(2014) ivf mummies support group

Haha, ok will try to take a fat bom bom picture. iwantahealthybaby, maybe one is boy leh. Lol. I wash my clothing also no time already, still wash nappy cloth no way man.
Cheap one must see which type will not leak. Maybe can try in-house brand like fairprice or giant to see. Dolly very fast one leh, blink eye will be July and October is a busy month for me as my brother is getting married. Furthermore I got to prepare in case October deliver how. So only left with Jul, Aug and Sep to prepare. Somemore still need to install aircon and decorate for 2 houses.

Hahahaha ya dolly I am just so excited don't know leh in fact my store room no space already but I am
Just so enthu to get more and more macham giving birth tomorrow.

Cheerywalnuts one thing is about going fair. It's super crowded and the mummy market fair next is oct by then I probably would have given birth or left few weeks and may not be suitable to go out walk anymore. In fact I settle more of the stuffs now cause I can still walk and see. Sometimes u ask the hubbs to get hor they super blur one. They can only follow u ask them buy what brand but they go there see so many brands and so many comfort dry, super dry etc they sure blur. I rather see and chose myself. I am getting my cots or playpen and car seats too by end of this month. Probably after detail scan will get. After that I am more or less ready for babies arrival.

Lynncandy my dh also doesn't really want to call both princesses but I just tell him cannot like that doc say 90% we listen to doc 1st if not wait two princesses hear u hoping one boy she will be sad. After detail scan be it two girl girl or one girl one boy I am just happy that both are fine and well.

Ladies I also heard at trim 3 better don't walk around already. Stomach heavy and cannot walk much Liao will premature. Don't know how true. I wonder how bad if really keep staying home. And some mummies will have water retention at their feet which makes their shoe size become bigger Isit due to walking too much? I am quite worried about this cause I am one who walks a lot. U give me a day till today I can still go out from mrn to night and walk and shop around. Today I even ran after my niece but in a slow pace lol.
Cheerywalnuts, r u still feeling tired in the aftn? I'll always take an hour plus nap after lunch. Then now sleepy again.
Iwantahealthybaby, haha quite true! Unless they are the ones doing the research then will know better. Will shortlist the items after I got the pass me down items. Mb will only start buying after detailed scan
Yah.. i also waiting for detailed scan then start shopping. I see all the different brands and functions and baby things.. i wanna faint!
mschar, I am not too sure about week 14 scan as I am only doing week 22 scan with Dr Ananda. They told me to bring down my Oscar result to show him.
Counting down for iwantahealthybaby first to go for detailed scan next week. Oh man so tempted to go kkh for the detailed scan too next week but dh asked me to skip. Only got to wait till 5 July then can do detailed :( .
Circle, you must faster enjoy your holiday this week. After that chiong work already, wah chiong a few months then go on maternity. Your company is alright with that? If is my company I think I will get cuttlefish already. As I am like one man show, same goes to iwantahealthybaby. Nobody to really cover my duties. I am dreaming of the waffles with ice cream and rosti.
I think i am super heng. Boss got offer me to rest but I prefer to work. Coincidentally got a project that I can work on until end year. But I will be super super busy la. Heard from colleagues that I need to produce a video in 6 weeks.or.something
Ya loh better to divert the fee to Dr ananda. Haha. Dr Ananda like only does scan that's all. Don't think he does delivery and etc..sure the fees will be super high as he is a professor status.
Circle, can one but don't over stress. Good to work also so that time will flies. Then your beanie can have outside food everyday which he/she likes. So far you still have not manage to see gender?
If u all buying diaper can consider mummy poko new born. Cos their new born got a cut out section for umblical cord. The first few weeks, the cord still there and the diaper got a part that is cut off so wont touch the umblical cord.

Just seen my doc. I will see Dr Ananda next monday.
Bb_hc, so our detailed become the same day. Haha we are no.2 after iwantahealthybaby. You are with kkh or sgh or nuh? Oh man can't wait for detailed to double confirm chop the gender.
Dr tan says too small at week 15. Cannot see.. Ask me to wait until detailed scan. I was like thinking 'must be your machine lousy lah'. Hahaha!

I will have to try to relax and work hard at the same time. Hahaha!

Keep sneezing and blowing nose. Now like tummy area cramping and pain. Poss blow nose too often liaoz..
Dr tan says too small at week 15. Cannot see.. Ask me to wait until detailed scan. I was like thinking 'must be your machine lousy lah'. Hahaha!

I will have to try to relax and work hard at the same time. Hahaha!

Keep sneezing and blowing nose. Now like tummy area cramping and pain. Poss blow nose too often liaoz..

I had bad flu previously. For more than one week sneezing n blowing non stop. Now I recovered from flu but my nose allergy recurs in the morning everyday. But don't worry too much. Bb will b fine.
I was so careless just now. Forgot cannot cut things on bed! Trimmed a thread on my dress while the dress was on the bed and I was standing next to the bed!

