(2014/11) Nov 2014 Mummies

CL not cheap and not easy to grab a good one. Confinement food catering is an option to relief some work from my mum.

Any experienced mummies bought doppler?

Maybe can get those daytime CL? At least for pple to cook for u and help u out during daytime and u can rest as much as possible den night time do u
The feeding in ur own...
I'm not getting CL, hubby says engage one & also ask MIL & my mum to help but I'm not comfy with outsiders living together so I insist no. I hope to be able to do some light chores after first week, can't possibly really lie there one month? I'm someone who likes doing most things myself de.
Oh~ changes in features? I just look in the mirror, like skin quite chiu... Nose become bigger by how much? Very big difference? lol Actually boys are really nice too, my hubby & his bro 两兄弟 so super close, I envy their brotherly love. I'll love to have a boy :)

And dinner tonight is curry chicken~


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anyway I aso thot if bf bb, at nite aso have to wake up rite even got CL. so we thot might as well dun engage CL. I tik its the costs tat my dh heard got a jump. I told him its ard 2.8-3k for a good one but how do we know who is good n many are booked when we call up so we gave up looking for one.
since dh is a freelancer, his timing aso flexible, can help out at home if needed I guess but my gfs said dun rely on men wor...let's see how by then, dun want to tik too much . let me pass my Oscar & detailed scan first then start tik into more details bah..

My hubby is a teacher, just right school holidays when give birth. We try to save on confinement lady cos he can help me
Can eat curry? I love curry but pple say avoid coconut stuff?

I also heard from other people avoid 黄姜粉 (will have inside curry powder, means Malay food mostly cannot eat too) cos baby will turn yellow/orange, but I feel like no logic... Quite sure our Muslim friends still eat curry & lontong & they still have babies ah... Basically I just eat whatever I crave, and I've been craving a lot of food so too tortuous to not eat them all. Everything in moderation bah but I do hear coconut water too cooling, cannot drink until last 1 month or so.
I also heard from other people avoid 黄姜粉 (will have inside curry powder, means Malay food mostly cannot eat too) cos baby will turn yellow/orange, but I feel like no logic... Quite sure our Muslim friends still eat curry & lontong & they still have babies ah... Basically I just eat whatever I crave, and I've been craving a lot of food so too tortuous to not eat them all. Everything in moderation bah but I do hear coconut water too cooling, cannot drink until last 1 month or so.

Oh no... last weekend ,, ate curry fish head .. lontong sometimes is my breakfast choice..
Coconut water you can drink 1-2 months before your due date..
Oh no... last weekend ,, ate curry fish head .. lontong sometimes is my breakfast choice..
Coconut water you can drink 1-2 months before your due date..

That's what other people say, I heard from but I don't follow... just think that as long as eating in moderation it's ok de, I just had lontong this morning too haha. The only thing I don't touch is sashimi, though I love love LOVE sashimi & all sorts of raw/half-cooked shell fish! During tww I also attend funeral (straight from hospital on ET day & went 3 days continuously) means kneeling up & down during rituals, I ate watermelon, papaya, sashimi, everything actually. I also didn't take the recommended foods like chicken essence, red dates drink etc cos I did everything during first cycle, pregnant but lost it. This time I told myself just be normal & happy. Don't think too much, if you are craving it means baby craving it, as long as not dangerous food like raw fish then I think not big problem bah~ just my opinion la :)
Oh~ changes in features? I just look in the mirror, like skin quite chiu... Nose become bigger by how much? Very big difference? lol Actually boys are really nice too, my hubby & his bro 两兄弟 so super close, I envy their brotherly love. I'll love to have a boy :)

And dinner tonight is curry chicken~
Wow! U cook it? Looks yummy. U still gt mood n craving. Me moodless n laying on bed for days but feelg slight better liao. No choice.

Yes it works to listen to baby hb. If you r the paranoid type of mummies, maybe not advisable cos sometimes is not easy to find the correct spot and u might get panic and stress
Wow! U cook it? Looks yummy. U still gt mood n craving. Me moodless n laying on bed for days but feelg slight better liao. No choice.

