(2014) ivf mummies support group

I'm having Claypot rice for lunch now. Today weather quite cooling thou in hawker but still cooling. Lynncandy tonight I go tampines walk hehe wait for dh there for dinner also.

Cheerywalnuts yesterday I try with extra pillow but like worst maybe didn get the correct position.

Dolly the coconut oil can drink then not oily? Which brand and where u get it?

I just now before out lunch do some online shopping again from tabao and spent close to $100 haven't inclusive freight. Shit very bad habit. Keep saying stop but keep looking. Bought a baby swimming pool hehe next time don't need to bring them spa session just do at home save money. Bought 2 nursing top and 2 sleepwear set.
I post the pic earlier on.u can buy from iherbs... I no drink it lah. I just apply a layer over my skin, not tat oily.. abit will do

Iwantahealthybaby, the one who drink is me haha. It's like syrup to me cos have been drinking it for quite sometime ;)
Oic it works for me else my shoulder will be very achy..
Me shopping at taobao too but put in cart kiv later then purchase to combine freight. I saw the hospital bag there too dunno if need to buy anot.. not sure if kkh will provide those maternity pads n sheets anot. It's quite comprehensive.
Lynn Thanks! Will check out what's in the toiletry bag. Any idea where does the downstairs mean @ kkh? Issit the pharmacy?

Taobao is china online shopping site.
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Should be pharmacy, otherwise where to get.
Wah is it cheaper to get online? I lazy, just went to a fair or baby kingdom then one shot just grab all.
Later go Tampines Ja lan and see see got anything to buy before seeing doctor.
I think kkh all don't provide if they do all items is chargeable. I even heard use their breast pump also charge rental :( cheerywalnuts u shop taobao use what agent? I use Daigou. My Chinese not very good so see the website also headache. Don't know if the seller I buy from Isit cheapest or best offer.

Ok later I go iherb google coconut oil.

My tummy very big now 40inches already very scary.
I think kkh all don't provide if they do all items is chargeable. I even heard use their breast pump also charge rental :( cheerywalnuts u shop taobao use what agent? I use Daigou. My Chinese not very good so see the website also headache. Don't know if the seller I buy from Isit cheapest or best offer.

Ok later I go iherb google coconut oil.

My tummy very big now 40inches already very scary.

Hi you can buy the organic virgin coconut oil at NTUC finest too. Can be ingested (like take 1 to 2 teaspoons) or use it as a moisturiser. I mix my own essential oils with the virgin coconut oil as a moisturiser and rub it all over my tummy
Iwantahealthybaby, i used the forwarding service in taobao. Tried lequgo the first time. . Mb try Proute the next ;) u can check out their forwarding fees. They go by 1st kg then sub 0.5kg ;)
I screen through from lowest to highest n free shipping within mainland. So i only pay shipping costs to the freight provider.
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:( I cannot really read Chinese, so I don't think I can shop at taobao.
Joie, so excited for you counting down so fast soon. I am just waiting for end Oct to count down.
Me too. I always find it very hard to surf taobao and my Chinese sucks.

My hubby bought a few items before and it was always disappointing. Like finishing not good, packaging all squashed. Quality also don't last too long. But we could be the suay ones la.

I know a lot of people rave about it too. Guess we not savvy enough. Hahaha!
Lynn the website is in Chinese. U can try using google translate to translate the whole site or just type in English in their search engine. Hope it helps.

Circle, yap agree packaging like squashed. All squeezed in a big parcel bag n taped outside. Items i gotten are soft clothings so squashed also still in shape. :D actually i improved n recapped alot of phrasing from taobao.. next time still must teach our kids Chinese so better start brushing up now hehe ;)
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Haha I think I will learn Chinese together with my kids next time. My parents studied Malay, so since young I am not very good in Chinese. Maybe can speak but not really into reading.
Counting down the clock to knock off.. Sian got to go and get my result. Well still happy at least can see beanie later.
Will shop shop at Tampines first before meeting dh as he will be working late.
No more good food for me. Shall see what is healthy.. subway? hmm..?
My Chinese sucks too that's why I didn bother looking for the cheapest cause I read till eyes pain haha. I see design I like I just buy. Sometimes don't even know what they mean like got shipping charges within their mainland anot.

Ok joie I go see if I happen pop by finest.

