2016/07 July babies

I Juz went gynae and he say I'm Juz 1-2 cm dilated. Think bb will come out only in July so now Juz rest n relax n see when bb wants to come out..

Think those mummies who gave birth are mostly active in fb.. Dunno if they will share their birth stories here.. Tuna: wat abt u? When are u giving birth? Which week liao?
Woohoo welcoming new bbs!

I'm waiting for my turn at clinic. Verluv , so does it mean your bb is engaged since there's some dilation? Usually at which week doc will check the cervix? So far none so I wonder if I will be checked since I'm also 38w.
Bb is engaged already. So low that today can't get clear selfie of her.

Gynae says can be anytime if we don't disturb her. Haha I wonder what is meant by disturbing?

But he also thinks should be ok that she may wait another week.
Bb is engaged already. So low that today can't get clear selfie of her.

Gynae says can be anytime if we don't disturb her. Haha I wonder what is meant by disturbing?

But he also thinks should be ok that she may wait another week.

Redvel, interesting.. Does it mean that we can't see clearly from U/S if bb is engaged down?
Can't see clearly the 3D pic of the face I mean. Normal scan can still see everything in place.

I see.. but unfortunately, KKH doesn't have 3D scan. My bb is bigger during the last scan, managed to have a short glimpse of the head and the body which cover the whole screen.. think it's difficult to see the rest clearly already. Even the US photo also cannot capture the whole body.
Think those mummies who gave birth are mostly active in fb.. Dunno if they will share their birth stories here.. Tuna: wat abt u? When are u giving birth? Which week liao?
Oh sad, when u pop u come in and share OK?
I just hit wk 37. At last wk's checkup, I had some contractions but not dilated, so doc put me back on Utrogestan to relax uterus and let bb bake inside longer. On HL now, haha, that is the most impt thing. Shiok! :p
1-2 cm dilated still can tong another wk uh?
Redvel: disturb means having sxx.. Haha since you r 38 weeks and bb engaged, I think u may deliver anytime soon.. So pls dun any run liao.. Stay put at home and put your hospital bag in your car..
Today I Juz bought 2 toys so that when my little bb is out, I will give the 2 toys to her elder sisters!!
Tuna: my gynae says can tong till July so I presume another week or so. But it depends de.. If I Juz rest and rest at home and dun disturb her, I believe so.. However if I continue with my normal activity and walk a lot think I may not be able to tong for another week.
Anyway my hubby already took leave liao and he say if I dun deliver soon, then he will be wasting his leave.. So I quickly tell my bb that daddy is waiting for her arrival and hopefully she can be out by beginning of this week.
But today a bit weird weird leh, I keep wanting to go toilet but nth come out. Though the feeling of wanting to go toilet is not very strong, I still think that this is sign of labour. Anyway Juz see ba..
So I think redvel, gwenk and me should be next to pop huh ?
Tuna.. I'm actually 37 week 2 day now too but my longest record is that I delivered on 37w 1day.. Think this bb really love my tummy!!!
Now I know what is 'disturb' already. Thanks verluv for sharing..

For me, I only ask my hubby to continue to work till I feel like giving birth soon. Will be going to see gynae next Wed and ask doc about the engagement. Meanwhile, I will try to stay calm.. 38w and 4d today. :)
@verluv - sounds like urs is really near, must be the shopping u did today. In case you pop in the next 2-3 days and i dont get to chat with u again before u pop, here's wishing u another quick and enjoyable labour, and a lovely healthy sweetie to enjoy all over again :)
My EDD should be 1 day after urs. I intend to tong for at least another wk plus, must fully enjoy my hospitalization leave first. Lol!!!
Oohh now I know. Came home and updated my MIL. She asked me so what is it about not disturbing the bb? Luckily I know how to answer her. hehe thanks verluv.

So cute! So thoughtful of you to be doing that for the two jiejies. For me as a jiejie, I was soooo happy when my parents came home carrying my newborn sister from hospital. To me, she was like my masak gift.