My satay Beehoon from bedok 85. I just finish a bowl of pork porridge myself and this is my 2nd serving. Share with dh carrot cake and oyster omelette. Sinful hahaha
Daja no worries some is myth. I did cut open a mattress cover while standing beside my bed too. I even have furniture fixing and moving during my 1st trim. I still praying nothing will happen. Just don't think so much and stress yourself.
Daja Never mind already cut. Those ang mo also don't have this belief and they acut this and that in the bed. so should be alright. Don't think too much just next time be careful.
Circle, think is their room machine cannot see clearly. So you are waiting for detailed for the next appointment to scan? Wah can tahan? Kitkats also went private to scan. Sigh, the thing is that adc the machine and sonographer don't tell much also. Don't really can see what they are scanning. Hopefully detailed will be longer can at least see more.
Dolly got eat your dinner? Anymore shopping for you?
Iwantahealthybaby, driving out to eat supper now?
Omg, you are at Bedok 85. The satay mee hoon is super.. You are making me feel like driving there too. I just had longan soup dessert haha.
This is my dinner. If u wan come done for the satay Beehoon no more le uncle packing up. I am the last few in the que. What did u eat for dinner?

Circle, Ya at week 15 actually can see and I confirm kkh room machine not to that standard plus maybe ur beanie didn open legs that day for dr tan to scan.

I got exactly one week to my detail scan. Counting down
My dinner I asked dh packed bedok Central the hokkien mee and satay for me. I miss siglap udders the waffles with ice cream. I want waffles and rosti..
Oops.. my previous photo still making Lynn candy drool!

Daja, thanks for your sharing. I don't feel so bad with all my nose blowing. Don't worry about the cutting. My hubby even use sharp letter opener on the bed. Almost wanted to kill him.

Iwantahealthybaby, think I may just tong until detailed scan... If wanna go private gynae, poss got to go this week.
Circle better to go two weeks scan once rather than weekly. May sound too close lol.

Haiz talking about asking dh to get pampers or milk powder after I give birth. Why I don't trust leh. Hahaha now I ask him help me buy low fat milk in ntuc he can call me and double confirm what brand Isit this low fat hi calcium one. HL brand marigold or magnolia. Isit banana flavour n all. Alamak. When I already told him low fat fresh milk
Circle better to go two weeks scan once rather than weekly. May sound too close lol. Creamier waffle ice cream indeed is nice. I think we both have the same flavour chocolate Ferraro ice cream.

Haiz talking about asking dh to get pampers or milk powder after I give birth. Why I don't trust leh. Hahaha now I ask him help me buy low fat milk in ntuc he can call me and double confirm what brand Isit this low fat hi calcium one. HL brand marigold or magnolia. Isit banana flavour n all. Alamak. When I already told him low fat fresh milk
These few days been eating and eating... Sat steamboat, sun fathers day dinner and today steamboat again. Fat fat fat... Wed another round to go~~~
Alamak.. just now accidentally hit my tummy while changing my bolster cover. Hopefully bb is fine.
Creamier waffle ice cream really so yummy? I'm gg this sun with my frenz. Before tt we r gg for dim sum lunch at East ocean taka. So looking forward.
Next time will take a photo of what I want hubby to buy so tt he won't get the wrong things. My hubby can be v blur de.
Just talked to mil rgd confinement. She said she will cook lunch and dinner for me everyday. Afternoon help me take care of bb. But at night I gonna take care of bb myself. She wont be staying at my hse. Understand, she needs to rest too. If hire a cl, I don't need her to cook, what's the point. My mil doesn't trust confinement catering, she rather go market buy fresh ingredients everyday.
this is aft today's massage.. i use i palm for bust n stomach, one more palm for stomach lower back n thigh... it really abosrbs in2 my skin.. i guess my skin is too dry.

one thg 2note, wash hands with soap aft massagin 2avoid face gettin clogged...


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Lynncandy, u can smell I go shopping today ah... I went ofc for meeting n left ard 3 plus, slowly walk to yck mrt n took train to Raffles place my frd's shop n chitchat. a month ago she went korea n brought in clothes so I had already reserved some pieces liao. Slowly redeem the dresses over the weeks lor. Only regulars can reserved items w her n slowly redeem as time goesby... hahaa. We were joking by nov when I on ml it's aso winter period in korea, she won't bring in clothes too so I can rest my pocket as well..
Her clothes are all genuinely from korea so o trust the quality n good thing is she knows wat most of her customers need.. cover tummy n fat wings, all are free sizes unlike many shops bring in items from korea are mostly s or m which I totally can't wear at all even before I preggy.
Sumiko83, dun worry bb is protected by the thick cushioning of our tummy n uterus ;)
My dh will be doing confinement for me. Will teach him how to cook the dishes b4hand :D
Iwantahealthybaby, my last scan was 3 Jun so I can go private gynae this week cos 2 weeks liaoz.. but still thinking...

