(2014/05) May 2014

i drink milo every morning, either iced milo or hot milo. i guess its alright..
ribena is fine too. my ex co used to mention that during her 3 preg she drink ribena quite often, a nurse used to tell her during preg if consume ribena, bb eye balls would be bigger & brighter.
not sure if its true...

i crave for sweet drinks n ribena is my choice. pass 2 days nauseous better. bt tdy lik cmg back again. the more i drink water the more thirsty n er xin.lunch time mus go buy ribena!

ya its the falling sick part tt i worry. tho its gd to build immunity, but falling sick <6mo is really terrible.
and we parens have to take leave.
i was with #1 till shes 2yo... the moment enter cc, fall sick already haha. but at tt age, its better manageable.
for me, i tink i prefer to work (to keep sane).
my girl was really a tough nut...

ya, unless u r still bf then still nt so bad..
when my husband went for his reservist 2weeks, my kids took turns to fall sick, then bo bian took 2weeks of leave :(
when we r working we wished that we can be with them, but when we r with them, we wished for some ME time.. hais..
im having very teriible headace this morning. Been tolerating the pain for so long and wanted to pop panadols so much. But i cant rmb if panadol is allowed? any mummies know?
im having very teriible headace this morning. Been tolerating the pain for so long and wanted to pop panadols so much. But i cant rmb if panadol is allowed? any mummies know?

can eat panadol i ask before. are u at home? if u are u try cut ginger slices put ur temple. thats hw i survive previously. i tahan no tak panadol
headache, giddy, queasy, sleepy..awh so terrible!
oh ya, wanna ask if anyone experiencing braxton hix at this early stage? Im not sure if I am, but i can feel the expanding pressure on my tummy a few times in a day. Last for a min or so before it releases tension...hmmmm
im at work facing the PC that makes it even worse.. :) the feeling is so bad...

tahan bah.. few more hrs to go home.
that day i fever i also nvr tak lucky next day ok.

this stage dun think gt braxton hicks ba.probably jus ur uterus expanding?
looks like many mummies here not feeling well..Must take good care oh!!
Btw, went to 1st app with my gynae ytd, can see baby heartbeat at 160. Think this one be another bb girl for me :)
Hi all, am currently in my 9th week. Saw my fetus for the first time at 7 weeks and heard the heartbeat then as well :rolleyes: This might sound strange but does any one have a dull ache around the butt? I realised since last week that when I walk around I can feel this dull-achey feeling :eek: I don't have much symptoms other than extreme tiredness (sleeping a lot) a bit of nausea (on and off) ..but it seems to be getting better compared to week 4-8.:) Next check up is week 12 and I am so nervous, it seems such a long way more!!
gt a shock tis mrn.bleeding.faster rush to gynae heng bb is fine. so worried n scared on the way. tink i strained myself wen i jump up frm bed twice while sleeping .2dayasago felt a pulling pain wen i sneeze too. tis mrn cramp then bleed le.thank god evrythg is ok.ordered bed rest for 1 wk. told my gal i cannot carry her liao.she heard wat doc say n was gd.taking medicine too till 21/10 my scheduled visit for oscar.
gynae showed me the 'crack' still bleeding abit nw.lik menses
Take care rainbowzstarz! What was the bleeding caused by?? How many weeks are you now? Take care, lucky baby is ok!
rainbowzstar: at least you get to see the bb and the bb is ok. you take care and rest well. at least this give you some reason to rest and dun need to work.

