(2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

Anyone going for the talk on cord blood tomorrow?

Thinks there are some booths as well.. and I'm going to take alook on the thomsonbaby confinement meal deliveries... Anyone try before?
Anyone going for the talk on cord blood tomorrow?

Thinks there are some booths as well.. and I'm going to take alook on the thomsonbaby confinement meal deliveries... Anyone try before?

The talk at raffles city, right? I did consider going, have you sign up?
Hmm.. I don't have gynae appointment card (free admission for those with gynae appointment cards), my gynae doesn't give cards, is it something that is only specific to TMC?
I also like a bit 胡思乱想 if MS 'subsided' or become mild.

If hv cramp i also 想东想西。

I think my hubby abit 'immune' to my 'negative thoughts' alrdy..

I in my 11 weeks. But tummy not showing much.. This makes me :-( also

Me too!! Make me wonder is bb ok etc. but i really dont want to have MS! Cant wait for it to completely disappear.
Im also at my 11 week now :) guess we hv ard the same edd.. My tummy seems to be bulging abit dunno is it cause im bloated or wat. Haha. In a way i cant wait for the tummy to grow bigger!
Me too, I googled about it too. Seems like sometimes there can be no bleeding at all so we really never know until we see the ultrascan.
So glad finally going for my appointment today, have been worried for the past 3 weeks and with my loss of appetite, the worrying just doubles!

Me too, having more colourless discharge, sometimes looks slightly whitish. But I think I will ask gynae about it.
U ask your gynae if no appetite how.. worry later u n bb no nutrients.

Yes. Better check wif gynae abt the discharge since u r meeting him today. Enjoy your meetup wif your little one!
The talk at raffles city, right? I did consider going, have you sign up?
Hmm.. I don't have gynae appointment card (free admission for those with gynae appointment cards), my gynae doesn't give cards, is it something that is only specific to TMC?

Yup, already sign up.. my gynae clinic at mt a.. but I hv appointment card.. so will be there to know more about the cord blood thingy

I am now in my week 11 and this is my #3. My boys are 9yrs and 2yrs this year. My pregnancy for the 1st 2 are quite smooth without much MS.
But for #3, is really bad that I always feel nausea.. hates this feeling.
My gynae is Dr Fong Yang and he keeps saying the nausea will go off when reach 12 weeks... (hopes so).

Gloria, can please to add me to your FB group.. My email as follows:
[email protected] or Tan K Kat

Can we eat salads? I read that we cannot eat raw vegetables. What about Yu sheng (without raw fish) during cny?

If u carve for salad, maybe u prepare at home? At least u wash the veggies well to get rid of pesticides.


I am now in my week 11 and this is my #3. My boys are 9yrs and 2yrs this year. My pregnancy for the 1st 2 are quite smooth without much MS.
But for #3, is really bad that I always feel nausea.. hates this feeling.
My gynae is Dr Fong Yang and he keeps saying the nausea will go off when reach 12 weeks... (hopes so).

Gloria, can please to add me to your FB group.. My email as follows:
[email protected] or Tan K Kat


This time is quite different so will be a girl girl :)

I am now in my week 11 and this is my #3. My boys are 9yrs and 2yrs this year. My pregnancy for the 1st 2 are quite smooth without much MS.
But for #3, is really bad that I always feel nausea.. hates this feeling.
My gynae is Dr Fong Yang and he keeps saying the nausea will go off when reach 12 weeks... (hopes so).

Gloria, can please to add me to your FB group.. My email as follows:
[email protected] or Tan K Kat


pls accept fren request so i can add u in group :) gloria liu
U ask your gynae if no appetite how.. worry later u n bb no nutrients.

Yes. Better check wif gynae abt the discharge since u r meeting him today. Enjoy your meetup wif your little one!

Yah, have to check with gynae. My gynae just went delivery, need to delay appointment time. Haha
I wait until my neck long for my next gynae appt... feb sounds like next year to me. Envious of MTBs seeing gynaes. Enjoy seeing ur little beanies!
I think it probably depends. My TCM advised me against eating raw veg like celery. Gotta at least boil the veg. Cos it's too cooling for me.

If u carve for salad, maybe u prepare at home? At least u wash the veggies well to get rid of pesticides.
Me too... I crave crunch green leafy veg... Like Naibai, xiao bai cai are my fave. Like to drink nettle tea or water. Meat and fish are bleah... Husband says it might be girl...since so health conscious. At this rate, my risk of constipation would be low. *yesh*

I also have clumpy green discharge, was worried and consulted my doctor about it. She said likely yeast infection but during pregnancy it is impossible to get rid of yeast cos the sugar level is high and very conducive for yeast. Only if it's itchy and extremely uncomfortable then I can get medication to relief. So far mine is just green n weird smell not itchy so I din't use any medication. My MS also on-off, so I try to think happy tots and counting down till my nxt appt in 2wks time... It helps that my doc is not very cheap... Can't be seeing her all the time.

Not childish lah... My doctor preach all food in moderation can be taken,if you have the appetite. So, your husband should be glad that you crave to eat something. But like someone said, he is concerned so it's very good that he called for professional advice.
My doctor already said everything can eat, so my husband never challenge, even sashimi. But I dunno what I want to eat till I see it...so, you are very lucky.

Omg same here..I have to think n ponder a lot before deciding what I can prob taste, n even after ordering I may not like it at all. I hv to exchange food with my hub at times hehe
My gynae says I can try drinking coke for bloating, so that I will burp the gas out haha. So funny. not sure if it helps that but it seems to curb my nausea for a while..hehe
I think it probably depends. My TCM advised me against eating raw veg like celery. Gotta at least boil the veg. Cos it's too cooling for me.

