(2014) ivf mummies support group

Haha lynncandy the supper is abit way too early. No today eating Korean magi kimchi noodles at home. Just started eating. Later still need to iron clothes. Whats for dinner for u tonight?

Dolly you and dh really small eater. My dh can finish one packet fried rice add egg. For me I don't really fancy fried rice outside so usually won't order. If home cook then can finish quite a big plate.

My dinner is zi char today. Me still on half adult portion. Was telling hubby that maybe that is my appetite from henceforth. That is also ok la cos I usually over eat. I just try to keep to healthier food.

Lynncandy, dr ananda no sat appt ah?
Hi ladies, can we eat kimchi ? Cos is 白菜, is consider cool vege riz?
How about salad? Also raw food, can eat ?
Circlecircle , I also half adult portion for all my meal... :(... Now oredi 16 wks,tummy still not obvious, think too small at this stage, dr hints me to rest &eat more... But still no good appetite , eat little tummy feel bloated .... How r ....
My Dinner was fried hong kong mee. I still eat from vegetarian stall as no pork oil.
Circle, not too sure if got sat scan but as my detailed scan for tmc is delay till week 21 and Dr Ananda will be week 22. If delay somemore will be very late already. Blink eye I might reach 6 months already. So I just stick to the weekday appointment.
Oh man so fast blink eye time flies. And in a few months time we are giving birth.
After detailed you all can also start looking out for baby names and create a bigger hole in the pocket.
Ladies jiayou! many of you are halfway there le, not an easy journey at all! :)

Not sure if hospital only measure cervical length via v scan but I did mine with Dr Ananda via abdominal scan.

To update on my 16w gynae checkup today :) Baby is very active so a bit difficult to scan, but growth & heart rate all good (hb 140 & baby weighs 140gm). Then gynae say let's see if we can see gender but baby didn't open legs initially. Gynae managed to catch a first shot with something sticking out then he say he thinks it's a boy. Then suddenly baby opens legs haha & gynae caught a second shot, he says this one is obvious. Types in "it's a boy" & print out for me. Gynae says will confirm at detailed scan. 14w Dr Ananda also says 90% boy, hoping at detailed scan get triple confirmation! Gynae joke say I can buy gender guarantee for $300 with him. If he's wrong he'll refund $300 & deduct $300 from his delivery fees lol Also reviewed Oscar results, share the report with ladies here~


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Morn ladies.. Everytime my hubby question me about my diet, I would say bb wants to eat, not me! :D
Had a v bad cramp last night. Was sleeping on my left side when suddenly my lower back to my right knee hurt so much tt I couldn't move. Had to take time slowly adjust myself.
Also, been having this problem. Sometimes when trying to empty my bladder, it hurts. Read online, it may not be uti but it's muscle contracting and expanding. Realised it only hurts when trying to empty a fuller bladder. So gonna go toilet more frequently.
Woke up 6+ to go pee n saw videos my brother sent me last night, godson stomach cramp n cried on the sofa, so poor thing. Went hospital n took medication..
Iwantahealthybaby, try moisturser on ur itchy area cos now our skin is more dry gets itch easily..
I'm just so glad that my itch around the boobs stop. Earlier on my boobs area quite bad the itch. I think I might also have infection below. These few days been itching almost evening time. Quite bad. We can still use feminine wash right? Hope it's not bad infection cause it will also affect beanies right?

I just finish my mac sausage muffin egg meal. This morning while lying on bed one side I thought I can feel like my tummy got heart beating feeling. I wonder Isit beanie heartbeating :) cannot feel movement thou when I stand up.

Sumiko maybe blood flow restricted when u sleep in that position for some time that's why cause pain? I think as our stomach grow bigger we going to experience more discomfort during sleeping. You girls intend to get any preg pillow for ownself? Those u shape type? I wonder if it's gd. Not cheap and it's big probably dh won't have space to sleep if I get that lol.

Any of u here thinking of doing cord bank for your baby umbilical cord? It's quite ex I don't know want anot. And the price depends on How long u store.
Woke up 6+ to go pee n saw videos my brother sent me last night, godson stomach cramp n cried on the sofa, so poor thing. Went hospital n took medication..
Iwantahealthybaby, try moisturser on ur itchy area cos now our skin is more dry gets itch easily..

