(2014/05) May 2014

I had so called gender scan today at 15w4d....Ob says 80% boy. This is my 3rd child. Somehow hoping he wasnt accurate as was hoping for another gal. 1st Boy is coming to 9 liao and 2nd is a girl who is coming to 5. Thought they could at least play a bit better n be closer as number 1 will be far gap ;( But so long as healthy!
Welcome to didi club. Hhehehe.

Yes, I do have slight cramps once in a while. Doc says it is normal. Nothing to worry about as long as it is not very painful or too long.
Ya leh, when there's music, not so breathless hahahahha

Re: nursing pad pockets, I also don't know, think it makes more sense? better ask old bird mummies for advice...

The nursing bras can usually be unhooked for easy access when you need to nurse the baby. As for the nursing pads, I used them too in case the breasts leak. But my bras dun have any pockets. Just place them inside the bra. Just be careful when you nurse in public. Don't unhook and the pad accidentally fall out. How does bras with pockets work? Won't the bra get wet if the pad is in the pocket?
The nursing bras can usually be unhooked for easy access when you need to nurse the baby. As for the nursing pads, I used them too in case the breasts leak. But my bras dun have any pockets. Just place them inside the bra. Just be careful when you nurse in public. Don't unhook and the pad accidentally fall out. How does bras with pockets work? Won't the bra get wet if the pad is in the pocket?
I LOL-ed at your comment about pad accidentally falling out. Good point there. The bras with pocket work like the simple concept of those maximizer push up bra where you can slot in padding to push your boobies. So same thing instead of those padding, you buy breast pads to absorb leakage of milk. But yes, bra will still be partially wet.
I LOL-ed at your comment about pad accidentally falling out. Good point there. The bras with pocket work like the simple concept of those maximizer push up bra where you can slot in padding to push your boobies. So same thing instead of those padding, you buy breast pads to absorb leakage of milk. But yes, bra will still be partially wet.

Hehehe...although the disposable pads have stickers at the back to stick to the bra, you can never be too careful! If the bra does get wet, I guess I prefer the bras without the pockets then. Once the pads get wet, just change new ones. I'd probably get uncomfortable wearing a wet bra all day.
I had so called gender scan today at 15w4d....Ob says 80% boy. This is my 3rd child. Somehow hoping he wasnt accurate as was hoping for another gal. 1st Boy is coming to 9 liao and 2nd is a girl who is coming to 5. Thought they could at least play a bit better n be closer as number 1 will be far gap ;( But so long as healthy!
Congratulations another didi here!
I am 15weeks, 3days. Gynae say 80% girl. Ha. Btw, do you sometimes experienced cramps on your abdomen ?
Congratulations having a princess!!
Hi, I'm new here. Just wondering if you gals have a compiled list of when who's EDD, gender, hospital, gynae etc is?
EDD 22nd May.
Dear all mummies!! I'm back from Australia =)
Although it's Summer over there but the weather is freaking cold!!
Hot sun with a 14 deg celsius temperature =S
Can I ask what drinks will you order if you are eating in a hawker centre or restaurant? I have problem ordering drinks =(
Dear all mummies!! I'm back from Australia =)
Although it's Summer over there but the weather is freaking cold!!
Hot sun with a 14 deg celsius temperature =S
Can I ask what drinks will you order if you are eating in a hawker centre or restaurant? I have problem ordering drinks =(
hope u had a great holid!!
smtimes its so difc to order drinks. i end up 2nd cup of caffeine, lik ice tea..
Able to drink Ice Tea??!! ru sure?
I had soya bean can drinks or ribena until very sian!!
I wanna order Lime juice, so craving for it lor somethimes...
i mean bobian. u go restaurant limited choice for drinks.
even ifi had coffee in the mrn.. bt then go restaurant.. nthg to choose if i dun tak plain water, i wil end up wif ice tea
i mean bobian. u go restaurant limited choice for drinks.
even ifi had coffee in the mrn.. bt then go restaurant.. nthg to choose if i dun tak plain water, i wil end up wif ice tea

