(2014/11) Nov 2014 Mummies

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Is it the same as what you ladies are getting ?

Mine from my Gyane is like that..
Yours looks like dr Lawrence Ang de.. Haha..

Ic . Then why now dun go back to him ?
Haha.. Long Long story..

The waiting time also too long.. I get to wait 2 hrs den go in less den 5 mins come out Liao.. Wth...

And he is really not the assuring type lo... After my loss I just decided that I cannot stick with this Gyane, I need someone who can give me assurance and willing to spent ample time with each of the patients.. Dr Lawrence Ang can go if uncomplicated pregnancy la... Mine will be complicated to start with so definitely not going back to him le...

With dr tham, the most I waited is 1hr cuz the nurse Blurr ask me to come at 1pm which is Gyane lunch time. But usually very fast get to see him le. With appt. within 30mins.

Dr Ang too chop chop le.. I feel if got something wrong he also might missed it.. Not caring enough also.. Haha.. I feel la... No offence... :)
Haha.. Long Long story..

The waiting time also too long.. I get to wait 2 hrs den go in less den 5 mins come out Liao.. Wth...

And he is really not the assuring type lo... After my loss I just decided that I cannot stick with this Gyane, I need someone who can give me assurance and willing to spent ample time with each of the patients.. Dr Lawrence Ang can go if uncomplicated pregnancy la... Mine will be complicated to start with so definitely not going back to him le...

With dr tham, the most I waited is 1hr cuz the nurse Blurr ask me to come at 1pm which is Gyane lunch time. But usually very fast get to see him le. With appt. within 30mins.

Dr Ang too chop chop le.. I feel if got something wrong he also might missed it.. Not caring enough also.. Haha.. I feel la... No offence... :)
Ic .. Dun worry . It's all depend on individual preference . Well I agree he's consulting time is real fast . But your waiting time is real long . Normally I took an hour wait . Will go Jalan Jalan first lol .
Heard dr tham not bad also. Hmmm ...maybe will discuss with Hb see if he wants to change
I eat 1 orange and random fruits everyday (anything that I fancy that day) but like not much help leh... Is it cos I like heaty fruits like jack fruit and mangoes that's why no poo?

My Fren told me dun take too much orange else will have a lot of phlegm n dunno will affect bb anot .. So I usually only eat apples, grapes n kiwi .. Once in awhile jackfruit Or one slice of papaya .. Think u try to avoid taking too much heaty fruit unless u drink a lot of water also
Actually I v kiasi compared to u ladies hahha .. I totally stay off sashimi now though I like .. I dun take salad at all (but last time I already not huge salad fan Liao) then half boil egg n scrambled eggs also dun dare to take , those shell seafood like mussels, clams etc I stay off also .. For hot drinks I will take either milo or cereal only .. Tea also out only occasionally ..
Ic .. Dun worry . It's all depend on individual preference . Well I agree he's consulting time is real fast . But your waiting time is real long . Normally I took an hour wait . Will go Jalan Jalan first lol .
Heard dr tham not bad also. Hmmm ...maybe will discuss with Hb see if he wants to change

Ya.. Wait until I angry lo.. Cuz I'm super hungry... Lol..

Initially I wanted to go see Dr Tham de just that hubby say too far don't want.. Haiz.. If only if only I insist maybe things will be different today.. Maybe dr Tham could spot things and prevent it from happening.. Maybe.. Haiz...

But now I'm with him I'm feeling I'm in good hands.. Just pray hard that this pregnancy will be smooth and no surprise complications... *fingers crossed, whole body twisted*
Ya.. Wait until I angry lo.. Cuz I'm super hungry... Lol..

Initially I wanted to go see Dr Tham de just that hubby say too far don't want.. Haiz.. If only if only I insist maybe things will be different today.. Maybe dr Tham could spot things and prevent it from happening.. Maybe.. Haiz...