Carol: just curious how you know it is a bb girl for you?
stardusts: i went gynae on my 6th week and i have to wait till i am 12th week then i can see bb again. mine is also a long long wait. but at least you heard your bb's heartbeat. that time i cant hear it but did a V scan and saw the heart pumping. Think it is the same hor?
stardusts: when is your EDD? beginning of May? i think your delivery date should be quite similar to me and rainbowzstarz.. we are in the 9th week too.
verluv: yup same as me! I also did V scan and saw the heart pumping. My EDD is around 8 May. Do you find your symptoms lessening now? I was very tired the past few weeks, this week seems to be getting better. I am also very anxious to wait for 12 weeks.... It seems like such a long way more, hope everything will be ok!
stardusts: you also saw the heart pumping only ah? actually i was quite disappointed when i only saw but din hear it. coz for my #1 i did hear it but i forget which week liao. for me, i dun have must symptoms. for the past 9 weeks, i only vomitted 3-4 time... god blessed.. hahah.. but i will wake up every night to pee. tot waking up every nite to pee should not be 1st tri symptoms. is this your #1?
i still have 2.5 weeks to go for my next appt. actually i tot of asking for an earlier appt but then rainbowzstarz says if too early then doc cant check what they want to check also no point. after much tot, i decided to wait for my appt date lor.
Verluv: I saw and heard! But it's quite faint...oh yes, I also wake up many times to pee!!! About 3 x a night then after that cannot sleep and end up waking up very early....
Haha so far I haven't puked yet, just want to gag sometimes and I do get nausea on and off...
So this is your no. 2? This is my no. 1 so feeling quite anxious sometimes.. sighz.. but must think positive la.. :)
Haha verluv I also wanted to book 10 week scan but my husband kept telling me don't be kan cheong!! I also get so nervous before scan sometimes my blood pressure increases.. lol

i still have 2.5 weeks to go for my next appt. actually i tot of asking for an earlier appt but then rainbowzstarz says if too early then doc cant check what they want to check also no point. after much tot, i decided to wait for my appt date lor.
so this is your first one? no wonder you are so anxious. but i think regardless #1 or #2, also anxious la. hahah. dun think so much! at least you heard your bb heartbeat.. maybe you think abt me - nvr hear heartbeat but saw heartbeat only and you will feel better.
rainbowzstar: at least you get to see the bb and the bb is ok. you take care and rest well. at least this give you some reason to rest and dun need to work.

Carol: just curious how you know it is a bb girl for you?
i mus admit i nvr take gd care of myslf. crazy to jump out of bed.i think wen i urgent to pee in my slp smhw sm cramps will happen.the way i get out of bed is wrg too.nvr tak care of myslf tis pregnancy.regret.nw mus guaiguai
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i still have 2.5 weeks to go for my next appt. actually i tot of asking for an earlier appt but then rainbowzstarz says if too early then doc cant check what they want to check also no point. after much tot, i decided to wait for my appt date lor.
tdy i spent 192 kinda heartpain bt baby ok so money stil well spent.guai guai tak med n wait for wk 12.

even i lik tt my gynae nvr ask me go back early. haha so better save money n wait for our nxt appt..
all of u pls tak gd care of urself.esp 2nd time mummy like me, tend to over relax.i so regret nvr tak gd care of myslf.
u all remb to get up at correct position frm sleep, n try to not carry ur #1 too often especially if they are big as mine,dun carry heavy things.lets all safely pass our 1st trim. :)
i hope my bleedig stop soon.*pray*
rainbowzstarz: where is the crack? sounds so scary. think you better be gentle a bit and take care of yourself. dont worry so long as you take your med and rest during this one week, should be ok. at least you can see your bb again in 2 weeks time.
15 more mins to 6pm!!! counting down to off work so that can rest over the weekend. i think i become lazier ever since im preggy. hahah... and you all still taking folic acid right? i always forget over the weekend coz too lazy nuaing on the bed liao.
I am work from home so I sleep in between work.. LOL really lazy also. First time I can actually "sleep on demand" especially after lunch...o_O

Hi Mummies,
We are 4 shopaholic mummies who have started Mamaholic, where we will spree items tried and tested by ourselves, or stuff we want on our wish list - all because we love shopping, want the BEST stuff for our precious bubs, and at a good price! Do visit our page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mamaholic/715236545158335?ref=ts&fref=ts
Current spree going on are the much loved AllyZabba blankets and Manduca carriers!
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