2016/07 July babies

Wow! How to y

Wow! How do u tell which part your feisty champion is punching? It just feels like an earthquake inside. I find whichever side I lie on, she will automatically slip there, gravity I guess, and she kicks a lot. Think not comfy to be sandwiched between my fat middle and bed :rolleyes:

@redvel - your EDD is just a few days away. U can start timing when the contractions get more regular and don't go away even after changing position. Otherwise, don't panic ok? Can see princess soon!
Haha no la I don't think she can reach my ovaries, but the pain was akin to my ovulation pains (have endometriosis and adenomyosis ), and as with you, cannot lie flat on back, she sure squirm non stop de!! So when I get paranoid about her not moving, I will lie down hahaha ya definitely gravity, but she seems to favour spine on right, leg kicks on left side. My left side now feels permanently bruised from all her kicks, especially when I am walking...grrrrr

Hi, food was average. My current confinement lady definitely cooks much much better esp the fish and vege dishes. If your elders are strict on your confinement diet, they will definitely frown on some dishes eg. Cabbage, chicken and egg dishes for c sec mummies, type of fish served to you etc.

My second time in TMC so stay is fine for me, both times on level 5.

My all in bill, plus bb as well, is around $11k for premier single room price, three nights stay for c sec.

You can use your medisave to pay part of it cos cash outlay is about $5k plus.
Hi u mind sharing ur confinement last contact
Hi mummies, i am from may mummy. Would like to check if any mummies need Confinement lady. My current confinement ladybwith me will be last day on 3-June. If anyone needs her service, please pm me. She has a slot for July till early Aug. She is good and highly recommended.
Mine due 31/7 care to share more info on her
Do u all think it really matters if we don't lie or sleep on the left? Coz actually I prefer sleeping on my right and during the day, while I'm surfing web on my mobile, I will be lying on my back. Though will feel sore but after a while it's fine. I wonder my low bb weight is due to the position I'm lying down?
Do u all think it really matters if we don't lie or sleep on the left? Coz actually I prefer sleeping on my right and during the day, while I'm surfing web on my mobile, I will be lying on my back. Though will feel sore but after a while it's fine. I wonder my low bb weight is due to the position I'm lying down?
Not sure, but was advised early by nurses to sleep on left, never on back (baby will add pressure on vena cava). Something about better nutrient flow, less pressure on liver? I used to sleep on my right until 2nd trimester, then seems like baby apps and websites also promote sleeping on left. To me, no harm trying, just have to listen to hubby snore more clearly nia XD
Thanks for the replies. I haven't pop phew hehe.

When I was tested low in iron, was told to sleep on my left. Before that my gynae never said about sleeping sides.

I've always prefer to sleep on left (actually also on my tummy but can forget about it now) until bb got bigger. Since 90% of the time she is on my left, I find sleeping on my right much more comfy for us both. When lying on left, I feel I'm crushing her. She also seems restless when I'm on left. When I lie right, she seems more calm and I can sleep better.

But I also try to switch sides at times.
Hi to all mummies, I am new here. congrats to those who have already had their babies delivered. smpoth delivery to those who are waiting.

I was havine pre labour symptoms at week 32, was warded for a night, Gynae trying to prolonged baby's arrival till 36 weeks at least. My EDD is 01/08/2016 but hoping that baby will arrive on her sister's birthday on the 29/07/2016. Now on HL till 30/06/2016 and at 35 weeks. Dr said i can consider taking my maternity leave after my HL ends but thay would be 3 weeks early. Anyone with similar experience?

Fingers cross, maternity shoot arranged on 16/07/2016. Hopefully baby dun come out so fast.

Any FB group for July 2016 mummies, pls advise. thanks.
@verluv - don't think it affects bb's wt. My doc just tells me to slp on my side, without mentioning any specific side, and to try avoiding lying on back for better circulation. I lie on whichever side mine kicks less at. Can no longer lie on back, feels like there's a huge weight on me when i do that and I can't really breathe properly with the weight flattening me o_O
Ur bb is one of those dainty and petite sweeties. Can fatten her up after she's born, don't worry too much about the wt now.
Anyone experience any bloody show? Im currently 38 weeks 5 weeks. Yesterday i had a brownish pink red blood discharge... currently still ongoing. Is it anything to worry about? I had to wear kotex.. and my doctor schedule me for an induce this wednesday. Should i go down to kkh to have it check.. im worried.
Verluv, agreeing with tuna. I forgot to add that even tho I tried to sleep more on left, I'm still low in iron as last tested. It is because I got lazy some days. I take two pills instead of 3 pills (I hate those colorful pills ok). Not bcos of which side i sleep on really.
Anyone experience any bloody show? Im currently 38 weeks 5 weeks. Yesterday i had a brownish pink red blood discharge... currently still ongoing. Is it anything to worry about? I had to wear kotex.. and my doctor schedule me for an induce this wednesday. Should i go down to kkh to have it check.. im worried.

