(2014/11) Nov 2014 Mummies

Hi mummies , I have question need ur advice.
I hav no ms at all ( no vomit) , like normal pregnant woman have... Only have no appetite in ard wk 6, after confirm pregnant by dr.
I keep asking ard frens , dr, TCM dr, relatives about this , answer still the same, no ms is good lor....
I don't know whether this is just their comforting word or they also don't know why.
Of course a lot of ppl said got ms means bb grow well , is good sign ....
I m very worry ...now in 12 wks still same...
Any mummies can advice ?

Have you visited yr gynae and is yr baby growing well? If so there is nothing to worry even if you do not have MS.

Mapleleafy - ya my Fren all 3 kids delivered under him and at least at tmc is doc scan Lor .. At govt hosp pay so much but scan by sonographer .. I thinking wan call up when to book him when I get my blood test results and after seeing my Gynae on 11 jun or 2 weeks later I will go see him first but I will only have the NT scan report only as I will only get my blood test report on 11 jun .. As also dun wan later next time I see him I missed the detailed scan deadline .. I know 2nd consultation then can book pkg as check with the nurse at tmc ..

I think likely I will wanna deliver at tmc under him .. Sgh only have the maternal pkg for hosp delivery which is either 1 bedded or 4 bedded .. I sld be choosing 2 bedded so have to deliver to tmc ..

Yep, I also decided to go to him when I saw my friend 36 weeks liao then gynae (shall not mention which one la but it's quite an atas one at a atas hospital) told her he'd be away during her 38-39 weeks... She felt super insecure about it and decided to last minute change doc & went to Dr Ben. Yar lor, my first few scans at NUH all done by sonographer as the scanning centre apparently has higher resolution machines, but after confirm hb my doc there will scan for him too, just that not very clear.

Maybe you wanna call Dr Ben clinic up to ask? Cos package starts at 12w right, and can only sign on second consultation, like that a bit lugi for you & I also dunno if they need to quickly book detailed scan for you cos when I called around 6+w, Dr Ben gave instructions to book OSCAR for me liao. For me is I just need to see him for reassurance cos at NUH my doc is really man of few words, and I 99% confirm I'm not delivering there unless I have twins la haha. NUH also same as SGH, only 1 bedded or 4 bedded, but I will be taking 1 bedded so no difference to me haha.
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Ya I also no ms but appetite not so good but I can still eat my food in though kinda not really into home cooked food now... If there is no bleeding or bad cramping baby sld b growing well ... All of us gets paranoid n worried abt our beanie here also haha
Hi mummies , I have question need ur advice.
I hav no ms at all ( no vomit) , like normal pregnant woman have... Only have no appetite in ard wk 6, after confirm pregnant by dr.
I keep asking ard frens , dr, TCM dr, relatives about this , answer still the same, no ms is good lor....
I don't know whether this is just their comforting word or they also don't know why.
Of course a lot of ppl said got ms means bb grow well , is good sign ....
I m very worry ...now in 12 wks still same...
Any mummies can advice ?

I also worry like you, cos I also no ms at all, appetite super good & sleep super a lot. Everyone I know whom I asked said they at least also will vomit a few times but mostly is nausea. Got 2 told me they vomit until very jialat. Only one lady told me she got no ms at all, and her son is now Pri 6 liao, a very healthy handsome boy! :) Don't worry, I know it's easier said than done cos I still worry, but there's nothing we can do, must keep positive...
Yep, I also decided to go to him when I saw my friend 36 weeks liao then gynae (shall not mention which one la but it's quite an atas one at a atas hospital) told her he'd be away during her 38-39 weeks... She felt super insecure about it and decided to last minute change doc & went to Dr Ben. Yar lor, my first few scans at NUH all done by sonographer as the scanning centre apparently has higher resolution machines, but after confirm hb my doc there will scan for him too, just that not very clear.

