(2014/05) May 2014

rainbowzstarz: where is the crack? sounds so scary. think you better be gentle a bit and take care of yourself. dont worry so long as you take your med and rest during this one week, should be ok. at least you can see your bb again in 2 weeks time.
actly i dunno whr but its nt near bb. saw my bb forming.the hands n feet etc

Hi rainbowstarz, hope you are doing fine, rest more and take care...

I realised many of you are not seeing gynae often, but mine make me see him fortnightly. Im having another appointment this friday during my 9weeks, he said after tat can switch to monthly. Super siong man the doctor's bill...but yet i dont mind seeing bb more often...

Still feeling nauseous and having constipation. I take Lactus so that i can go, so scare will become immune to it then duno how. I seem to have all the symptoms, so sian, the discomfort makes me regret getting pregnant. My no 1 didnt give me any problem at all until the last tri, some heartburnt... i duno how to endure for the months ahead...
lilacz: wow.. I only saw my gynae at 5 weeks when I first discovered I was pregnant, then again 2 weeks later.. after that I was told to return for the nuchal scan at week 12. My symptoms were quite bad like you between 5-7 weeks.. I'm also constipated so I try to eat more fibre.. and for some strange reason all the fruit and veg I used to like to eat I really detest now. Used to eat tonnes of papaya before and now I can't even bear to eat one piece. There goes my "natural laxative"... ;) My friend said prune juice does the trick in helping constipation, maybe you can try that!
thks lilac im better tdy.
for ur #1 ur gynae also also u go so regular?
usually nt necesry un less due to ur medical history or feel discomfort.mayb ur gynae jus being extra cautious. bt the bill will pain the patient ;p
lilacz: wow.. I only saw my gynae at 5 weeks when I first discovered I was pregnant, then again 2 weeks later.. after that I was told to return for the nuchal scan at week 12. My symptoms were quite bad like you between 5-7 weeks.. I'm also constipated so I try to eat more fibre.. and for some strange reason all the fruit and veg I used to like to eat I really detest now. Used to eat tonnes of papaya before and now I can't even bear to eat one piece. There goes my "natural laxative"... ;) My friend said prune juice does the trick in helping constipation, maybe you can try that!
or u can jus eat the sunsweet prunes .nt sure wrks wen preggy. bt last time i jus enj eatig as snack.start liao non stop end up nxt day ls.nw i dun eat liao since im a IBS person
rainbowzstarz: haha the same thing happened to me! I love prunes last time and totally ls after eating too many... I can never stop at just 2 or 3.. I also have ibs :confused:
Maybe I'm not young anymore (over 35) so he is being cautious. I can't rem my frequency last round cuz my son is already 7yrs old now..too long ago.

I tried prune juice for 3days..didn't work for me. I drank half a cup each time, is it too little. I'm not a prune person basically.

My tummy is much bigger at night, weird. I think I'm at the stage where ppl wonder if i have big tummy or pregnant...haha...

This pregnancy I'm not guai...took sashimi, drink tea... Maybe 2nd one so not as kiasu, sometimes feel so unfair for the baby...haha..
Waa.. sashimi!!!! something I am dying to eat now.... :confused: ;) I ate sashimi when I was about 2-3 weeks.. Didn't know I was pregnant then.. also coloured my hair.. :eek:
Lilacz: I'm also like you. I have been seeing my doc every 2 weeks. $200-$200 plus each time. Heart pain thinking abt it but doc say jus wana make sure baby is stable. Plus get to hear and see baby so that's most important.
waa..!!!! something I am dying to eat now.... :confused: ;) I ate sashimi when I was about 2-3 weeks.. Didn't know I was pregnant then.. also coloured my hair.. :eek:

I also colored n permed my hair..now regret...feel like going to rebond but scare leh...i have craving for jap food quite often..but each time steal 2-3 sashimi only....v deprived.
My hubby just ate sashimi in front of me yesterday, wanna punch him, grr! I didn't expect to get preggie so quickly. Had a bout of hormonal imbalance 2 months ago and gynae said I didn't ovulate, skali the next month tested +ve. Yet to have my fill of sashimi :(
mel87, verluv,
I guess this is girl as girls usually have heart beat rate higher than 140s, whereas boys are usually below 140.
how many mummies here are 2nd time mummies with the 1st already 3-4 years like me?


Me too, my #1 will be turing 4 next year, think its quite a good time to have another one.. but then the tot of 'restarting' everything again seems a bit too scary too... anyway, jus hope to have a healthy baby..

Also on duphaston cos i had a m/c last year, so in order to support pregnancy, the gynae presrcibe me with this, but i stopped taking around, she jus got me to complete 2 rounds of it.. actually i feel more uncomfortable taking it, like nausea and bloated..

Wanna check, do you ladies feel hungry, wanna eat, but after you eat, you feel so bloated and uncomfortable? this feeling is so sian, i'm stuggling for all my meals, wanna eat yet feel so 'xin ku' after the meal.. sign.. and with a #1, it doesnt seem very much easier esp so when hes so demanding..

Will be going for OSCAR end of this mth.. hopefully everything is fine.. will any of you be going too? :)

Me too, my #1 will be turing 4 next year, think its quite a good time to have another one.. but then the tot of 'restarting' everything again seems a bit too scary too... anyway, jus hope to have a healthy baby..

Also on duphaston cos i had a m/c last year, so in order to support pregnancy, the gynae presrcibe me with this, but i stopped taking around, she jus got me to complete 2 rounds of it.. actually i feel more uncomfortable taking it, like nausea and bloated..

Wanna check, do you ladies feel hungry, wanna eat, but after you eat, you feel so bloated and uncomfortable? this feeling is so sian, i'm stuggling for all my meals, wanna eat yet feel so 'xin ku' after the meal.. sign.. and with a #1, it doesnt seem very much easier esp so when hes so demanding..

Will be going for OSCAR end of this mth.. hopefully everything is fine.. will any of you be going too? :)
im doing my oscar tis mth too.21st
hi everyone!
this is my second pregnancy and i have a pair of 4 yr-old twin boys. although it's only a singleton this time round, it definitely feels more xinku than last time >_<
can anyone advsie me how to recvd replies, new post on this thread via my email?

now i am reading only when log on to smh.
very difficult to use smh after their migration.
Rainbowstarz, ya my morning sickness very severe. got hospitalised last week due to dehydration. could not keep any liquids or solids down.. :( now on 1 week hospital leave. feeling damn sian and demoralized,

Can add me on fb too? [email protected] thanks!!
Hi all, my edd is end may, 2nd child... 1st one is already 4.

Those with edd end may, have you gone for your scan? Managed to see baby? i went for a scan last week but could only see waterbag. cant help but to keep worrying whether baby is growing or not. have been trying for this baby for a few years already.
Hi all, my edd is end may, 2nd child... 1st one is already 4.

Those with edd end may, have you gone for your scan? Managed to see baby? i went for a scan last week but could only see waterbag. cant help but to keep worrying whether baby is growing or not. have been trying for this baby for a few years already.
hw many wks r u?

so last wk u go was 5 wks?
wen ur next visit? dun wry mayb was too early ? nxt visit can hear liao

Next visit is this saturday. I hope by then can see and hear heartbeat. praying hard this on and off morning sickness will pay off! sometimes really super hungry but got no appetite to eat or eat already then just throw up... having MS is really depressing but i'm welcoming it with wide open arms (or with wide open toilet bowl).