icic... i must be more displicine then ..I had iced milo or sometimes 100 plus (drink from the can not chilled).
I can't take hot milo, i will puke.. Milo Kosong will be worst!
icic... i must be more displicine then ..I had iced milo or sometimes 100 plus (drink from the can not chilled).
I can't take hot milo, i will puke.. Milo Kosong will be worst!
i usually wil tel them less ice, or scoop out the ice myslf...
i more wry is take too sweet. i hav pregnant fren nw diabetic, goin thru strict diet. i wry sia.
its dec, 5 long mths to endure thru
i usually wil tel them less ice, or scoop out the ice myslf...
i more wry is take too sweet. i hav pregnant fren nw diabetic, goin thru strict diet. i wry sia.
its dec, 5 long mths to endure thru
Y think of it as 5 long months, but 5 short months? things will change so fast! I am now just busy getting the house ready for the baby's arrival, clearing out space and spending quiet lazy weekends with hubby before things change with the arrival of the bb. Hehe
Y think of it as 5 long months, but 5 short months? things will change so fast! I am now just busy getting the house ready for the baby's arrival, clearing out space and spending quiet lazy weekends with hubby before things change with the arrival of the bb. Hehe
me too busy packing the hse... hav to clear this shift tt. haha u stil can enjoy the lazy wkends.. pls enjoy to the max. we dun hav tis luxury. actly nw i busy during tis festive to let my gal enjoy to the max too, cos wen #2 is out, for the start she's goin to hav her outdoor fun reduced, til evrythg gets more settled in. but i can see she is looking forwrd to didi arrival, so am glad
yea, so it's 5 short months to spend one-on-one time with jiejie before didi comes along. How old is jiejie now? nice to have 2, I also want 2, if possible. hehe
yea, so it's 5 short months to spend one-on-one time with jiejie before didi comes along. How old is jiejie now? nice to have 2, I also want 2, if possible. hehe
haha i really mus learn to be more positive.. but no energy sia.. evry min is maxed out.she will be 5 yrs old in feb.
i wanted her to be bigger n more sensible then have #2, thats y the big gap. at least she is independent in most thgs, no nd me wry then i can hav more time to handle #2, haha she can help me take care too.
Y think of it as 5 long months, but 5 short months? things will change so fast! I am now just busy getting the house ready for the baby's arrival, clearing out space and spending quiet lazy weekends with hubby before things change with the arrival of the bb. Hehe
i guess if u are busy-busy, time will pass v fast! heh.
Dear all mummies!! I'm back from Australia =)
Although it's Summer over there but the weather is freaking cold!!
Hot sun with a 14 deg celsius temperature =S
Can I ask what drinks will you order if you are eating in a hawker centre or restaurant? I have problem ordering drinks =(
I haven't been good. Will drink green tea and ribena and honey water. Don't know why I still cannot take in plain water. Will feel very bloated after that.
Happy Monday ladies!

For me, I am very naughty, I don't stick to the hot drinks rule, recently always craving for lime juice :)
Me too, very hooked on the Yuzu tea.

Y think of it as 5 long months, but 5 short months? things will change so fast! I am now just busy getting the house ready for the baby's arrival, clearing out space and spending quiet lazy weekends with hubby before things change with the arrival of the bb. Hehe
I truly missed those carefree lazy days. That's why people always say when you're pregnant with a kid in tow and when you're pregnant with the first child, the feeling is really different. I am still fortunate in the sense that I have time to rest when my girl is in school. And my DH is very hands on and helps out a lot.
Dear all mummies!! I'm back from Australia =)
Although it's Summer over there but the weather is freaking cold!!
Hot sun with a 14 deg celsius temperature =S
Can I ask what drinks will you order if you are eating in a hawker centre or restaurant? I have problem ordering drinks =(

Ice milo, fruit juice or warm water. sometime really cannot tahan will go for soft drinks
;)more updates on bb gender tis wk.hope thr is.
3more wks to seeing my boy n do detail scan..so long by rite is 2wks de but gynae go holid break
I tot is ok to go for ice lemon tea? I have it many times. Also drink yu zi chai. Y cannot drink huh?
I feel quite moody and sometimes feel like boxing pp, esp my boss. Wahaha. Do u all feel moody?
Coz ice lemon tea contains caffeine. And pregnant women need to watch their caffeine intake as too much poses a risk to birth weight of baby. My gynae gave me strict orders to one serving a day. Coffee OR Coke OR Tea. So I have to tahan. I used to be a coke drinker, now I have to stop.
I tot is ok to go for ice lemon tea? I have it many times. Also drink yu zi chai. Y cannot drink huh?
I feel quite moody and sometimes feel like boxing pp, esp my boss. Wahaha. Do u all feel moody?

Hahahahhaa...i do feel moody at times.. i'm fortunate to have an understanding boss (male boss).
I heard from friends that tea will make our womb weaker =(