But now I'm with him I'm feeling I'm in good hands.. Just pray hard that this pregnancy will be smooth and no surprise complications... *fingers crossed, whole body twisted*
Dun worry .. Everything will be okie
Actually I v kiasi compared to u ladies hahha .. I totally stay off sashimi now though I like .. I dun take salad at all (but last time I already not huge salad fan Liao) then half boil egg n scrambled eggs also dun dare to take , those shell seafood like mussels, clams etc I stay off also .. For hot drinks I will take either milo or cereal only .. Tea also out only occasionally ..

It's good to be cautious, but I just cannot control my cravings. Dun eat feel so miserable... The only things I never touch at all is sashimi (against my own will), coffee & alcohol. Ice cream, cold drinks all take but little bit la cos my mum will scold me...
Ya.. Wait until I angry lo.. Cuz I'm super hungry... Lol..

Initially I wanted to go see Dr Tham de just that hubby say too far don't want.. Haiz.. If only if only I insist maybe things will be different today.. Maybe dr Tham could spot things and prevent it from happening.. Maybe.. Haiz...

But now I'm with him I'm feeling I'm in good hands.. Just pray hard that this pregnancy will be smooth and no surprise complications... *fingers crossed, whole body twisted*

Yeah... we will always wonder what if... if only... that's why I'm not staying with NUH for delivery too cos I feel they have too many patients & not every gynae scans at every checkup to give me more assurance that things are as well as it can possibly be. Though it's been said bad things cannot be prevented but I think docs should realise anything not right asap & not let things drag on until suddenly, oops sorry no hb etc.
It's good to be cautious, but I just cannot control my cravings. Dun eat feel so miserable... The only things I never touch at all is sashimi (against my own will), coffee & alcohol. Ice cream, cold drinks all take but little bit la cos my mum will scold me...

I dun really have any cravings so still ok jus tat have to really control for the food I really like only .. But also can't resist ice cream n cold drinks lol .. Also drink n eat that once in awhile
Yeah... we will always wonder what if... if only... that's why I'm not staying with NUH for delivery too cos I feel they have too many patients & not every gynae scans at every checkup to give me more assurance that things are as well as it can possibly be. Though it's been said bad things cannot be prevented but I think docs should realise anything not right asap & not let things drag on until suddenly, oops sorry no hb etc.

Ya.. All by one Gyane and he know what happen is the best..
I dun really have any cravings so still ok jus tat have to really control for the food I really like only .. But also can't resist ice cream n cold drinks lol .. Also drink n eat that once in awhile

I miss BR ice cream... That day my evil hubby bought Mac ice cream and eating so shiock but only give me 2 licks plus a big of cone! Actually hor I really quite buay kiasi, I drink cold milk straight from the fridge, and juices too everyday...
Ya.. All by one Gyane and he know what happen is the best..

After a previous loss then I realised the importance (to me personally) to have a very reassuring and warm gynae... cos it makes all the difference even if the end result couldn't be changed, but a sympathetic gynae would be much preferred to a professional matter of fact one...
I miss BR ice cream... That day my evil hubby bought Mac ice cream and eating so shiock but only give me 2 licks plus a big of cone! Actually hor I really quite buay kiasi, I drink cold milk straight from the fridge, and juices too everyday...

Hahahh my hubby dun control me till like that so I get to eat the whole ice cream hahah .. Ok la your hubby also concerned n worried for u hahah .. For me usually I will leave the cold milk or cold drinks out awhile so tat it's not so cold when I drink .. Becoz actually if every time drink cold drink it may not affect us really badly but heard from my Fren that for the baby health not so good n keep falling sick .. As my Fren said 1st child she totally nvr touch any cold drinks tru out the 10 mths then after that she got then her 2nd and 3rd child health not as good .. So better play safe also
Hahahh my hubby dun control me till like that so I get to eat the whole ice cream hahah .. Ok la your hubby also concerned n worried for u hahah .. For me usually I will leave the cold milk or cold drinks out awhile so tat it's not so cold when I drink .. Becoz actually if every time drink cold drink it may not affect us really badly but heard from my Fren that for the baby health not so good n keep falling sick .. As my Fren said 1st child she totally nvr touch any cold drinks tru out the 10 mths then after that she got then her 2nd and 3rd child health not as good .. So better play safe also