Argh poor boy. Understand how u feel. I got soft spot for my nephew too. Anything he wants I get. Hope he get well soon. U going see him today? He will be happy seeing u I guess.
Not sure, See how later. Now at home resting, Maybe later go out have a nice lunch myself. Ytd afternoon meetings it's like suffering, came home n collapse on bed. Too many issues to handle n coordinate, can't wait for nov to come n free myself from the problems.
Dh said he will work late today. He vy guai stayed at home last 3 nights cos 'lover' not in sg, no one chio him out for kopi. So I said the culprit is the lover lor, not in sg such a big difference ..

We are considering cordblood banking. It is not really that ex as it is a form of med insurance. I think cost $6000++ for 21 year storage... cost the same as some term insurance which pays out if a person dies.... this ond is to savd a child's life.... worth it i think.
Argh poor boy. Understand how u feel. I got soft spot for my nephew too. Anything he wants I get. Hope he get well soon. U going see him today? He will be happy seeing u I guess.
I think we are all the same. My nephew is like my son. I dote ob him a lot but he knows i will also discipline him if he misbehaves
Hahaa lover will b back tmr.. his biz trip is standard from.sun afternoon to Fri evening at sabah.. once every 2-3 months.. See I know his lover schedule well too.
Ya not all sil will let us spend time w their kid but my sil consider lazy type, slp n slp anytime u See her. So I rather take over godson bring him out to mingle w my frd kid or exposed to outside world. She is a Vietnamese n refused to learn to go out on her own, everything depends on my brother. I told her u have to bond w ur son mah, then the most she bring to temple or shengsiong. Go sentosa beach aso me n my brother went down water w godson n she stayed under shade said vy hot. Haiz dun know wat kind of mother is she
IWAHB, u can ask ur gyane for cream. I also got yeast infection earlier. Doctor says wont affect bb. I was prescribe an insert and cream. But i guess not enough cos 2 weeks later come back again. Then i ask if keep coming how? Doc says very common in pregnant ladies and some just all the way till birth.
Morning everyone. Oops is going to be afternoon soon.
It was a busy morning for me, luckily there isn't any traffic jam. My breakfast was malay kway tiao mix with mee, yum yum.
Dolly, don't think will go for the expo sale as only feel peace of mind after m detailed scan with Dr Ananda on 8 July.
Iwantahealthybaby, wah you can sleep so late and wake up in the morning to work. If is me sure MC. I need to sleep at least by 11pm, otherwise next day sure very zombie. You feel itchy at boobs? maybe because of the cocoa butter? I apply also will feel itchy, but now after changing to clarins I don't have this problem. Then at night I use bio oil no problem for me.
Btw ladies, I have become fat already. I notice my top are fitting which I don't like. I only like to wear loose fit clothing. Oh man, today wasted my time to change to another top. I think I must start shopping at asos again.
It is going to be lunch time soon, what are you ladies having? I want to eat soupy food.
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Morning ladies! Me kanna dry itchy cough from hubby. So irritating. Breathe also itchy. Buay tahan man. Eat sweet then better but sweet finish then wanna cough again!

While waiting for my kimchi ramen. I am still eating kimchi thou cooling.

Circle I think partly due to weather it's terribly not this few days.

What's for lunch ladies.
iwantahealthybaby, although the food inside the photo looks nice, I am still imagining the photo circle posted on waffles and rosti hahahaa... I must jio dh to go siglap with me for the food. Cannot stop dreaming of it.

Oscar scan at adc kkh is by sonographer unless is Tue or Thu then doctor will scan.
Counting down counting down... Any tea break ladies? I am still full from my lunch. I am feeling sleepy. Sumiko and cheery, any cooking today?
iwantahealthybaby, tea break?
circle, counting down to starting work?
dolly, at shopping centre now?
joy, enjoy your scan.

Any plans for dinner?
Realised many ladies very close with their nieces/nephews... I'm really not close with my hubby's niece. Dunno why leh maybe cos me & sil not on super good terms... she's like waiting for me to confirm team pink so she can laugh at me...
Counting down counting down... Any tea break ladies? I am still full from my lunch. I am feeling sleepy. Sumiko and cheery, any cooking today?
iwantahealthybaby, tea break?
circle, counting down to starting work?
dolly, at shopping centre now?
joy, enjoy your scan.