Meiling, I also eating big time! Parent 25th wedding anniversary dinner, brother bday, father day all in 1 week. Today my bro passes his driving after 3 times. Went to eat again. 3 weeks later going to eat shiok shiok again cos my bday coming with my dad and hubby.

Joymeme, I usually pour some on my palm then enough to rub tummy poss about 10 times round and round. Then palm still very oily so rub on the sides and butt. But I like the smell. Heehee.

Me lazier. Use baby wipes to clean palm. Works wonderfully cos totally not oily.
Sumiko83, dun worry bb is protected by the thick cushioning of our tummy n uterus ;)
My dh will be doing confinement for me. Will teach him how to cook the dishes b4hand :D
Cheerywalnuts, your hubby really awesome! Hardly hear any hubby will help wifey to do confinement. It's good in a way, u can plan your own menu. :D:D
Sumiko your mil best. Very very nice. Cheerywalnuts yr dh really is best lol. So sweet. Guess what my dh bought low fat milk but he didn buy twin pack. Thou the packet state twin pack cheaper but he say I didn say so he buy one hahaha. See why I sometimes prefer buy stuff myself. He is prefer black white and picture photo and he go find. If not instructions not clear he call a lot times to double check lol.

Circle can scan le this week. Go for private scan u more or less can confirm gender :) waiting for your gd news.
Circle, do not to rub in circular direction at tummy. Reason given by gynae Cos it actually will cause turbulence of the fluid in the water bag n may anger bb & tummy will harden after tt. Rationale: try moving ur palm in circular direction on the surface of calm water n u will know how the water will move in the water bag n disturb bb.

So rub the oil in 1 direction eg upwards from bottom to top for bump area. No issue for sides n butt in circular direction.
Circle, do not to rub in circular direction at tummy. Reason given by gynae Cos it actually will cause turbulence of the fluid in the water bag n may anger bb & tummy will harden after tt. Rationale: try moving ur palm in circular direction on the surface of calm water n u will know how the water will move in the water bag n disturb bb.

So rub the oil in 1 direction eg upwards from bottom to top for bump area. No issue for sides n butt in circular direction.

Oh! I was told to rub in 1 circular direction. like if u choose clockwise then always go clockwise. I didn't know it is rub from bottom to up. Hahahah!

now I learnt something. Hahaha!
Sumiko83 & iwantahealthybaby, nowadays he is always the one buying the groceries so I just focus on bbs. He dun allow me to carry heavy stuff. He dun like the idea of cl rather do the work himself.

My dad also did all the confinements for my mum for after she delivers last time. :)
Oh! I was told to rub in 1 circular direction. like if u choose clockwise then always go clockwise. I didn't know it is rub from bottom to up. Hahahah!

now I learnt something. Hahaha!
I learnt from my sil cos her gynae told her tt as she frequently got discomfort from the hard tummy. Gynae said bb angry n disturbed. So now I so-so my bump also bottom up ;)
Oh no I been rubbing my tummy in clockwise and anticlockwise till all cream absorb. Shit! Is this why my tummy is so hard now. Even when I not rubbing cream sometimes I soso tummy in circular direction.
Circle, do not to rub in circular direction at tummy. Reason given by gynae Cos it actually will cause turbulence of the fluid in the water bag n may anger bb & tummy will harden after tt. Rationale: try moving ur palm in circular direction on the surface of calm water n u will know how the water will move in the water bag n disturb bb.

So rub the oil in 1 direction eg upwards from bottom to top for bump area. No issue for sides n butt in circular direction.

Can we still so so tummy in circular motion on and off? Or also have to be upwards direction during so so time?
My bump at 13w4d. Jeans cannot button already but lucky i got lotsa baggy top so can cover the unzipped jeans.


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LynnCandy, I'm fine. :) Thank you for asking about me! :) I've been reading everyone's posts silently these days. Pardon me for not participating much.

I had my scan on 10 Jun. Dr Tan tried to see baby's gender but again baby's legs were closed. So he said wait for detailed scan to see the gender, which is going to be on 1 Jul.

Work as usual but sometimes the trainee agitates me even I've explained to her the rationale, she still cannot understand and not receptive and ask lots of redundant questions and gives black face as I think she is like 读死书 (she's taking her Masters now), can only do things one way, cannot do alternatives to achieve the same result. 草莓族.
Whahahaha 草莓族sounds so familiar. It's the 90s generation I guess.

Mschar u are a slim girl too :)

I don't feel like sleeping cause don't want to work tomorrow :(
Morning ladies, so glad to hear from you faithfullyyours. Iwantahealthybaby, your beanies want mummy to stay at home today? Haha. . My dh is also like yours very blurr one when buying things. I must take photo then he will know.
Dolly is shopping almost everyday wow..
Mschar is slim too.