Lynncandy so u finish shopping at tampines? Me just bought a rain cover for my double stroller pram.
I very kan cheong park my car straight head to clinic to chop my appointment. Now just waiting at the clinic to wait for dh.
No mood to shop as can't wait for my result to be out.
Btw my doc can deliver at mount A too and I just booked my bed at tmc. Don't know PEH or mount A or TMC, just choose TMC first.
No leh dolly both my single and double pram doesn't comes with rain cover. It's an add on accessories those transparent sheet you place over your stroller when rain. Not the sun cover that is already attached to the stroller. I know some shop so throw in foc when u purchase but I think depend on the promotion. When I buy my twin stroller it gives me free reversible seat lining lol.
When I bot the umbrella stroller from taka for my godson it comes w it leh. N the stroller only 159 w free delivery. Maclaren
Ya I know some maclaren model comes with it. My twin also maclaren but doesn't haha. Previously wanted maclaren single also doesn't comes with it. Guess some models have some don't have. And depending on year of make some comes like standard package some doesn't. Whao $159 still free delivery not bad.

I am back home but later going out for some fast food supper with dh. Lynncandy how is your result?
Talking about booking bed. I saw Dr Tan today and asked him about it. He said not now, still early. As for Dr Ang, he said he will touch more on the delivery and bed next visit. My appointment with Dr Tan is 5 weeks from today. Dr Ang is 4 weeks from last Friday.

By the way, I asked Dr Tan about baby's movements. He said as long as baby moves 8 to 10 times each day. She's good.
Iwantahealthybaby, i think cos they think it's still early. I went to admission counter last wk n they gave me the pricing of B2+ to C class. No ward tour.. see the photos only.
Then direct me to delivery suite n ask. The nurse told me usually 36-37 wk we will get the details on what to do. B4 wk 22 go o&g, wk 22 onwards go str to delivery suite for emergency case. I asked dr on natural n c csect. She told me still early they will advice accordingly based on bbs position.
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Kkh I think sure got bed and on first come first serve basis. For private as they are charging private rate so sure in a way must reserve, that's why they kiasu to ask us reserve early. I have selected a single bedded as only 1k more from 4 bedded. Just finish my review very late today. Well UTI again and got to take medicine, my glucose was actually alright but just slight over borderline so got to buy the Machine to poke finger to monitor. He said my diet is very good already just that mine is genetic due to my parent. So just got to monitor. Saw beanie moving but now big already the whole screen cannot really capture, now are days only capture by parts like head and leg to measure weight. My beanie is 820g at week 26 so growing rate is ok :) .. luckily not affected by my sugar intake.
That's gd news lynncandy. If u got family history of diabetics then must monitor. Don't play play. But at least now is good news not that bad. Uti got any symptoms?

Ya even in kkh a1 and b2 class also diff of 1k. I will probably go for a1 too cause got two babies to breastfeed don't want to disturb other mummies if stay 4 bedded. And I also prefer single so can have more privacy Lol.
Ya cheerywalnuts very funny that time my Thomson doc say twin 1 head down already can try natural hahaha but from what I understand baby position will keep changing still. Anyway u trying c sec or natural? I tempted try natural but very worried the 1st one take long to pop then my 2nd may be affected and if really affected will go csec which means incur two costs. My worry is not about enduring the pain but the hospital bill that will come after that.
buzy day 4me.. rushin thgs @work in morn, half day, came hm n visit infant care, followed by detail scan @peh, n went town hunt many thgs...

so far sonographer says nothg significant, will send 2gyne é images n no call tml means all ok by gyne, nex aptm get report...
Good morning ladies, just finish preparing breakfast for dh as usual. Wah cheery shop at taobao huh so late still awake? Luckily I manage to sleep throughout these few days. Today will be a long day for me and I think I can only knock off at 8pm.
My beanie is awake too. Kicking inside at 5am+. Think she wants me to make breakfast for dh. Haha.
Joy, detail scan exciting right as can see beanie longer.
Ok safe drive everyone.
Iwantahealthybaby, UTI don't really have much symptoms for me just keep on want to pee the feeling and that day my abdominal like want to go poo the pain. That's all. Don't test also don't know got UTI.
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Good morning ladies I am awake too earlier than my alarm can go off. But still lazing on bed. Later I reach office if nothing to clear I will shop online again. Haha. Now I am more into buying nursing wear rather than maternity wear. Too bad asos not much nursing wear.

