(2014/11) Nov 2014 Mummies

But I see a mother daughter in huogang I very fed up I never ever wana give them money . They both healthy and the daughter is like 30s .. Both lazy .. Everyday ask ppl "can give me $2? Can give my mum $2 buy food ? " once I saw them go NTuc buy coke buy bread buy tidbits .. And they really shameless like "eh u got $2 lend me?" The mom not so irritating the daughter is young n look ok I can imagine she working as a coffeeshop helper or what.. But they jus want easy money . They just randomly ask ppl and they brg house keys in the hand like machiam come down tabao food like that

Oh u stay in Hougang? I see them ard too. Yrs q irritating. Sometimes they ask in hokkien if u don't ans they ask in mandarin :S

Just checking... Who's the admin for the FB group huh?
I also not sure. You want to join the FB group? I think anyone who is alreAdy in the group can help add you in by being friends first. Not sure how it works. If you want I can try to see how it works. Or siling here can help.

Wow looking at some of the posts, some of you so thin. Karen poor thing lost so much weight! Ms really bad, no appetite? Do take care yah. Maybe try some milk.

I had the weirdest nitemare again. I dreamt that my husband Zhou si( about to have affair with someone, and that someone I can put a face on, but quite weird lo.) Think I'm feeling really insecure about myself with my expanding waistline and the hormonal surges causes me to think too much? Added that he been away so much this month.

Feeling so sad now. 2 nitemares in a row. Strangely the nitemare started when I start wearing compression stockings. Something to do with it? Weird.
Fluffy how do you tell the effect? Now I wonder whether I had bought the right size. I bought M and feel quite tight but still can pull all the way up.
In air con room, my leg feel comfy, but once out of my room, my legs seems to get very warm.
After one day of wearing, can't tell the effect leh.

I must admit this lilac color looks nicer. But wear to sleep who see. Haha...
For me I just feel like its normal legging but tighter. Can't really feel blood circulating . As compared with the hospital one . But still personal preference .
I also not sure. You want to join the FB group? I think anyone who is alreAdy in the group can help add you in by being friends first. Not sure how it works. If you want I can try to see how it works. Or siling here can help.

Wow looking at some of the posts, some of you so thin. Karen poor thing lost so much weight! Ms really bad, no appetite? Do take care yah. Maybe try some milk.

I had the weirdest nitemare again. I dreamt that my husband Zhou si( about to have affair with someone, and that someone I can put a face on, but quite weird lo.) Think I'm feeling really insecure about myself with my expanding waistline and the hormonal surges causes me to think too much? Added that he been away so much this month.

Feeling so sad now. 2 nitemares in a row. Strangely the nitemare started when I start wearing compression stockings. Something to do with it? Weird.

It's our hormones . Dun worry. I'm experiencing too. We are just feeling insecure. Esp when hb not ard us most of the time. Yours is just nightmares. As you said nightmares Liao ... Me worst ... I made oversea calls to quarrel and fight with him over my insecure wahaha .. Whose more serious.
Talking about weird dreams. I had one a few nights ago. Dreamt I gave birth at home. Then my mom brought me to a clinic but it was a malay witch doctor. So of coz I told her NO I need to get to the hospital. My cousin was driving and she got lost. That's all I rmb. I wonder what it means.
Morning ladies, anyone has taken up swimming? I just swam a bit yesterday and feeling so achy but the good kind. Quite happy can start swimming again...
It's cos you are feeling so unwell now that's why lose weight right? Don't worry, second tri comes then things will look up. By then gain everything back for baby!
Yup. I think so. I skinny until i oso duno leh but ppl ard me was shock i was so skinny n when i knw im pregnant n gt those MS worst. Hope nxt week oscar scan tk weight i gt gain sme.
It's our hormones . Dun worry. I'm experiencing too. We are just feeling insecure. Esp when hb not ard us most of the time. Yours is just nightmares. As you said nightmares Liao ... Me worst ... I made oversea calls to quarrel and fight with him over my insecure wahaha .. Whose more serious.