I'm about the same stage at 38w +.
Last week I had one time spotting. Called my gynae and i was told to rest and if it's starts to soak a pad I should go to hospital.

If you're worried you should call your gynae immediately.

And wishing you a smoothie delivery this wed!
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Dear ladies,

Just to share that I've also given birth to my boy 2 weeks before my due date. It was my third baby and everything just came so fast! Just to share....

26 June 2016 (am)-Bloody discharge. Quickly finished up buying whatever is still outstanding coz during my first girl, I went to hospital the next morning with contractions.

27 June 2016 @ 153am - contractions felt @ 7 mins interval

At 209am - Contractions @ 3 to 4 mins interval

At 310am - Send kids to mum's place nearby. Pain getting unbearable. Contractions @ 1-2 mins interval

At 315am - Waterbag burst while we are still on the way to hospital. Started to have uncontrolled urge to push.

Reached hospital at 330am. Was immediately pushed into the delivery ward.

At 351am - Boy is out after gynae arrived.

Everything happened so fast but it was a real relieve.
Wow another birth story here... It happens really fast. I'm having my third too and expect it to be fast too.. That is y very Kan cheong Abt it but no labour sign yet.
And yes after today I shall rest more on my side. Thanks everyone here for your kind advices!
Now with hubby on leave, I'm eating more!! Coz my hubby loves to eat and he can really eat a lot.. But still in order not to put on so much weight, I think I better stick to more protein diet! Haha but u know, sometimes when u r outside, it's really hard to resist..
MTB2007 congrats. Reading your story calms me down though I know I won't be so lucky to have a quick labor like yours.

Happy story I like!
Anyone experience any bloody show? Im currently 38 weeks 5 weeks. Yesterday i had a brownish pink red blood discharge... currently still ongoing. Is it anything to worry about? I had to wear kotex.. and my doctor schedule me for an induce this wednesday. Should i go down to kkh to have it check.. im worried.
Did u check in to KKH? Feel any contraction?
Bad timing. My new neighbor direct one floor down has returned from overseas and will be starting reno one/two weeks from now. We have politely asked him if he would consider postponing the reno but will be not a choice for him due to work (he has to go back HK for work again and this is a good break for him to reno) and he doesn't want to cross to lunar 7th month.

He has shared with us what he will be doing (carpentry, feature wall, lightings but no cove light etc) so I reckon the noise and dust is minimal. Our development is new and has all flooring and kitchen and wardrobe cabinet already done so I think won't be major. Still, hubby wishes there's no reno for more comfortable confinement period.

Anyway I think no choice. I would only wanna do my confinement at our new house. The most close all windows during the day.
Redvel, we are on the same boat. I also wish to do confinement in my own house. The unit directly next to me start their major reno in July. Spoken to the worker and he mentioned this unit belong to his boss daughter. They want to redo everything include hacking the kitchen wall to have open concept. He will check with his boss whether can postpone till after July and I have yet to hear from him.
Was trying to recall who was the one who mentioned about neighbor's reno.

If your neighbor is Chinese too, then I think it's gonna be tricky because of 7th month. Hacking of walls and floors are major :( My neighbor won't be doing those but still we'll get more dust and drilling etc.

And no way I wanna do the confinement at my inlaws house (where I'm still staying at). No space for CL and too many actions going on (we get relative visits often). New house I get peace and quiet. Haa but not so quiet anymore with the reno.
It was me who mention about neighbour renovation few weeks back :p I guess yours not so bad at least no major reno. Just bear with the drilling noise. I'm not so lucky as it's a major renovation with all dusts, noise and smell also when they start painting. I can move back to my mother in law place but I don't wish too. I afraid will have conflict with two old ( Cl and mil) living under the same roof. Both have their own theory and believe and my mil will be watching over cl then said this and that which will make me more headache.
A kitchen can't have two women :p

Actually my mil is a very nice mom to me. She says she won't come over to my new place so long as CL is still attached to us. The most is visit occasionally and see what help I need from her. I'm ok with PIL (I'm very blessed they are the nicest people) around during confinement but I just don't feel comfy with their house where other other kins living under same roof and it is like open house on weekend for relative visits, esp soon with a newborn.

