(2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

After seeing so many posts abt curly fries i went to tabao as snack... yum

Great choice!
I think of it, I feel like eat.. But I know when I see or taste it, may be it is different story liao.
Haiz, my tastebud is still not recovering yet.
So happy for the mummies gaining back their appetite.:)

currently in 7 weeks etd 31 aug.. cant wait for ms to end so tt i can taste food properly again..now eating very carb based stuff like loh mai kai, crackers, bread, cheese, noodles ..dont like veges anymore:confused:
I'm quite angry.. when I told my hubby that I want to eat kambing soup..
He say... my dad say cannot eat mutton... go check whether can it or not... then I checked.. is some old wives tales that say cannot eat...
but I hv the craving n u want to stop me??!! Then how... haiz.. i just want the soup.. and maybe 2 or 3 pcs of mutton.. make me so frustrated. . Ask me to call n check with my gynae.. ...

My mum also forbid me to eat mutton & she refused to tell me the reason also. I bet maybe she don't even know why but just some old wive tales again.

After seeing so many posts abt curly fries i went to tabao as snack... yum

Me too! I tabao the curly fries and after that vomit everything out. Omg. :confused:

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:rolleyes: Am I right to say when officially don't feel nausea or vomiting anymore means MS over?
My mum also forbid me to eat mutton & she refused to tell me the reason also. I bet maybe she don't even know why but just some old wive tales again.

According to my mum, cannot take mutton during pregnancy cos it can cause "yang dian feng" to the baby. I don't know whether it's true or not.
Yay! Finally, chicken is out! Calling out to @sane!

It is okie.. must be the hormones that is making you feel this way.
Sometimes my husband also curb me eat this, eat that. Then I also pulled my face down. haha.

Roger and I am rushing out to eat now :p

My mum also forbid me to eat mutton & she refused to tell me the reason also. I bet maybe she don't even know why but just some old wive tales again.

Me too! I tabao the curly fries and after that vomit everything out. Omg. :confused:

- -

:rolleyes: Am I right to say when officially don't feel nausea or vomiting anymore means MS over?

Coz to some ppl, eat 羊 will cause 羊癫疯 though that sounds so...............:confused:

I declare my ms to be over when I can eat till my heart content without feeling nausea :D
I din hear about the cannot eat mutton part but someone told me i shd not eat cos i am a sheep.... anyway i dun like it so just as well but i like mutton soup
I din hear about the cannot eat mutton part but someone told me i shd not eat cos i am a sheep.... anyway i dun like it so just as well but i like mutton soup
Then I can't eat many things cause I born in the year of rooster :(
Roger and I am rushing out to eat now :p
Coz to some ppl, eat 羊 will cause 羊癫疯 though that sounds so...............:confused:
I declare my ms to be over when I can eat till my heart content without feeling nausea :D
LOL... not too rush, walk slowly! :)

Then I can't eat many things cause I born in the year of rooster :(

Then no chicken prosperity burger for you liao... :( hehe
hush hush, don't angry, cool down for the baby.
Maybe you compromise with your hubby to only drink the soup and don't take the meat?
Elderly believe cannot eat else will cause fit in kids or something like that..that's wat I know..Mayb juz drink a few mouths?
Anyone experience green discharge??
I hv slight .ist was before I detect preg,2nd time few weeks back now today.slight thou.

I think I am getting paranoid n finding excuse to go see Gynae to ascertain bb healthy.with the work stress n duper involved..somehow the ms symptom subside abit yesdae n today n I am worried...
With the last episode of failed preg due to no heart beat despite bad ms..I am feeling unease & unassured easily. How???
Anyone experience green discharge??
I hv slight .ist was before I detect preg,2nd time few weeks back now today.slight thou.

I think I am getting paranoid n finding excuse to go see Gynae to ascertain bb healthy.with the work stress n duper involved..somehow the ms symptom subside abit yesdae n today n I am worried...
With the last episode of failed preg due to no heart beat despite bad ms..I am feeling unease & unassured easily. How???

I was thinking of buying Doppler but like abit waste money...also dunno save anot..
LOL... not too rush, walk slowly! :)

Then no chicken prosperity burger for you liao... :( hehe

Recently I was like so addicted to my phone while walking, i shall take extra care :D

I m rushing out but my friend carve for yellow submarine so if i m hungry, i shall get the twister fries as supper :p

Anyone experience green discharge??
I hv slight .ist was before I detect preg,2nd time few weeks back now today.slight thou.