Oh dear, don't quarrel. Not very healthy. Perhaps try to talk with someone your insecurity first to cool down so as not to easily have an argument?
Sorry Im not really good at this. I myself also whatsapp him that I had nightmare about him having affair. Ask him What he doing over there to give me such nightmare. He told me I think too much. I choose to laugh it off. Feel better now.
Talking about weird dreams. I had one a few nights ago. Dreamt I gave birth at home. Then my mom brought me to a clinic but it was a malay witch doctor. So of coz I told her NO I need to get to the hospital. My cousin was driving and she got lost. That's all I rmb. I wonder what it means.
I can't figure out my own weird dreams as well. One is about bb. But that is scary. Better forget it. Maybe just the hormones playing us up.

Hopefully no more weird and scary dreams just sweet and happy dreams for everyone.
Morning ladies, anyone has taken up swimming? I just swam a bit yesterday and feeling so achy but the good kind. Quite happy can start swimming again...
I swam a couple of times since week 14. Swam once this week. I really enjoy it. It's a good workout. Really Hoping to swim more.
Morning ladies, anyone has taken up swimming? I just swam a bit yesterday and feeling so achy but the good kind. Quite happy can start swimming again...
Me me! I also started swimming this week...swam twice already. Feels good. I nvr ache cos think I din swim much...I swam a while n rest awhile then continue. But it feels good to move after lying n sitting for 3mths :)
For me I just feel like its normal legging but tighter. Can't really feel blood circulating . As compared with the hospital one . But still personal preference .

I might just try to get the hospital ones to try out the diff. I can't feel blood circulation as well. You bought at ttsh pharmacy?
Just curious for those who swam you swim in public pool or condo pool. Anyone swim in public pool, is it suitable for preggy?
Yup. I think so. I skinny until i oso duno leh but ppl ard me was shock i was so skinny n when i knw im pregnant n gt those MS worst. Hope nxt week oscar scan tk weight i gt gain sme.

You got weighing scale at home? Can monitor like my SIL when she was preggie with her daughter, cos also bad ms & lost weight but she's not as slim as you to begin with.
Speaking of weird dreams, I got a lot of strange, vivid dreams from bfp to about 8-9 weeks. Then stopped liao, at least now not almost every night will dream.

Feeling insecure seems to be very normal, especially everywhere I go I also hear of cheating spouses (my industry see until no longer fresh liao). But somehow must have faith in our men. For me is since last year Oct never have sex until Dec early loss so also didn't have sex... This year maybe only once or twice before I began FET & then bfp till now cannot have sex. My hubby like donkey months didn't get any liao, poor guy... But maybe I'm quite 粗线条, never think he'll go find woman...
Just curious for those who swam you swim in public pool or condo pool. Anyone swim in public pool, is it suitable for preggy?

Yah I don't have luxury of condo...went to sengkang public pool. I will try to go on weekday evenings as it is v crowded on weekends. Must choose the least crowded lane and take your time. Like if I see a kid doing backstroke I totally siam... so far ok just must have patience n protect your belly...
Yah I don't have luxury of condo...went to sengkang public pool. I will try to go on weekday evenings as it is v crowded on weekends. Must choose the least crowded lane and take your time. Like if I see a kid doing backstroke I totally siam... so far ok just must have patience n protect your belly...

Let me try bishan pool one weekday. One of my fren very nice let me use his sis condo pool every wed when he goes there for gym. I tag along to swim. Ya I totally understand need to siam. I swam there on Tuesday, so crowded. Some boys playing water ball and they charge here and there wo noticing pple around. Had a tough time trying to swim away. swimming doesn't tires me bit siamming them does as hv to swim faster. Lol
I also not sure. You want to join the FB group? I think anyone who is alreAdy in the group can help add you in by being friends first. Not sure how it works. If you want I can try to see how it works. Or siling here can help.

Wow looking at some of the posts, some of you so thin. Karen poor thing lost so much weight! Ms really bad, no appetite? Do take care yah. Maybe try some milk.

I had the weirdest nitemare again. I dreamt that my husband Zhou si( about to have affair with someone, and that someone I can put a face on, but quite weird lo.) Think I'm feeling really insecure about myself with my expanding waistline and the hormonal surges causes me to think too much? Added that he been away so much this month.

Feeling so sad now. 2 nitemares in a row. Strangely the nitemare started when I start wearing compression stockings. Something to do with it? Weird.

Me too. Last nite, also had similar nitemare like yours. And I think I was protesting out but voice like very weak in my sleep. Cos prior to turning in for the nite, I saw the most hateful lizard sneaking in the bath when I on the light. I am super terrified of this cold reptile! I immediately called for him & he took his own sweet time to come over (very busy with his pc game!). I got so pissed off especially when he reminded me not to get worked up, no gd for preg blah blah..... His fault for not responding immediately mah.

