(2014/05) May 2014


Dropside cribs are the cribs we commonly see in SG which has a side that we can lower to give easier access to bb. The US is the only country that has banned it, I don't think it's the same in UK and Europe. so dropside cribs should still be safe... But this article from Babycenter UK indicates that as long as cribs satisfy a certain safety standard and the grilles are no less than 2.5cm and no more than 5cm apart, it should be safe for use.

Sounds geeky right? haha:oops:
Errrr, so what you're saying is that you are looking for a cot that doesn't allow you to remove any of the sides? If it is the case, I can share with you from experience that you'll have a lot of challenges when your baby gets bigger. You have to imagine that as the baby grows bigger, you have to lower the level of the crib eh? Because they might climb out? And when you lower your crib, and if there are no sides for you to drop, you'd end up having to bend real low that will be really challenging to pick the baby up. Imagine doing that like 5 to 10 times a day?

That will sure as hell frustrate you. I was like you, with my firstborn, read a lot of this and that. But it's good to think through and ahead as well. And since we're on the topic of cribs, you might wanna give thought on whether you'd like to practise co-sleeping or independent sleeping. If you're thinking co-sleeping, some parents do without cribs, and sleep with the child on the bed. Or get like an extended bed that can be attached to their own bed.
btw ladies, I've passed the msg to the FB group, most say they dont login here anymore or even forgot their password so... o_O
I see ... thanks for sharing.

Really alot of boys this year...6 of my freinds are pregnant and all are boys.. so gonna wait for mine =)
agree! jus our forum alrdy so many boys.think horse is a boy yr? keke sheep then gal yr.
andy lau also havg boy rite? big S confirm gal.keke entertainment gossips.many artiste giving birth nxt yr.
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Errrr, so what you're saying is that you are looking for a cot that doesn't allow you to remove any of the sides? If it is the case, I can share with you from experience that you'll have a lot of challenges when your baby gets bigger. You have to imagine that as the baby grows bigger, you have to lower the level of the crib eh? Because they might climb out? And when you lower your crib, and if there are no sides for you to drop, you'd end up having to bend real low that will be really challenging to pick the baby up. Imagine doing that like 5 to 10 times a day?

That will sure as hell frustrate you. I was like you, with my firstborn, read a lot of this and that. But it's good to think through and ahead as well. And since we're on the topic of cribs, you might wanna give thought on whether you'd like to practise co-sleeping or independent sleeping. If you're thinking co-sleeping, some parents do without cribs, and sleep with the child on the bed. Or get like an extended bed that can be attached to their own bed.
Hi, thanks for sharing your experience. I'm not planning to co-sleep, perhaps have the cot in my room for a max of 6 months. Non-dropside cribs have lower railings compared to dropside cribs. In the US, all dropside cribs have been banned, so I am sure there's a way to work through the issue. Like I mentioned I am not completely close to the idea of dropside cribs, its popularity must mean there are merits to its design.

Definitely would want our child to have a separate bed.
Hi, thanks for sharing your experience. I'm not planning to co-sleep, perhaps have the cot in my room for a max of 6 months. Non-dropside cribs have lower railings compared to dropside cribs. In the US, all dropside cribs have been banned, so I am sure there's a way to work through the issue. Like I mentioned I am not completely close to the idea of dropside cribs, its popularity must mean there are merits to its design.

Definitely would want our child to have a separate bed.
Different schools of thoughts. My DD is used to sleeping on her own bed and we shifted to her own room at the age of 1. We are happy to have non-disruptive sleep. Although I must say they go through phases of waking up at night for different things like teething, unwell, night terrors.

Having a lower bedrail would also mean that you have to be cautious about having baby climbing out when they're capable of it.
Different schools of thoughts. My DD is used to sleeping on her own bed and we shifted to her own room at the age of 1. We are happy to have non-disruptive sleep. Although I must say they go through phases of waking up at night for different things like teething, unwell, night terrors.

