(2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

I also hv craving for extreme taste.. One moment I need sugar... One moment I need salt...
I dun hv sweet tooth.. but after I'm preg sometime I really hv to take quite a bit of sweet stuff.. dessert or even honey water...
Fruits is like a everyday craving.. haha
But luckily the sweet&salt craving is every other day kind of thing

I happily thought my ms was over but it really attacking me badly for the past few nights. It's like drinking too much and on the bulge of vomitting but keep burping air instead with sour taste stuck under the tongue and stomach tumbling with gas. :( :(

I guess it really comes and goes. Yesterday I also vomited for about 3 times, that is like more than my usual. Maybe try to take smaller meals and don't lean back/lie down after eating.
I just vomit my bkfast.. I was eating sour plum hoping will not vomit. but who knows.. also came out... huggibg toilet bowl...maybe ate too oily.. had chwee kuey.

I also sometimes dunno whether im hungry or I wan to vomit... the feeling is confusing... eat already then vomit. dont eat also feel like wan to vomit... then eat sour stuff then end up still vomit....
I just vomit my bkfast.. I was eating sour plum hoping will not vomit. but who knows.. also came out... huggibg toilet bowl...maybe ate too oily.. had chwee kuey.

I also sometimes dunno whether im hungry or I wan to vomit... the feeling is confusing... eat already then vomit. dont eat also feel like wan to vomit... then eat sour stuff then end up still vomit....

I was like tat.. now better. Must trial n error c which one is your comfort food.
I guess it really comes and goes. Yesterday I also vomited for about 3 times, that is like more than my usual. Maybe try to take smaller meals and don't lean back/lie down after eating.

Mine only crept on me at night, the only remedy is to go to bed earlier, is a luxury to nua around the sofa and watch TV.

Vomit out is even worse :( somehow I feel is better to walk around rather than cope at home. At least will divert the attention.
15 Things That Make Pregnant Women Cry

The stereotype of the over emotional, irrational pregnant woman sobbing at the supermarket checkout because they didn’t have the ice cream flavour she wanted is not so much a gross representation as a fact of life. Pregnant women cry. A lot. About crazy things – and pretty much everything. The most common examples are:

Makes Pregnant Women Cry #1: An Advert That Has Anything To Do With Babies, Children Or Pets

Television adverts selling anything from nappies to dining tables can send a pregnant woman from normal to weeping in less than five seconds. Adverts showcasing unwanted pets will require at least an entire box of tissues. And there simply aren’t enough tissues in the world to mop up the tears caused by one women watching a Christmas advert showing an adorable child giving gifts to his loving parents on Christmas Day.

Makes Pregnant Women Cry #2: Being Offered A Seat On Public Transport

The first few times you are offered a seat on public transport, you are likely going to find yourself fighting back the tears. Partly because, all of a sudden, your pregnancy feels very real, and partly because a total stranger has made you realise that you probably look huge and uncomfortable. When in reality, they are just being kind and caring. And you’d only ever admit to yourself that you are indeed feeling huge and uncomfortable and you REALLY want that seat dammit.

Makes Pregnant Women Cry #3: Not Being Offered A Seat On Public Transport

There is nothing worse than try to balance on moving transport when you are a heavily pregnant woman in desperate need of a wee. The good news is that the loud weeping will draw attention to you, which increases the chance of someone noticing your bump and offering you a seat.

Makes Pregnant Women Cry #4: The Price Of Prams

Seriously, how much?!

Makes Pregnant Women Cry #5: Being Asked If You’re Having Twins

Or whether you’re due any day now, or whether you’re having a very big baby. Basically, anything that is a masked way of someone saying, “OMG, YOU’RE MASSIVE,” is probably going to leave you in tears. It’s not just the hormones making you cry, it’s the thought of having to give birth to a giant baby, and the fact you’re simply not physically able to chase the asker down the street and hit them with your umbrella.

Makes Pregnant Women Cry #6: Stretch Marks

Four in five women end up with stretch marks during pregnancy, and most of these women will have at least a snivel about them. Yes, they will fade, and no, they’re not the end of the world, but being confronted with stretch marks can be a bit of a shock (especially when you forked out a small fortune on an expensive body cream to avoid them).