Btw, ladies swimming in maternity swimwear or still the normal one?
Me too. Last nite, also had similar nitemare like yours. And I think I was protesting out but voice like very weak in my sleep. Cos prior to turning in for the nite, I saw the most hateful lizard sneaking in the bath when I on the light. I am super terrified of this cold reptile! I immediately called for him & he took his own sweet time to come over (very busy with his pc game!). I got so pissed off especially when he reminded me not to get worked up, no gd for preg blah blah..... His fault for not responding immediately mah.

Btw, ladies swimming in maternity swimwear or still the normal one?

My hubby and gfs say its cute to have a tummy and wear bikini when preggy.. Haha.. It's attractive to them.. I will still stick to bikini. Bb need some sunlight.. Haha!
Me too. Last nite, also had similar nitemare like yours. And I think I was protesting out but voice like very weak in my sleep. Cos prior to turning in for the nite, I saw the most hateful lizard sneaking in the bath when I on the light. I am super terrified of this cold reptile! I immediately called for him & he took his own sweet time to come over (very busy with his pc game!). I got so pissed off especially when he reminded me not to get worked up, no gd for preg blah blah..... His fault for not responding immediately mah.

Btw, ladies swimming in maternity swimwear or still the normal one?

My hubby and gfs say its cute to have a tummy and wear bikini when preggy.. Haha.. It's attractive to them.. I will still stick to bikini. Bb need some sunlight.. Haha!
Let me try bishan pool one weekday. One of my fren very nice let me use his sis condo pool every wed when he goes there for gym. I tag along to swim. Ya I totally understand need to siam. I swam there on Tuesday, so crowded. Some boys playing water ball and they charge here and there wo noticing pple around. Had a tough time trying to swim away. swimming doesn't tires me bit siamming them does as hv to swim faster. Lol

You stayed in Bishan? I'm a few stops away from you :) Sometimes public pool got school having lessons de so must avoid those days, and I prefer medium pool to play water & people watch first then later go big pool swim haha!
Oh dear, don't quarrel. Not very healthy. Perhaps try to talk with someone your insecurity first to cool down so as not to easily have an argument?
Sorry Im not really good at this. I myself also whatsapp him that I had nightmare about him having affair. Ask him What he doing over there to give me such nightmare. He told me I think too much. I choose to laugh it off. Feel better now.
Ya. We will feel insecure during pregnant n hus nt ard. Tt time i oso dreamt my hub gt affair. Scare me then i told him then he said he is nt free to find troubles. Lol.
Me me! I also started swimming this week...swam twice already. Feels good. I nvr ache cos think I din swim much...I swam a while n rest awhile then continue. But it feels good to move after lying n sitting for 3mths :)
Ladies, try nt to stretch alot while swimming as heard bad cases of mummies swim. If poss jus walk slowly in the pool. Be safe.
You got weighing scale at home? Can monitor like my SIL when she was preggie with her daughter, cos also bad ms & lost weight but she's not as slim as you to begin with.
No weighing scale at hm, dear. See whether will improve since going into part 2. Hehe. Sshh.
Ya. We will feel insecure during pregnant n hus nt ard. Tt time i oso dreamt my hub gt affair. Scare me then i told him then he said he is nt free to find troubles. Lol.

Lol I used to joke about which & which new assistant/associate/intern/etc working for my hubby in the past before preggie, then he always say "chick? What chick? I only care if they can work. Give me 2 XYZ (name of a competent colleague) anytime & take away these young gals manz".
Oh dear, don't quarrel. Not very healthy. Perhaps try to talk with someone your insecurity first to cool down so as not to easily have an argument?
Sorry Im not really good at this. I myself also whatsapp him that I had nightmare about him having affair. Ask him What he doing over there to give me such nightmare. He told me I think too much. I choose to laugh it off. Feel better now.
Dun worry ... It's a norm thing. As long dun quarrel in front of kids can Liao. He already immune to my nonsenses wahaha .. I told him I need to distress..
I swim at condo pool but around 4pm wkday cos flexi working hours. This is the timing where there is still sun, water not so cold n less pple too.
Ya sometimes I oso scared stretch too much...what will happen huh...
Most likely I m not getting CL, will get my mil n mum to help to cook confinement food. my dh said the money to pay CL n confinement food might as well give to them.
I might get confinement food for dinner so that mom don't have to cook so many things. Cos she still got to cook for my dad, bro and hubby. Bro is super heaty kind. Cannot take ginger or anything heaty at all.