Having a lower bedrail would also mean that you have to be cautious about having baby climbing out when they're capable of it.

We, on the other hand, have been co-sleeping with 3 mattresses on the floor since she was a baby. Space constraints primarily but we've gotten used to it, hence don't really feel any disruption. I think we probably sleep so soundly until she has to shake us up to ask for milk etc. :p
We, on the other hand, have been co-sleeping with 3 mattresses on the floor since she was a baby. Space constraints primarily but we've gotten used to it, hence don't really feel any disruption. I think we probably sleep so soundly until she has to shake us up to ask for milk etc. :p
Hhehehe. Yeah, know what you mean. These days when DD wants something middle of the night, DH and I would nudge each other to wake up. Or sometimes she buay tahan, she'll come inside the room.
The pollution index has gone up beyond 400 today in Shanghai. We are all staying indoors. How's the situatio in Wuhan?
The pollution index has gone up beyond 400 today in Shanghai. We are all staying indoors. How's the situatio in Wuhan?

I saw.... Shanghai went beyond index!!! Even flights had to be re-routed, re-timed. Wuhan has been quite bad this whole week, hovering around 250-300. I was in the taxi earlier, crossing the 长江. Halfway across the bridge and I couldn't even see what's on the opposite side!

Oh well, that's China I guess. The moment a cold draft comes, everything goes foggy in winter. After a while you get used to it.
I saw.... Shanghai went beyond index!!! Even flights had to be re-routed, re-timed. Wuhan has been quite bad this whole week, hovering around 250-300. I was in the taxi earlier, crossing the 长江. Halfway across the bridge and I couldn't even see what's on the opposite side!

Oh well, that's China I guess. The moment a cold draft comes, everything goes foggy in winter. After a while you get used to it.
Yeah, that's the thing ... cold draft is hitting us next week. Been here for like 7 years and it just gets worse year after year. Thought it got better in the first few years after I came but I think they are not controlling the amount of cars on the roads. Every month, there are like 10k more cars!!! And never see them have any scrap system. Yes, it was bad earlier and we tried to stay indoors, so it wasn't so bad. Hopefully some strong winds would come our way.
Yeah, that's the thing ... cold draft is hitting us next week. Been here for like 7 years and it just gets worse year after year. Thought it got better in the first few years after I came but I think they are not controlling the amount of cars on the roads. Every month, there are like 10k more cars!!! And never see them have any scrap system. Yes, it was bad earlier and we tried to stay indoors, so it wasn't so bad. Hopefully some strong winds would come our way.

7 years?! That's a mighty long time to be in Shanghai, although I do have friends who've been there for like almost 20 years. But international schools (especially those doing the IB program) I've heard are very expensive.

I heard Shenzhen and Guangzhou implementing some restrictions but ppl simply go to Zhuhai or other part of Guangzhou to buy cars... :p
7 years?! That's a mighty long time to be in Shanghai, although I do have friends who've been there for like almost 20 years. But international schools (especially those doing the IB program) I've heard are very expensive.

I heard Shenzhen and Guangzhou implementing some restrictions but ppl simply go to Zhuhai or other part of Guangzhou to buy cars... :p
Yes ... so long that i've built my life around here. Shanghai is now my 2nd home.
hows evryone bladder/pee frequency?i gt a shock cos i leak we i sneeze tdy.1st pregnacy i had such situation obly during my last trim. nw only 2nd trim!.n my pee frequency stil as bad.half hr to 45mins is max.wen its cold etc within hald hr i mus go pee.

evry nite i wake up 3times to pee
hows evryone bladder/pee frequency?i gt a shock cos i leak we i sneeze tdy.1st pregnacy i had such situation obly during my last trim. nw only 2nd trim!.n my pee frequency stil as bad.half hr to 45mins is max.wen its cold etc within hald hr i mus go pee.

