2016/07 July babies

I got no choice. Not that I am very clean freak. My baby just wails until I remove. So by hook or by crook I need to get it out!
Haha my baby different, he will turn away when I try to look inside his nose. He is ok with the pi sai but I'm not ok with it. Haha when I see it I wanna dig. :p

Just showed a soft book to my LO and he showed more interests than showinh him other toys. He was especially interested in one 'page' which has a mirror. He kept staring at the mirror wondering who's this cute baby lol
Just showed a soft book to my LO and he showed more interests than showinh him other toys. He was especially interested in one 'page' which has a mirror. He kept staring at the mirror wondering who's this cute baby lol

I also noticed my baby likes to look at the mirror too!! I had installed a large mirror in the car so that I can check on baby when I am driving. I caught the little one admiring own reflection many times! Some form of self-entertainment in between crying.
Seems babies really like baby faces. I have taken many videos of her because she can't get her eyes off herself from the phone screen. Very fixated.
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@KWL I have yet to drive her alone. I wanna try soon! Will get the mirror before that :)

So far your LO has been cooperative? Actually mine so far is fine when I sit beside her while hubby drives. She sleeps shortly after car moves, doesn't matter if I'm there actually as she prefers to see outside prior to car nap. I sit next to her to rest my palm on her chest throughout the ride. Scared bumpy road her little heart may get some shock? I remember when I brought her back from jaundice discharge at few days old , she was having intermittent shaking when home and CL said could be the car ride she wasn't used to. Told me to press my hand on her chest next time. Ever since I've been doing that every time. But maybe that stage has passed and she should be used to the ride by now.
Just tried to bring my boy out alone yesterday. Diaper bag and carrying him while waiting for a cab can be quite tiring. Refused to be babywear-ed. So scared that he will be super cranky in the cab. Lucky he slept like a baby throughout the whole journey and wake up right before we reached.

Just a quick one, do you put window curtains on your car? I notice some of my colleagues do, some don't. What's the purpose of the curtains? To block the sunlight from shinning in? Or scare bb car sick?
Just tried to bring my boy out alone yesterday. Diaper bag and carrying him while waiting for a cab can be quite tiring. Refused to be babywear-ed. So scared that he will be super cranky in the cab. Lucky he slept like a baby throughout the whole journey and wake up right before we reached.

Just a quick one, do you put window curtains on your car? I notice some of my colleagues do, some don't. What's the purpose of the curtains? To block the sunlight from shinning in? Or scare bb car sick?
I use sunshade to block sunlight...curtains for breastfeeding in the car ? So no one can see when driving past ...

I tried uber once with bb....
My little one gets chesty and somewhat congested grunts at night. Can hear a little gurgling sound at the back of the throat as though there is some form of fluid jamming the breathing system.

It is more severe at night when baby is placed in a flat and lying position. Baby feels more comfortable when placed in upright position.

Is this a cold? Any recommendation to relief these symptoms? Any need to jump to A&E?
My little one gets chesty and somewhat congested grunts at night. Can hear a little gurgling sound at the back of the throat as though there is some form of fluid jamming the breathing system.

It is more severe at night when baby is placed in a flat and lying position. Baby feels more comfortable when placed in upright position.

Is this a cold? Any recommendation to relief these symptoms? Any need to jump to A&E?

Does bb sleep in air con room? Try without first?

If not, u can try pressing ur ear to the centre of bb back and listen to see if lungs clear. If wheezing, bring straightaway to Dr. U can try Vicks baby also to see if bb can cough out phlegm if u dun think it's cause enough to bring to Dr.
My little one gets chesty and somewhat congested grunts at night. Can hear a little gurgling sound at the back of the throat as though there is some form of fluid jamming the breathing system.

It is more severe at night when baby is placed in a flat and lying position. Baby feels more comfortable when placed in upright position.

Is this a cold? Any recommendation to relief these symptoms? Any need to jump to A&E?
KWL - sounds like mine. I've been asking the pds when I brought bb for her jaundice checks about it. All hv checked and ascertained that her lungs are clear and thereafter told me that it is common in infants. They told me to ensure that she's burped as not doing so would cause reflux and therefore the sounds in the back of throat. Like you, I also latch her lying down at night and I don't usually hold her up to burp after feed, so I think that's the cause of the sounds for mine.
You try to assess if it's a cold, if it's not, it could be the same thing n you'll just need to burp him more. If it's a cold, probably good to bring bb to PD.
Just tried to bring my boy out alone yesterday. Diaper bag and carrying him while waiting for a cab can be quite tiring. Refused to be babywear-ed. So scared that he will be super cranky in the cab. Lucky he slept like a baby throughout the whole journey and wake up right before we reached.