Any plans for dinner?
Me trying to recover from my itchy itchy cough. just seen gp for medicine. trying so hard not to cough but breath will cough. Hahaha!
@LynnCandy, today's dinner will be porridge. Now having Multigrain cranberry bun with milk.
@circle, I also had a bad cough few weeks ago. Took me 2 weeks plus to recover. Coughed until vomit and tummy cramped.
How result joy?

Lynncandy I just finish my apple strudel hehe. Counting down to ko too.

Mapleleafy my nephew is my bro's side so maybe direct line feel closer. If dh side don't think I got feel too. I see nephew grow up last time stay together so I do take care of him during his young days so naturally got the bond with him.

Feeling sleepy. thinking of where to go this weekend. Cannot wait for it to be over. Next week one off day to kkh and I only need to work 4days yeah.

I didn know scan at adc if tue n thur is by doc. My detail scan is tue wonder Isit by doc then. But I will be seeing my doc as well after that. Maybe scan and review by same doc june tan hehe.

Maybe leh I dun have sibling so dun have direct line nieces & nephews. But my hubby's niece I really quite detached, think I got psychological barrier to bonding with other people's children after mc... :X
portia which bank you looking. so after 21 yr if no use the cord then how they throw? then they wont return the amount 6k we put in right? but i also heard not all illness cord can help only certain.

yes my nephew is my everything too just that i dont spend as much time as dolly cause my sil still dont give me alot time to personally spend time with him. but we do msg each other at times. he will also call me sometimes to chat chat lol. i will try to arrange for weekly dinner with them together with sil so can see the kids. his my darling. i dont discipline him much cause i see him probably once or twice a week only so to me the only time i see him i will pamper him to the max.

dolly hopefully the "lover" wont come back early so you can see more of dh at home.

i just receive sms reminder on kkh for my detail scan argghhh cannot wait...
I think the bank is stemcord.... i dunno what happens aftet 21 years... maybe can call and check
daja u shd tell hubby, it's not me who wants to eat. The little one inside wants to eat...
I don't like to say that to DH whenever I want to eat certain things. To use our baby as a reason for what we want to eat is like pushing blame to him/her because we don't really know if that is the real truth that it's really baby who wants to eat.
No worries Faithfullyours that's the only excuse and privilege during pregnancy and I'm sure the dh knows it's not beanie who want to eat it's the mummy haha. My dh always argue back say it's me glutton want to eat keep saying Twinnies but he also know joking also. I told dh this is my only 10mths privilege once in a lifetime. Won't have another pregnancy cannot afford 3rd child :(
Haha I also jokingly said that but dh knows is me too. Anyway just enjoy the pregnancy. My dinner was subway haha. . What about yours ladies?
Got once I woke up hungry cos before bed hubby say dun eat cake la go sleep, I was still thinking cake when I woke up from hunger so I thwaped him with the bolster & piak piak piak him with my hand (not pain one) then he say he buy a ball give me, cos I beat him like a sea lion flippers flipping, need a ball to perform lol we ended up laughing in bed. :) pregnancy is between a couple, just enjoy it.
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thanks for lookin at my question.

é result was ok, low risk... let me tak pic of é ratio later when i m at hm..

i went 2é lab n ask abt my 2embryos 2confirm wats was é problems on d2 back then. sat goin for 2nd opinion from a dif ivf doc n see if i need to do any other testing... kk too mass productñ, need sm assurance from an ivf doc who can really help me access...

i m goin 2call é infant care centers tml...

thanks for lookin at my question.

é result was ok, low risk... let me tak pic of é ratio later when i m at hm..

i went 2é lab n ask abt my 2embryos 2confirm wats was é problems on d2 back then. sat goin for 2nd opinion from a dif ivf doc n see if i need to do any other testing... kk too mass productñ, need sm assurance from an ivf doc who can really help me access...

i m goin 2call é infant care centers tml...

Why u want to find out 2nd opinion? What happen to your d2 embryos?

Call early for those sending IFC cause I enquire before almost all full...at waiting list.