evry nite i wake up 3times to pee

Sigh, i think we need to drink more water, but the part i hate abt is i need to pee frequently too!! and yeah, i cant seem to be able to control my bladder well... tats why i still wear pad every now and then :(
been having disturbed sleep too!! so sian.. dunno wat can help
Sigh, i think we need to drink more water, but the part i hate abt is i need to pee frequently too!! and yeah, i cant seem to be able to control my bladder well... tats why i still wear pad every now and then :(
been having disturbed sleep too!! so sian.. dunno wat can help
u also 2nd time preggy rite?
i feel lik this time all the 3rd trim symptoms happen earlier
wat happen to u? y bedrest? same as me bed rest for a total of 3+ wks in oct :(

sigh.. for no reasons, all of the sudden, blood gushing out as if waterbag burst (for those who had given birth)..
soaked through a pad and leaked through, flowed down my leg somemore.. sort of miscarriage type where u watched in the TV series..
when reached hospital, docs can't find anything wrong except for bleeding still continued at a slower pace..
luckily, baby's heartbeat still normal.. hospitalised for 3 days for observation.
went back for follow-up scan one week later, realised that there's this big layer of blood clotting above the placenta..
(u can see layers of "cushion" when the doctor did the scan for u, the nearest one to the placenta, in my case, was blood clot as mentioned by
the doc.. though at first look, it seemed that placenta was "detached")
Because of that, my doc said I have to cancel my overseas holiday trip...sob sob.. and was given MC till next mon.. almost a month..
meanwhile, blood clots still flowed out.. once in a while.. fortunate thing is that so long the clots are not bloody red in color, i'm safe.
nowadays, a bit pararoid, trying hard to feel the baby as and when i can, to make sure it is still alive.. coz read from internet.. using different
medical terms and descriptions, the outcomes are different.. worse scenerio is a stillborn after giving birth..

Sorry, gals if it affects your moods.. just need a place to vent my worries and frustrations..
sigh.. for no reasons, all of the sudden, blood gushing out as if waterbag burst (for those who had given birth)..
soaked through a pad and leaked through, flowed down my leg somemore.. sort of miscarriage type where u watched in the TV series..
when reached hospital, docs can't find anything wrong except for bleeding still continued at a slower pace..
luckily, baby's heartbeat still normal.. hospitalised for 3 days for observation.
went back for follow-up scan one week later, realised that there's this big layer of blood clotting above the placenta..
(u can see layers of "cushion" when the doctor did the scan for u, the nearest one to the placenta, in my case, was blood clot as mentioned by
the doc.. though at first look, it seemed that placenta was "detached")
Because of that, my doc said I have to cancel my overseas holiday trip...sob sob.. and was given MC till next mon.. almost a month..
meanwhile, blood clots still flowed out.. once in a while.. fortunate thing is that so long the clots are not bloody red in color, i'm safe.
nowadays, a bit pararoid, trying hard to feel the baby as and when i can, to make sure it is still alive.. coz read from internet.. using different
medical terms and descriptions, the outcomes are different.. worse scenerio is a stillborn after giving birth..

Sorry, gals if it affects your moods.. just need a place to vent my worries and frustrations..

oh sounds serious. hope u are ok now.
so u knw ur baby gender alrdy?
u take gd care. welcome to chat with us again when u better
sigh.. for no reasons, all of the sudden, blood gushing out as if waterbag burst (for those who had given birth)..
soaked through a pad and leaked through, flowed down my leg somemore.. sort of miscarriage type where u watched in the TV series..
when reached hospital, docs can't find anything wrong except for bleeding still continued at a slower pace..
luckily, baby's heartbeat still normal.. hospitalised for 3 days for observation.
went back for follow-up scan one week later, realised that there's this big layer of blood clotting above the placenta..
(u can see layers of "cushion" when the doctor did the scan for u, the nearest one to the placenta, in my case, was blood clot as mentioned by
the doc.. though at first look, it seemed that placenta was "detached")
Because of that, my doc said I have to cancel my overseas holiday trip...sob sob.. and was given MC till next mon.. almost a month..
meanwhile, blood clots still flowed out.. once in a while.. fortunate thing is that so long the clots are not bloody red in color, i'm safe.
nowadays, a bit pararoid, trying hard to feel the baby as and when i can, to make sure it is still alive.. coz read from internet.. using different
medical terms and descriptions, the outcomes are different.. worse scenerio is a stillborn after giving birth..

