(2014) ivf mummies support group

Iwantahealthybaby, bbq buffet wow. You are like me too. Will really go all way out for nice food. Recently I am too busy with work. Otherwise I will sneak out for nice food too.
Ladies, Last time gss I will sure buy a lot of stuff. Now preggy already no need to shop for so many things already. Mainly will be materinty clothing..

iwantahealthybaby-my cycle was almost canceled coz all my embryos had problems (bi-nucleaty) on d2.
juz b4 we left é kkivf operatin theatre disharge area on d2 dr thh suddenly cam back n said lab will try 2continue monitor n cultivate, if they turn 2blastocyst nurse will call me on sat or sun 2trf.. in é end 2 of é embryos made it, i trf n see a singleton now.. but i need assurance if i need to look out for anythg or test anythg else... dr thh says it wun affect baby, but i kinda feel safer if we seek 2nd opinion...
my ratios..


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Yes lynncandy me can drive for good food but sometimes will lazy, in fact me seldom get during gss cause I usually shop and buy during weekends with gfs so when come gss in fact I get lesser haha. But now I been buying bb stuffs on off on off till I don't even bother if it's gss or not.

Oh ya today I got a 2nd hand baby rocker the one similar to what circle has. $20 but is new condition. Seller didn use often and put batt can even have vibrating effect and music. So now I got two rocker one put my house one put mum place.
good morning. its a quiet morning since my last post yesterday night...how is everyone. dolly its friday your busiest day for the week. hope today is exception.

joy_meme you did your oscar at kkh right? they didnt examine bb stomach and abdomen? cause i see your pic they state not visible? or isit baby position? but glad your ratio is low. can rest at ease...another hurdle crossed. wait for detail...
Ya was rushing to buona vista meeting at 930. Suddenly felt something flow out below quickly rush to restroom See wat it is. So worry to See red lor... so scared lor..
Circle how is your dad? Family members health always make us worry. I totally understand that feeling.

It's Friday but I am also not very free. Waiting for some documents from customer before I can make arrangement then hope this customer don't give me last min today and delay my going home time.
Afternoon ladies... had mee rubus for bkft. Then vacuum whole house and wash one toilet just now. V tired liao. What's for lunch?
Dolly always knows where all the good deals are.. :D
Hope today all of u will get to offwk early.
Morning everyone, yesterday I have spinning dreams again. Very sian make me never sleep well. Btw ladies I monitor my bp every night and my bp is very good. Don't know why when I go hospital or see doc bp sure goes up. Now at least I know I am normal. Got a scare by my bp.
Is friday and dh said to bring me to parkway to grab some bb stuff. Oh man why am I buying stuff haha. Should it be done after detailed.
Buddy left a few days to graduation. The detailed award ceremony. ..
Circle, by this Sunday I am confirm going to get my Waffles with ice cream. Haha. . I am planning to go udders one waffles with 3 scoops of Ice cream all by myself.
Kitkats, buying stuff after the first purchase?
Dolly going shopping today?
Cheery, sumiko and meilingg any program?
Iwantahealthybaby, thanks for asking. Dad is generally ok. Still going back for general monitoring after his op.

Lynncandy, enjoy your waffles on sun!

This week me generally eating zi char or home cooked food. Beanie don't super like. Appetite also still at half. Just measured weight at gp office. Haven put on any.

Dunno if it is me.. so far I am always the heaviest at kkh tps. Within the same week, I weight using a free scale at ktph (while visiting my dad) and I am 0.5kg lighter. Hmmm...
I happened to know Guardian sales ytd was bcos my leg skin dry n itchy, I went to buy qv shower gel.
Me still at discussion at customer site...
I know tmr got metro sale. Those who want clarins should buy it at metro. It is direct discount else they give you voucher to the exact cent. Voucher no expiry date. Baby products also 20% off. So u can use that voucher to offset price on baby products after the 20% discount.

Me going to get my clarins stretch mark cream, day cream and other stuff.
@LynnCandy, today no program. But looking forward to next few days.. satd gg temple with hubby, sun gg for dim sum and waffles with ice cream too at creameries, mon making shepherd pie with niece.
I guess u always abit gan cheong when at the doc so that's why your BP will rise.
@circle, go and have some nice meals this weekend to compensate. :D
Me still having a flu bug. Hoping to be all well. Tmr my buddies coming over and we are going to tabao zichar.

