few more days' time.

My method is agar agar when a week after AF, start with cheapo tester strips then when it gets darker, i also monitor my mucus (usually those fertile days i'll fell horny hehe), then when the strip is + then i followed by a clearblue tester which shows smiley. Very zun for me and spot on my cm is egg whiteish..but this month i compared the clearblue one with the cheapoo one and found that the clearblue one lighter on display..but then also showed smiley..so is way check and take at least 2 tests to be sure you don't miss the surge..hope this helps a little :)
just wondering how come
Hi Hopeful_mum!
And say if my period came at about 11pm on 24 Dec.
Will you count 24th as the first day or 25th?

just wondering how come you know the time ur period come? I have been struggling to tell mine. I always start with spotting and i will start wearing pad liao. I can't tell when i shld start considering it as first day. So far i guess by the day i got cramps.
Ya can buy separate. I more gan chiong spider. So after positive opk, I will test again next day to see if the surge goes down. Lol then I self determined I have ovulated! Lol the I play dr, fertility monitor and bbt role! Lol

hehe me too test 2 days to be sure after and sure enough only 2 days with smiley de
angel mummy

but then again looking at you said your morning opk is +..if i were you i'll take no chances, try bd later tonight just in case yeah..cos some do ovulate early..
just wondering how come

just wondering how come you know the time ur period come? I have been struggling to tell mine. I always start with spotting and i will start wearing pad liao. I can't tell when i shld start considering it as first day. So far i guess by the day i got cramps.
Spotting not considered. Must be full blown period. Guess have to agar agar the time. U will know when u wipe. If its fresh red then considered period.
Hi ladies, just to share that if you are using clearblue OPK, you should use the first urine according to instructions. For cheap OPK, should use second/third urine and preferably without drinking too much of water.
if spotting on first day, not counted as Day 1... count on the day you start full flow...
just wondering how come

just wondering how come you know the time ur period come? I have been struggling to tell mine. I always start with spotting and i will start wearing pad liao. I can't tell when i shld start considering it as first day. So far i guess by the day i got cramps.

I will usually have cramps then spotting then see red.
I'll also start wearing pad when spotting starts but I will count the day I see red as the first day.
But cos I have been seeing red only at night like after 8pm for the past few months, so got abit confused as in which day should be considered as the first.
just wondering how come

just wondering how come you know the time ur period come? I have been struggling to tell mine. I always start with spotting and i will start wearing pad liao. I can't tell when i shld start considering it as first day. So far i guess by the day i got cramps.
coz I tracked my O. and also, after monitoring for so many mths, my luteal phase is about 14 days. sometimes may be late, abt 3 days late. so I can agar when my period will arrive. Esp when I know my cycle is between 30 to 36 days.

I usually O on cd 17-19. So u add 14days, is abt that time. its abt 31 to 33days per cycle.
Hi ladies, just to share that if you are using clearblue OPK, you should use the first urine according to instructions. For cheap OPK, should use second/third urine and preferably without drinking too much of water.
if spotting on first day, not counted as Day 1... count on the day you start full flow...

last time I use clearblue also test at night. I read from the sperm meets egg plan book, better to test at night but I cant rem why. but lucky it still works for me lah.
on whether 1st urine or not up to one's preference..but there are 2 schools of tots on opk if you search online, every body is different and it is you who knows your body best..my 2 cents
oic. i tink i using the easy digital ovulation kit. but once show positive i stop testing liao. dun knw is it the rite way or nt. hahaha...
so far still ok. if tomolo can wake up. will go c her. c wat she say
I think I'll either get the fertility monitor or the clearblue easy digital ovulation test kit.. More comfortable using that .. This is the first time I use the clearblue advanced digital.. Feels not so comfortable with that.
I test at night also for ovulation. so since I used the fertility monitor, when my body tells me im going to O, I test at night abt 11pm. Then it shows positive. next moning when I use the monitor, it will also show peak. coz monitor says test with morning urine.