Makes Pregnant Women Cry #7: Baby Clothes

Impending motherhood feels all the more real when you are staring at a teeny tiny onesies adorned with an adorable giraffe pattern. When you go to a department store, even if you’re supposed to be buying forks, you will inevitably find yourself wiping away tears in the baby clothes aisle. Whenever a well-meaning friend or family member brings you some baby clothes, you will sob as you hold them in your hands. In those final few weeks, you will cry into the sink as you hand wash each of those adorable little baby vests. You will then sob again as you fold them neatly into the brand yet wardrobe in the freshly painted nursery.

Makes Pregnant Women Cry #8: Trying To Get Comfy

Nobody said pregnancy would be comfortable, and thank goodness they didn’t, or you’d probably be hunting them down to give them a piece of your mind at 3am. Every. Morning. You haven’t slept well for, oh, months, and you know that you won’t be able to sleep when the baby arrives. You spent most of your waking hours being told to ‘rest while you can’, and your entire night waddling to and from the toilet for another wee. Your partner will probably be woken by your loud sobs at least once a night, as you battle with your bump for just one decent night of sleep.

Makes Pregnant Women Cry #9: Being Served The Wrong Food

Heaven forbid the waiter who muddles up your food order, or the supermarket who fails to have the correct brand of peanut spread, or your husband who arrives home with the wrong type of chocolate biscuit. Nothing can make a pregnant woman sob faster than a dissatisfied craving.

Makes Pregnant Women Cry #10: Mum Moments

Anything that makes you feel like a mum will have you blubbering in seconds. Setting up the cot, decorating the nursery, even signing for delivery of the pram is enough to have you howling about how real it all feels. The first time you feel your baby kicks will be both amazing and terrifying in equal measure, and will probably have you in tears.

Makes Pregnant Women Cry #11: Crying

Nine months is a long time, very long if you’re pregnant. You will definitely sob, at least once, because you are fed up of crying all the time during those long 40+ weeks. Something else will set you off, and you’ll become immediately frustrated and end up wailing because you are so sick of crying all the time. Luckily (for them), the sound of you yowling will drown out the laughter of everyone stood in your vicinity.

Makes Pregnant Women Cry #12: Not Having Any Clothes That Fit

At around 12-13 weeks of pregnancy, you hit an infuriating stage where your belly no longer fits into your normal clothes, and on top of that, you’re not big enough to fit into maternity clothes. The worst bit is that people can’t even work out if you’re pregnant or just carrying a few extra kilos. Somebody call the waaaaaaambulance because this isn’t going to be pretty when you go clothes shopping. In fact, the thought of going is just pretty darn depressing.

Makes Pregnant Women Cry #13: Not Knowing What You Want To Eat

Another infuriating scenario is not being able to work out what you want to eat. So many things make you feel nauseous or don’t sound the tiniest bit appetising, but you can’t work out one thing you actually feel like eating. One thing you can work out though, is how to sit on the sofa and sob, because it’s all too hard. All you want to do is eat some nice food that tastes nice and you can actually enjoy it – is that too hard to ask?!

Makes Pregnant Women Cry #14: Not Being In Labour Yet

Once your due date arrives, expect an onslaught of tears as you battle against the growing frustration that you are STILL pregnant. You should pre-warn your loved ones that they are likely to find you sobbing in dark corners around the house as your ‘guess date’ passes (after all, only 2-5% of babies are born on that elusive due date). With each new day, expect an increase in the amount of time you spend wailing. Trying to distract yourself and get out for short daily walks is the best bet.

Makes Pregnant Women Cry #15: Realising That You Are Actually In Labour

This. Just. Got. Real. You’re about to meet your baby!
Thanks for warning us about the things that may make us cry, sane... I want to add one more... Husband who cannot understand why I am being so troublesome / difficult / keep changing mind. This is my #1, and everything is so new to both of us.

I think maybe our husbands should have a forum of their own. So at least they have each other for comfort.
Thanks for warning us about the things that may make us cry, sane... I want to add one more... Husband who cannot understand why I am being so troublesome / difficult / keep changing mind. This is my #1, and everything is so new to both of us.

I think maybe our husbands should have a forum of their own. So at least they have each other for comfort.

I guess the changes in hormone is making us tired hence more frustrated easily. I cry easily too but in my own room, getting upset over trival issues.

Sometimes if guys r too concerned, we tend to find them too naggy and controlling and if too bo chup, we get very frustrated. Hard to strike a balance :)

Same as my friends, when they r too concerned about the food I eat, ask me to be careful. I find them to be overly paranoid. Keke.
Mine only crept on me at night, the only remedy is to go to bed earlier, is a luxury to nua around the sofa and watch TV.

