(2014/05) May 2014

do u still carry a lot?
i try to carry my girl less now.
she vry sai nai de. still carry though carry less than b4.mrns she sure want me carry haha and she's not light cos she's going to b 5yrs old in Feb!
smre train nsl vry packed put her dwn i also headache ppl jus squeeze her.rarely gt ppl giv seat.
lucky thg is endure 3more mths.future change new sch near hse.daddy send her so easier le
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morning =)
anyone going to the bb fair this wk?
btw, for those who goes for prenatal massage... there is a 1 for 1 by babies bellies at the expo fair.
morning =)
anyone going to the bb fair this wk?
btw, for those who goes for prenatal massage... there is a 1 for 1 by babies bellies at the expo fair.
i have never done prenatal massage before leh... how is it like? they massage the belly? i need massage for my shoulder and neck more leh....
if i go babies fair, most likely is to buy maternity clothes... my first one, my job dun need to really dress up.... but now... cannot wear those here .. .so need to get something more presentable. but will also mean more $$$ :(
for those who have 2 kids, what stroller are u using/ recommend?
Hi Sunflower, my #1 & #2 are 15months apart so when i had my #2, i bought 2 types of twin stroller, side by side maclaren & front & back kinderwagon.. the maclaren is very bulky.. the kinderwagon not comfy at all for them. so i sold both & now im only using mini perego. very convinient. i find that its not neccesary for a twin stroller. probably u could use a carrier, i didnt use carrier for mine as my #2 boy is quite heavy & he doesnt like it too.. but now that they r 30mths & 15mths they dont even like to be in a stroller. no hurry getting a stroller yet. probably for my #3 this time i will get a carrier would do.
Hi mummies, my EDD is 5th May. Please add me in the fb group. [email protected]
Hope to go through the pregnancy wif u gals.
I went for my 1st gynae visit wif WK Tan last Thurs. Appt 9am, I reached at 905am, but waited till 1240pm b4 I got to see her. 4 hrs in her clinic!
And now I read through the pages in this forum then realised she didn't let me hear bb's heartbeat.
Anyone here seeing her too? Is it such long wait for u too?
Hi Sunflower, my #1 & #2 are 15months apart so when i had my #2, i bought 2 types of twin stroller, side by side maclaren & front & back kinderwagon.. the maclaren is very bulky.. the kinderwagon not comfy at all for them. so i sold both & now im only using mini perego. very convinient. i find that its not neccesary for a twin stroller. probably u could use a carrier, i didnt use carrier for mine as my #2 boy is quite heavy & he doesnt like it too.. but now that they r 30mths & 15mths they dont even like to be in a stroller. no hurry getting a stroller yet. probably for my #3 this time i will get a carrier would do.
my gal deserted her stroller at 18mths old..white elephant in storerm..haha also gd.no nd buy new one for #2.bad thg of my stroller is its nt totally flat lie dwn positio
Hi mummies, my EDD is 5th May. Please add me in the fb group. [email protected]
Hope to go through the pregnancy wif u gals.
I went for my 1st gynae visit wif WK Tan last Thurs. Appt 9am, I reached at 905am, but waited till 1240pm b4 I got to see her. 4 hrs in her clinic!
And now I read through the pages in this forum then realised she didn't let me hear bb's heartbeat.
Anyone here seeing her too? Is it such long wait for u too?

