(2014/05) May 2014

Thanks, gals.. for lending a listening ear. Gender wise, my gygae said wait till I'm better than
try to disturb bb to determine.
meanwhile, hehehe.. I try to sneak out for some fresh air once a while. But duration not too long..
hubby took leave to accompany me, dun want him to stress out too.. already misseed the holiday,
Christmas maybe also cannot celebrate...
but very thankful that my hubby stood by me quietly in his own ways.

So u all start finding confinement nanny, etc..

Keep your chin up. Stay positive. Think happy thoughts okay!

wen to collect supplement and seek dr advise, managed to do a scan.. aft spend $ ,its nw relief! baby is ok! scare me sia these few days,.
likely the flu med make him drowsy too. woo this pregnancy is realyl so difnt frm the 1st one . *sweat*
me 2. This happens to me a few days ago in public and it is so embarrasing. I have to go pee quite frequently. And there seem to be some kind of smell coming from underneath after a long day..now i have to resort to panty liner to keep tt odour from going away.
u also 2nd pregnancy? is it bcos we 2nd time liao so it gets worse?
hey, for mummies expecting #2 or so, when do you start experiencing bb movements or bb kicks ya?

Does yr tummy feel hard or saggy ?

Paisay for these ignorant questions coz i am trying to compare to my 1st and there seems to be a diff leh. Izit true that every preganancy is different ?
hey, for mummies expecting #2 or so, when do you start experiencing bb movements or bb kicks ya?

Does yr tummy feel hard or saggy ?

Paisay for these ignorant questions coz i am trying to compare to my 1st and there seems to be a diff leh. Izit true that every preganancy is different ?

I somehow seem to feel some baby movement. Mild ones, like shifting around. But it's been a while since #1 so I can't quite remember everything.
hey, for mummies expecting #2 or so, when do you start experiencing bb movements or bb kicks ya?

Does yr tummy feel hard or saggy ?

Paisay for these ignorant questions coz i am trying to compare to my 1st and there seems to be a diff leh. Izit true that every preganancy is different ?
hi yes. i felt my baby kick last wk.

my tummy vry hard nw

yes every pregnancy is difnt de, tis i mus agree
wow... can i noe rainbowstars & disneybabe, you ladies are nw hw many weeks to feel the movement ?

Sometimes i have some slight feeling inside my tummy but not sure if that consider movements leh...

My tummy is hard too but lower abodomen feel bit saggy still... wonder izit becoz of my 1st pregnancy, the extra fats there so saggy... hmmm.....
wow... can i noe rainbowstars & disneybabe, you ladies are nw hw many weeks to feel the movement ?

Sometimes i have some slight feeling inside my tummy but not sure if that consider movements leh...

My tummy is hard too but lower abodomen feel bit saggy still... wonder izit becoz of my 1st pregnancy, the extra fats there so saggy... hmmm.....
Last wk was 17+ wks
u also 2nd time preggy rite?
i feel lik this time all the 3rd trim symptoms happen earlier

yeah, this is my second preg.. ya, seems like my backach also starting le :(
into my 18 weeks le.. but next week will be the detailed scan, cant wait, jus hope that this time rd the bb will coorporate cos bb wasnt the last time rd so still dunno the gender yet.. :)
sigh.. for no reasons, all of the sudden, blood gushing out as if waterbag burst (for those who had given birth)..
soaked through a pad and leaked through, flowed down my leg somemore.. sort of miscarriage type where u watched in the TV series..
when reached hospital, docs can't find anything wrong except for bleeding still continued at a slower pace..
luckily, baby's heartbeat still normal.. hospitalised for 3 days for observation.
went back for follow-up scan one week later, realised that there's this big layer of blood clotting above the placenta..
(u can see layers of "cushion" when the doctor did the scan for u, the nearest one to the placenta, in my case, was blood clot as mentioned by
the doc.. though at first look, it seemed that placenta was "detached")
Because of that, my doc said I have to cancel my overseas holiday trip...sob sob.. and was given MC till next mon.. almost a month..
meanwhile, blood clots still flowed out.. once in a while.. fortunate thing is that so long the clots are not bloody red in color, i'm safe.
nowadays, a bit pararoid, trying hard to feel the baby as and when i can, to make sure it is still alive.. coz read from internet.. using different
medical terms and descriptions, the outcomes are different.. worse scenerio is a stillborn after giving birth..