I think I am getting paranoid n finding excuse to go see Gynae to ascertain bb healthy.with the work stress n duper involved..somehow the ms symptom subside abit yesdae n today n I am worried...
With the last episode of failed preg due to no heart beat despite bad ms..I am feeling unease & unassured easily. How???

My discharge like colour changing, white, yellow then green, brown ....
Even if it's clear, my gynae say its infection and he issued me V pills to insert to clear it.

I will just say don't look back the past, we can only look forward.
Stay happy and positive so bb can feel the positive vibes ;)
Anyone experience green discharge??
I hv slight .ist was before I detect preg,2nd time few weeks back now today.slight thou.

I think I am getting paranoid n finding excuse to go see Gynae to ascertain bb healthy.with the work stress n duper involved..somehow the ms symptom subside abit yesdae n today n I am worried...
With the last episode of failed preg due to no heart beat despite bad ms..I am feeling unease & unassured easily. How???

Hi jayjtan, Could it be some infection? I think it is a good reason to call the gynae about it.
Have you informed your office about your pregnancy? If can, try to slow down in work, baby is more important. understand how you feel, about being uneasy etc... I also cant wait to visit gynae too because I feel worried about how the baby is doing inside and afterall, we still have not passed the 1st trimester mark.
Try to relax and distract yourself with other thoughts, do something you like, watch tv or listen to music and rest early.
Recently I was like so addicted to my phone while walking, i shall take extra care :D

I m rushing out but my friend carve for yellow submarine so if i m hungry, i shall get the twister fries as supper :p

My discharge like colour changing, white, yellow then green, brown ....
Even if it's clear, my gynae say its infection and he issued me V pills to insert to clear it.

I will just say don't look back the past, we can only look forward.
Stay happy and positive so bb can feel the positive vibes ;)

LOL... yes yes, walk slowly, please.
Oh.. so even if clear discharge, maybe also infection? These 1-2 weeks, I feel I got increased discharge too, I also suspect is some infection, better rem to highlight to my gynae during next visit.
I was thinking of buying Doppler but like abit waste money...also dunno save anot..

Is it necessary? U will be able to feel the bb kick n if bb too small, u need the right position to detect heartbeat too right.

LOL... yes yes, walk slowly, please.
Oh.. so even if clear discharge, maybe also infection? These 1-2 weeks, I feel I got increased discharge too, I also suspect is some infection, better rem to highlight to my gynae during next visit.

I tot is quite common but i think is better to be safe than sorry ;)
Is it necessary? U will be able to feel the bb kick n if bb too small, u need the right position to detect heartbeat too right.

I tot is quite common but i think is better to be safe than sorry ;)

Yah, I guess better get it cleared up before it develop into something worse.
Hi jayjtan, Could it be some infection? I think it is a good reason to call the gynae about it.
Have you informed your office about your pregnancy? If can, try to slow down in work, baby is more important. understand how you feel, about being uneasy etc... I also cant wait to visit gynae too because I feel worried about how the baby is doing inside and afterall, we still have not passed the 1st trimester mark.
Try to relax and distract yourself with other thoughts, do something you like, watch tv or listen to music and rest early.
Called b4 I posted.gynae ask me to monitor..if it change color to brownish etc..to call them.
My boss n team is aware of the preg. Though I am not in operational , but every time got issue, they look to me to resolve.coupled my boss is on leave.can oli hope things get better
Wah now i wan twister fries but my hub is controlling my diet for dinner cos i put on alot of weight and i am obese in the first place. I can only look forward till saturday lunch for twister fries!
So happy for the mummies gaining back their appetite.:)

currently in 7 weeks etd 31 aug.. cant wait for ms to end so tt i can taste food properly again..now eating very carb based stuff like loh mai kai, crackers, bread, cheese, noodles ..dont like veges anymore:confused:
Lol. For mi, I dun want any meat for nw. Only love veges, fruits and hot soups. Oh ya. Mee hoon also. My hub says our lil one will be a vegetarian next time. Lol~
Called b4 I posted.gynae ask me to monitor..if it change color to brownish etc..to call them.
My boss n team is aware of the preg. Though I am not in operational , but every time got issue, they look to me to resolve.coupled my boss is on leave.can oli hope things get better

Try to relax, ok? Rest as much as you can and try to detach yourself if possible. When you go on maternity, they also must learn to resolve things themselves. No one is irreplaceable in the company, family is still more important. Rest well. :)
Lol. For mi, I dun want any meat for nw. Only love veges, fruits and hot soups. Oh ya. Mee hoon also. My hub says our lil one will be a vegetarian next time. Lol~

I envy you! My hub is nagging me for not eating more veg, but I really no interest. Actually I got no interest in anything, everything leaves a sweet after taste and most things made me nausea just by looking at them. Sigh.
Wah now i wan twister fries but my hub is controlling my diet for dinner cos i put on alot of weight and i am obese in the first place. I can only look forward till saturday lunch for twister fries!

