(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

My hubby also stayed with me... but he went home everyday in the afternoon...
2nd one - milk will come sooner...

is your hubby going to stay with you this round? Your elder one leh?
mine stayed there through ..din go home .. it is after check out then realised our car kena knocked by another car while in the care of the valet haiz

izzt ? hmm ...so better bring pump lah but if bring our own how to sterlize it ??

dunno leh... can elder stay over night too lolz ... the room should be big enuff to accommodate an adult and a kid :p
think my kid dun mind ... to him it is holiday lolz cos not sleeping in own bed :p

Breast pad also can get sample? Haha..The only sample I've gotten is nestle milk powder which is in one corner now cos I can't take the taste..

Think dumex sample got give breast pad ?

I can't remember I got the breast pad from dumex or sweetest moment lol

and anyway, go home mebbe...30 mins? even if it is lightly soiled also can la.. no need to pack so many things. i like traveling light :p

Same as light as possible . Last time I will put extra clothing inside ziplock bag then put in boot. Hot water nowadays shopping mall have hot water dispenser not need to bring hot flask along . If using breastmilk for warming up , I will normally choose meal time go eat , ask waitress for hot water and heat up lol ... Otherwise will just direct latch and eat at the same time .

I dun like to apply diaper cream . Will only apply if turn red or rashes . Normally after applying will be recover shortly . The cream too strong . Dun wan to apply too much on their backside.

Diaper same also , will carry 2 extra in bag and some in car ..

Basically my car is mini nursery for the bb lol .. My bag will be light and easy to travel lol .
mine stayed there through ..din go home .. it is after check out then realised our car kena knocked by another car while in the care of the valet haiz

izzt ? hmm ...so better bring pump lah but if bring our own how to sterlize it ??

dunno leh... can elder stay over night too lolz ... the room should be big enuff to accommodate an adult and a kid :p
think my kid dun mind ... to him it is holiday lolz cos not sleeping in own bed :p

my hubby wants to bring the elder one... but I am not sure if I will be able to rest if the elder one is there or if elder one will be awake when mei mei cries... aiya... headache but the elder one usually sleeps deeply
My hubby also stayed with me... but he went home everyday in the afternoon...
2nd one - milk will come sooner...

is your hubby going to stay with you this round? Your elder one leh?
My 2nd one milk also came after discharge from hospital leh . Maybe depend on individual ba.
mine stayed there through ..din go home .. it is after check out then realised our car kena knocked by another car while in the care of the valet haiz

izzt ? hmm ...so better bring pump lah but if bring our own how to sterlize it ??

dunno leh... can elder stay over night too lolz ... the room should be big enuff to accommodate an adult and a kid :p
think my kid dun mind ... to him it is holiday lolz cos not sleeping in own bed :p

Alamak, then how?? Did u guys take it up with the valet company since the accident happeened in their care...

If you bring your own pump, think the hosp can sterilise for you. They everyday sterilise hosp equipment, sure got steriliser for breastpump parts... most likely the UV kind....

I think I will bring trolley bag too, throw everything in...
Red date longan tea - for those buying ingredients on your own - how much are you buying at a go? 1/2kg each? too much too little? I am looking at red dates, black dates, dried longan, dang shen, wolfberries and maybe chinese yam
Think dumex sample got give breast pad ?

I can't remember I got the breast pad from dumex or sweetest moment lol

Same as light as possible . Last time I will put extra clothing inside ziplock bag then put in boot. Hot water nowadays shopping mall have hot water dispenser not need to bring hot flask along . If using breastmilk for warming up , I will normally choose meal time go eat , ask waitress for hot water and heat up lol ... Otherwise will just direct latch and eat at the same time .

I dun like to apply diaper cream . Will only apply if turn red or rashes . Normally after applying will be recover shortly . The cream too strong . Dun wan to apply too much on their backside.

Diaper same also , will carry 2 extra in bag and some in car ..

Basically my car is mini nursery for the bb lol .. My bag will be light and easy to travel lol .
lolz same ..car will have a set of clothes and bb stuff .. for emergency use but still when i go out i will still bring..u never know how often they need to change... kiasu

my hubby wants to bring the elder one... but I am not sure if I will be able to rest if the elder one is there or if elder one will be awake when mei mei cries... aiya... headache but the elder one usually sleeps deeply
with the door open and close i never rest well to begin with so no diff to me lolz .. but issue is can elder stay over night or not lor

Alamak, then how?? Did u guys take it up with the valet company since the accident happeened in their care...

If you bring your own pump, think the hosp can sterilise for you. They everyday sterilise hosp equipment, sure got steriliser for breastpump parts... most likely the UV kind....