Maybe can make for the kids instead. I used to make carrot n celery sticks as snacks and chew while watching TV :D
Me too! I wanna eat tomyum, spicy soup & anything hot & spicy. I know it's not healthy but can't help it!

My gynae was saying if sour, spicy excites your appetite, helps you to eat, can try to eat it as long as you are able to eat it. As i was telling my gynae that i have no appetite for things at all and she noted that i lost weight.
My gynae says I can try drinking coke for bloating, so that I will burp the gas out haha. So funny. not sure if it helps that but it seems to curb my nausea for a while..hehe

I think some mummies will crave for coke during pregnancy. If you are worried, like what mousedeer had said. Maybe you can try the can A&W rootbear. I took it yesterday and on the can, it said that it is caffeine-free. :)
Hi mummies, I had a very bad experience with my employer. I have been working FREE OT for the company just to get things done. Since I am pregnant, I hope to stop. I have to talk boss before but things r just piling up. I wish to see my gynae n ask for hospitalization leave. Do u think my boss will fire me? I am very worried.
since i preg i stop coffee and tea.. once a while i would drink coke when i only sore throat..

i like spicy food. we can arrange a day together go eat ma la steamboat.. yummy☺
Hi all, is it normal to feel depress during the 1st trimester.? I often feel negatively and think a lot... Will I get depression.?! Luckily I don't suffer from MS but getting so negatively is killing me...
do u ladies feel v tired? I feel so tired and feel like must lie on the bed every 15min... cant stay or sit upright for long.. like nua in bed like that..
I think ginger ale works too. Think my husband read somewhere that it helps. I think as long as ginger beer n root bear no caffeine, i will give it a try when I need too. :)
Sometimes I also drink abit of caffeine stuff if i cant find alternatives. Hehe.
since i preg i stop coffee and tea.. once a while i would drink coke when i only sore throat..

i like spicy food. we can arrange a day together go eat ma la steamboat.. yummy☺

Reminds me of Hai Di Lao. LOL! But now still no appetite yet...

Hi all, is it normal to feel depress during the 1st trimester.? I often feel negatively and think a lot... Will I get depression.?! Luckily I don't suffer from MS but getting so negatively is killing me...

Think some of us may tend to feel more down during course of pregnancy. On some days, i do too. Can try to find out the source of your unhappiness and try to work at it? Do talk to husband n family to get support. Sometimes when we talk our problems out, it will suddenly get smaller. Try to relax more, lack of slp can make us stress and depressed too. Then go for walks in parks etc, breathe in more clean air, watch some happy shows. Hope it helps. :)
do u ladies feel v tired? I feel so tired and feel like must lie on the bed every 15min... cant stay or sit upright for long.. like nua in bed like that..

Sometimes me too, especially at work n after meals. If need to rest, just rest if can and take things slowly. I read that we will definitely get tired during this period and it is also a signal to ask us to slow down because growing a human is a tiring thing! I also just slp as and when I need to.
Hi mummies, I had a very bad experience with my employer. I have been working FREE OT for the company just to get things done. Since I am pregnant, I hope to stop. I have to talk boss before but things r just piling up. I wish to see my gynae n ask for hospitalization leave. Do u think my boss will fire me? I am very worried.

By right, companies cannot fire pregnant women anyhow. Think got some MOM guidelines. But if you are really drained, do consider talking to your boss, be professional and reasonable so that he cant fault you anyhow. Baby is still most important so if you really need to rest and slow down, do let boss know soon.

Hope everything works out fine for you. Jia you!
I think some mummies will crave for coke during pregnancy. If you are worried, like what mousedeer had said. Maybe you can try the can A&W rootbear. I took it yesterday and on the can, it said that it is caffeine-free. :)
my friend recommend ginger beer
Can try ginger ale too?

Is it just sugary gassy drink? I don't used to like sugary drinks but recently I crave sugar every few hours... I eat fruits to satisfy the sugar demand but I also like Kueh which are chewy, and cakes. Sigh...the amount of sugar I eat in a day was what I used to take in a week. Fortunately I dont like chocolate still... I'm worried about my sugar intake. Anyone else feels likewise?
Hi mummies, I had a very bad experience with my employer. I have been working FREE OT for the company just to get things done. Since I am pregnant, I hope to stop. I have to talk boss before but things r just piling up. I wish to see my gynae n ask for hospitalization leave. Do u think my boss will fire me? I am very worried.

You need to talk to your boss.. From the way you said it, it seems that you don't trust your boss. Or your boss is unreasonable. Could you raise it to hr or someone at a higher level? Like someone mentioned, they can't sack you just because you are pregnant.
Hope it all works out for you... All the best.
Is it just sugary gassy drink? I don't used to like sugary drinks but recently I crave sugar every few hours... I eat fruits to satisfy the sugar demand but I also like Kueh which are chewy, and cakes. Sigh...the amount of sugar I eat in a day was what I used to take in a week. Fortunately I dont like chocolate still... I'm worried about my sugar intake. Anyone else feels likewise?
I think just be careful about taking too much sugar. Recall in one of the posts sugar feeds yeast so may make one more prone to yeast infections.

I happily thought my ms was over but it really attacking me badly for the past few nights. It's like drinking too much and on the bulge of vomitting but keep burping air instead with sour taste stuck under the tongue and stomach tumbling with gas. :( :(