To save her trouble to cook 2 sets of food, I might just cater dinner. Lunch I think she can cook since only for me and her.
good that you have your mil n mum to help.
like me, i dun have. so getting CL is a gd choice for me.
i can rest more. n nite time my CL will take care of my bb. so i can no need to keep waking up at nite.
anyway I aso thot if bf bb, at nite aso have to wake up rite even got CL. so we thot might as well dun engage CL. I tik its the costs tat my dh heard got a jump. I told him its ard 2.8-3k for a good one but how do we know who is good n many are booked when we call up so we gave up looking for one.
since dh is a freelancer, his timing aso flexible, can help out at home if needed I guess but my gfs said dun rely on men wor...let's see how by then, dun want to tik too much . let me pass my Oscar & detailed scan first then start tik into more details bah..
Mummies.. Any changes in your features ? My nose so much bigger now !! Everyone told me confirm I'm having boy.. Wanna know more lehx,..
Mummies.. Any changes in your features ? My nose so much bigger now !! Everyone told me confirm I'm having boy.. Wanna know more lehx,..
Eh eh they say feet size change? Bigger or what u know? Lol cox my feet small size 3. So I always hope to have bigger feet!

Ya my friend nose swollen major! And it's a boy!
Eh eh they say feet size change? Bigger or what u know? Lol cox my feet small size 3. So I always hope to have bigger feet!

Ya my friend nose swollen major! And it's a boy!

Feet size I not very sure.. But see my nose said I'm having boy.. Wah Kao... You lehx? Any changes?
anyway I aso thot if bf bb, at nite aso have to wake up rite even got CL. so we thot might as well dun engage CL. I tik its the costs tat my dh heard got a jump. I told him its ard 2.8-3k for a good one but how do we know who is good n many are booked when we call up so we gave up looking for one.
since dh is a freelancer, his timing aso flexible, can help out at home if needed I guess but my gfs said dun rely on men wor...let's see how by then, dun want to tik too much . let me pass my Oscar & detailed scan first then start tik into more details bah..
I get mine at 2.4k. U must ppl recommend de. My mum gt 1 very gd but gt book by FT. Sigh. Even cl oso gt to fight frm them. Lol. Midnight u can pump out milk n gt the auntie to feed bb de.
Just when I am celebrating stepping into 2nd tri, I feel nausea earlier and vomited out my nasi lemak! Ms? Or I eat too fuĺl and the uterus rises higher above abdomen that less space to accommodate food? Feel awful and headache. Or lactose intolerant cos started to hv headache after drinking teh si o.
Mapleleafy yup I stay in bishan. Wow your husband sounds he means serious biz.

Fluffy thanks will try to get them and provide my feedback. Need a good one to improve circulation. My legs and hands get numb easily.

Allbwell so good flexi hrs. How I wish I can flexi too.

Ete welcome
No la.. I want the admin to pin up the excel sheet post in the group so that when new mummies come in or when we wanna update things no need to dig so further down.. But I can't find the admin.. And the admin also nv appear... Makes me think that is the admin still I the group? Cuz I understand that there are some mummies who left the group due to some reasons.. I'm sorry..

So maybe that's y I can't find the admin?

anyway I aso thot if bf bb, at nite aso have to wake up rite even got CL. so we thot might as well dun engage CL. I tik its the costs tat my dh heard got a jump. I told him its ard 2.8-3k for a good one but how do we know who is good n many are booked when we call up so we gave up looking for one.
since dh is a freelancer, his timing aso flexible, can help out at home if needed I guess but my gfs said dun rely on men wor...let's see how by then, dun want to tik too much . let me pass my Oscar & detailed scan first then start tik into more details bah..
haha... i got mine also at 2.4k.
quite gd CL. lol.. but then mah, nite time i only tinking to pump out or give bb FM.
c hw it goes,
becoz i dun wan to have the bb later everynite also have to latch n slp.
i c my niece til now still need to latch n slp n she is goin to 3yrs old lor.
hahaha. my sis got prob wear her off on latching. lol...
so muz tell myself latch daytime. if nt will be mostly pump out n feed. if nt later too used to latch at nite when slping tink will have a prob. lol....