I think I will bring trolley bag too, throw everything in...

valet company say not their fault cos that car owner drive his own car ..but lucky that guy quite honest .. he passed his contact no to the valet and ask my hb to contact him to talk about the compensation .. guess during that time it is a stressful period for him cos his missy kept having bleeding so multi trip to hospital that is why bang our car ( according to him)
My 2nd one milk also came after discharge from hospital leh . Maybe depend on individual ba.
we C sect stay extra day one so guess might come during stay bah

Red date longan tea - for those buying ingredients on your own - how much are you buying at a go? 1/2kg each? too much too little? I am looking at red dates, black dates, dried longan, dang shen, wolfberries and maybe chinese yam
i just buy those prepack ... finished then replenish i dun buy more to occupy fridge lolz
Think dumex sample got give breast pad ?

I can't remember I got the breast pad from dumex or sweetest moment lol

Same as light as possible . Last time I will put extra clothing inside ziplock bag then put in boot. Hot water nowadays shopping mall have hot water dispenser not need to bring hot flask along . If using breastmilk for warming up , I will normally choose meal time go eat , ask waitress for hot water and heat up lol ... Otherwise will just direct latch and eat at the same time .

I dun like to apply diaper cream . Will only apply if turn red or rashes . Normally after applying will be recover shortly . The cream too strong . Dun wan to apply too much on their backside.

Diaper same also , will carry 2 extra in bag and some in car ..

Basically my car is mini nursery for the bb lol .. My bag will be light and easy to travel lol .
ah ic... i tink i am more comfortable w applying a thin layer of diaper cream that doesnt contain ZnO as a prophylaxis. If rly kenna rash then apply the one with ZnO
my hubby wants to bring the elder one... but I am not sure if I will be able to rest if the elder one is there or if elder one will be awake when mei mei cries... aiya... headache but the elder one usually sleeps deeply

my hubby also wants to bring my son over, coz scared my family can tahan my 2 kids...

i also abit worry/ headache.. but good thing he sleeps deeply too
issue where are they going to sleep ... the hospital sofa bed not really big

yes i also thought its quite small to sleep 1A1C...think I will ask my MIL to look after her for the few nights and bring her to hospital during the day time...
Red date longan tea - for those buying ingredients on your own - how much are you buying at a go? 1/2kg each? too much too little? I am looking at red dates, black dates, dried longan, dang shen, wolfberries and maybe chinese yam

half kg each not enough i think ... i also search online quite long as i cant remember i bought how much ... i only remember i keep replenish a few times

at least for red date

I search online so far the receipe that has the weight of items needed so i can estimate how much to buy


1 day drink =
3/4 bowl red dates (around 150g? )
15 pieces black dates (around 50g-100g ? )
50g bei qi
50g dang sheng
100g longan meat
20g wolf berries

so 30 days =

4.5kg red dates
2-3kg black dates
1.5kg bei qi
1.5kg dang sheng
3kg longan meat
0.6kg wolf berries

this is the receipe i found which uses more ingredients than others

so i think most likely i will buy
4kg red date
2kg black dates
1kg beiqi
1kg dang shen
3kg longan (coz i like sweeter)
1kg wolf berries ???

if really not enough then buy more.... if excess can still cook soup next time ...
What to bring for your Stay for TMC
For maternity patients, please bring along your:
• personal nightgowns (front-open types for easier breastfeeding)
• maternity brassieres
• cardigan or dressing gown
• bedroom slippers
• sanitary belt (optional)
• sanitary towels (optional)
• polythene bags (for your soiled linen)
Note: It is advisable to have a bag ready with these necessary items packed 2 to 4 weeks befoe estimated delivery date.
We will provide the following for your newborn baby:

• baby vests
• disposable diapers
• toiletries
• a baby bag
• wrapping blanket
• a pair of mittens
Basic toiletries throughout your stay with us will be provided. However, you may also like to bring along your personal clothing, cosmetics and toiletries for a more comfortable stay. You are advised against bringing large sums of cash or valuables.
yes i also thought its quite small to sleep 1A1C...think I will ask my MIL to look after her for the few nights and bring her to hospital during the day time...
my boy never stay overnight without either one of us around so if hospital cant accommodate then likely my hubby wont stay overnight liao
i am not going to weigh individually...too ley chey... will go by "agaration" haha using palm size

ya i also going to weigh individually, juz wanna know how much in total i need to buy, then agar argar throw in will do....

but i have to buy in advance, else later not enough ask hubby go buy, i dun know what he will come back with... LOL
my mum just throw red dates, wolf berry and dried longan into a thermal flask and add boiling water.
That's how I make this drink also, I lazy to boil.
What to bring for your Stay for TMC
For maternity patients, please bring along your:
• personal nightgowns (front-open types for easier breastfeeding)
• maternity brassieres
• cardigan or dressing gown
• bedroom slippers
• sanitary belt (optional)
• sanitary towels (optional)
• polythene bags (for your soiled linen)
Note: It is advisable to have a bag ready with these necessary items packed 2 to 4 weeks befoe estimated delivery date.
We will provide the following for your newborn baby:

• baby vests
• disposable diapers
• toiletries
• a baby bag
• wrapping blanket
• a pair of mittens
Basic toiletries throughout your stay with us will be provided. However, you may also like to bring along your personal clothing, cosmetics and toiletries for a more comfortable stay. You are advised against bringing large sums of cash or valuables.
What's a sanitary belt?? Btw where do u all get ur button down pjs from?
What's a sanitary belt?? Btw where do u all get ur button down pjs from?
i got mine from the old style fashion stall at chinatown market lolz
the belt is for those loop sanitary pad .. the hospital will provide since they are using that kind of pad
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i got mine from the old style fashion stall at chinatown market lolz
the belt is for those loop sanitary pad .. the hospital will provide since they are using that kind of pad
Oh ok..The gmarket ones are quite ex. Minimum 20 per set..think I'll try those market stalls as u all suggested..
If I'm having c sect does it mean I should get the one piece nightgown type instead of the top n pants type?
mine is C sect i also wear top n pant type. if you are worry about your pant create abrasion on wound,dun worry.. you will be wearing a binder that protect the wound
Oh ok..The gmarket ones are quite ex. Minimum 20 per set..think I'll try those market stalls as u all suggested..

no min ya... i bought my nursing bras from the same seller earlier this morning... i dun fancy their PJ cuz mostly long sleeves...
Those pjs with the flap over the boobs that u can lift up also ok right?

suggest you check with gynae will he provide the binder .. just in case diff gynae diff practice..
mine will give compressed sock and binder to be wore after C sect and during stay in hospital

Ok! Tks.
Anyone got any pic of the loop sanitary pad or the sanitary belt? First time I heard of these... :confused:
If you google, can find pictures of it, essentially instead of using adhesive, you loop the belt around the 2 ends of the pad, and wear the pad using a belt around your waste. You can also get the more "modern" maternity pads with adhesive backing.

I didn't get maternity sanitary pad. Instead I got a mixture of Sofy/Laurier cotton night pads, those which are 42cm long to use....

I already stocked up close to 50-60 pcs of night pads (35cm-42cm) liao... is this enough for the lochia for first month??
If you google, can find pictures of it, essentially instead of using adhesive, you look the belt around the ends of the pad, and wear the pad using a belt around your waste. You can also get the more "modern" maternity pads with adhesive backing.

I didn't get maternity sanitary pad. Instead I got a mixture of Sofy/Laurier cotton night pads, those which are 42cm long to use....

I already stocked up close to 50-60 pcs of night pads (35cm-42cm) liao... is this enough for the lochia for first month??

Hmm.. I'll feel quite uncomfy if it's not the usual one with the adhesive. I'll stock up on the thick, long cotton pads then.
Confinement drink


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Are u all still drinking birds nest and chicken essence? Can drink till delivery?

My bird nest is those ready made ones in glass bottles. Din dare drink anymore after my gynae ask me to stay away from sweet stuff as it is quite sweet.. Sad man
any first time young mummies here? giving birth at mount A?

I will be giving birth at Mt A!
Alamak, then how?? Did u guys take it up with the valet company since the accident happeened in their care...

If you bring your own pump, think the hosp can sterilise for you. They everyday sterilise hosp equipment, sure got steriliser for breastpump parts... most likely the UV kind....

I think I will bring trolley bag too, throw everything in...

The hospital said they won't sterilise the breastpumps if we bring our own. Need to rent from their Medela ones at about $20 I think. If I didn't hear wrongly, they said, this is a 1 time payment and you can use as many times as you want during the stay.
Are u all still drinking birds nest and chicken essence? Can drink till delivery?
I drink moderately. As long as anything not sure, just consume moderately.
The dietician did say that it is okay to take birds nest in moderation as it has good nutrients - like amino acids.
Oh ok..The gmarket ones are quite ex. Minimum 20 per set..think I'll try those market stalls as u all suggested..

So far, the cheapest all button sleep gowns I have seen at market stalls are $7.50 each. The prices range from $7.50 - $14.
Are u all still drinking birds nest and chicken essence? Can drink till delivery?

I still drink bird nest leh .. Thanks for reminding me on chicken essence think I will take them if I peng satay

I will be giving birth at Mt A!

The hospital said they won't sterilise the breastpumps if we bring our own. Need to rent from their Medela ones at about $20 I think. If I didn't hear wrongly, they said, this is a 1 time payment and you can use as many times as you want during the stay.

Lucky u tell us then I dun bother to bring my own already and I also doubt my supply will be like water fall lolz

u forgot to buy nursing bras?
Yah lolz kept forgetting those a few mom did mentioned before

I will be giving birth at Mt A!

The hospital said they won't sterilise the breastpumps if we bring our own. Need to rent from their Medela ones at about $20 I think. If I didn't hear wrongly, they said, this is a 1 time payment and you can use as many times as you want during the stay.

I'm a first time mummy... Clueless about almost everything! Wondering if it is necessary to buy breast pumps before birth or after?