Lynncandy maybe I also got uti cause I pee very frequent too. Nobody ask me check also. So to check uti just need take blood test Isit or urine test? What's for breakfast for Yrself today?

I think I will drive through mac today for sausage muffin egg meal and ice milo. Seriously ice milo got caffeine inside? I drink quite often now especially if I go fast food.

Mid week mid week another 3 days of work before sat. Next mon I got checkup again with cardiac doc for my twin b but aptm in noon was wondering to take full day off or mrn go work clear some email then go off. Usually mon will have some work to do in mrn...plus dh on leave acc me to hospital if I take leave can go breakfast with him if I no take leave will have to meet him straight hospital :(

Joy congrats on your week 20 :) so u are theme pink? Everything will be fine for beanie not to worry. So u settle your infant care too? How much is yours per month?

Cheerywalnuts not that I don't trust june tan on her delivery skills more to I don't trust myself haha. I can endure pain (usually my pain tolerance quite high compare to other people) but then again we are talking about labor which never experience before and I only keep hearing people stuck in operating theatre for like 8-12-16 hours type so scary. Early on I stuck in toilet for 1hr trying to release poo I already cannot make it already. Haha.
thanks ladies.. by right week 19 plus now.. detail scan shows 20wk plus.. will ask gyne nex round...

baby is team blue, gyne said icsi more team blue, coz é good lookin sperms are é fastest swimmers too.. not very accurate also i feel n from é profile here..

é infant care near our hm has vacancy for mar 2015, but i din pay è regñ fee $ yet.. mayb nearer..

small set-up, we saw sm babies sleepin n sm wakin up n playin on bouncer yest... 1 looks chubby so cute!

lynn uti is serious.. muz tak good care...
Iwantahealthybaby, drink milo is fine as it is a kid's drink. As for the uti test only $8 for tmc just take urine sample to test only. Doc said uti is very common for pregnancy.
Good morning ladies!

Lynn have a good day. Treat urself a good lunch n dinner later to energise ;) i was up to pee not shipping lol

Iwantahealthybaby, dun worry too much cos many things is very hard to predict now as we din have delivery experience b4. Let the pro do their job. You are in good hands under dr june let her handle. U just rest n keep calm for delivery. ;)
Btw regarding confinement catering, i saw most menus they will have chicken from wk 1 onwards. Actually i think cos it's the central kitchen so they just fix the menu according to odd n even weeks.

Joy congrats to ur Blue theme!
joy the icsi thinggy on theme blue i think not true i also icsi but both my twinnies are girls hahaha. and i see alot of us expecting bb girls in this thread. boy or girl what most important is healthy. if you ok with the ifc and confirm put bb in ifc i would recommend to pay deposit secure a place, ifc is hot fav i placed my deposit already as my area all full house and waiting list so got space dont think already. at least if this ifc i register is good touchwood nothing happen i can smoothly proceed on to child care under them dont need go register and fight places again.

cheerywalnuts. yes i hope to be delivered under june tan too at least i know if i is under her hands 1st means i deliver full term, 2nd means the regular checkup i pay with her at least put to good use she help me deliver and not some standby doc whom i no see before...hahaha and of cause 3rdly means my twinnies dont need stay nicu ward since full term most likely is acceptable weight...of cause pray no complications and health problems to babies. which confinement caterer you looking at..i havent see their menu in detail.
Iwantahealthybaby, i not getting the catering. Dh will cook for me so can customise the menu according. I saw natal essential, chilli padi etc while surfing n saw they serve chicken in wk1 already. Mb u can check it out
Morning morning! Super sleepy this morn cos I ate the antihistamine to help with the itch. It makes me drowsy so that I can sleep better and now I super super sleepy in the morn.

But still itching la... Haiz... bobian. My whole back all small little bumps - like those sand fly bites. Very small but quite a bit and super itchy. So now it is on my back, bust, neck, bikini line, v - area, arm pit. Just hoping and praying that it will faster go away. Itch is just an unbearable thing. Trying to enjoy my pregnancy la, but this itch is really making me mang-zang. Hope none of you will have to kanna this!
Congrats joy on team blue! Glad to know everything went well!!!

Cheerywalnuts, I also shortlisted chilli padi, natal essentials and rich food. Going to print the menu and ask my tcm doc for input on which is better.