Maybe you wanna call Dr Ben clinic up to ask? Cos package starts at 12w right, and can only sign on second consultation, like that a bit lugi for you & I also dunno if they need to quickly book detailed scan for you cos when I called around 6+w, Dr Ben gave instructions to book OSCAR for me liao. For me is I just need to see him for reassurance cos at NUH my doc is really man of few words, and I 99% confirm I'm not delivering there unless I have twins la haha. NUH also same as SGH, only 1 bedded or 4 bedded, but I will be taking 1 bedded so no difference to me haha.

Ya think I shall call tmr and ask so that I can be under pkg the next time round
Yep, I also decided to go to him when I saw my friend 36 weeks liao then gynae (shall not mention which one la but it's quite an atas one at a atas hospital) told her he'd be away during her 38-39 weeks... She felt super insecure about it and decided to last minute change doc & went to Dr Ben. Yar lor, my first few scans at NUH all done by sonographer as the scanning centre apparently has higher resolution machines, but after confirm hb my doc there will scan for him too, just that not very clear.

Maybe you wanna call Dr Ben clinic up to ask? Cos package starts at 12w right, and can only sign on second consultation, like that a bit lugi for you & I also dunno if they need to quickly book detailed scan for you cos when I called around 6+w, Dr Ben gave instructions to book OSCAR for me liao. For me is I just need to see him for reassurance cos at NUH my doc is really man of few words, and I 99% confirm I'm not delivering there unless I have twins la haha. NUH also same as SGH, only 1 bedded or 4 bedded, but I will be taking 1 bedded so no difference to me haha.

Huh? Package can only be sign upon 12 weeks leh.. Earlier then that cannot sign up de... For both time I only get to sign up at 12 weeks..

Oscar and detail the nurse will auto book for u one..
Not pooopi but I also no ms at all, and super good appetite... The only symptoms I have is eat a lot and sleep a lot... (not quite like preggie lol)

Haha.. Ya lo.. Only once in a while suddenly feel nausea.. In 1st tri...

But 2 mins later no more Liao.. Just eat again.. Haha..

Only sign I have is face lots of small pimple...
Huh? Package can only be sign upon 12 weeks leh.. Earlier then that cannot sign up de... For both time I only get to sign up at 12 weeks..

Oscar and detail the nurse will auto book for u one..

Yep, but I'm unsure about Dor Dor's situation as she already had her NT scan done at SGH so I guess she's ready to sign package with Dr Ben liao, so I thought can call up clinic to ask them :)
Haha.. Ya lo.. Only once in a while suddenly feel nausea.. In 1st tri...

But 2 mins later no more Liao.. Just eat again.. Haha..

Only sign I have is face lots of small pimple...

I dun even get anything at all except that one second will gag after I put on retainers before bed, cos you know that plastic taste on your tongue mixed with a bit residue toothpaste, so yucks la haha!

My face also chui... Redness on cheeks, pimples on chin, dark rings like look worse though I've been sleeping so much, and my face looks bloated up like 1/4 size bigger! (but nose not bigger aiya...)
Hi ladies, I would like to know after going into 14 weeks other than folic acid, what else should be taken? Cos my doc only give me folic acid leh.. And stop my duphaston.

Har how come. I got calcium and aspirin (to prevent pre-emclapsia), fish oil and multivitamin (inc. iron) at week 13. My folic acid finish liao
Omg I feel so very bloated after lunch till now. I dun even dare eat much...I ate like few mouthful n I feel so full...
Hao xin ku!!
I got eat... Even sashimi my gynae also say can eat cos the claims about bacteria spreading via placenta is not medically backed but my hubby dun let me eat... :(
Most say cannot eat la. My private gynae says everything in moderation. Sushi tei cuts its sashimi fresh so usually better than those on conveyor belt. Depends if u wanna risk a not la. I have a buddy mommy who ate when she can't tahan. She will drink hot tea after swallowing so that it cooks the fish on the way to tummy. Hahaha!
Most say cannot eat la. My private gynae says everything in moderation. Sushi tei cuts its sashimi fresh so usually better than those on conveyor belt. Depends if u wanna risk a not la. I have a buddy mommy who ate when she can't tahan. She will drink hot tea after swallowing so that it cooks the fish on the way to tummy. Hahaha!

