2016/07 July babies

Today finally I'm having very normal meal. Milk, bread and muffin for breakfast. A very big bowl of soup and veg and rice for lunch.. Hahaha actually come to think abt it, normally I will have a bowl of noodle for breakfast and bread for lunch. Maybe that is the reason y bb not growing big

@verluv - ur breakfast sounds appetizing, minus the milk la, thought of milk still quite yucky to me.

@gan - tummy small and compact good ma, tell ur relatives you are the lucky few whose baby is nicely curled up and you don't feel so clumsy, still got nice figure. Tummy size comprises many factors, such as position of baby, length of mum's torso etc.
Hi ladies, how many pieces of diapers did you packed for the delivery bag? Do i need to bring wet wipes too?
Hosoital will provide the diaper n wet wipes, Don't need to pack in hospital bag. And they will pass us the balance of diaper when discharge from hospital.
@verluv, how heavy are you from pre-pregnancy wt till now? Did the gynae mention anything regarding bb's weight. Actually, you have come to 3rd trimester so far. I believe your bb has already achieved the passing mark. You need to talk to bb too, ask him or her what she likes to eat if you want to increase bb's wt. I guess that helps too. :)
Hosoital will provide the diaper n wet wipes, Don't need to pack in hospital bag. And they will pass us the balance of diaper when discharge from hospital.

I think we just need to bring our toiletries (toothbrush and skincare), 1 set of going home clothes for mummy, 1 set for bb (top, mittens and booties, hat, blanket) that's all right?
I think technology has moved as such that even these kind of shifu including fengshui uses computer software at some point one way or another.

I've not got the chance to speak to Yang. For Hui, have spoken to the assistant. Bb and parents bazi are required.

Do you already have a name in mind? We do and we will work from there based on our choice.

Hi Redvel, do you have contact no for both master? I would like to find out more from them.
Hi Gwenk, you may refer to my 2-3posts earlier. I posted their contacts.

I'm using Yang Shifu first. Hui shifu is a backup. Will share about them in due time (hope I won't KO from taking care of bb haa).

Today's my feet are most swollen. When I walk too much, the soles start to ache. My butt also ache. But thank goodness no backache issue.
I think we just need to bring our toiletries (toothbrush and skincare), 1 set of going home clothes for mummy, 1 set for bb (top, mittens and booties, hat, blanket) that's all right?
Yup correct. To add on if deliver in mount A need to bring our own pajamas, tmc don't need. I will also bring nipple cream, nipple shield,breast pad and maternity pad.
Hi Gwenk, you may refer to my 2-3posts earlier. I posted their contacts.

I'm using Yang Shifu first. Hui shifu is a backup. Will share about them in due time (hope I won't KO from taking care of bb haa).

Today's my feet are most swollen. When I walk too much, the soles start to ache. My butt also ache. But thank goodness no backache issue.

I saw already, thanks in advance.
I went for a foot massage specially for pre-natal last Sunday. It helps to alleviate my swollen feet actually. You can try and they will avoid the area that will induce labor one.
I saw already, thanks in advance.
I went for a foot massage specially for pre-natal last Sunday. It helps to alleviate my swollen feet actually. You can try and they will avoid the area that will induce labor one.

Looks like I need one. May you share the contact? Shiok?

Tomorrow I'm doing my last pamper session. Packing in pedicure, waxing and hair color all in a day. I can squeeze in a leg massage :)
Yup correct. To add on if deliver in mount A need to bring our own pajamas, tmc don't need. I will also bring nipple cream, nipple shield,breast pad and maternity pad.

I will be delivering in KKH and the nightgown will be provided according to the nurse. She mentioned that breastmilk will be very little for the 1st few days. But I will bring the breast pad and maternity pad. If deliver via normal and episiotomy, cooling pads will be provided as well.

Looks like I need one. May you share the contact? Shiok?

Tomorrow I'm doing my last pamper session. Packing in pedicure, waxing and hair color all in a day. I can squeeze in a leg massage :)

Yes, I feel good. I went to Theresa Beauty @ TPY one. They provide pre-natal and post-natal massages as well as foot reflexology. You can book appt with them to check out the locations that provide the services & convenient for you. The massage is much gentler and you'll feel much lighter after that. :)
Link for contact nos: http://theresa.com.sg/contact-us/

Is coloring of hair safe? I heard they contain chemical and may affect bb as they go into your bloodstream.
Yes, I feel good. I went to Theresa Beauty @ TPY one. They provide pre-natal and post-natal massages as well as foot reflexology. You can book appt with them to check out the locations that provide the services & convenient for you. The massage is much gentler and you'll feel much lighter after that. :)
Link for contact nos: http://theresa.com.sg/contact-us/

Is coloring of hair safe? I heard they contain chemical and may affect bb as they go into your bloodstream.
Thanks. Will check it out.