Mon gonna start work Liao. I just wanna get well. I practically have to eat sweet thru out the night to sleep else I keep coughing.
Me still having a flu bug. Hoping to be all well. Tmr my buddies coming over and we are going to tabao zichar.

Mon gonna start work Liao. I just wanna get well. I practically have to eat sweet thru out the night to sleep else I keep coughing.
I need to wrap my neck at night with a towel to prevent myself from coughing. Don't take too oily or spicy food.
I know tmr got metro sale. Those who want clarins should buy it at metro. It is direct discount else they give you voucher to the exact cent. Voucher no expiry date. Baby products also 20% off. So u can use that voucher to offset price on baby products after the 20% discount.

Me going to get my clarins stretch mark cream, day cream and other stuff.

Tmr only or weekend both days? I want to stock up on clarins stretch mark cream & oil too. :)
yeah, oscar @kkh.. i ask doc if she will check stomach n organs, she said she will get a general look.. skull she check n took pic.. i had 2walk walk n return b4 she could measure the neck thickness... mayb i ask é 2nd opinion doc tml
Tonight hubby will knock off early so we can eat dinner out. Weekends no plans wor. Tml still got to work half day. Hubby wont be around tml since he needs to work and after work he is meeting his friend...

As for sunday, maybe let hubby catch up his sleep then late noon go out walk walk bah. Maybe will go baby expo see see. But no intention to buy any yet. Till after july 10.

I also want to eat ice cream~ but hubby dont allow! I say bb wants to eat also no use =(

He asked me to endure until after birth...
Eat with waffles la. At least it is warm. And u share with him mah.. not finish the whole ice cream on your own. I also ate like 5-6 mouths only. Heehee! Hubby ate the rest! But enough to satisfy a craving!
Creamier not bad just that place too small. Lynncandy if u going to thomson that udders outlet try the salted caramel which is few stalls away from udders their waffles is cheap and ice cream not bad too. I quite like.

Great to hear daddy doing fine circle ;) and I can sense a lot of shopping going on this weekend :) me too probably will start looking for car seat if weekend got good sale I probably get it. Maybe going expo sale also.

Sat me will meet my gf for lunch she passing me her fetal Doppler since she doesn't need it anymore. Mmmm since I haven't sense any major kicking going on inside maybe will give the Doppler a try. Hope it's non invasive.

Sun maybe will give parents a visit at Thoir house kinda miss them. The old folks :)

Sumiko do it slow your housework you got time to slowly enjoy since u on holiday.

I see joy meme maybe due to baby position doc didn manage to see properly bb stomach. No worries ya.
Eat with waffles la. At least it is warm. And u share with him mah.. not finish the whole ice cream on your own. I also ate like 5-6 mouths only. Heehee! Hubby ate the rest! But enough to satisfy a craving!

He will end up let me eat waffles only. He only let me eat 1 or 2 tiny mouthful only.
A&W yes i simply love it, simple and good and cheap! Hopefully a&w will be back in SG again. Let's wait.

Oh ya talking about bp I had the machine too but don't know how to read lol. My pulse is 86 I know. The other two reading I not sure haha
A&W yes i simply love it, simple and good and cheap! Hopefully a&w will be back in SG again. Let's wait.

Oh ya talking about bp I had the machine too but don't know how to read lol. My pulse is 86 I know. The other two reading I not sure haha
I also got the machine. Heard if the higher number is above 120 then slightly high. If lower than 100 then it is low bp.
Waffles with some.melted ice cream? Anyway ice cream put on it also will.melt..

Actually I miss A&W waffles with strawberry sauce. But must go JB or batam to eat. Something very nostalgic about their waffles and curly fries!!!!

I shall try see if he let me eat or not...
The mango strudel very sour. The mango very sour. Haha. The durian strudel is gd too. I shall try strawberry soon.