Yeah lor NUH says cannot eat, TMC ok with everything in moderation. But hubby dun let me eat! Actually I dare to eat la hahaha! I used to have sushi tei like on weekly basis... And there's a sashimi sushi place along the old shophouses near Raffles hospital got really fresh sashimi but quite steep. Aiyoh sashimi withdrawal...
Yeah lor NUH says cannot eat, TMC ok with everything in moderation. But hubby dun let me eat! Actually I dare to eat la hahaha! I used to have sushi tei like on weekly basis... And there's a sashimi sushi place along the old shophouses near Raffles hospital got really fresh sashimi but quite steep. Aiyoh sashimi withdrawal...
Same here ....
Out of topic , any ladies constipated till swollen at back side and below ?

You got squeeze very hard? Must not ah cos once I squeezed too hard then inside piles also came out, very super pain for a week until it shrunk back in. I constipated very badly too, like 6-7 days then poo one time & 2-3 pieces only, like stones. Now got a bit better, 2-3 days can poo but also 2-3 pieces...
Huh? Package can only be sign upon 12 weeks leh.. Earlier then that cannot sign up de... For both time I only get to sign up at 12 weeks..

Oscar and detail the nurse will auto book for u one..

I sld be able to sign up becoz I already 12w but I am planning to book my first consultation with dr than abt 14w and 1st consultation is can't sign up pkg one .. Muz next one then can sign the pkg .. So sld b ok .. Becoz I dun wan see him too late n mixed my detailed or any impt scan period also then have to do at sgh again
Out of topic , any ladies constipated till swollen at back side and below ?
If u r constipated can drink the soften stool de.. My Gyane prescribe and ask me to drink 10ml day and night.. Zzzzz I need to cut down to 5ml I thk.. Today whole day ls lo.. Literally water tap kind... Zzzzz...
You got squeeze very hard? Must not ah cos once I squeezed too hard then inside piles also came out, very super pain for a week until it shrunk back in. I constipated very badly too, like 6-7 days then poo one time & 2-3 pieces only, like stones. Now got a bit better, 2-3 days can poo but also 2-3 pieces...
Yes .... Cos all struck there dun want to come out .. All like rock ... Struck in the toilet screaming like one hour!!! Keep calling for water , stand sit stand sit ... Just dun want to come out . Then finally out but swollen like hell !!! Sit also pain ... Still got to endure driving 45 mins to meet client ... Sigh...
I sld be able to sign up becoz I already 12w but I am planning to book my first consultation with dr than abt 14w and 1st consultation is can't sign up pkg one .. Muz next one then can sign the pkg .. So sld b ok .. Becoz I dun wan see him too late n mixed my detailed or any impt scan period also then have to do at sgh again

Oh.. Okok... But should be ok la... U can go earlier also.. Haha.. Den can see bb sooner.. LOL..
Yes .... Cos all struck there dun want to come out .. All like rock ... Struck in the toilet screaming like one hour!!! Keep calling for water , stand sit stand sit ... Just dun want to come out . Then finally out but swollen like hell !!! Sit also pain ... Still got to endure driving 45 mins to meet client ... Sigh...

Agonising lor I also squeezed 45 min or one hour before getting 2-3 pieces out... I used to have super regular daily bowel movement de...
Agonising lor I also squeezed 45 min or one hour before getting 2-3 pieces out... I used to have super regular daily bowel movement de...
Extremely !!! This is the 2nd time I encounter, but 1st time not swollen ... This time round it's so swollen ... Scream until machiam like giving birth !! Gosh ...
Wah.. U all constipated till so Jia lat ar... Better take some stool softener.. Dr Tham don't allow me to be slightly constipated.. When he ask me: how huh? Pass motion ok or not? I say depends lo.. He say no depends... Prescribe me the stool softener.. Haha.. I was like ok lo...

I make sure I go toilet everyday... So far so good... Smooth smooth..