Will let u all know poss in 2 weeks when I am supposed to see her.

My mom quite duh that I am ordering catering but it is for her own good la. Then she dont have to do so many things during my confinement. But she already don't like natal essentials. Cos the first dish that she saw in the menu was chicken with preserved veg 'mei cai'. Then keep grumbling where got confinement good put mei cai one! Haiz... prejudiced Liao...
Circle good idea to consult tcm first :D
Yah lor, cos I also dunno which menu is better. Let tcm doc see then give her input also good. They know what is best for us. then I know which caterer to shortlist. Hahahah!
Congrat joy on ur little prince!

Circle, hope u feeling better after applying the medication.
Hahaha! The cream not much effect one la. Haiz. Somemore must apply thinly and sparingly. Cannot use for prolonged period eg over 10 days. So I don't even dare to apply on my back cos it is such a big surface area. I just use baby powder for my back.
circle, oh no my 1st choice is actually natal essential. i think i saw mei cai roughly in their menu lol. gosh...rich food some say over rated. but then again since they all specialish in confinement food they should know what are the NO NO ingredients right thought thats the basic. other than myths from old wives tales i would want to believe this caterer should have done their researach. alamak headache. yes do let me know which caterer your tcm recommend ya...i also havent confirm order with any yet. why your back also kana itch? isit really sand fly bites then? like get it from mattress sheets? my is only at tummy area in front both sides. very ugly now cause i keep scratching. thought i pass the itch stage but now back again. i using baby powder now too on my tummy lol. i even feel like using snake powder the minty one lol but think maybe not suitable.

i am like shopping for after birth clothes liao but then i really dont know if i will slim down anot after birth. tempted to get but think will get only during confinement period. maybe at home free that time then start online shopping. i hope my old clothes can wear but i doubt so...i am one lose weight quite difficult after putting on. and plus csec finish cannot immediately massage tummy i think make the fats hard to go off....thats when i feel like trying natural birth lol

hi kitkats how is your prepartion so far? more stuffs done?
circle, oh no my 1st choice is actually natal essential. i think i saw mei cai roughly in their menu lol. gosh...rich food some say over rated. but then again since they all specialish in confinement food they should know what are the NO NO ingredients right thought thats the basic. other than myths from old wives tales i would want to believe this caterer should have done their researach. alamak headache. yes do let me know which caterer your tcm recommend ya...i also havent confirm order with any yet. why your back also kana itch? isit really sand fly bites then? like get it from mattress sheets? my is only at tummy area in front both sides. very ugly now cause i keep scratching. thought i pass the itch stage but now back again. i using baby powder now too on my tummy lol. i even feel like using snake powder the minty one lol but think maybe not suitable.

i am like shopping for after birth clothes liao but then i really dont know if i will slim down anot after birth. tempted to get but think will get only during confinement period. maybe at home free that time then start online shopping. i hope my old clothes can wear but i doubt so...i am one lose weight quite difficult after putting on. and plus csec finish cannot immediately massage tummy i think make the fats hard to go off....thats when i feel like trying natural birth lol

hi kitkats how is your prepartion so far? more stuffs done?
Actually I also wanted natal essential. My mom saw the menu then start to complain about the mei cai lor! But to be fair, she is against me catering in the first place. So she could be biased.

So eventually I told her I will ask my tcm doc for advice. And she agreed. At least we stopped arguing.

Haiz. Gp says it is just heat rash. Gynae says very common for preggy to get rash. It started with a - hole, bikini line. then spread to armpit then under bust. So i went to see gp. Then the small sand - fly like bumps started to appear in the folds of the v - area. That is when I freak out then go gynae. But gynae says nothing serious.

Sun I worked outdoor and had to wear dri-fit material. Then the bumps spread to my whole back lor. since it started, poss got 2 weeks liaoz.

Now I just hope it will disappear soon. If like that until delivery, think I will be super super super grumpy man. Cos u really can't sleep well. And it irritates u all day long.
Hi anyone conceived by ivf and having their babies in 2014?

Hi to all mummies here.. would like to ask which hospital u guys went to do IVF... im trying for bb...went for a test before, gyane said that my fallopian tube was block.. so i need to do IVF.. so was considering.. can i get some advice from here?

Thank you!!