I read somewhere actually better test at night also. so I already knew my peak before the monitor tells me so. next experiment im going to do when I properly start ttc, I will use the monitor at night and see if its the same results.
Thanks for sharing the tips with us:) which month will you actively start to TTC ?:) I'll take this 3 months (b4 I start engine in April) to track my O properly and to tiao my body with TCM. Heheh..
Thanks for sharing the tips with us:) which month will you actively start to TTC ?:) I'll take this 3 months (b4 I start engine in April) to track my O properly and to tiao my body with TCM. Heheh..
Dr Su says 3-6 mths later then can try. So for now not using opk. But this mth I still did on my peak lh day. Feeling bloated etc so decided to try to see if I'm right. True enough really peaked.

Erm so naughtily I seduced my hubby! Lol
Like wat Chrisl say also during O will be a little horny also. So just enjoy lol. Hubby also don't no pressure cox I didn't tell him.
Dr Su says 3-6 mths later then can try. So for now not using opk. But this mth I still did on my peak lh day. Feeling bloated etc so decided to try to see if I'm right. True enough really peaked.

Erm so naughtily I seduced my hubby! Lol
Like wat Chrisl say also during O will be a little horny also. So just enjoy lol. Hubby also don't no pressure cox I didn't tell him.

Hahah.. Who knows you might just strike under such relaxing mode! :)
I also usually don't tell my hubby if I peaked but somehow my cheeky hubby can guess! Heheh..that's when he would jokingly say "精价上涨”.. Hahah.. No not TTC , I also feel more relax when BD.. He told me when start to TTC , continue to stay relax, no pressure. To him, children are gift from God, so he will be thankful no matter what.. For me, I think I am more kan chiong.. Think it is good for me to have a 3 months' break from TTC after trying so hard last year.. Hope when I start engine again in April, I can have a better chance to BFP and also for me to build a healthier me:)
Hahah.. Who knows you might just strike under such relaxing mode! :)
I also usually don't tell my hubby if I peaked but somehow my cheeky hubby can guess! Heheh..that's when he would jokingly say "精价上涨”.. Hahah.. No not TTC , I also feel more relax when BD.. He told me when start to TTC , continue to stay relax, no pressure. To him, children are gift from God, so he will be thankful no matter what.. For me, I think I am more kan chiong.. Think it is good for me to have a 3 months' break from TTC after trying so hard last year.. Hope when I start engine again in April, I can have a better chance to BFP and also for me to build a healthier me:)
That's good! Good thoughts bring good things and good results.

Lol usually I tell him so matter wat need to perform! Lol
babysee, tks for your calculations on the prices on amazon. didn't realise amazon so much cheaper for the digital ovulation! anyone interested to combine purchase to get free shipping? don't think I can hit usd125 by myself coz my friend not buying from amazon anymore...

I think I'll either get the fertility monitor or the clearblue easy digital ovulation test kit.. More comfortable using that .. This is the first time I use the clearblue advanced digital.. Feels not so comfortable with that.

angel mommy, just to share, my friend is getting the fertility monitor from SMH seller. based on babysee's calculation, buying from amazon for monitor + 30 sticks is $237 but SMH seller quoted my friend monitor + 20 sticks at $200 instead of her normal price of $223. so overall cheaper even though less number of sticks and no need to wait for shipping which takes some time. HTH...

My personal opinion, I prefer the clearblue easy digital ovulation. Never used the advanced digital and got conflicting reviews on whether it is accurate. I use same method as posted by christl, use normal OPKs to test and once I think positive, I use the clearblue easy to confirm. Always give me the same result from both strips and clearblue. From your pic, doesn't seem the strip result is not positive....
Hi ladies, just to share that if you are using clearblue OPK, you should use the first urine according to instructions. For cheap OPK, should use second/third urine and preferably without drinking too much of water.
if spotting on first day, not counted as Day 1... count on the day you start full flow...

last time I use clearblue also test at night. I read from the sperm meets egg plan book, better to test at night but I cant rem why. but lucky it still works for me lah.