Vomit out is even worse :( somehow I feel is better to walk around rather than cope at home. At least will divert the attention.

Yah, go to bed earlier helps escape morning sickness. Sometimes very uncomfortable so when finally vomit out, also a relief, just that will have phobia if vomitting, afterall not a pleasant feeling.
do u ladies feel v tired? I feel so tired and feel like must lie on the bed every 15min... cant stay or sit upright for long.. like nua in bed like that..

feeling tired is normal during pregnancy.
I am like you. long bus rides (causes either merlion or head aches), at work and late evening/afternoon, I will feel very tired and restless. if at work I will try to go toilet more frequently so that I am walking a little more.. then eat sweets etc (I know it's not healthy but what else can I do?)

I experienced frequent headaches and migraines.. daily basis particularly in the afternoon a
#12 & #13 frustrates me. Yah the hubby part seems to be missing. My hubby is quite unsympathetic when i complain i am hungry. He says i am old enough to take care of myself. But sometimes we just need a kind word to get thru the episode.
Any mummies know when shd we seek medical help for MS? Am currently week 10 going 11, gynae prescribed me with metochlopramide (anti vomit) pill at week 8. It works fine initially but now I throw up more frequent than ever. Like 6-7 times a day. No appetite and everything I eat I throw up. Not sure if it's normal. It's very depressing cos nothing seems to work now, just can't keep food down.
Any mummies know when shd we seek medical help for MS? Am currently week 10 going 11, gynae prescribed me with metochlopramide (anti vomit) pill at week 8. It works fine initially but now I throw up more frequent than ever. Like 6-7 times a day. No appetite and everything I eat I throw up. Not sure if it's normal. It's very depressing cos nothing seems to work now, just can't keep food down.

Hi, my gynae was just telling me, it is fine as long as I am not throwing up 6-7 times a day. So I think maybe you can try calling your gynae to inform about your condition. My gynae also tell me if no appetite to eat, if can get some juice in, is also good enough. If it still doesnt work for u, think you should call your gynae. Take care and hope you feel better soon.
Any mummies know when shd we seek medical help for MS? Am currently week 10 going 11, gynae prescribed me with metochlopramide (anti vomit) pill at week 8. It works fine initially but now I throw up more frequent than ever. Like 6-7 times a day. No appetite and everything I eat I throw up. Not sure if it's normal. It's very depressing cos nothing seems to work now, just can't keep food down.
I vomit like 10+ x a day..n Gynae prescribe Maxalon & ranitidine.instructed if does not improve with the new few days, to call up. I threw like 6x but felt so worried of dehydrated as throwing up water & gastric juices too. Wanted to visit Gynae next day but he advises to go A&E. Of which I has dehydration & given 1L drip admist other IV anti-nauseous med. the a&e tested if my kidney got issue, urine infection etc n white blood cell.the latter was much higher due to excessive vomit. I followed up with Gynae few days later & he prescribe a stronger anti nauseous med for standby.

If you are concerned,call your Gynae and see wat she/he advises. Take care,ok
Thanks for the advice fellow mums. I also kept throwing up gastric juices so am a bit worried. Not sure if am able to get my gynae today cos it's Sunday. Maybe Tmr will call.

Hubby wondering if shd send me to a&e cos I kept throwing up..
Thanks for the advice fellow mums. I also kept throwing up gastric juices so am a bit worried. Not sure if am able to get my gynae today cos it's Sunday. Maybe Tmr will call.

Hubby wondering if shd send me to a&e cos I kept throwing up..

Think slchua's advice is quite good. If really cannot, then go A&E. Dehydration is dangerous.
This is my first! EDD 1 Aug 2014
i've tested positive last week and went to a gynae to confirm on the same yesterday!
The doctor told me to return back in 2 weeks but I do not feel comfortable with her, could i change to another gynae at another clinic? any advises? thanks! :)
Of course .. You have not sign anything yet , right ? Good !!
Ask ur friends / family members .. Unless u don't wan them to know about it .. Yet ! !?
You feeling comfortable with the Doctor is very important at this very special time of ur life . Take care .
I think it is perfectly alright to do tat.. I also chg my gynae after my 1st visit to him..

Many pple can be singing praises abt the doc.. How skilful he is, hw patient he is, how cheap he is..