Hope things will be working out well for you emk!
I believe a lot of people will be going the Reno now coz they can end before lunar 7th month. If they delay, it will go into lunar 7th month and a lot of people will be pantang on it..
When we are going confinement, we r supposed to hide in the room and can have wind ma.. So juz take it as an excuse to close all window and switch on air con! :)
I already told hubby im going to turn on Aircon during confinement. But I do empathize with emk as day in day out with major hacking is no joke, even with whole house with windows closed. Been thru that. Just can't mask the constant sound and vibration. Can drive ppl nuts :(
Thanks redvel, let pray for the best on our confinement. I worry the noise of renovatio will affect baby sleep. Haha I also told my husband I will on aircon for whole day :p
Dear ladies,

Just to share that I've also given birth to my boy 2 weeks before my due date. It was my third baby and everything just came so fast! Just to share....

26 June 2016 (am)-Bloody discharge. Quickly finished up buying whatever is still outstanding coz during my first girl, I went to hospital the next morning with contractions.

27 June 2016 @ 153am - contractions felt @ 7 mins interval

At 209am - Contractions @ 3 to 4 mins interval

At 310am - Send kids to mum's place nearby. Pain getting unbearable. Contractions @ 1-2 mins interval

At 315am - Waterbag burst while we are still on the way to hospital. Started to have uncontrolled urge to push.

Reached hospital at 330am. Was immediately pushed into the delivery ward.

At 351am - Boy is out after gynae arrived.

Everything happened so fast but it was a real relieve.
Wow!!! All the action in 2hrs! Very exciting and scary at the same time. So hard to control the urge to push!

Congrats on ur new addition!
Back again, with weekly update as I wait for payment and next week's appt~ everyone doing ok??

Congratulations too to all mummies who gave birth !! Hope all getting good rest! Reading birth stories always bring tears to my eyes, I blame the hormones kekeke

Ok, so Monday night I had a repeat of constant painful crampingfrom/b-h from 3.30am till morn, similar to 3weeks ago, so since no discharge and inconsistent cramps, I just rested in bed as much as I could whole of yesterday. Today doc checked, not dilated yet (yay!) , Baby heartbeat good, negative on GBS, GD reads good, bp good. Tmrw will be my 37week, so it is now the wait...it seems the pains are just my ligaments stretching, and entirely normal to have painful b-h. In fact, doc mentioned the pains might worsen, sooo looking forward to that :-/

How are u mums on leave passing the time?
Good to hear all is well and your bb is baking comfortably, snowfern.

Today marks my 38w 5d and a visit at clinic tomorrow. Actually I've been praying for bb to bake at least till 39w. So far the symptoms I have are just more BH through out the day but no major discomfort nor pain.

But now I worry she has to be induced haha. That is if she passes 7Jul. Inducing is painful? I find her like getting so comfy inside me.

I'm enjoying being at home. Online shopping. But mostly window shopping la.
@redvel aww. I have read all sorts of different accounts of induction stories to prep myself, and decided it really is luck of the draw. We have decided to play by ear, given my risk factors, no point being anxious over something we can't control. Might as well relax, and enjoy the remainder of the pregnancy !

Tbh, being pregnant has done wonders to my psyche. I used to suffer from clinical anxiety and had to take bp meds since 15 partly due to it, but now, the only meds I need is Obimin ! Hope baby is damn chill hahaha
Snowfern, good to be at home, Haha try to catch up as much sleep as possible now, guess I won't have chance to sleep till 10am after baby pop :p I spend my day time prepare baby stuff like set up nicely for baby cot, clear my wardrobe to put baby clothes. Night time watching EURO2016 :)
@snowfern - good to know ur pains are all part of the final lap. Are u on medical leave while playing the waiting game?
I am as my doc is overseas these 2 wks n I'm trying to move as little as possible so bb doesn't arrive while doc is away. I'm napping a lot these days, 2-3 naps a day are common, just keep getting sleepy. Other times, I read n keep myself busy with minimal chores, watching tv when my older kids are in school. I indulge in online shopping like redvel, but unfortunately i dont limit myself to window shopping :p Absolutely enjoying life now!

My first was natural, second induced. The delivery for no. 2 was a lot more painful than the first :confused: think contractions for induced births r a lot more intense. I told doc I don't want to be induced this time.
Haha I think the best is online shopping! I have been doing online shopping these few weeks at home and simply find it addictive.. Then when credit card bill come, got a shock and tell myself to refrain.. But then again, once I start, can't seem to refrain so juz shop la!! Anyway I'm buying useful things so not so bad la!!
I have been resting a lot at home too.. Till the extend I was wondering how come this bb still in tummy? Last night had some mild cramp and I tot yay today shall be the day to deliver. Till now still no action yet and no show, think it's juz the body adjusting itself for the labor. I will be seeing Gynae this Friday and hopefully the Gynae can give me some insight when will I deliver.
Redvel: update us tmr after your Gynae check.. :)
Tuna: wow your Gynae away these 2 weeks must be quite stress for u right? Coz by the time he is back, you should be very very close to your Edd Liao.. But I think the key to holding the bb in your tummy is to rest and rest and move to the minimal and the bb will feel so comfortable that they dun want to come out..
Emk: salute u leh.. Still can watch Euro2016!! I will be knock off by 9pm Coz of my 2 girls.. Normally will sleep with them and automatically I will fall asleep too!
So you all also shopping queen haahah.