Just a quick one, do you put window curtains on your car? I notice some of my colleagues do, some don't. What's the purpose of the curtains? To block the sunlight from shinning in? Or scare bb car sick?
I've never dared to bring bb out without a carrier or sling. The knowledge that my hands are tied down is stressful. You brave sia, carry him and a diaper bag out yourself.
We brought her out with us to watch a movie, she was in the sling the entire time, whenever she stirred I quickly stuffed (.) into her mouth and she could go back to sleep very fast, we managed to watch the whole movie without a hitch. Was stressed though, that she'll scream in mid of show and I'll get chased out. But it was probably very shiok for her, cinema dark and cold, n she was in my arms the whole time.
:D ya redvel, I was surprised she was so easy to manage. In fact she continued to sleep through dinner all the way to till we reached home. That was a total of over 5 hrs sleep. In the sling the whole time. My shoulder feels more mascular today, lol!!
My baby is on milk strike ...drinking only 30-40 ml per feed...not sure if it us just a phase or she is not well.
@tuna Salute you leh, still can bring baby for movie! HAHA!~

@gan1972 is baby active? If yes, I think it's just a phase. My boy also drink lesser some days, but he still maintain his activeness so I don't usually be overly concern about it. Don't worry too much!
@KWL I have yet to drive her alone. I wanna try soon! Will get the mirror before that :)

So far your LO has been cooperative? Actually mine so far is fine when I sit beside her while hubby drives. She sleeps shortly after car moves, doesn't matter if I'm there actually as she prefers to see outside prior to car nap. I sit next to her to rest my palm on her chest throughout the ride. Scared bumpy road her little heart may get some shock? I remember when I brought her back from jaundice discharge at few days old , she was having intermittent shaking when home and CL said could be the car ride she wasn't used to. Told me to press my hand on her chest next time. Ever since I've been doing that every time. But maybe that stage has passed and she should be used to the ride by now.

Like the nail filer, i got the mirror from Qoo website too. Haha. Basically, you just have to figure out your little one's temprement.

I have always insisted not to comfort, touch or feed the little one during the car ride. I want the little one to be more independent to prepare for riding alone because I am the principal driver and I cannot be distracted and soothing along the way

I've been trying to simulate a typical working day for the past few weeks. Meaning to say, I will wake up ard 6am to prepare all the necessities to my mum's place that is about 20mins drive away. I normally try to feed ard before setting off at 7.30am.

On days that baby is cooperative, driving was a breeze even in a jam during peak hours. On bad days, baby can be crying right at the start of the journey. On my first try, I had to route back home after dropping husband at MRT station for work to continue feeding. So feeding before you start your journey can minimize fussing.

I've learnt that baby will usually fuss at the start of the journey. Just talk or play music to soothe baby while focusing on the road. Plan and think of places along your journey where you can make a stop to check on your baby when the wailing cannot be soothed by any methods. The fussing typically takes about 10-15 mins and will be over once I hit the expressway which is not so jammed initially. Once the car comes to a stop, the fussing might begin.

Therefore, to counter this, I now practice slower but continuous drive. I used to take first lane. But now I learnt to take slower lanes and applying less brakes just to get the car rolling - but not to the extent of causing accidents lah! The rolling action will somehow rock my little one to sleep. Once on sleep mode, uneven road and bends don't really matter anymore p
I also find mine drinking less. The weight gain seems to plateau these few weeks. Mummies can do a quick check on your little one's weight currently?
5.5kg 7 week 4 days. Mine drinking less as well. His per feed intake remains the same (apprx 100ml) but duration gets longer (from 2hrs (4 weeks ago) to 3.5-4.5 hrs(now) )
I had my second menses-like bleeding yesterday. The first menses-like bleeding was only 20 days ago when I was 5 week postpartum and it lasted for 5 days. The bleeding was heavier than my usual menses before pregnant. Now again! And also quite heavy. Feeling very giddy and weak with the 'menses' and sweating now. Planning to go to see the TMC Dr Su again tmr. Although my gyane did tell me that the first few menses may be irregular, i wonder any mommies encountered the same thing before?
@KWL thank you for sharing your experience with us when driving the little one around. I will also be the main driver whenever we go out as my hubby is working shift work and tend to be very tired. So I don't let him drive much because I'm scared he will fell asleep.

Initially he don't like to sit in the baby car seat. Will cry the moment we buckle him in. Subsequently we tried to buckle him when at home using the stroller and he sort of get used to it after that.