Yeah told hubby I won't jalan around alone from here on :p

Tuna, Glenk, you both are very near the finishing line!
@redvel - ya, so surreal. Seemed just wks ago that we were dragging ourselves through the miserable period of morning sickness. You should be popping within the coming wk yes? Can't wait for ur birth story also! In the meantime, make the most of ur last few days of me-time, u'll be enjoying a different kind of joy soon.
Yo yo finally start my hospital leave to wait for baby arrival :) last day at work on brexit day is not easy.. Can't wait to see gynae Tml :)
Hello ,,, im one of the mummies who popped last sunday, at 37 weeks 2 days. I'm now more active in own watsapp grp n fb instead of forum.
It must be exciting here for the rest of e mummies waiting for their turns...
Anyway my birth story....

Woke up ard 7 plus on 18/6/16 morning to pee n found some pinkish bloody discharge when I wipe n it became more after that. Woke hubby up n told him( he's still in denial mode I'm more kan cheong) experience mild cramping so decided to head to clinic to check.
Ard 10am in clinic: check 2 cm dilated (v painful for me) n ctg scan shows mild contractions v irregular) was told to head bk home n wait for more severe contraction.
Bk home til 4pm noticed more bloody discharge like mensus n was worried as mucous plug shouldn't be so bloody like bleeding.
Went hospital ard 5 to check, 2.5 cm dilated. Contraction pain 1/10.Told e nurse I wana go bk home if everything is alright after an hour's monitor. But Gynae advised me since baby is full term, n I had bleeding during 1st trimester. she doesn't know what's causing the bleeding I was having on that day n instead of worrying I should induce.
It was a struggle to decide , cos I was worried about the mensus like bleeding, it was troublesome to go bk home n head to hospital should my contractions turn severe in e middle of night.yet I prefer to wait for a non induced delivery as my first was induced n traumatic.hubby thought Gynae was just freaking me so she can get it done fast.
Nurse told Gynae I was freaked out ( as I did when nurse wana do dilation check on me ) so Was given opt for breaking water bag or inserting a pill to help dilate faster. I chose the latter although water bag breaking will contribute to a much faster delivery ( similar to my first Birth). I was told my waterbag will still be broken if I fail to dilate by next morning.
Ard 6pm nurse inserted half a pill inside me....n the waiting game started. Was given dinner at e labour ward but didn't eat much.also given laxative to clear bowel. Hubby was v tired by 12am as the couch was faulty n he couldn't fall aslp. I couldn't slp with contractions every 7mins though pain was bearable but the pain intensify after midnight. Tahan until ard 330am n I asked for laughing gas.was moaning by then while breathing deeply with e mask. Dilation check shows 9 cm, Gynae was called. In my drowsy state(effect of gas) I quickly called my hubby who went out for a break to tell him I'm giving birth soon. Had e urge to push but was told not to. Gynae appeared As I heard her voice but my eyes were tired n closed since Im on gas. With Every contraction I pushed till I could feel a big balloon popping out.water bag was broken by Gynae as I tried to push baby out( as told by hubby)
Couldn't rmb how many pushes , perhaps 6/7 but it took longer than
First birth.was extremely tired after delivery I couldn't keep my eyes opened. I had no strength when baby was brought to me. I rest awhile before I carried baby again . This delivery was quite surreal like in a dreamy state as I feel the nurse poke my hand, e Gynae pushing my placenta , cleaning me n stitching me up cos I was very high n tired. Now it's those sleepless nights , waking up to bf n pump!
Thanks tuna. Yes it's amazing how time flies...all of us will be super busy bee soon (other than damn tired).

Emk, update tomorrow ya.