I'm happy that you're feeling better today! :) Yep I cooked it, woke up early morning go market eat lontong & buy ingredients come home grind. I love to cook. Actually I got no ms at all, besides eating a lot & sleeping a lot there's no difference in my lifestyle. How many more weeks for you until 2nd tri? Most people says it gets infinitely better! Hang on there gal!
Thanks Babypom. I'm considering to get one. just so to be assured if bleeding happens again. Hopefully won't end up paranoid!
I'm happy that you're feeling better today! :) Yep I cooked it, woke up early morning go market eat lontong & buy ingredients come home grind. I love to cook. Actually I got no ms at all, besides eating a lot & sleeping a lot there's no difference in my lifestyle. How many more weeks for you until 2nd tri? Most people says it gets infinitely better! Hang on there gal!
Sooooo nice that u gt no MS n still can go market n cook. Before that i used to cook but now... My dear i ve been laying on bed for days if nt feelg any better then i will cry. Nxt week 3mths liao. Going for my oscar scan on thur.
Wah, this thread moved so fast, omg... Sorry I am like a random stranger barging into your conversation because I don't log in much. But... But... Please don't forget me...

I want to just let you girls know the CL part - though CL don't do night feeds, actually, the most important part is then do everything in the day so you can rest. My experience with my no 1 was, my MIL cooked for me and did confinement for me. My job was to rest, occasionally slot in massage sessions, and feed baby when hungry, then rest n sleep again whenever possible... Because the night duty really solely falls on us, especially if you are intending to bf. I am currently torn too because my mil is getting old, and she has to take care of my no 1 too. And I don't feel like getting a stranger to live in the house for even that one month, but I might give in because ordering tingkat only solves the cooking part. There is still the washing... Taking care of baby ( trust me, they have high needs)... And if you want your massage, hmmmm... You still need someone too be around.
Oh, and there is the follow up to poly clinics if your baby kena jaundice. That will zap time and energy from you. I kena that last round, and my boy has prolonged jaundice so much so that we had to take him to poly clinics every other day to monitor. Like that, how to rest?
I'm happy that you're feeling better today! :) Yep I cooked it, woke up early morning go market eat lontong & buy ingredients come home grind. I love to cook. Actually I got no ms at all, besides eating a lot & sleeping a lot there's no difference in my lifestyle. How many more weeks for you until 2nd tri? Most people says it gets infinitely better! Hang on there gal!

envy those who loves and can cook...
Sooooo nice that u gt no MS n still can go market n cook. Before that i used to cook but now... My dear i ve been laying on bed for days if nt feelg any better then i will cry. Nxt week 3mths liao. Going for my oscar scan on thur.

Don't cry, tomorrow will be even better than today. I think for ladies like you who have bad ms, feel so miserable and worry if it will continue in second tri... for others like me (got who else got no ms? like everyone I know has some form of ms), we worry whether the lack of ms = bad news...
Mine is red red lehx.. Can fight with Chen long la.. Haha.. Every one see me said confirm I having boy..

I just went stare at my nose again, don't feel got difference leh but my skin really chiu! Aiyoh saw redness, face looks a bit bloated, chin got breakout and like so oily! Aiya hope my nose also become big to rival Chen Long, I really would love to have a boy :) Everyone else around me has baby gals, I've been playing with baby gals and no baby boys yet, I wan a baby boy to play with~~~
Tmr gg to see gyne at 16weeks preg liao. Hopefully can see gender. Mil ask me if I scan the gender already or not. I told her I got feeling is a gal again. She said gal good.
I just went stare at my nose again, don't feel got difference leh but my skin really chiu! Aiyoh saw redness, face looks a bit bloated, chin got breakout and like so oily! Aiya hope my nose also become big to rival Chen Long, I really would love to have a boy :) Everyone else around me has baby gals, I've been playing with baby gals and no baby boys yet, I wan a baby boy to play with~~~

Hai I got one boy already .. 2 more boys I die... Hahahahaha. They said skin chui is boy also .. U got chance lol..
Wah, this thread moved so fast, omg... Sorry I am like a random stranger barging into your conversation because I don't log in much. But... But... Please don't forget me...