But end of the day u & hubby are the one facing him, interacting with him & paying him.. So choose one u r comfy for the rest of the 8- 9months
Any mummies know when shd we seek medical help for MS? Am currently week 10 going 11, gynae prescribed me with metochlopramide (anti vomit) pill at week 8. It works fine initially but now I throw up more frequent than ever. Like 6-7 times a day. No appetite and everything I eat I throw up. Not sure if it's normal. It's very depressing cos nothing seems to work now, just can't keep food down.

If u are worried and feels that something is off, go straight to kkh o&g would b better as they are used to attending to preg ladies n response is pretty fast.

Finally went to gynae last fri n edd is 23aug, pray MS stops soon coz am hungry,cranky and sleepy most of the time! :confused: Poor hubs gotta help settle my toddler twins for dinner n bedtime coz i bz puking due to food smell or half dead after puking.
Haiz, felt bad for all 3 of them that i cldnt spend more quality time.
Hopefully everything gets better soon
#12 & #13 frustrates me. Yah the hubby part seems to be missing. My hubby is quite unsympathetic when i complain i am hungry. He says i am old enough to take care of myself. But sometimes we just need a kind word to get thru the episode.

Sometimes we still need ppl to sayang us. But their way of sayanging us is different.

U tell him u r hungry, he expect u to go n look for food yourself. Unless u tell him to go n buy food for u or cook something for u else there will be no action from him.

BUT if it is our hubby hungry, we as the wife will ask if they wan to eat something? We can go n cook maggie mee / watever tat is in the fridge for them.
I vomit like 10+ x a day..n Gynae prescribe Maxalon & ranitidine.instructed if does not improve with the new few days, to call up. I threw like 6x but felt so worried of dehydrated as throwing up water & gastric juices too. Wanted to visit Gynae next day but he advises to go A&E. Of which I has dehydration & given 1L drip admist other IV anti-nauseous med. the a&e tested if my kidney got issue, urine infection etc n white blood cell.the latter was much higher due to excessive vomit. I followed up with Gynae few days later & he prescribe a stronger anti nauseous med for standby.

If you are concerned,call your Gynae and see wat she/he advises. Take care,ok
Very bad vomitting for u... r u better now?
Sometimes we still need ppl to sayang us. But their way of sayanging us is different.

U tell him u r hungry, he expect u to go n look for food yourself. Unless u tell him to go n buy food for u or cook something for u else there will be no action from him.

BUT if it is our hubby hungry, we as the wife will ask if they wan to eat something? We can go n cook maggie mee / watever tat is in the fridge for them.
U r spot on. He will cook or buy if i ask him to. He wants action not complaints haha. Different way of communicating. Sometimes i lazy to ask him to cook unless no choice. He doesn't know where are all the stuff and keep asking me instead or he will skip the steps haha. Needs more training.
#12 & #13 frustrates me. Yah the hubby part seems to be missing. My hubby is quite unsympathetic when i complain i am hungry. He says i am old enough to take care of myself. But sometimes we just need a kind word to get thru the episode.
Same! My hubby say i can go and buy food for myself.. But ya all we need or want for them to be more understanding and sweet? Anyway i hit 12 weeks already but my nausea is still coming on and off.. N im like hungry every 3-4 hrs kinda like a baby! :(
Hey ladies.. Not sure if this had been asked..

Had anyone of u alrdy start applying stretch mark cream/oil?

Hi, I think if you want, you can start applying.
I started applying though I feel I am not very diligent. My husband is very diligent.. Everytime I said, maybe today don't need, take a break, he said have to then he help me. LOL.
But partly because I already have a tummy right from the start and I feel my tummy like grow out abit liao, so maybe already start stretching thus I started the applying.
Keke today is my junk food day, just ate 2 pcs of prata then went to the provision shop for coke, potato chips and peanut m&m.

Brought a can of mushroom and tuna too, felt like eating tuna cheese mushroom toast :p
Dear mummies, thanks for the advice. Just saw my gynae and thankfully not dehydrated. Just a bit weak from all the throwing up. Doc gave an expensive pill Ondansetron which is supposed to help with the nausea for slightly serious cases like mine, but not serious enough to end up in a&e.
Dear mummies, thanks for the advice. Just saw my gynae and thankfully not dehydrated. Just a bit weak from all the throwing up. Doc gave an expensive pill Ondansetron which is supposed to help with the nausea for slightly serious cases like mine, but not serious enough to end up in a&e.