I'm still in denial. Edd is next Thursday. My gynae did say won't let her pass Edd. Aiyo I'm left with one week!
Ya lor verluv, I scared. He'll be back end of this wk though, phew! But shiok leh, don't need to go work, haha, happiness. Check up next Monday, will see what he says! Update here after ur Fri check up hor. I slp very late, because I can't bear to end the day so early as I don't get to enjoy medical leave often, so I tong till the bb stops her night time jumping in my tummy at 2 plus.

@ redvel - 1 more wk, enjoy to the Max. Shop more, lol!!
@verluv yea must catch as many game as possible since I'm on HL :p can catch up my sleep in the day

@tuna did your gynae give u any backup gynae contact number just in case as we are so close to our Edd.
@emk - if there r any signs, he told me to go straight to labour Ward. In his absence, I don't think I really care very much abt which doc delivers for me since I won't be familiar with any others. The cheapest would do, haha. I'm with SGH, so I guess the hospital will arrange for another covering doctor.
I've been thinking abt the issue of neighbours renovating during confinement. Actually is it a blessing in disguise that the reno takes place during confinement because u have ur CL to help u with ur bb? I imagine it could b a lot more tiring if it happens after confinement, when u hv no help.

Seems like most of us are on HL. I worked all the way to delivery for my first two, and both were overdue babies some more. Cant think how i did it then, I'm on HL now and still feeling tired and sleepy. I actually napped for s total of 6 hrs today, not one shot la, broken into several sessions. Anyone whose EDD is within the next two weeks and still working?
I find naps right after breakfast and lunch and a little short one before dinner are the best. Haha no wonder my bb is getting too comfy.

I do agree I get more tired lately.

Anyway I google on natural induction. Can use breast pump!
@tuna yea true, with cl around is much better than only me alone. Luckily they come and hack the wall today :) the worker knock on my door this morning and ask is my baby sleeping because they going to hack the wall, so nice of them haha the hacking and drilling noise really no joke, my neighbour dog stay two unit away start barking when drilling start. I went out to avoid the noise and so happy to see the wall is gone when I'm back home. But the dust went into my right eye and got a white colour thing on my upper eyelid :(

@redvel my friend only go for induce when overdue for two weeks, tried 12 hours baby still wanna stay inside so got no choice and go for c sec
Is it every time the water bag burst after some contraction happen? And how is the feeling like when water bag burst? I'm experience some liquid is out, but not sure is urine or what. It always happen before and after urine. My edd is on 8 July. Feel so nervous. Just can't imagine what will happen. My gynae is away, only back in this Saturday. I went to see the relief doctor 2 days ago as I feel baby seldom move, and the doctor advice me to induce n do a ctg scan. Im prefer natural birth, so, went to ctg scan yesterday and baby are active moving inside my tummy.
Is it every time the water bag burst after some contraction happen? And how is the feeling like when water bag burst? I'm experience some liquid is out, but not sure is urine or what. It always happen before and after urine. My edd is on 8 July. Feel so nervous. Just can't imagine what will happen. My gynae is away, only back in this Saturday. I went to see the relief doctor 2 days ago as I feel baby seldom move, and the doctor advice me to induce n do a ctg scan. Im prefer natural birth, so, went to ctg scan yesterday and baby are active moving inside my tummy.
You should check w ur gynae ASAP since u r so close to due date, and as far as I know contractions may not happen right after water bag burst, but is dangerous to let amniotic fluid get too low.

Take care, and keep us updated!
My Gynae broke my waterbag for my 2nd one. I can feel the contraction intensified after that. It's like a gush of warm water flowing out and I gave birth within 30mins from then. But I also heard that some mummies got to wait for very long after water bag burst before delivery. Guess at the end of the day, it's still depends on individual.
I think since most of us are on hl, we should not have much action on delivery Coz bb too comfy in our tummy with us resting to the max. Anyway looking forward to any update for mummies here
I'm wondering is contraction come with bloody show? If no bloody show then is not a contraction right ?
Hi guys,

My EDD is 09/07 and i'm still working. Planning to work till birth if possible. Problem is my bb is already 3.88kg from yesterday's scan. Quite worried that may have problem going natural this time.

My first child was only 2.99kg delivered full term. :)
