(2014/05) May 2014

Next visit is this saturday. I hope by then can see and hear heartbeat. praying hard this on and off morning sickness will pay off! sometimes really super hungry but got no appetite to eat or eat already then just throw up... having MS is really depressing but i'm welcoming it with wide open arms (or with wide open toilet bowl).
sure can see bb and hear heart beat! cheers

Anyone having salty tongue now?
How to cure or what should I know?
Having a hard time when come to lunch and dinner time.... headache =(
Ooooooohhhh! thanks for the info! must be the sugary drinks ive been taking as a substitute to plain water.

Same here! Plain water doesn't make me puke but it makes me feel nauseas at times.. I've been drinking more fruit juices than I used to before pregnancy. Somehow I like the sweet aftertaste. I also chew on Rowntrees fruit pastille sweets when I feel dizzy in the car. Hope I don't end up getting diabetes!! :/
end up aft diarhheoa i bleed again.gynae say abit is ok. scared. monitoring. go toilet also scared.hope diarhhoea stops. ystd aft drink milk tummy.nt well.
i gta be ok soon cos next wk hubby go reservist..i hav to brg gal sch myslf. tis wk my mum travel frm far to help pick my gal frm sch. nxt wk stil lik tt thy b tired out.
n i hav a crazy prc aunty in ofc.kp msg n call me wan to kpo find out wat happen.sickening.nvr pick up her call
Same here! Plain water doesn't make me puke but it makes me feel nauseas at times.. I've been drinking more fruit juices than I used to before pregnancy. Somehow I like the sweet aftertaste. I also chew on Rowntrees fruit pastille sweets when I feel dizzy in the car. Hope I don't end up getting diabetes!! :/
i also scared kena diabetes.drink alot.ribena .tak chocolate n nw tak hacks sweet to feel better.
end up aft diarhheoa i bleed again.gynae say abit is ok. scared. monitoring. go toilet also scared.hope diarhhoea stops. ystd aft drink milk tummy.nt well.
i gta be ok soon cos next wk hubby go reservist..i hav to brg gal sch myslf. tis wk my mum travel frm far to help pick my gal frm sch. nxt wk stil lik tt thy b tired out.
n i hav a crazy prc aunty in ofc.kp msg n call me wan to kpo find out wat happen.sickening.nvr pick up her call

Reminds me of my old workplace. Cannot stand all the nosey colleagues who ask all sorts of questions!!!

The diarhhrea make you bleed again? Btw is it safe to take diahreaa medications?
Same here! Plain water doesn't make me puke but it makes me feel nauseas at times.. I've been drinking more fruit juices than I used to before pregnancy. Somehow I like the sweet aftertaste. I also chew on Rowntrees fruit pastille sweets when I feel dizzy in the car. Hope I don't end up getting diabetes!! :/

ya considering we still have a long way to go, hopefully this aversion to plain water will go away soon. for me, its either i take sugary drinks or dont drink at all. even milo also cannot take.

rainbowzstarz.. issit the milk that's giving u the diarrhoea? take care & rest well!
Reminds me of my old workplace. Cannot stand all the nosey colleagues who ask all sorts of questions!!!

The diarhhrea make you bleed again? Btw is it safe to take diahreaa medications?
by rite can tak charcoal.bt i bleeding so dun dare.

i nd help.does anyone knw wat other women problems wil let gynae giv u 1wk mc.except.pregnancy? cos my ofc nd aubmit.mc de.thy wil knw ita gynae mc.
ya considering we still have a long way to go, hopefully this aversion to plain water will go away soon. for me, its either i take sugary drinks or dont drink at all. even milo also cannot take.

rainbowzstarz.. issit the milk that's giving u the diarrhoea? take care & rest well!
ya i think the milk.i cant realy tak.milk .bt tot of shld tak sm nw preggy.ah stupid me
ya considering we still have a long way to go, hopefully this aversion to plain water will go away soon. for me, its either i take sugary drinks or dont drink at all. even milo also cannot take.

rainbowzstarz.. issit the milk that's giving u the diarrhoea? take care & rest well!

Even Milo!!! :eek:

I dilute the juices / sweet drinks with water so It's not too sweet as well and I end up drinking more liquids too...
by rite can tak charcoal.bt i bleeding so dun dare.

i nd help.does anyone knw wat other women problems wil let gynae giv u 1wk mc.except.pregnancy? cos my ofc nd aubmit.mc de.thy wil knw ita gynae mc.

