(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

u can order directly from them or use an agent to buy for you. I am using 65daigou, they do charge agent fee on top of shipping fee.
The bra is around $6 + shipping. As it is the 11.11 sales, the disposable panties and pad is selling at $5.94 (not include shipping), not bad 4 package of panties and 1 pack of absorbing pad.

Eh, not trying to promote any website, just sharing what I am buying haha.

Do u use BUY-FOR-ME or SHIP-FOR-ME ? What is the difference ?

Been having probs sleeping too.. I find the best position for me is flat on my back but I also know it's not good. But no choice leh..Usually I try sleep on my left but wake up finding myself lying flat in back. Since yesterday baby seemed to have gone further down? Pelvic area very suan..

So fast? Mine still very high up. Keep attacking the rig and diaphragm area. ):
Making me uncomfortable
As long as baby is healthy..I'm ok with either. Though hubs prefers Jan..but he is gonna be away beginning Jan so baby better be good n stay inside till he returns..
huh? he si going away beginning in jan and your EDD is 3 jan woh
2 trial pks of bb wipes from pigeon


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alamak finished charging my medela FS... cannot seem to work when my adapter is plugged off/... can anyone send me a pic of your FS when it is being charged?
Paiseh can't help cos I haven collect mine lolz ?
Could it be the battery spoilt
Are u mummies getting trial milk powder also in case can't bf?
i dun think they give out infant trial milk powder leh... cos no one dare to take the risk lolz
for me i will sure buy a can cos i start my beanie with FM at night ...day time then BM
Serious !! Ok will go email them

Lolz Heng ..so all working already right lolz

email them and asked if they can provide any free sample for your impending baby and include your mailing address.

Alamak yesterday night started charging probably but this morning the unit acted up again ... i think the battery gone case liao
i dun think they give out infant trial milk powder leh... cos no one dare to take the risk lolz
for me i will sure buy a can cos i start my beanie with FM at night ...day time then BM
So far I see those samples mostly for after 6 mths..if u give FM at night and BM in the day..will baby be confused?
So far I see those samples mostly for after 6 mths..if u give FM at night and BM in the day..will baby be confused?

if you google all the milk brand ..u will notice there is hardly much information on infant milk lolz cos expert believe 1st 6 month .. BM is the best ... FM is only to add on if BM not enuff ...

the whole idea is to get beanie used to having both kind of milk ...confusion ... i think it is the adult that is confused lolz ... imagine when you going back to work ..and your BM not enuff ..and beanie go on strike cos dun like FM ...so best to start them early lolz

so far for my #1 no problem
the main reason why i feed FM at night is also because they tend to be more filling hence bb and adult can sleep better ...
can you imagine the infant every 1-2hrs cry cos hungry and u have to keep latching one ... :p of course there are pple who disagree with my method ..
well that is my kid .. i dun need pple to approve what i do whahahahaha

email them and asked if they can provide any free sample for your impending baby and include your mailing address.

Alamak yesterday night started charging probably but this morning the unit acted up again ... i think the battery gone case liao
aiyo then you better quickly go buy new one...think mine likely too i better standby battery cos mine also 4 years old liao lolz
my last one for my girl was prima deli - pull apart cupcakes
what is pull apart cupcake ..for me only immediately family celebration not class celebration that kind so simple round or character cake can lioa

enuff for 10-12 pax
Oh ya, talking about cake. Anyone know if there are halal full month cake available? I think the most common is bangawan solo but it is not halal. I got Malay colleague so need to source for halal one...
Oh ya, talking about cake. Anyone know if there are halal full month cake available? I think the most common is bangawan solo but it is not halal. I got Malay colleague so need to source for halal one...

Prima Deli is halal... cuz my girl's school require halal cake la

sweetest moments also halal

ecreative cakes also halal
wah din know got such thing as pull apart cupcake lolz...unique leh lolz

its for lazy moms like me!!! Sweetest moments also have pullapart cuppies but theirs more ex and cuppies are smaller

it doesnt taste good... just good visual with lots of cream...perfect for kiddos...
Prima Deli is halal... cuz my girl's school require halal cake la

sweetest moments also halal

ecreative cakes also halal
sweetest moment dun bother lah..expensive and taste wise not fantastic ( feed back from relatives lolz) so verdict is sweetest moment is just pretty looking packaging lolz

ecreative like online cake shop..wonder how are they in term of taste
Oh ya, talking about cake. Anyone know if there are halal full month cake available? I think the most common is bangawan solo but it is not halal. I got Malay colleague so need to source for halal one...

need some suggestion where to order birthday cake for children

my usual is bengawan solo lolz

What kind of birthday cake you want and for how many pax... most people can do simple bday cakes... and if @cinderelly is up for it. you can ask her to customise as well.
if you google all the milk brand ..u will notice there is hardly much information on infant milk lolz cos expert believe 1st 6 month .. BM is the best ... FM is only to add on if BM not enuff ...