3p1m, big congrats. Reading your birth story I felt my heartbeat went up faster. Seems so even real now. Thanks for sharing. Good job mummy!
Yeah.. Finally one birth story here.. So nice to read the birth story, thanks 3p1m!
Ya, hopefully we will come back here to share our birth story..
Juz now I tot I'm having labour syptoms coz I feel like pooping but nth came out for the whole afternoon. But who knows in the evening, I really poop.. Haiz.. And after that totally dun feel any cramp. I still go n download the contraction app in my phone.. Think can't use it till a few days later.
Actually my hubby was supposed to take leave from beginning of this week. Luckily he didn't coz I haven pop else he will start blaming me for wasting his leave. Today I started talking to my bb to come out soon to play with her Jie jies.. Hopefully she understand that and come out soon.
Actually it's better to keep the bb in the tummy till full term as in 40 weeks right?? Guess I'm Juz too excited to see bb.. Gynae tried to do 4d scan for me but always can't capture a good image. Think my gynae not patient enough to capture a nice shot.
Maybe I should Juz tell myself to be chilled abt it and Juz enjoy my HL else it will be lotsa sleepless night after bb is out!!
Ya emk, update us on your gynae appt tmr.. Will be excited to know !
And really thanks tuna for the well wishing!!
I'm sure mummies here will all have a nice and smooth delivery coz the mummies here are all happy mummies!!
Just see gynae, weeks 37 baby weight 3.062 head down but haven't engaged. I always got a list of questions wanna ask gynae but always forget to ask :(
False alarm, verluv :p

I hearsay first bb will usually bake longer and subsequent ones will pop earlier . Wonder how commonly valid this is.

I think my bb is those "gentle"movement kind. I've seen so many mtbs' videos where they show their bbs inside roll and somersault and glide their hands and legs. Mine always only head down and the most I can feel her spine and butt either on my left or right. She is like a satay peng left or peng right only. Could never have luck capturing the hand/leg movement. Haa.

Emk, maybe can write down your qns. Perhaps can see doc again next week.

Mine is 3.1kg at 38w. I've gained 300g from last week and this weight goes all into the little fellow. She jumped from 2.8 to 3.1 in just a week. But I guess all these are just estimate. My gynae always says give 400g plus minus.
My first one was delivered at 36 weeks...number 2 has just pass 37 weeks so seems like this is baking longer!

I never get to video movements too! Coz she usually moves the most during office meetings!
Redvel, how I envy u... I put on 1.4kg from last week coz I really want bb to put on weight but she is only gaining 180g!!!!! I seriously surrender!
Oh no .. Just confirm with my massage lady, those red colour line near to my belly button are stretch mark. I though my sister and my mum don't have stretch mark so I unlikely to get it. Guess I'm wrong .. Need to be more hardworking to apply cream now.
Hey emk, my fren told me that her tummy is very itchy during her preg.. So she scratch a lot and her tummy is very ugly. Who knows after preg, her tummy becomes as smooth as before.. Think u dun think so much.. If that is really the stretch mark then even if u apply now is too late le
Verluv those stretch mark on my stomach will become black color line after giving birth ?
Hi mummies, I have the following items to let go (added one too many in my cart)

Philips AVENT Natural Bottles, BPA-Free, clear coloured, 4oz, BNIB, $40, 4pcs

Philips AVENT Natural Bottles BPA-Free, clear coloured 9oz BNIB, $42, 4pcs

Interested please pm me. Thanks heaps!
Verluv, I think with a nb and two jiejies, you'll shed those extra weight sooner than you think!

Emk, I can feel the curve of her back all the way to her butt that sits on top of my bump. 90percent of the time she lays on my left. Sometimes my hubby will piak softly her butt lol.

Can tell further also as I can often feel where her hiccups come from. And at night before bed when it's quiet, I can feel her heartbeat by placing my palm at bottom left of my bump. My hubby likes to place his ear there and he can hear her heartbeat.
@redvel your satay description made me burst out laughing for a good minute or so XD my bubbles is aspiring to be a member of Riverdance, everyday high kicks, make me nervous for my ribs nia.

@emk ya, don't scratch!!! Keep moisturising, I rem my mum had stretch marks while carrying my youngest bro (13 yrs my jr), so the moment my tummy start to itch in late 2nd trimester I started my twice a day moisturising regime with bio oil. Now still no sign of stretch marks yet, even tho I have plenty on my thighs from rapid weight loss. Maybe mine will appear after birth :(
Stretch mark are usually not black in colour.. Thought they are of a lighter tone than our normal skin.. Dunno how to describe but yes i do have a lot on my thigh area due to rapid weight loss the last time too.
I also can feel the butt and the leg when she moves around. She is also quite gentle and dun have very hard kick. But it's quite hard to heard the heartbeat leh.. I can only feel my own heartbeat.
Hehhe @snowfern

My gf named stretch marks the "silver linings". That's the old marks. Fresh new marks are usually light red (if I remember correctly since it was donkey years ago I first had them). So ya, I have silver linings now on my butt and thighs.