Hi there..
Im also with WK Tan.. my edd 10th May.. ya, i waited 2hrs normally but there was once she was attending to a delivery, i waited 4-5hrs.. probably the 2nd visit she will let u listen..
she let me "see" the heartbeat only last visit.
Btw, added u in.. :)
for me, i bought mcclaren when #1 is 2 years old. think she is not used to stroller hence totally cant sit still in stroller. i saw some bb can really take stroller but mine super active. for my #2, im going to try to make sure bb get used to stroller so that i dun have to carry.
for me, i bought mcclaren when #1 is 2 years old. think she is not used to stroller hence totally cant sit still in stroller. i saw some bb can really take stroller but mine super active. for my #2, im going to try to make sure bb get used to stroller so that i dun have to carry.

my #2 also cant sit in stroller, he will climb out.. or scream till he is out of the stroller..
mel87: not so good to keep staring at hp. later my boss tot im playing game! haha

haha.. my desk position not good.. alot ppl walking around.. hehe.. so use hp at least they dont know what im doing. desktop too obvious.. hehe..
abit out of topic. but those 2nd time mummy..ur #1 childcare fees is it also all next yr increase?
so angry govt giv abit they tak so much
currently in my first skool.last wk alrdy recv letter of.increase. jus recv email frm new sch also increase

Same leh.. mine i didnt receive any letter mentioning to increase. but there is a letter to state that they are going to remove the sibling discount.
Re cc
so far no letter for increase yet... Hopefully not... Inc somemore will be crazy..

I am so hungry! Haa. Realise tt once I get too hungry, the nausea is bad...
but if I eat too full, I feel constipated n bloated :(
so exp alrdy. hopefully la will not increase. my 2 kids after subsidy $1k liao..

plus #3 also going infant care..

how old is your #1?

me too, i eat small amount but few times.. if not very bloated..
mel, u decided on the ifc already?
m still sourcing. are ur first 2 kids also in ifc previously?
can share the ifc experience?
i am hesitant w ifc but i guess no choice, as i m working now. #1 time, i was not working.
my #1 juz turned 29months.
shes also a May baby keke ;p
mel, u decided on the ifc already?
m still sourcing. are ur first 2 kids also in ifc previously?
can share the ifc experience?
i am hesitant w ifc but i guess no choice, as i m working now. #1 time, i was not working.
my #1 juz turned 29months.
shes also a May baby keke ;p

my #1 with nanny till she is about 20mths, then straight to playgrp. as nanny having some health problems cant take care anymore, my #2 with the same nanny as my #1 till 5mths then to ifc.
so far my first skool ifc teachers ok, but my boy kept falling sick, i guess its normal for kids to fall sick easily at ifc.. & he fell down a few times when he is learning to crawl & walk.
but he learnt things pretty fast, at exactly 13mths he learnt how to walk, & now at 15mths he can speak a few words like: jiejie, no more, ball, owl, flower, bird, dog, etc.
but i guess its a no choice thing, very hard for both couples not to work esp with 2 kids or more.
if i have a choice i would rather be a sahm till my kids are at least 2yo..
is milo ok for us to consume now?
am trying to avoid soft drinks so finding an alternative other than water.

i drink milo every morning, either iced milo or hot milo. i guess its alright..
ribena is fine too. my ex co used to mention that during her 3 preg she drink ribena quite often, a nurse used to tell her during preg if consume ribena, bb eye balls would be bigger & brighter.
not sure if its true...

my #1 with nanny till she is about 20mths, then straight to playgrp. as nanny having some health problems cant take care anymore, my #2 with the same nanny as my #1 till 5mths then to ifc.
so far my first skool ifc teachers ok, but my boy kept falling sick, i guess its normal for kids to fall sick easily at ifc.. & he fell down a few times when he is learning to crawl & walk.
but he learnt things pretty fast, at exactly 13mths he learnt how to walk, & now at 15mths he can speak a few words like: jiejie, no more, ball, owl, flower, bird, dog, etc.
but i guess its a no choice thing, very hard for both couples not to work esp with 2 kids or more.
if i have a choice i would rather be a sahm till my kids are at least 2yo..

ya its the falling sick part tt i worry. tho its gd to build immunity, but falling sick <6mo is really terrible.
and we parens have to take leave.
i was with #1 till shes 2yo... the moment enter cc, fall sick already haha. but at tt age, its better manageable.
for me, i tink i prefer to work (to keep sane).
my girl was really a tough nut...