Glad that you managed to see your gynae and everything is under control. Do rest more and take care. Hopefully the pill will help you.
Dear mummies, thanks for the advice. Just saw my gynae and thankfully not dehydrated. Just a bit weak from all the throwing up. Doc gave an expensive pill Ondansetron which is supposed to help with the nausea for slightly serious cases like mine, but not serious enough to end up in a&e.
Hope the pill helps!

I am having bouts and bouts of giddy spell. My head is just spinning! Could hardly do anything.
Relying on my poor hub to do most of the errands! Haiz so much work piled up
Keke today is my junk food day, just ate 2 pcs of prata then went to the provision shop for coke, potato chips and peanut m&m.

Brought a can of mushroom and tuna too, felt like eating tuna cheese mushroom toast :p
Are you sahm? ☺
tat is a lot of snacks. Hehe! Standby is it?
I had mug yesterday. Cannot finish all. Too gasy..
tuna cheese mushroom toast sounds great! But can eat tuna?
Anyone already told their colleagues and boss yet?
Am still trying to resist telling till end of first trimester... Haha.. But I really scare I vomit in front of them.
I feeling abit don't know how to tell boss. haha.
Anyone already told their colleagues and boss yet?
Am still trying to resist telling till end of first trimester... Haha.. But I really scare I vomit in front of them.
I feeling abit don't know how to tell boss. haha.
I told my boss. I walked into my boss' room to tell him straight lor. No other way to tell... Colleagues I leave them to guess. I think the mothers catch on quite fast. The young men.... clueless. One of them commented that my appetite very good.
I alrdy told my boss... but I maybe changing boss.. haiz..

Now I got headache for the arrangement after the maternity leave... coz my house is abt to be ready probably end of this yr...
I told my boss. I walked into my boss' room to tell him straight lor. No other way to tell... Colleagues I leave them to guess. I think the mothers catch on quite fast. The young men.... clueless. One of them commented that my appetite very good.
My boss is single and a guy, so I abit paiseh on how to tell him. haha, silly me.
Maybe I should tell him earlier right but then I pantang, still hope to wait till after first trimester if can.
Dilemma.. lol.

I alrdy told my boss... but I maybe changing boss.. haiz..

Now I got headache for the arrangement after the maternity leave... coz my house is abt to be ready probably end of this yr...

Oh... is it you are worried about where to put your baby when your house is ready?

Partly, I also thinking to ask for 2 months no pay leave after the 4 months maternity leave so that's why abit unsure how to bring it across to my boss.
I already told my boss when I am only 6 weeks into my pregnancy. She had always been very supportive of me getting pregnant with my #2. Some of my colleagues knew because of I MIA at work for so long that they start to probe. I have no choice but to tell them.
My boss is single and a guy, so I abit paiseh on how to tell him. haha, silly me.
Maybe I should tell him earlier right but then I pantang, still hope to wait till after first trimester if can.
Dilemma.. lol.

Oh... is it you are worried about where to put your baby when your house is ready?

Partly, I also thinking to ask for 2 months no pay leave after the 4 months maternity leave so that's why abit unsure how to bring it across to my boss.
But I think if u inform him ur intentions early he will appreciate it cos he can make arrangements. Which reminds me i should find time to talk to my boss about maternity leave arrangements. I want to nego for longer this time.
I alrdy told my boss... but I maybe changing boss.. haiz..

Now I got headache for the arrangement after the maternity leave... coz my house is abt to be ready probably end of this yr...
I thought house ready is a happy thing? Or you wanted to take leave to work on your house?

On a side issue, cny is coming soon but no mood to do spring cleaning!!! Hubby keeps nagging about the mess at home but i gave excuse saying nothing is to be moved until first tri over haha. First tri going to be over soon so no more excuses.
Very bad vomitting for u... r u better now?
Hiaz...vomit less but not getting much appetite.feeling hungry but Duno wat I wan eat.
I even puke green apple juice twice so stop taking Le.
Hope things improves..n yeah.. Thx for your concern.
Feel sooo sooooo lethargic.a day at work n I feel it's like 5 days work Le..so many collex commented I looks tired.
How u so far?
My boss is single and a guy, so I abit paiseh on how to tell him. haha, silly me.
Maybe I should tell him earlier right but then I pantang, still hope to wait till after first trimester if can.
Dilemma.. lol.