For mummies whom had their water bag burst naturally, what's the prior symptoms, if any? Can you be like rested on a chair for hours or sleeping and it will burst without any signs at all?

Today I'm starting to feel more and more weight pressure on my pelvic. The works of engagement.
My baby not gentle at all, he likes move his butt from left to top to right and give me a hard kick on my left side. I have capture some interesting video which I can see my tummy go out of shape haha sometimes he move it so furiously that I wanna pee and also feel pain on my pelvic.
@emk I think the shock of sudden kicks is making it seem more painful than it actually is!! if i lie on my back, confirm she will do all sorts of fancy flip-flops, hubby says like horror movie XD I've got a couple of videos, and that's since late week 20s!
Hi all, I just delivered on 23 June at 38w. BB no2 was estimated to be 3.4kg and has his umbilical cord around his neck, so Gynae suggested to induce as waiting will cause bb would be bigger and cord tighter.

Went into labour ward at 8am, Gynae pricked water bag and was given inducement med in a drip. Dilation was 3cm. After 15mins I haven felt any contractions but a few hospital personnels rushed into the room and gave me oxygen mask, lie me to my side, Gynae came in and stopped the inducement. Found out that BB heartbeat dropped due to medication hence stop inducement.

Gynae suggested csec or wait, so we decided to wait it out. Slow contractions from 9-12nn. Wanted to pee but found out I can't. Nurse drained my bladder using a short catheter. A lot of urine. Then she did a VE and said 4cm. Super Sian, cos 3hrs only increase 1cm. After draining I feel more contractions.

Gynae came in soon after nurse, check again, 6cm... I was like, 2cm in 10mins, sure anot? He said Gynae more generous hah. Ordered me to use oxygen mask and lie to side to give BB more oxygen.

Gynae left ard 1215pm. Contractions still slow like 5mins apart. Suddenly I was gripped w a very intense contraction. And another one very shortly after, wanted to ask for epi n pressed call bell. Nurses came in at the 2nd contraction and I told her I want to shit! She did a VE at the next contraction and pressed the call bell many times. I am ready to deliver!

Waited for the Gynae for 4 contractions. One of the worst feelings in the world! To have a strong contraction but cannot push! It's like holding in diarrhea, very tough!

Gynae appeared finally and did episiotomy. And told me to push. 1 long push and BB is out! Bb cried and was placed on top of me. Umbilical cord was very long. 1249pm delivered.

End up BB only 3.0kg but am glad that Gynae was assuring and confident. Did not push for csec, and very professional. This safe delivery all thanks to him!

Last but not least, is there a Whatsapp chat we can join? Feeling lonely in the new journey haha!

Can't wait to hear from all of u ur birth story!
Omg I love these birth stories! Well done mummy moshi. Pat on your back for a job well done :) So glad to hear mummy and baby are all well.

That aside, I have once joined a watsapp group (can't even remember for what topic). It was way too much for me to handle haha. Can't keep up the speed so I exited within 24hrs :p
Congratulations to the mommies who've delivered! And thanks for sharing ur birth stories, super enjoy reading them.

@snowfern - my bb's kicks are violent too, to the extent that it really hurts sometimes. Get this feeling that she's digging at my belly button at times too, and that can get really painful. Anyone gets that also? It cant be her digging but it really feels like sharp nails scratching from the inside :eek:
My tummy rocks and jumps at various times of the day, particularly for 2-3 hrs after midnight, many times I don't bother trying to slp while she's doing her stuff inside, I just read or surf till she settles down because slp is impossible with all her non-stop kicking, rocking and rolling.
Ladies, I'm getting Braxton Hicks so often like never before. It started about 9-10pm? Wasn't quite in tune of the frequency as I was in and out of a nap. But I started to time at about midnight and they are coming and going every 5-10min (my tummy becomes rock hard). Not pain but just hard. Is not something needed to go hospital la hor?
Ladies, I'm getting Braxton Hicks so often like never before. It started about 9-10pm? Wasn't quite in tune of the frequency as I was in and out of a nap. But I started to time at about midnight and they are coming and going every 5-10min (my tummy becomes rock hard). Not pain but just hard. Is not something needed to go hospital la hor?