Ask for sashimi, dr Tham also green light one.. Haha.. But I nv take sashimi so to me it's ok.. I have friend who took sashimi all the way lo.. Baby also come out like that healthy.. Moderation is the key word...

I still take salad.. But I like to do myself.. Outside salad go thru so many hands.. But sometimes I'll still take la.. Haha.. I like to boil broccoli and dip with Cesar sauce.. Last time on diet, I'll prepare, chicken fillet boil then the water I use it to boil potato and broccoli then not wasted.. All the essence inside the chicken soup...
Duphalac? that one I take one teaspoon haha...
Yaya.. That's the first one he prescribe.. Super sweet.. Haha.. Then when I admitted for surgery he prescience another one.. That one is white colour de.. Super yucky!!! I nearly puke each time I drink... Then I switch to duphalac.. Easier to swallow...
Agonising lor I also squeezed 45 min or one hour before getting 2-3 pieces out... I used to have super regular daily bowel movement de...

Maybe eat more fruits will help becoz I realised if everyday I ate like abt 2 servings of fruits I go to toilet like quite frequently n stools come out v fast but sometimes quite watery also
Oh.. Okok... But should be ok la... U can go earlier also.. Haha.. Den can see bb sooner.. LOL..

Hahah ya so I pace my consultation at 2 weeks later I can see bb then another 2 weeks later I will see my sgh Gynae for my blood test result hahha .. If not 4 mths wait like torturing hahha
Maybe eat more fruits will help becoz I realised if everyday I ate like abt 2 servings of fruits I go to toilet like quite frequently n stools come out v fast but sometimes quite watery also
Ytd just ate 2 oranges ... For feeling will need to go poo... Today still constipated badly . I touched already want to faint ... Then Hb still say must be the durian I ate 2 days back . I thought durian fiber alot should poo easier ?
Hahah ya so I pace my consultation at 2 weeks later I can see bb then another 2 weeks later I will see my sgh Gynae for my blood test result hahha .. If not 4 mths wait like torturing hahha
U mean 4 weeks wait? Haha...
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Is it the same as what you ladies are getting ?
Duphalac is good, but I'm not consistent in taking everyday haha like after second day no poo then I go take lol I'm trying to convince my hubby that we should go whack sashimi after OSCAR... he's not buying it yet! Must jiayou!
Haha where you stay ? We go eat together la..
Wah.. U all constipated till so Jia lat ar... Better take some stool softener.. Dr Tham don't allow me to be slightly constipated.. When he ask me: how huh? Pass motion ok or not? I say depends lo.. He say no depends... Prescribe me the stool softener.. Haha.. I was like ok lo...

I make sure I go toilet everyday... So far so good... Smooth smooth..

Ask for sashimi, dr Tham also green light one.. Haha.. But I nv take sashimi so to me it's ok.. I have friend who took sashimi all the way lo.. Baby also come out like that healthy.. Moderation is the key word...

I still take salad.. But I like to do myself.. Outside salad go thru so many hands.. But sometimes I'll still take la.. Haha.. I like to boil broccoli and dip with Cesar sauce.. Last time on diet, I'll prepare, chicken fillet boil then the water I use it to boil potato and broccoli then not wasted.. All the essence inside the chicken soup...

alamak I'm super non-compliant with not compulsory medications de like duphalac, constipate liao then take, think better take in case Dr Ben asks... Yeah lor he's like sashimi also ok, I was so happy to hear that lor but hubby refused to bulge! I'll ask again next visit & hopefully Dr Ben's words can convince my hubby to let me have one or two plates of sashimi pleassssse... :(

I make salad with potatoes, baby tomatoes, celery, seedless grapes, mayo and add sugar~ yummy!

Maybe eat more fruits will help becoz I realised if everyday I ate like abt 2 servings of fruits I go to toilet like quite frequently n stools come out v fast but sometimes quite watery also

I eat 1 orange and random fruits everyday (anything that I fancy that day) but like not much help leh... Is it cos I like heaty fruits like jack fruit and mangoes that's why no poo?