Sorry, gals if it affects your moods.. just need a place to vent my worries and frustrations..

Hope you are fine now.. I felt painful after reading your post.
hows evryone bladder/pee frequency?i gt a shock cos i leak we i sneeze tdy.1st pregnacy i had such situation obly during my last trim. nw only 2nd trim!.n my pee frequency stil as bad.half hr to 45mins is max.wen its cold etc within hald hr i mus go pee.

evry nite i wake up 3times to pee

me 2. This happens to me a few days ago in public and it is so embarrasing. I have to go pee quite frequently. And there seem to be some kind of smell coming from underneath after a long day..now i have to resort to panty liner to keep tt odour from going away.
me 2. This happens to me a few days ago in public and it is so embarrasing. I have to go pee quite frequently. And there seem to be some kind of smell coming from underneath after a long day..now i have to resort to panty liner to keep tt odour from going away.
Pantyliner also must change frequently, otherwise might have yeast infection.
sigh.. for no reasons, all of the sudden, blood gushing out as if waterbag burst (for those who had given birth)..
soaked through a pad and leaked through, flowed down my leg somemore.. sort of miscarriage type where u watched in the TV series..
when reached hospital, docs can't find anything wrong except for bleeding still continued at a slower pace..
luckily, baby's heartbeat still normal.. hospitalised for 3 days for observation.
went back for follow-up scan one week later, realised that there's this big layer of blood clotting above the placenta..
(u can see layers of "cushion" when the doctor did the scan for u, the nearest one to the placenta, in my case, was blood clot as mentioned by
the doc.. though at first look, it seemed that placenta was "detached")
Because of that, my doc said I have to cancel my overseas holiday trip...sob sob.. and was given MC till next mon.. almost a month..
meanwhile, blood clots still flowed out.. once in a while.. fortunate thing is that so long the clots are not bloody red in color, i'm safe.
nowadays, a bit pararoid, trying hard to feel the baby as and when i can, to make sure it is still alive.. coz read from internet.. using different
medical terms and descriptions, the outcomes are different.. worse scenerio is a stillborn after giving birth..

Sorry, gals if it affects your moods.. just need a place to vent my worries and frustrations..

Gosh.. Please gave a open mind. For now don't stress too much
Thanks, gals.. for lending a listening ear. Gender wise, my gygae said wait till I'm better than
try to disturb bb to determine.
meanwhile, hehehe.. I try to sneak out for some fresh air once a while. But duration not too long..
hubby took leave to accompany me, dun want him to stress out too.. already misseed the holiday,
Christmas maybe also cannot celebrate...
but very thankful that my hubby stood by me quietly in his own ways.

So u all start finding confinement nanny, etc..

Thanks, gals.. for lending a listening ear. Gender wise, my gygae said wait till I'm better than
try to disturb bb to determine.
meanwhile, hehehe.. I try to sneak out for some fresh air once a while. But duration not too long..
hubby took leave to accompany me, dun want him to stress out too.. already misseed the holiday,
Christmas maybe also cannot celebrate...
but very thankful that my hubby stood by me quietly in his own ways.

So u all start finding confinement nanny, etc..
I know it's not easy at all because with my #1, I also went through some slight complications and was basically worrying throughout the last trimester. But with the #2, I tell myself not to let external factors or what people (especially old folks) affect me too much. In times of distress, it really tests the bond of marriage.