There are always personal opinions on hair coloring (and there are different kinds). I'd say do only what's comfortable for your own pregnancy.
Thanks. Will check it out.

There are always personal opinions on hair coloring (and there are different kinds). I'd say do only what's comfortable for your own pregnancy.

@redvel - super!! Do u still go with colours for ur mani and pedi? Or just clear polish? I don't rem the nurses making me remove polish the last time, but I recall some discussion here on this previously. And I really want to do a dark vampy red colour!

@Gwenk - KKH doesn't provide maternity pads?
@redvel - super!! Do u still go with colours for ur mani and pedi? Or just clear polish? I don't rem the nurses making me remove polish the last time, but I recall some discussion here on this previously. And I really want to do a dark vampy red colour!

@Gwenk - KKH doesn't provide maternity pads?

Yay. There are some Do's list from GlenE and one of them says no nail color. So I'm going to have my old pink color removed and just do clear one this round. Yes i also feel like having vampy red! But i guess i will wait till after my confinement (or do one for man yue :) ).
@tuna , I guess it does. I'll bring an ultra thin and longer one. Cos the cooling pad has to put on top of it. Not sure if I am used to the pads provided by the hospital one, got to bring mine just in case.
Tuna: KKH do provide maternity pad. I delivered 3yrs ago they provided the thick n string type. I got problem using it. This time round I bring my own ones
Mucus plug is juz like our discharge with tinge of blood... But sometimes mucus plug can be quite a lot and thick. Normally our discharge is not like one big lump one bit mucus plug is one big lump one. I only saw it in my first preg.. Din really see it cos it pop out and drop into toilet bowl.. Haha tmi liao..
Think gwenk and redvel might deliver before me. I keep thinking I should deliver either end of this week or mod of next week.. Let's see ba.. Now my poop is still not daily yet.. But it will be when nearing to the d day unless induce by Gynae like he breaks my water bag or wat la..
This time round I am going to ask my Gynae if it's possible to go into labour really naturally but to think that I have h&s and need to put on drip and my labour being very fast, dunno whether he will agree to it or not.
Avocado is high in good fats and hence they say can boost bb weight and help in milk supply. Dunno how true it is but juZ try lor. I will tell u all how true it is when I know my bb weight end of the week.. See whether it's to pump up bb weight or my WEIGHT!!! Haha.. Hopefully not the latter.
Thanks verluv and redvel.
Bake nicely babies!

I was looking at lunar calendar and now I think if my bb bakes too long, man yue will be in 7th month. Heh. But I guess most of us the man yue will be from 3Aug (start of the ghost festival). Doesn't really matter to me la. Just thought old folks will prefer not but not as if they get to choose.
Bake nicely babies!

I was looking at lunar calendar and now I think if my bb bakes too long, man yue will be in 7th month. Heh. But I guess most of us the man yue will be from 3Aug (start of the ghost festival). Doesn't really matter to me la. Just thought old folks will prefer not but not as if they get to choose.

If I give birth on the 4th Jul, bb will man yue on the 3rd Aug.. I only worry about the smoke from burning incense papers on that day though I don't want to pantang the stuff.
Gwenk so manyue may be done on weekday for you if so? I'll still stick to weekend so likely will fall on 7th month.
Hi, I am a mummy from May Babies group. I have received a Eu Yan Sang 28-day confinement pkg (online promo at $268)
and a bottle of 姜酒 as a gift from a vendor only after my confinement. Would like to sell away? Anyone interested?
Wow more n more mummies popping in Fb.. I wonder who is next here? It's a waiting game!!
Yea yea so many mummies Edd on first week of July and popped already!! Next week I will be on hospital leave Coz worry my baby will pop early too :p don't want drama to happen in office
Hi, long time no chat in this thread, more active In the GD and fb groups heh. Anyway, good to see this thread still v active!

Went for scan today, 35w6d, bb at 2.7 kg, amniotic fluid 8.7, head down :) but my weight gain is still slow, only gained 3.6 kgs so far, dietitian tell me eat more and switch to full fat milk, but since I have GD, readings messed up, so now I don't care le, go back to the GD diet, as long as baby doing well, better to have my blood sugar in control and weight low than risk baby delivered with low blood sugar or delivery complications. More nuts for me !!

Also started on perineal massage, only once so far and was a bit uncomfortable but ok. Read it is only beneficial for FTM. Been getting some menstrual cramps type pains, but it seems some Mummies here go thru it too so feel more assured.