Hm... I heard only for clearblue fertility monitor, supposed to use first urine and for other OPKs (clearblue digital/strips) don't use first morning urine. I test twice a day around 10am-12pm and at night around 8-10pm. But guess as long as it works, doesn't matter what we do!
Dr Su says 3-6 mths later then can try. So for now not using opk. But this mth I still did on my peak lh day. Feeling bloated etc so decided to try to see if I'm right. True enough really peaked.

Erm so naughtily I seduced my hubby! Lol
Like wat Chrisl say also during O will be a little horny also. So just enjoy lol. Hubby also don't no pressure cox I didn't tell him.

Hahah.. Who knows you might just strike under such relaxing mode! :)
I also usually don't tell my hubby if I peaked but somehow my cheeky hubby can guess! Heheh..that's when he would jokingly say "精价上涨”.. Hahah.. No not TTC , I also feel more relax when BD.. He told me when start to TTC , continue to stay relax, no pressure. To him, children are gift from God, so he will be thankful no matter what.. For me, I think I am more kan chiong.. Think it is good for me to have a 3 months' break from TTC after trying so hard last year.. Hope when I start engine again in April, I can have a better chance to BFP and also for me to build a healthier me:)

hopeful_mum and angel_mommy, jia you! Sometimes good to take a break from TTC and just relax. After my miscarriage, I also took some time out and tiao my body and when wanted to TTC, I tracked my cycles about 2-3 months prior and striked at 1st attempt. Jia you and you will get there too! :)
babysee, tks for your calculations on the prices on amazon. didn't realise amazon so much cheaper for the digital ovulation! anyone interested to combine purchase to get free shipping? don't think I can hit usd125 by myself coz my friend not buying from amazon anymore...

angel mommy, just to share, my friend is getting the fertility monitor from SMH seller. based on babysee's calculation, buying from amazon for monitor + 30 sticks is $237 but SMH seller quoted my friend monitor + 20 sticks at $200 instead of her normal price of $223. so overall cheaper even though less number of sticks and no need to wait for shipping which takes some time. HTH...

My personal opinion, I prefer the clearblue easy digital ovulation. Never used the advanced digital and got conflicting reviews on whether it is accurate. I use same method as posted by christl, use normal OPKs to test and once I think positive, I use the clearblue easy to confirm. Always give me the same result from both strips and clearblue. From your pic, doesn't seem the strip result is not positive....
Thanks newmummy00:) I saw the SMH seller's website too.. Contemplating whether to buy clearblue easy digital or fertility monitor. Last cycle was the first time I use clearblue advanced digital, dunno why, give me conflicting results so I think I may switch back to clearblue easy digital .. Cos I used clearblue easy digital before and result tally with Ovulation strip. Unless I wanna invest in fertility monitor .. I'll consider first:) but quite likely I may may buy the fertility monitor:) I see how:)
hopeful_mum and angel_mommy, jia you! Sometimes good to take a break from TTC and just relax. After my miscarriage, I also took some time out and tiao my body and when wanted to TTC, I tracked my cycles about 2-3 months prior and striked at 1st attempt. Jia you and you will get there too! :)

Thanks newmummy00:) that is what my hubby suggested too.. To take time to recuperate after my laparoscopy, to tiao my body and also to take a break from TTC for 3 months since we have tried so hard last year.. Think I was too kan chiong.. Now is for me to take my mind off for a while but I want to use this time to really accurately track my O , need to understand my body first .. My fren TTC for 2 years but no luck... Later then realised that all along she ovulates earlier than she thought .. After knowing that , she then strike. So it is good to understand our body well:)
Thanks newmummy00:) that is what my hubby suggested too.. To take time to recuperate after my laparoscopy, to tiao my body and also to take a break from TTC for 3 months since we have tried so hard last year.. Think I was too kan chiong.. Now is for me to take my mind off for a while but I want to use this time to really accurately track my O , need to understand my body first .. My fren TTC for 2 years but no luck... Later then realised that all along she ovulates earlier than she thought .. After knowing that , she then strike. So it is good to understand our body well:)
Angel mommy. If u really want to get the fertility monitor, good to buy early. It will rem ur cycle days and ask u to pee only when required. For the first to third time usage will ask u to start peeing on cd7 I think till O. So after it knows I P later like cd 17-19. It will adjust accordingly.
Hi everyone, I've popped last month n am gonna go toa payoh shuang Lin shi tmr to return 100 red eggs to zhu sheng niang niang. Free can go there n get the red eggs after 11pm ya. Bb dusts everyone :)
Hi ladies, remember yesterday I mentioned I saw smiley face on my clearblue advanced digital ovulation kit? This evening I started to have EWCM (egg white cervical muscous) and is wet down there. Read that this is another sign of ovulation. I was out and about the whole day .. No chance to test on the OPK. The clearblue advanced digital ovulation kit still have the smiley face on, so can't test (this test kit is like that. Once u have a smiley face, it will smile at u for two days and you can't test.. Unlike the clearblue easy digital). Maybe tmr I jus test one more time to confirm, using clearblue and ovulation strip. If both are positive, I can only say that my LH surge and hopefully ovulation occur earlier than I expected. These 3 months want to jus track my O accurately :)