the whole idea is to get beanie used to having both kind of milk ...confusion ... i think it is the adult that is confused lolz ... imagine when you going back to work ..and your BM not enuff ..and beanie go on strike cos dun like FM ...so best to start them early lolz

so far for my #1 no problem
the main reason why i feed FM at night is also because they tend to be more filling hence bb and adult can sleep better ...
can you imagine the infant every 1-2hrs cry cos hungry and u have to keep latching one ... :p of course there are pple who disagree with my method ..
well that is my kid .. i dun need pple to approve what i do whahahahaha

aiyo then you better quickly go buy new one...think mine likely too i better standby battery cos mine also 4 years old liao lolz
True..I guess just do what works best for yourself and baby! I think other people always have lots to say abt others. Bf is gonna be a tough journey..need lots of willpower and determination.
I am also planning to do this - BM during the day and FM at night so I can rest.
but u still intend to wake up to express right ? if not will engorge or your body tot no need bm and slow down supply

for me i will still wake up 3-4 hrly to express or match beanie feeding time and adjust accordingly to express ...
so long i get a straight 3hr sleep i am contented .. i dun wan a case where i am awake every 1-2hrs to latch on ... confirm i will break down and get sick.. tested and proven ...
i dunno about you all... i am the kind that need alot of sleep lolz ..average min 7hrs lolz
since young already like that heheh

and during my #1 time ..even the 3hrs sleep and wake up to express... was quite tough at the beginning for me ..
i remembered one night .. after feeding #1 and was burping him and i wasnt holdng him tightly that kind but loosely holding ......he suddenly kicked and i actually dropped him cos i was drowsing due to lack of sleep .. but lucky my thick comforter and pillow was infront of me and he actually fall backward onto them :p i felt soooo guilty for a very long time...even now sometime think about it i still feel guilty lolz ... so my advice is know your body ..dun force yourself too much cos in the end who will suffer ...perseverance is good but always know the limit :)
but u still intend to wake up to express right ? if not will engorge or your body tot no need bm and slow down supply

for me i will still wake up 3-4 hrly to express or match beanie feeding time and adjust accordingly to express ...
so long i get a straight 3hr sleep i am contented .. i dun wan a case where i am awake every 1-2hrs to latch on ... confirm i will break down and get sick.. tested and proven ...

see my reply above lolz,

i think i similar too...just that first 3 week i did latching in the night. after that i give up latching and just pump, i managed to give ebm at night feed instead of fm... i only gave 2x fm on two of the days i went out with bb... she was too distracted to be latched so i gave the glass bottled fm (gotten 6 from tmc)

i heard they dont provide glass bottled fm anymore?? Last time I asked for 12 empty glass bottles hahaha
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i think i similar too...just that first 3 week i did latching in the night. after that i give up latching and just pump, i managed to give ebm at night feed instead of fm... i only gave 2x fm on two of the days i went out with bb... she was too distracted to be latched so i gave the glass bottled fm (gotten from tmc)

i heard they dont provide glass bottled fm anymore?? Last time I asked for 12 glass bottles hahaha

my boy latch = drink abit then zzzzz ... latching is like pacifier he sure sleep one ..so no choice.. not that i dun want to latch often but he not co-operative lolz so i pump lor ... i rather he drink then holding on to that bonding latch lolz

u got enuff time to heat up the EBM meh ... i wanted to do that but i scare by the time beanie wake up and cry .. i dun have enuff time to heat .
.dun wan to let beanie cry and wait and wake others mah ...

that one is glassed bottled meh .. i got the enfa bottled fm from them too lolz ..they give me around 2 box lolz ..also 12 bottle lolz
i dunno do they still give but no harm trying asking for it when we are there lolz

btw remember to request red dates tea when you are there lolz they will provide leh heheheh
my boy latch = drink abit then zzzzz ... latching is like pacifier he sure sleep one ..so no choice.. not that i dun want to latch often but he not co-operative lolz so i pump lor ... i rather he drink then holding on to that bonding latch lolz

u got enuff time to heat up the EBM meh ... i wanted to do that but i scare by the time beanie wake up and cry .. i dun have enuff time to heat .
.dun wan to let beanie cry and wait and wake others mah ...

that one is glassed bottled meh .. i got the enfa bottled fm from them too lolz ..they give me around 2 box lolz ..also 12 bottle lolz
i dunno do they still give but no harm trying asking for it when we are there lolz

btw remember to request red dates tea when you are there lolz they will provide leh heheheh

maybe first 3 weeks wont have enough to give 1 ebm at night... but by my 3rd week, i pump every 2 hours so i managed to pump out one extra serving at night then after that my pump ebm is always for next feed.

By the way, we met up last Fri with fellow mummies, there's a LC among us. She said dun use hot water to heat ebm. Take out thaw/chilled ebm and use both palms to swirl gently to mix the fats and milk for about 2 mins.. then let bb drink at slightly chilled temp ebm

maybe first 3 weeks wont have enough to give 1 ebm at night... but by my 3rd week, i pump every 2 hours so i managed to pump out one extra serving at night then after that my pump ebm is always for next feed.

By the way, we met up last Fri with fellow mummies, there's a LC among us. She said dun use hot water to heat ebm. Take out thaw/chilled ebm and use both palms to swirl gently to mix the fats and milk for about 2 mins.. then let bb drink at slightly chilled temp ebm
huh? wont the milk still be cold not slight chilled temp even after swirl gently for 2 mins ... wil they get stomachache.. BB stomach very delicate during that stage leh ...i dun want to feed cold BM and then they get colic and i get scolded for ke kiang leh