Oh dear, then I better leave my drinks out also... I only heard my cousin say before her first child never take tonics & birds nest, then very healthy... second child (cos it's boy so her MIL everyday bring over birds nest and tonics) got eat then asthma and weaker, fall sick easily... So I dun dare take birds nest lor...
Mapleleafy - ya better to control still better becoz next time if child suffer parents will suffer also .. Tat time I got one ex colleague also she dun care n everyday drink coke one .. Her child like frequently sick also. Tat time she took npl for 2 yrs to look after her 2 young kids .. She said one year spent on medical like almost $9k for both of them as constantly sick .. It's up to individual to believe anot also but better be safe still .. I think bird nest maybe occasionally can take but dun take so often also as I also dunno whether good or not and some brands may not be so pure or good
Wah.. All got new supplements to take.. My doc instead ask me take folic acid only.. And gaviscon for my bloating n gassy stomach.. These few days also constipate badly.. I ate lots of fruits and drank lots of water but my poo poo dun come out well..

So is it a must to take fish oil and calcium tablets? My knee is hurting cos of my old injury..

Was thinking if need fish oil I can start taking fish oil again.. But how many mg of fish oil??

My doc like think folic acid is enough leh... I only can drink my Meiji milk to get calcium now
I think from milk can get calcium so no need to get calcium tablets but I heard fish oil is good but I am not prescribed that and I forgot to ask. Will ask my Gynae next time but I heard that fish oil got some taste that some may not like.. Having folic acid sld be not enuf becoz u need other nutrients also unless u ensure that u have good n healthy food that u can absorb the nutrients .. If not some supplements sld still be better ba ..
After a previous loss then I realised the importance (to me personally) to have a very reassuring and warm gynae... cos it makes all the difference even if the end result couldn't be changed, but a sympathetic gynae would be much preferred to a professional matter of fact one...

Ya... I need lots of reassurance..

Given my situation my friend ask me to go nuh recurrent miscarriage. But I say if I miss out something nv tell the new doc or dr Tham know something that the new doc don't know? Then tragic might happen again.. So I choose to stay.

I trust dr Tham that he is the kind of doc he know he can handle the case if can't then he will refer Liao.

That day when I went for my op. He went to my ward to see me before I was wheel to the ot, I was surprised by that. I tot only get to see him in ot. As always greeted by his entu 'hi' haha.. Then he came in my ward sayang my leg and told me that things is gonna be alright. Don't worry..

Then as the nurse wheel me to the nurse station to take lift down to the ot, dr Tham also at the station doing some paper work. This time he turn and sayang my tummy and told me once again that everything is going to be alright ask me not to be scare..

Inside ot, he keep assuring me that soon will be over.. Everything will be fine de things like that.. Even crack joke to ease my anxiety.. Cuz my veins are very fine de very hard to find.. He say: Wah.. Nv do exercise huh.. I was like, Keke.. =P

Then he say, the veins see me scare Liao.. Lol.. All run and hide disappear Liao..

Haha.. But I was even anxious.. Guess I know I'm in good hands that's y I don't feel anxious at all.. Throughout the whole procedure he just keep assuring me that everything is going to be ok.. Don't worry don't scare.. Haha..

After op, told us what we need to know.. Assure me that the surgery went well.. Usually, the op is a day surgery but to be safer dr tham still
Ward me for a night to observe.. But I'm more then happy to stay.. Haha..

I love him lo.. Haha.. He is so assuring and nice and funny.. Lol.. But he can be straight at times.. Like he need to abandon my iui cycle but each time I surprise him with something.. I conceive this baby naturally with the abandon iui cycle.. Haha.. He also very surprise and when scan he also wordless.. Lol.. I rmb when he scan the bb he said: you are so ......... Nv say Liao.. Haha.. Den I wanted to continue by saying, 'amazing, I know!!' Lol.. But nv.. Haha..