Hopeful mum: thanks for sharing about the fertility monitor .. I didn't know that.. Will quickly decide if I wanna get fertility monitor .. Cos few days ago I also jus ordered clearblue easy digital ovulation kit.. So am thinking if I should finish that 20 sticks first then buy fertility monitor ..
Hi ladies, remember yesterday I mentioned I saw smiley face on my clearblue advanced digital ovulation kit? This evening I started to have EWCM (egg white cervical muscous) and is wet down there. Read that this is another sign of ovulation. I was out and about the whole day .. No chance to test on the OPK. The clearblue advanced digital ovulation kit still have the smiley face on, so can't test (this test kit is like that. Once u have a smiley face, it will smile at u for two days and you can't test.. Unlike the clearblue easy digital). Maybe tmr I jus test one more time to confirm, using clearblue and ovulation strip. If both are positive, I can only say that my LH surge and hopefully ovulation occur earlier than I expected. These 3 months want to jus track my O accurately :)

Hopeful mum: thanks for sharing about the fertility monitor .. I didn't know that.. Will quickly decide if I wanna get fertility monitor .. Cos few days ago I also jus ordered clearblue easy digital ovulation kit.. So am thinking if I should finish that 20 sticks first then buy fertility monitor ..
Great. If u still have those strips u can pee on it now and test. Then u will know. Yeah always good to see ewcm :) enjoy ur nights or days!
Hi everyone, I've popped last month n am gonna go toa payoh shuang Lin shi tmr to return 100 red eggs to zhu sheng niang niang. Free can go there n get the red eggs after 11pm ya. Bb dusts everyone :)

Wah congrats leh! So fast you gave birth already :) Thanks for your bb dusts im hoping some will stick with me
Omg. I'm beginning to spot symptoms on 8dpo.
Argh trying not to think abt it. All these are similar to my pms symptoms. Slightly tender breasts, crampy feelings. And I'm catching the Flu bug :(
Omg. I'm beginning to spot symptoms on 8dpo.
Argh trying not to think abt it. All these are similar to my pms symptoms. Slightly tender breasts, crampy feelings. And I'm catching the Flu bug :(

Hopeful mum, who knows could be a BFP! Excited for u:) be patient and wait for a few more days first :)
I am at dpo5 and I start feeling tender painful boobs?! how can it be??? My PMS also wun come so early... Wahahaha

My body siao liao...

Btw, I no test on opk just count the dates using apps. :)
Hopeful mum, who knows could be a BFP! Excited for u:) be patient and wait for a few more days first :)
Lol thanks. I don't know. This time I guai Liao. So won't be testing. If test also test on Friday which is 13dpo. Cox I'm attending a cousin's wedding on sat so sure a my relatives will ask me to drink. See how lah. After all the disappointment I also scared Liao. Don't know see how.
Gbob: Congrats on your newborn! Time really flies!! Your bb already full month n I'm still in this thread... :(
Chocopiggie don't sad. Gbob also went through a tough journey just that she graduate earlier :) So now just treat it as we prep our body well. Have u booked ur hsg test?