Jiayou jiayou! Oh ya, any mummies here boobs starting to inflate and feel sore again?
Wah redvel, seriously I salute u leh.. U feet swollen le still can do so many things. U not scare u deliver half way through doing your waxing, pedi or massage? I'm Juz staying put at home even though I don't have much sign of delivering

Hi, which shop did you go too? Im planning to go this weekend.
I've been with Blush Wax at Orchard Midpoint for years. You may look for Charlene. I don't have good experience with Pink Parlour, in case you're considering them.
Emk: so u Juz jiayou for 3 more days and u can rest at home and wait for the arrival of the little one!
For me, my hubby finally took leave from tomorrow onwards and accompany me till I give birth. I think my gynae will tell me when I will give birth this coming Friday. Tmr I will be having a great feast.. Actually I'm quite puzzled y I don't have any sign of delivery when my first 2 came out on 36-37 weeks.
I honk one of the obvious signs that the body is preparing for labour is that we will pop everyday. But this one is like no sound and picture at all lor.
Today is already my 37 weeks and maybe she is really comfortable in my tummy till she wanted to stay in there for a while more.. Coz I have been resting and napping at home and unlike my previous 2, I have been walking a lot and in a very fast pace..
Wah redvel, seriously I salute u leh.. U feet swollen le still can do so many things. U not scare u deliver half way through doing your waxing, pedi or massage? I'm Juz staying put at home even though I don't have much sign of delivering

Heh... And tomorrow I'm going to Far East Floral to get some gardening stuff too. I dont know leh... I just feel happy doing all these me time activities. If bb really wanna come in the midst then the most call an ambulance? :p

But hubby did say yesterday I better don't anyhow run about anymore. Stay put just in case. What if my water burst while driving that's not so safe. But I don't feel my bb engaged/dropped yet (or I don't really know what to look out for). I'm still hoping to see my gynae for one last visit this Friday (38w). Best is can see him again at 39w since he seems positive my gal may cross 39w. But this kind of thing is god's will.

One thing for sure I get so sleepy when home lately. Can nap twice a day. At night also knock out. Hubby says he has been hearing me snore so often lately.
Hello Snowfern.

Jia you.

Boobs never change much. Swollen feet yes. My thighs also like expanded and red. Luckily the swell never goes up to my nose.
Verluv, so perhaps you think by slowing down our activities, bb may pop later?

I have few gfs who have at least two kids. Seems like it's quite consistent that bbs who pop much later are more chill in person. Haa maybe just coincidence.
Emk it's getting exciting for you too!

Can I ask mummies how would you describe your bb is engaged or has dropped? Can also tell visually ?
Hello Snowfern.

Jia you.

Boobs never change much. Swollen feet yes. My thighs also like expanded and red. Luckily the swell never goes up to my nose.
Thx, you too!! Maybe try cutting down salt and drink more water ? Sounds like water retention :O
Can I ask mummies how would you describe your bb is engaged or has dropped? Can also tell visually ?
Yeah, would like to know too! Today I asked the sonographer if she can tell if the baby is engaged, she said not possible from ultrasound....
My doc just placed his hands on my tummy and tell me baby,s head is down but not engage....when I saw him at week 36
I do drink a lot of water throughout the day. But salt part ya better cut down (I still crave for savory chips).

Since last few visits my gynae will press his fingers around my tummy. That's where he can tell if baby has engaged (my must-ask qn to him now :p ). I'm wondering how it feels to have one.
Based on my experience, passing the mucus plug feels like when u have a blood clot in ur menses. I did not get to see it, was covered with toilet paper b4 I discovered I passed out a clot.

U might be experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions, meaning the womb is practicing contractions for the actual day. If it goes away after changing position, it's BH. If it is consistent and regular despite changing positions it would be onset of contractions.

On time means EDD? Or full term = 37w?
Candymoshi - thanks for sharing.

my meaning on time is my edd. In in my 38weeks today.
I'm also seeing my gynae this Friday n think he will give me some insight as to when the bb will come out..
U still can drive with your big tummy? I feel a bit awkward coz there's a big bump n I can't really bend down. Of coz it's cool to have some much me time! How I wish I can be like u but can't do that coz I need to bring my 2 yo along n she is really making me crazy outside.
I always sit far back when I drive. My hands are straight when driving. My bump will not have a chance to touch the steering, unless one day I have octuplets haa.

Shall hear about your updates tmr.
I do drink a lot of water throughout the day. But salt part ya better cut down (I still crave for savory chips).

Since last few visits my gynae will press his fingers around my tummy. That's where he can tell if baby has engaged (my must-ask qn to him now :p ). I'm wondering how it feels to have one.

Ya, I also need to ask my gynae whether bb has engaged. He only mentioned bb already head down. My appt will be next Wed (39weeks).