Counting down week by week... Each week is a milestone for me... *fingers crossed*
I think from milk can get calcium so no need to get calcium tablets but I heard fish oil is good but I am not prescribed that and I forgot to ask. Will ask my Gynae next time but I heard that fish oil got some taste that some may not like.. Having folic acid sld be not enuf becoz u need other nutrients also unless u ensure that u have good n healthy food that u can absorb the nutrients .. If not some supplements sld still be better ba ..

Ya lor.. I also forgot to ask.. The next time I see him is like 2 weeks later.. Maybe can start taking my own fish oil first.. Haha.. I dun eat very healthy leh.. Till now I still hate the taste of veggie... Only taking broccoli.. Other than tat I dun like leh..
Ask a curious question.

There's a old wife tale saying that if heartbeat below 140 then shld be a boy and above 140 is gal?

Any mummies here with opp examples to prove if it's true anot?
Can anyone advise if we can eat salad ? Sushi Teh salad? Without sashimi ?

I avoid large amount of salad, like the whole salad as a meal. Cos read somewhere if the leaves don't wash properly there is bacteria (listeria?). Forgot what the possible side effects are. But for established places like Sushi Tei it should be ok lor
I think from milk can get calcium so no need to get calcium tablets but I heard fish oil is good but I am not prescribed that and I forgot to ask. Will ask my Gynae next time but I heard that fish oil got some taste that some may not like.. Having folic acid sld be not enuf becoz u need other nutrients also unless u ensure that u have good n healthy food that u can absorb the nutrients .. If not some supplements sld still be better ba ..

Yeah the fish oil has a weird taste and I suspect it's making me puke more than ever. Im already 14 wks but no sign of ms subsiding
Yeah the fish oil has a weird taste and I suspect it's making me puke more than ever. Im already 14 wks but no sign of ms subsiding
This one no fishy smell/taste(; that's why the counter staff say is a bit more expensive.


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Yeah the fish oil has a weird taste and I suspect it's making me puke more than ever. Im already 14 wks but no sign of ms subsiding

Har? The fishy smell... Lol.. My ms subsided... Energy level increasing n I'm going bk to work Liao... Thinking of waking up early abit sian.. Hah.. Had been slping till noon everyday.. Now must wake up at 8am abit tired. Lol
Ask a curious question.

There's a old wife tale saying that if heartbeat below 140 then shld be a boy and above 140 is gal?

Any mummies here with opp examples to prove if it's true anot?
hahaha. not really lar. bb when in earlier wks. will have higher hb.
be it boy or gal. when later stage the hb will drop to ard 130 when above wk30.
so i tink hb is nt tat accurate on boy or gal...
They are in capsules shld not hv smell right?
Mine is ok...it's call pre natal tri care I think...
My gf also having the gel capsule type for her fish oil, and she says stinky. So i immediately ask for no smell/taste once gynae gave me DHA/EPA for 2nd tri.
Woah piang! My colleague 'lai-ang', kiap tissue paper as pad while she go ard discreetly n ask for pad. Then who knows the stained tissue drop right at my work station!
I wanna cry man, why like that! *feels like banging head on the wall*
I only measured once at TMC, not above 170 too.

Anyone has difficulty peeing? I have a few times liao so urgent but cannot pee... sobs!
no lei. the most is i always go toilet. like now i go. mayb another 15mins later feel the urge. then go not much pee.
tink is bb pressing on the bladder ..

u is totally unable to pee??? any pain???
Woah piang! My colleague 'lai-ang', kiap tissue paper as pad while she go ard discreetly n ask for pad. Then who knows the stained tissue drop right at my work station!
I wanna cry man, why like that! *feels like banging head on the wall*
alamak. hw can the tissue drop out? omg. ur colleague got pai sei ma???

I only measured once at TMC, not above 170 too.

Anyone has difficulty peeing? I have a few times liao so urgent but cannot pee... sobs!

Sometimes I also like tat.. It's abit of uti... Keep drinking water.. Go toilet must wipe clean.. I think awhile later u will be ok... :)