Sorry, gals if it affects your moods.. just need a place to vent my worries and frustrations..

Hey Dear,
do take care, everything will be fine, must be tough and strong for the sake of your little one :)
We will all jiayou together!
yeah, this is my second preg.. ya, seems like my backach also starting le :(
into my 18 weeks le.. but next week will be the detailed scan, cant wait, jus hope that this time rd the bb will coorporate cos bb wasnt the last time rd so still dunno the gender yet.. :)
Your #1 boy or girl?
all pregnancies are different.. baby kicks wise, may not be easy to feel, maybe after 17th weeks.. but u might be able to feel
his/her buttock pushing onto your tummy.. esp if it feels hard..
OR u can ask your elder kid to touch and say hello to the bb.. mine can feel something (assuming is not my own wrong assumption).. but
when i touch and wanting to communicate, can't feel anything, even my hubby also fails..
so we take it as the bb is closer to the siblings instead..
what i can say (based on past experiences), is that as we grow older, and if it is not the first one, our body gives us different
signals based on our current health being..
for example, my 1st boy, no morning sickness, nothing, in fact other than tummy growing, i'm as if normal woman.. my colleagues
were "screaming" at me to ask me to slow down my pace, etc.. only certain craving like chillis, no fish definitely, legs swollen like pig trotters (shoe size increased by 3) in 3rd trimester ..
so in the end, i supposed it might be the chilli that made me heaty.. my boy got atopic eczema. luckily.. it went off after he reached 3 plus..
my 2nd girl, me more tired, became grumpy, no dinners for me except apples.. so when my girl was born, she likes to eat apples.. hahaha..
but this 3rd one, totally different, no appetite, no morning sickness, maybe evening sickness.. in fact, can't really eat RICE... even till now rice
make me nauseous. so, only surviving on nuts, noodles, bread etc.. but funny thing is that can eat sushi.. dunno what type of bb is he/she..
anyway, regardless what's your craving, or not eating anything, still must introduce back all the food to the bb when he/she is of age for their own
sigh.. very lazy... have to go ask around for baby stuff again, gave all away liao.. after 2 kids, thought most prob will not have anymore coz we are already
so tired taking care of them..
anyone got lobang?
wow... can i noe rainbowstars & disneybabe, you ladies are nw hw many weeks to feel the movement ?

Sometimes i have some slight feeling inside my tummy but not sure if that consider movements leh...

My tummy is hard too but lower abodomen feel bit saggy still... wonder izit becoz of my 1st pregnancy, the extra fats there so saggy... hmmm.....

I'm 17 weeks now. Just started feeling something. Usually when the baby shifts its position.
all pregnancies are different.. baby kicks wise, may not be easy to feel, maybe after 17th weeks.. but u might be able to feel
his/her buttock pushing onto your tummy.. esp if it feels hard..
OR u can ask your elder kid to touch and say hello to the bb.. mine can feel something (assuming is not my own wrong assumption).. but
when i touch and wanting to communicate, can't feel anything, even my hubby also fails..
so we take it as the bb is closer to the siblings instead..
what i can say (based on past experiences), is that as we grow older, and if it is not the first one, our body gives us different
signals based on our current health being..
for example, my 1st boy, no morning sickness, nothing, in fact other than tummy growing, i'm as if normal woman.. my colleagues
were "screaming" at me to ask me to slow down my pace, etc.. only certain craving like chillis, no fish definitely, legs swollen like pig trotters (shoe size increased by 3) in 3rd trimester ..
so in the end, i supposed it might be the chilli that made me heaty.. my boy got atopic eczema. luckily.. it went off after he reached 3 plus..
my 2nd girl, me more tired, became grumpy, no dinners for me except apples.. so when my girl was born, she likes to eat apples.. hahaha..
but this 3rd one, totally different, no appetite, no morning sickness, maybe evening sickness.. in fact, can't really eat RICE... even till now rice
make me nauseous. so, only surviving on nuts, noodles, bread etc.. but funny thing is that can eat sushi.. dunno what type of bb is he/she..
anyway, regardless what's your craving, or not eating anything, still must introduce back all the food to the bb when he/she is of age for their own