ermm... woman problem ah...say u have a cyst that is bleeding on and off????
Cyst sounds so terrible ley.. give them a vague answer? Say you're bleeding but gp dunno wats the cause so they refer u to gynae, but gynae also dunno whats the cause so give u mc to let u rest & if after one week still bleeding then must go back for scan. :p
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the problem with tt prc is she wil kp probe details wat hapn, wat lead u to that, n wat doc say to do next.
just my luck!:(
no bleeding aft i spoke to gynae over the phone. lucky.cont med n wait for 21st.hope fullynok. cos early.nov going overseas le.nd gynaes clearance sia
I'm also hoping to go on hols in second trimester. Don't know if long distance trip like Europe is advisable :// my gynae actually said it's ok to go but depends how I am feeling ms etc no point going if I'm going to puke everywhere so fingers crossed...
I'm also hoping to go on hols in second trimester. Don't know if long distance trip like Europe is advisable :// my gynae actually said it's ok to go but depends how I am feeling ms etc no point going if I'm going to puke everywhere so fingers crossed...
europe too long flight journey leh.better not ba.
Hey everyone... wow this thread becomes so active. and nice to see so many new mummies here.
Rainbowzstarz: hope you are feeling better. i think for the PRC KPO aunty, just tell her nicely you need to rest and will talk to her when you are back ba.
My tummy is really showing and now trying to wear loose clothing so that pple in the office will not suspect. and when taking lifts with them, i dun dare to stand straight coz its quite obvious. hahah.. wish that 12 weeks come faster so that i can announce to office.
talking abt oversea, i also hope to go oversea in 2nd tri. dunno where to go. with my #1 with me, going oversea sometimes can be a headache.
Hello ladies !
Finally starting to feel better now in 8th week. Is everyone here planning to OSCAR testing? I didn't do it for my first 2 pregnancies but I am 30 now so guessing I should. Just curious though if its normal to do it n uncommon that people skip this test? Know its only $300 but quite ex...heart pain!
Hey everyone... wow this thread becomes so active. and nice to see so many new mummies here.
Rainbowzstarz: hope you are feeling better. i think for the PRC KPO aunty, just tell her nicely you need to rest and will talk to her when you are back ba.
My tummy is really showing and now trying to wear loose clothing so that pple in the office will not suspect. and when taking lifts with them, i dun dare to stand straight coz its quite obvious. hahah.. wish that 12 weeks come faster so that i can announce to office.
talking abt oversea, i also hope to go oversea in 2nd tri. dunno where to go. with my #1 with me, going oversea sometimes can be a headache.
im better thks.ignore her nw but wen i bck ofc on 16th stil 11wks only...
Hello ladies !
Finally starting to feel better now in 8th week. Is everyone here planning to OSCAR testing? I didn't do it for my first 2 pregnancies but I am 30 now so guessing I should. Just curious though if its normal to do it n uncommon that people skip this test? Know its only $300 but quite ex...heart pain!
30is ok.gynae nvr ask me do oscar wen i hav #1 4+yrs bck.im 34. nw he ask me do plus test for diabetes so i wil go along. c wat ur gynae suggest
:eek:my coleg tell me ofc got 1 confirm h1n1 case!n anthr one under observation.suspected case. n few others is down n on MC! so scary to go back ofc next wk!
y u all dun wan tak oscar? is it still young?

I'm taking Oscar, i think its ok to do, cos the tests in general quite safe? but of cos, some ppl might feel apprehensive to do it, cos of that uncertainty and that risk that one might have to go through.
Anyway, jus curious, you ladies told your boss that you are pregnant alr? or you think its better to wait till after 1st tri is over? :)
oh dint knw there are risk i takig oscar.i tot its become a norm test over the yrs to take.
my gynae say its more detail n accurate.n later i gna try call gynae c can extend my mc anot. dun dare go ofc with the h1n1 goin arnd in ofc
i nvr tel .my boss cos equal to tell whole world once he go tell his prc pet. im tryg to drag till last wk of 1st trim
at least.
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i am taking oscar test and is schedule on next thur (17/10). I think is jus for peace of mind. i jus only told my boss & manager this week that I pregnant. only a handful of my colleagues knew. But my HR knew abt my pregnancy at a very early stage cos tat time suspect miscarriage cos the doc cannot find the sac cos too early. In case of any mishappen or sudden leave, my HR is aware of wat happen.
I'm taking Oscar, i think its ok to do, cos the tests in general quite safe? but of cos, some ppl might feel apprehensive to do it, cos of that uncertainty and that risk that one might have to go through.
Anyway, jus curious, you ladies told your boss that you are pregnant alr? or you think its better to wait till after 1st tri is over? :)
stinzy, the oscar test is ok... not invasive kind. jus blood test and do some fetal measurement then they will generate a statistic score to let u noe the probability of DS.
i am tinking of skipping it as during #1 time my score was 1:200+ (considered high risk). was v paranoid and didnt wan to proceed w amnio cos that has risk of mc. then thru out the pregnancy, keep worrying if bb really DS lor. so hb say no more oscar... since i wun proceed w amnio either.
I took the Oscar test during my #1 pregnancy.
Think to take this time too. Better to play safe i think..
It is more detail, calculate baby's neck thickness, fingers etc..