Two more days to sat, soon soon. Jia you! :)
I envy you! My hub is nagging me for not eating more veg, but I really no interest. Actually I got no interest in anything, everything leaves a sweet after taste and most things made me nausea just by looking at them. Sigh.
U still have a sweet after taste. For mi. Everything taste weird. hahahhaa.
Welcome babe, I'm also with doc John Yam & my edd is 25 Aug, we are pretty close. There's another mummy in this thread also with him and doing harmony test on 20 Jan. She will update once it's done, from there u might get a better idea. Congrats & rest well!

yay! looking forward to her updates.
hehe. We might bump into each other at Dr Yam's clinic.
Recently I was like so addicted to my phone while walking, i shall take extra care :D

I m rushing out but my friend carve for yellow submarine so if i m hungry, i shall get the twister fries as supper :p

My discharge like colour changing, white, yellow then green, brown ....
Even if it's clear, my gynae say its infection and he issued me V pills to insert to clear it.

I will just say don't look back the past, we can only look forward.
Stay happy and positive so bb can feel the positive vibes ;)

Me discharge too! Did swop test and found out is just yeast. Gynae said normal in most pregnancies. Is totally not harmful to baby ;) just eat less sugar food such as carbo.
Lol. For mi, I dun want any meat for nw. Only love veges, fruits and hot soups. Oh ya. Mee hoon also. My hub says our lil one will be a vegetarian next time. Lol~

Me too... I crave crunch green leafy veg... Like Naibai, xiao bai cai are my fave. Like to drink nettle tea or water. Meat and fish are bleah... Husband says it might be girl...since so health conscious. At this rate, my risk of constipation would be low. *yesh*

Anyone experience green discharge??
I hv slight .ist was before I detect preg,2nd time few weeks back now today.slight thou.

I think I am getting paranoid n finding excuse to go see Gynae to ascertain bb healthy.with the work stress n duper involved..somehow the ms symptom subside abit yesdae n today n I am worried...
With the last episode of failed preg due to no heart beat despite bad ms..I am feeling unease & unassured easily. How???

I also have clumpy green discharge, was worried and consulted my doctor about it. She said likely yeast infection but during pregnancy it is impossible to get rid of yeast cos the sugar level is high and very conducive for yeast. Only if it's itchy and extremely uncomfortable then I can get medication to relief. So far mine is just green n weird smell not itchy so I din't use any medication. My MS also on-off, so I try to think happy tots and counting down till my nxt appt in 2wks time... It helps that my doc is not very cheap... Can't be seeing her all the time.

Lol.. i was angry for the moment of rejection.. feeling the emotion running wild..
He called my gynae.. n he says l the nurse dun sound sure... then I give him the kkh helpline.. The nurse give him the same ans.. can eat!..

Wahahah.. guess I was also being childish..

Not childish lah... My doctor preach all food in moderation can be taken,if you have the appetite. So, your husband should be glad that you crave to eat something. But like someone said, he is concerned so it's very good that he called for professional advice.
My doctor already said everything can eat, so my husband never challenge, even sashimi. But I dunno what I want to eat till I see it...so, you are very lucky.
Hi all,

This is my first BB...
And currently I'm having bad cold, feverish and headache.... Can I take Panadol actifast???
Only normal panadols allowed. If it's really very bad, u shld see a doc & they might prescribed u antibiotics that are safe for pregnancy. Meanwhile rest well & keep ur temperature under control.
Feeling a bit worried after hearing news abt some baby not growing. So far only see gynae once at 7weeks per my gynae (although the scan says 5 weeks), next appointment is 5 weeks later ( now is 4 weeks only). Cos I rem during 1st pregnancy I did the Down syndrome test ard 12weeks? So didn't wann go at 11 week and can't scan anything. But 5 weeks is such a long wait....

I'm craving for curly fries with curry sauce!!
Feeling a bit worried after hearing news abt some baby not growing. So far only see gynae once at 7weeks per my gynae (although the scan says 5 weeks), next appointment is 5 weeks later ( now is 4 weeks only). Cos I rem during 1st pregnancy I did the Down syndrome test ard 12weeks? So didn't wann go at 11 week and can't scan anything. But 5 weeks is such a long wait....