Bwahahaha... My #1 follow me... eat spicy food. Now #2 I crave for spicy food again. But perhaps I should watch my spicy food intake as well, since I read about your #1 having dermatitis. I have ectopic eczema, so I really really hope it skips #2 as well.
Bwahahaha... My #1 follow me... eat spicy food. Now #2 I crave for spicy food again. But perhaps I should watch my spicy food intake as well, since I read about your #1 having dermatitis. I have ectopic eczema, so I really really hope it skips #2 as well.
looks lik alot of u hav enzema , me too! nw get worse
cool. i think u are the only one having twins in our thread
Heehee... I thought I read another MTB having twins in the earlier pages but can't trace back ;-p

BTW, have anyone manage to add me in FB? I did not receive anything so far. My account name is Karen Teo, but I think it's a common name... email is [email protected]

The thread is getting somewhat quiet here, hope it is more active on FB?
well.. if you based on the chinese folks saying, spicy means heaty.. hence eczema is more likely.. also depends on your own constituent.
mine is heaty based.. hence even i eat lots of heaty food, i'll not get sick.. but definitely, my 2nd gal, i cut down chilli up to 90%. hence,
her skin is much better, smoother..
she's also less prone to sickness like me though if get sick, hahaha... must be very serious type..

but this current bb, can't find anything suitable to eat except for noodles, bread, etc.. can't even drink cold drinks...
when drink cold drinks, (tested a few times), the blood clots came out more and dunno if it is good or bad..
no tea/coffee too.. tea same effect as cold drinks, coffee (even 3-in-1 instant type, so mild type), later will have cramps..
must always drink warm or hot drinks.. so bored...
my tummy is getting smaller... a bit worried.. didn't feel any firmness/hardness though. gynae check on mon but need
to go back office for an urgent conference in the morning though i'm still on hospitalisation leave. hope work can make me
think less abt negative thoughts.. though you all might think i'm a workaholic.. just need to keep mind occupy.. till mon afternoon..
i need to hear the bb's heartbeat, feel the movements, then i'll be more assured... hope that the bleeding/injury above the placenta has shrunk..

sorry.. getting emotional again... just saw my travel insurance claims had failed.. lost a few thousands due to trip cancelled... then cannot claim
health insurance for the hospitalisation... sigh..
my tummy is getting smaller... a bit worried.. didn't feel any firmness/hardness though. gynae check on mon but need
to go back office for an urgent conference in the morning though i'm still on hospitalisation leave. hope work can make me
think less abt negative thoughts.. though you all might think i'm a workaholic.. just need to keep mind occupy.. till mon afternoon..
i need to hear the bb's heartbeat, feel the movements, then i'll be more assured... hope that the bleeding/injury above the placenta has shrunk..

sorry.. getting emotional again... just saw my travel insurance claims had failed.. lost a few thousands due to trip cancelled... then cannot claim
health insurance for the hospitalisation... sigh..
This is a place to share your thoughts and for us to offer a listening ear. So feel free to let it out. I know it's very hard but everyone will tell you to think positive. It's good that you're trying to occupy your mind with other thoughts. Think about it, weekend is here, can spend time with hubby and kids.
my tummy is getting smaller... a bit worried.. didn't feel any firmness/hardness though. gynae check on mon but need
to go back office for an urgent conference in the morning though i'm still on hospitalisation leave. hope work can make me
think less abt negative thoughts.. though you all might think i'm a workaholic.. just need to keep mind occupy.. till mon afternoon..
i need to hear the bb's heartbeat, feel the movements, then i'll be more assured... hope that the bleeding/injury above the placenta has shrunk..