I had the same the night before and I came to hospital to do CTG. Was told I'm contracting every 6 mins and it just felt like BH to me. Lots of BH which was very unusual.
@tuna ya!! Mine is such a feisty one, always trying to get comfy....makes hubby and I worry that she'll be difficult to handle, especially since she on the dot will squirm every meal time....when I get too engrossed and miss my snack time, there goes my alarm in the tum XD

As for digging, I dunno but it feels like she sometimes uses my left ovary as punching bag, hurts so much I an double over breathless...stops me in my tracks. Hubby told her last night after a particularly powerful jab that she doesn't need to get rid of her competition liow, she's already won lol

Do u lie on the left to sleep? I have found she settles in better when I sleep on my left, seems when I lie on my right, she will squirm a lot to adjust, and readjust in the morning.....
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@redvel how are you doing? My b-h has also increased, but not to the extent you are undergoing, usually change in position will stop ....Keep us updated if u can....

@candymoshi thanks for sharing! Congratulations to you and @l0v3s !!! Rest well :)
Morning, esp to you Snowfern :)

Last night I was waiting for the cue. At ~2am my BH started to be accompanied by cramp pain down there. It's not dull menstrual cramp but distinctive pain at my cervix area. But the pain is totally piece of cake kind but it's considered pain for sure.

But it just went away after few more waves and I guess it's a false alarm and I went to sleep. Oh and my boobs are starting to get more sore.

It's gone for now. I guess signs are signaling it's near.
Wow! How to y
@tuna ya!! Mine is such a feisty one, always trying to get comfy....makes hubby and I worry that she'll be difficult to handle, especially since she on the dot will squirm every meal time....when I get too engrossed and miss my snack time, there goes my alarm in the tum XD

As for digging, I dunno but it feels like she sometimes uses my left ovary as punching bag, hurts so much I an double over breathless...stops me in my tracks. Hubby told her last night after a particularly powerful jab that she doesn't need to get rid of her competition liow, she's already won lol

Do u lie on the left to sleep? I have found she settles in better when I sleep on my left, seems when I lie on my right, she will squirm a lot to adjust, and readjust in the morning.....

Wow! How do u tell which part your feisty champion is punching? It just feels like an earthquake inside. I find whichever side I lie on, she will automatically slip there, gravity I guess, and she kicks a lot. Think not comfy to be sandwiched between my fat middle and bed :rolleyes:

@redvel - your EDD is just a few days away. U can start timing when the contractions get more regular and don't go away even after changing position. Otherwise, don't panic ok? Can see princess soon!

Morning, esp to you Snowfern :)

Last night I was waiting for the cue. At ~2am my BH started to be accompanied by cramp pain down there. It's not dull menstrual cramp but distinctive pain at my cervix area. But the pain is totally piece of cake kind but it's considered pain for sure.

But it just went away after few more waves and I guess it's a false alarm and I went to sleep. Oh and my boobs are starting to get more sore.

It's gone for now. I guess signs are signaling it's near.
Eyyy, sounds like what happened to me at week 34....whole night like menstrual cramps from 2-6am, then constant b-h with pelvic pain till I buay tahan at 2pm go KKH cos I promised MIL and hubby I would get it checked if the b-h or pain didn't stop.

Nurse asked me pain scale, I said, used to v painful menses, so only 2-3, with back aches. After monitoring, and swab to see if I am in labour, Doc said not contractions, and that even though I never had painful b-h before, I should start expecting them more frequently :-0 pelvic pains probably due to uterus adjusting as baby is growing faster now.....false alarm, but as hubby puts it, ease of mind....

Yeah, my nipples are super sensitive now too...body is prepping us!