I'm craving for curly fries with curry sauce!!
Me too! I also v worry..went online to google if not growing will the mummy experience pain or wat.. can be no pain n no feeling.. wont know till the next check.
My hubby telling me be positive y think so negatively.. really cant help it.
Me too... I crave crunch green leafy veg... Like Naibai, xiao bai cai are my fave. Like to drink nettle tea or water. Meat and fish are bleah... Husband says it might be girl...since so health conscious. At this rate, my risk of constipation would be low. *yesh*

I also have clumpy green discharge, was worried and consulted my doctor about it. She said likely yeast infection but during pregnancy it is impossible to get rid of yeast cos the sugar level is high and very conducive for yeast. Only if it's itchy and extremely uncomfortable then I can get medication to relief. So far mine is just green n weird smell not itchy so I din't use any medication. My MS also on-off, so I try to think happy tots and counting down till my nxt appt in 2wks time... It helps that my doc is not very cheap... Can't be seeing her all the time.

Not childish lah... My doctor preach all food in moderation can be taken,if you have the appetite. So, your husband should be glad that you crave to eat something. But like someone said, he is concerned so it's very good that he called for professional advice.
My doctor already said everything can eat, so my husband never challenge, even sashimi. But I dunno what I want to eat till I see it...so, you are very lucky.

I also have watery discharge but no smell. It is like thise colourless discharge we have before start if menses. I read is normal.. so i didnt ask gynae.. hope is fine.
I also like a bit 胡思乱想 if MS 'subsided' or become mild.

If hv cramp i also 想东想西。

I think my hubby abit 'immune' to my 'negative thoughts' alrdy..

I in my 11 weeks. But tummy not showing much.. This makes me :-( also

Me too! I also v worry..went online to google if not growing will the mummy experience pain or wat.. can be no pain n no feeling.. wont know till the next check.
My hubby telling me be positive y think so negatively.. really cant help it.
Until today I have no MS, no symptoms, not even fuller breasts. I also kept worrying if something's wrong with my body. Very tempted to get a Doppler but like waste $$$ leh... Sometimes I will take out the balance cheapo pregnancy strips to test for positivity just to ease my mind. Hahaha...
I also like a bit 胡思乱想 if MS 'subsided' or become mild.

If hv cramp i also 想东想西。

I think my hubby abit 'immune' to my 'negative thoughts' alrdy..

I in my 11 weeks. But tummy not showing much.. This makes me :-( also
Is this your 1st preg? If yes, tummy wont show until 2nd tri.
Until today I have no MS, no symptoms, not even fuller breasts. I also kept worrying if something's wrong with my body. Very tempted to get a Doppler but like waste $$$ leh... Sometimes I will take out the balance cheapo pregnancy strips to test for positivity just to ease my mind. Hahaha...
Ya lo. I also think at this stage difficult to use doppler. So save the money. U same like me.. before i went for my 1st gynae appt, i keep testing wif my cheapo strip to ensure still double line. Haha!

U how many wks now?
Ya lo. I also think at this stage difficult to use doppler. So save the money. U same like me.. before i went for my 1st gynae appt, i keep testing wif my cheapo strip to ensure still double line. Haha!

U how many wks now?
8 weeks now. 2nd pregnancy so quite chill coz 1st one also no symptoms. But I want symptoms leh, my mum says if my pregnancy experience is like the first one, means baby same gender. Piangzzzz
8 weeks now. 2nd pregnancy so quite chill coz 1st one also no symptoms. But I want symptoms leh, my mum says if my pregnancy experience is like the first one, means baby same gender. Piangzzzz
Wa! U r v lucky no symptoms at all.
same gender also good..no need to buy extra / new clothes. Many can be reuse.
U still have a sweet after taste. For mi. Everything taste weird. hahahhaa.

Trust me, you won't want that kind of after taste. It is not the usual kind of sweet. And because of this, there is nothing I can eat. Even mee sua failed me last night.
I think I already lost about 1 kg.
Cant eat yet hungry, sometimes also feel like going to gastric.
Me too! I also v worry..went online to google if not growing will the mummy experience pain or wat.. can be no pain n no feeling.. wont know till the next check.
My hubby telling me be positive y think so negatively.. really cant help it.
Me too, I googled about it too. Seems like sometimes there can be no bleeding at all so we really never know until we see the ultrascan.
So glad finally going for my appointment today, have been worried for the past 3 weeks and with my loss of appetite, the worrying just doubles!

I also have watery discharge but no smell. It is like thise colourless discharge we have before start if menses. I read is normal.. so i didnt ask gynae.. hope is fine.

Me too, having more colourless discharge, sometimes looks slightly whitish. But I think I will ask gynae about it.