Shall also start on the routine of waking up early and preparing him before bringing to my MIL place. Thanks again!
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I read so far all the boys here are quite big on the scale. My gal not so big (i guess gals are lighter afterall). Haven't measure and shall measure later today.
Bubbles is thoroughly enjoying the mesh bouncer/rocker! Decided to start using it as she is much less floppy these days, and it's amusing to watch her smile each time she bounces herself with her legs XD relief for my arms and back! And how I've missed eating my meals with 2 hands haha!
Can share what are the educational games or fun time that you're playing with your little ones? For example tummy time. Want to learn from the mummies on what we can teach at this stage.
Playtime happens the moment she wakes up. Play music and sing/talk to her. If she's not hungry yet, read a book or two. Do count game right after bong bong. As I massage her, I will wriggle each of her fingers and toes to count 1 to 10. I like to sing Head Shoulder Knees and Toes to her and point to her body parts as I go along. Also Family finger song by using her fingers as prop. Bouncer time also show her books. I think playtime good enough la hor?

But yesterday she has been self entertaining a lot by staring at her own fists and sucking hands. Most of the time I hear a lot of shik shik shok shok sound. It was a day I could do quite a bit of chores haah.
Thanks for the share @Ahze and @redvel ! Bubbles seems very easily self-amused, so I get lazy and leave her in the cot to stare and laugh at the mobiles I made her...she can do that for almost 45 mins...babbling and licking her fist. But I feel guilty, so only recently started reading to her.

Increasing frequency of tummy time now, she can lift and turn her head left right to look at me, but super unhappy.

Do you all know where to get those alphabet, numbers and animal posters? I checked 2 Popular branches, like don't have ley? Kiddy palace also?maybe I walk through too fast...
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I realized I have done a lot of online shopping throughout my ML period. My hub is already hinting me that we have a lot of things at home. I think he meant "stop wasting money!" Anyway, going back work soon, so the luxury of shopping as and when I like is going to end soon......
I realized I have done a lot of online shopping throughout my ML period. My hub is already hinting me that we have a lot of things at home. I think he meant "stop wasting money!" Anyway, going back work soon, so the luxury of shopping as and when I like is going to end soon......
Same here...kind of addicted to receiving stuff through the mailbox, from ninja van etc
LOL! My hubby is the online shopper, I prefer to let my feet do the walking cos it's my only form of exercise these days...even while pregnant I was shopping till the day before delivery haha
I feel bad I haven't bought much new things for her! She has many passdowns. Most of her toys are well used and some even slightly torn. Clothes also hardly buy new ones. I hope she doesn't mind.
I feel bad I haven't bought much new things for her! She has many passdowns. Most of her toys are well used and some even slightly torn. Clothes also hardly buy new ones. I hope she doesn't mind.
Honestly I think babies dun bother whether new or used...is the mummy who wants to shop! With my number one , I bought so many toys thinking she would enjoy playing....now looking back I think I was the one who enjoyed, she didn't like all...some hardly played with. Mei mei will just play with these pass me down toys.

I have weakness for baby clothes...coz they are just so small n cute
I feel bad I haven't bought much new things for her! She has many passdowns. Most of her toys are well used and some even slightly torn. Clothes also hardly buy new ones. I hope she doesn't mind.
Old folks say pass down clothes good. Baby wear will be good good n grow up
@snowfern I also shop till the day I gave birth. HAHA!~ My gynae told me to walk more so that I can trigger the labor naturally. So I thought shopping consider walking too. When I told him that, he say by walking means at least 45 minutes in the park. If not later cannot trigger labor, will be c-sec and I will cut you open. After he said that, I'm super scared and went to walk in the park for 45 minutes twice daily. And on the 3rd day, my contractions came. -.-"

All my boy clothes also passed down from my SIL. I didn't buy any new clothes for my boy until my CL asked me got new clothes for baby to wear on his 1st month a not. I told her don't have leh, must wear new clothes one meh? HAHA!~ That's when I started to shop for new clothes for my boy. And I can't stop after that, too cute already.
I'm a bag lover but when it comes to diaper bag I find the one from Gleneagles very good liao. I've been complaining to hubby the man diaper bag he bought so hard to use!
@redvel :) I think the one TMC gave also not bad. Just that it cannot be used as a backpack. At times if I go out alone with bb with carrier, backpack will be more convenient :)

I'm a bag lover but when it comes to diaper bag I find the one from Gleneagles very good liao. I've been complaining to hubby the man diaper bag he bought so hard to use!

The one mount a gave was good too. But 1 diaper bag is not enough. :/ gave myself too much excuse to buy diaper bags in all sorts of style and design. *guilty pleasure*