sorry.. getting emotional again... just saw my travel insurance claims had failed.. lost a few thousands due to trip cancelled... then cannot claim
health insurance for the hospitalisation... sigh..
Take care of yourself, be positive , your baby will be fine.

maybe position of baby? so nw u dun feel tummy harder? these 2 days i also dun feel that hard as monday, guessing baby change position? just my tots.

mus hav positive ions! evrythg will be good soon!
monday will be a great day for u
well.. if you based on the chinese folks saying, spicy means heaty.. hence eczema is more likely.. also depends on your own constituent.
mine is heaty based.. hence even i eat lots of heaty food, i'll not get sick.. but definitely, my 2nd gal, i cut down chilli up to 90%. hence,
her skin is much better, smoother..
she's also less prone to sickness like me though if get sick, hahaha... must be very serious type..

but this current bb, can't find anything suitable to eat except for noodles, bread, etc.. can't even drink cold drinks...
when drink cold drinks, (tested a few times), the blood clots came out more and dunno if it is good or bad..
no tea/coffee too.. tea same effect as cold drinks, coffee (even 3-in-1 instant type, so mild type), later will have cramps..
must always drink warm or hot drinks.. so bored...

hmm, now that you have mentioned it, i also had craving for spicy stuff during my first pregnancy, dunno is it then, my #1 seems to have quite sensitive skin lei.. for this #2, i also prefer to eat spicy stuff, dun really feel like havin savory food, but sweet ones still ok :)
guess i better control myself this time rd, alr putting on a lot of weight le.. heheh

i also feel quite uneasy when i take cold drinks, but cant help it, weather at times not helping too!
looking forward for the detailed scan this week.. :p
Just ended my checkup.. saw baby's heartbeat.. gynae assured it's fine though e split is still there but looked smoother unlike last scan, quite choppy n clustery..but hubby more concerned abt the development. Doc says next check then do overall development better.
At least can put down a heavy weight.cant feel bb at all, tummy smaller, losing weight etc.when I told him all these, he said usually baby movement at 20 weeks r real.anything prior that false alarm.dunno whether to believe him or not.but feel silly coz this is my 3rd n I behaved as if im inexperienced..
Thanks gals for ur support.. though most of u logged into FB to chat instead . I'll be here. :)
Just ended my checkup.. saw baby's heartbeat.. gynae assured it's fine though e split is still there but looked smoother unlike last scan, quite choppy n clustery..but hubby more concerned abt the development. Doc says next check then do overall development better.
At least can put down a heavy weight.cant feel bb at all, tummy smaller, losing weight etc.when I told him all these, he said usually baby movement at 20 weeks r real.anything prior that false alarm.dunno whether to believe him or not.but feel silly coz this is my 3rd n I behaved as if im inexperienced..
Thanks gals for ur support.. though most of u logged into FB to chat instead . I'll be here. :)
Thanks for updating us. Glad to hear everything's going good for you.
Just went for my monthly checkup. Doc says everything looks good. Was kinda worried that I did not feel the baby move for a few days. Doc says it is normal for movement to be inconsistent now. It all depends on the position of the baby.

I will still be chatting here too. :)
Just ended my checkup.. saw baby's heartbeat.. gynae assured it's fine though e split is still there but looked smoother unlike last scan, quite choppy n clustery..but hubby more concerned abt the development. Doc says next check then do overall development better.
At least can put down a heavy weight.cant feel bb at all, tummy smaller, losing weight etc.when I told him all these, he said usually baby movement at 20 weeks r real.anything prior that false alarm.dunno whether to believe him or not.but feel silly coz this is my 3rd n I behaved as if im inexperienced..
Thanks gals for ur support.. though most of u logged into FB to chat instead . I'll be here. :)
oh great!ur baby is well and fine! congrats