I want to just let you girls know the CL part - though CL don't do night feeds, actually, the most important part is then do everything in the day so you can rest. My experience with my no 1 was, my MIL cooked for me and did confinement for me. My job was to rest, occasionally slot in massage sessions, and feed baby when hungry, then rest n sleep again whenever possible... Because the night duty really solely falls on us, especially if you are intending to bf. I am currently torn too because my mil is getting old, and she has to take care of my no 1 too. And I don't feel like getting a stranger to live in the house for even that one month, but I might give in because ordering tingkat only solves the cooking part. There is still the washing... Taking care of baby ( trust me, they have high needs)... And if you want your massage, hmmmm... You still need someone too be around.
My cl will take care Bb at Nite. So I can rest. Mayb occasionally wake up c Bb. I Shld b pumping out milk for Nite feed. If Nt enough milk then Let Bb drink fm. Unless I need to wake up to pump then might considered latching for Nite feed. C Hw it goes
Don't cry, tomorrow will be even better than today. I think for ladies like you who have bad ms, feel so miserable and worry if it will continue in second tri... for others like me (got who else got no ms? like everyone I know has some form of ms), we worry whether the lack of ms = bad news...

Me... No ms... Aiya.. U see us good we see u good..

Ms means bb is growing well.. But don't have doesn't mean bb not growing well.. So if u have u don't have to worry that bb not doing good.. For me no ms I'll worry if bb is growing or not...

So in another way be glad those who have ms.. Haha.. Less thing to worry..
I had all those too, but mutton smells ewwww currently, not fond of it & my mum says cannot eat, will be smelly... Cooking is not difficult :)

My mom also don't allow me to eat mutton think they scare bb will have fits.. But I don't eat mutton anyway so doesn't affect me..
Hai I got one boy already .. 2 more boys I die... Hahahahaha. They said skin chui is boy also .. U got chance lol..

Can be 龙凤胎 also, 龙凤呈祥 very good sign :) But if 3 boys also super cool, maybe just got to reinforce the house walls in case the 3 of them combine power to tear down the house lol I heard both sides before, say skin chui = boy & skin chui = gal (cos gal steal our beauty haha!). I feel like a teenager all over again with skin breakouts and blotchiness!
I just went stare at my nose again, don't feel got difference leh but my skin really chiu! Aiyoh saw redness, face looks a bit bloated, chin got breakout and like so oily! Aiya hope my nose also become big to rival Chen Long, I really would love to have a boy :) Everyone else around me has baby gals, I've been playing with baby gals and no baby boys yet, I wan a baby boy to play with~~~

Hai I got one boy already .. 2 more boys I die... Hahahahaha. They said skin chui is boy also .. U got chance lol..
Hi mummies! I went for oscar at tmc yst and was asked to go to novena medical centre after an hour wait! Was being attended to within 15 mins at novena, but baby was sitting up during scan and had to go back again in 20 mins. Lucky baby co-operate! Im 13 wks and baby's size is 6.78cm with a hb of 156. Its considered healthy? I asked the sonographer if it means healthy and she said she only do measurements, only my doc can advise?! She doesnt seems very zai to me lor.. anyway im seeing doc 2 wks later so hopefully baby's healthy! :))
hihi, its 15 weeks now, so lucky that 1st trimester is over..Phew!!!! Anyone seeing Dr Hii in Khatib?

I saw Dr Hii yesterday haha. Told my mum yesterday that I fell on Wed night, she got gan jiong & insist we go see gynae. I lazy so went to Dr Hii as his clinic is very nearby. You're seeing him for delivery? I found him quite pleasant, his clinic staff quite nice too. When I went in the afternoon around 2.40pm it was quite empty so dun need wait very long.
Btw I've placed an order with Asos, measured my bust yesterday (just in case cos I normally can fit everywhere but chest de) & ordered size 12 in the end. I measure 37"! Play safe better take size 12... hope it won't be humongous all over & swallow me up lol
Hi hi,

I'm new in the forum~~ first time mummy. Edd is 30th nov.

Next week going for the oscar test so keeping my fingers cross~~

Think need to read thru the thread to catch up on the conversation. Hahahaha. Moving so fast.

Can add me in the fb group. Email is [email protected]
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mine is on the 26th of May... looking forward to seeing my baby again then. I am praying everyday for a low risk good result from the oscar

hihi, its 15 weeks now, so lucky that 1st trimester is over..Phew!!!! Anyone seeing Dr Hii in Khatib?

Hihi :D

I confirmed my pregnancy with dr hii. Apart frm nice gynae n pleasant nurse n less waiting time, d other thing I like is d ultrasound. His ultrasound machine is very clear n he give photo like real photographs...d ones currently existing wif most gynaes are d printed ones which will disappear after some time. But his photo is like cards n I think they will last. Haha...tho I'm not seeing him, I don't mind recommending him to others as I feel I'm comfortable with him n u can definitely consider him if convenient for u. He delivers at mount a :)