Oh... is it you are worried about where to put your baby when your house is ready?

Partly, I also thinking to ask for 2 months no pay leave after the 4 months maternity leave so that's why abit unsure how to bring it across to my boss.

Sort of. . Coz I dun like the idea of having a maid..

Im planning to move bk to my mother house after gave birth.. My mum at 1st says she can help.. now she like want to hire a maid, and continue her part time job... headache..
I thought house ready is a happy thing? Or you wanted to take leave to work on your house?

On a side issue, cny is coming soon but no mood to do spring cleaning!!! Hubby keeps nagging about the mess at home but i gave excuse saying nothing is to be moved until first tri over haha. First tri going to be over soon so no more excuses.

It is a happy thing to finally have our own house.. but prob start to surface...
where to let the baby stay.. i hv to leave house at 5 plus to get to work, my hubby work shift.. so problem..

My mum like going to put my kite.. haiz..
I already told my boss when I am only 6 weeks into my pregnancy. She had always been very supportive of me getting pregnant with my #2. Some of my colleagues knew because of I MIA at work for so long that they start to probe. I have no choice but to tell them.
Good to know that your boss has been supportive! :)

But I think if u inform him ur intentions early he will appreciate it cos he can make arrangements. Which reminds me i should find time to talk to my boss about maternity leave arrangements. I want to nego for longer this time.

True too... Although I think there is nothing much he can do but to ask my colleagues cover...
Your side don't allow you to take full 4 months at one go?
Sort of. . Coz I dun like the idea of having a maid..
Im planning to move bk to my mother house after gave birth.. My mum at 1st says she can help.. now she like want to hire a maid, and continue her part time job... headache..

It is a happy thing to finally have our own house.. but prob start to surface...
where to let the baby stay.. i hv to leave house at 5 plus to get to work, my hubby work shift.. so problem..

My mum like going to put my kite.. haiz..

Understand your difficulties. I also don't know who will be my baby's caregiver. We don't exactly stay very near my parents nor in laws, though slightly nearer to in laws.
At this moment, I can only take one step as it comes.

Will you consider putting baby in infantcare? If yes, then maybe can take a longer maternity to wait till baby older abit then go infant care? Sometimes getting a maid a heng sway thing. I have colleagues who entrusted their kids to maid right from the start and it turned out fine too.
Good to know that your boss has been supportive! :)

True too... Although I think there is nothing much he can do but to ask my colleagues cover...
Your side don't allow you to take full 4 months at one go?
My boss not keen. But i will see how. I will prob ask to go for 3 months straight this time. The remaining can spread. Actually can be quite fun. I brought my boy out to class every fri cos i was on leave for about 6 months. When they are less than 4 months it is maintenance mode cos they sleep so much. After 4 months can bring them out to many different places to stimulate them.

But I also agree if no trusted caregiver I will also look after myself for first 6 months and then consider infantcare. First 6 months a lot of immunizations need to clear so i rather not go to infant care before that.

I won't leave to maid alone honestly. Usually more suay than heng unless the maid is with you for some time and can be trusted. A lot of them may not mean ill intentions but their practices are different and it takes time for them to get used to our practices. So I rather not take the risk.
My boss not keen. But i will see how. I will prob ask to go for 3 months straight this time. The remaining can spread. Actually can be quite fun. I brought my boy out to class every fri cos i was on leave for about 6 months. When they are less than 4 months it is maintenance mode cos they sleep so much. After 4 months can bring them out to many different places to stimulate them.

But I also agree if no trusted caregiver I will also look after myself for first 6 months and then consider infantcare. First 6 months a lot of immunizations need to clear so i rather not go to infant care before that.

I won't leave to maid alone honestly. Usually more suay than heng unless the maid is with you for some time and can be trusted. A lot of them may not mean ill intentions but their practices are different and it takes time for them to get used to our practices. So I rather not take the risk.

Yah, agree on the maid part. It is too big a risk, especially with no one to supervise.
Thus, I decided to ask for 4 months maternity + 2 months no pay so that I can tend to the baby for 6 months so build up immunity. At least I got abit more time to think about what to do after all the leave ends.

I hope you are able to get your 3 months straight. is manpower tight over your side?

hello all, im in my week9 now.. and i hardly have any symptom. Stomach got the expanding:confused: feeling during day time and flatten the next day morning when i woke up. anyone has the similar symptom like me?

next appt is this friday.. cant wait for it! :)