Mschar you make me crave for laksa now...yummy! Drools!
Yea.. i also craving for laksa now.. :p used to go for katong laksa and their otah during paktoh days with hubby.. hee. .
Have u girls thought of what brand strollers? Milk bottles? Breast pumps for your newborns? Maybe it's time to discuss about this since all almost to detail scan soon...
Hahaha! I think i will.go for medela freestyle. My 2 buddies swear by it.

Milk bottles like mixed reviews. I also stuck. One buddy uses direct latch while the other uses nuk. I heard some beanies very fussy. Will choose teats.

Scroller might wait until beanie is born. Some say beanie may have preference! But so far I heard that quinny is good.
Quinny mostly three wheels right? Seems ex. Bottles my headache is between tommee and avent (the yellow plastic bottle)

Yes Medela freestyle is indeed popular choice.
Hahaha! I think i will.go for medela freestyle. My 2 buddies swear by it.

Milk bottles like mixed reviews. I also stuck. One buddy uses direct latch while the other uses nuk. I heard some beanies very fussy. Will choose teats.

Scroller might wait until beanie is born. Some say beanie may have preference! But so far I heard that quinny is good.

circles-did u check mothercare bundle? with braun therm n sm gifts at 699... not sure if é therm is a good model...
Wow the food photos look yummy. Milk bottles I have already got avent as mine was a bundle set. I am getting Another set this weekend will have total 6 bottles already.
I dare not buy so many milk bottles yet.. I scared bb dun like.. I bot nuk n got a set of avent w the bundle.. my gf said bb may choose as it's different teat..
Yah.. They choose teat but I dunno if teats are interchangeable between brands... i heard babies can even choose between silicon or latex teats! Fainted la!
Yes lynncandy more to the teats of the milk bottle but if u not breast feeding then shouldn have much problem.

Circle u can ask your bro get tommee bottles n medala from USA. Cheap cheap cheap.
Don't care I buy beanie drink. Don't drink then no food. Lol.
Wah like this then the set I buy 1 set will do first. Furthermore I am not giving bf so no matter what beanie must drink milk.
I am thinking of not getting a stroller coz it's very space consuming but if I really wanna get it, I'll buy Capella coz it's very sturdy and firm and comfortable inside. Milk bottles I'm thinking of either Avent or Dr Brown. Breast bump either Avent or Medala. But if Medala can't fit Avent milk bottles, then no point getting Medala coz in the end I need to wash and sterilise more bottles. Time is precious. Carrier I will buy those with hipster to transfer some of the weight to the hipster and I think it's more comfortable for baby too as he/she can sit on it. I will buy a baby cot instead of playpen so that I can save one more space (dressing area). Baby cot is adjustable heights so can dress baby on the cot too. Playpen a bit difficult. But will buy playpen when baby is older. Will buy Philips Avent portable warmer instead of the big warmer as the big warmer doesn't really warm up the milk evenly. The bottles can be very hot but the milk inside is not really that warm. The portable one warms up milk more evenly and we can bring out too. I heard the big warmer spoils easily too. Steriliser maybe will buy, maybe not coz the sterilising process is more like steaming the bottles and after sterilising, the vapour will get stuck at the bottom of the bottles. In the end, still need to clear the vapour before using the bottles. In the process of doing that, maybe bottles will get contaminated again. Will use hot water to pour into bottles, shake it, pour out water and start using bottles immediately. Diapers I will buy this brand Pet Pet. 10 cents per pc. For newborns, we need to change their diapers averagely 10-12 pcs per day. No point using the fabric diapers or expensive diapers like Huggies or Pampers. The shit will get stuck in the fabric and need to brush out then wash. Very time consuming. Will only buy Huggies or Pampers when baby is older when we need the diapers to do the absorbent work more to last longer. Some may ask about nappy rash but i believe baby develops nappy rash due to being soaked in the damp diapers for long, not really bcoz of the brand. So far can only think of these.

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Wow faithfullyyours, your research is so detailed. Haha thanks for sharing the brand pet pet.
Next month will go and shop around to see see look look. Tomorrow got to work for you? How is work so far?
My work busy like mad, will only end the busiest when I give birth.
What you all had for dinner? My tummy is getting so big.
Anyone here watch world cup? This round the timing so far out think not much people are watching.
Supper for iwantahealthybaby?
