(2014/05) May 2014

the constipation is killing me. haha.
plus nausea.
maybe you can try having more water or fruit juices. Just no cooling hearbal drink though i too feel like having them... coz of my sore throat. Nausea ya... it can be a pain yeah. Sorry ah, in case i miss your answer out, is this your no. 1 or 2:?

Congrats all on your pregnancy! I have some items to let go, please take a look and drop me a PM if you are interested, thanks! If taking more items, can negotiate as hoping to clear all these items :)

- Brand New and Sealed full tin Similac Mum milk at $14 or exchange for wet wipes (Original selling price $30). Expiry Dec 2014

- Maternity wear size M, can wear even up to last trimester. Bundle of 5 dresses to let go for $19 or exchange for wet wipes, suitable for office wear.

- BRAND NEW AND SEALED Kodomo Baby Powder (500g x 2) to exchange for two packs Huggies full size wet wipes

- Play gym (can use from newborn) to sell for $10. Soft, colourful and washable.

Thanks for reading!!!

water is making me nausea too. in need of sweet drinks.
this #2.
oo we are the same then... i dunno why my mouth is feeling salty ... it just keeps having this salty taste... that i need sweet stuff... and i keep having gas in my stomach that makes me belch... i need fruit juices... and perrier... to help me burp
I haven't see a gynae yet, read from somewhere, better to go at 8 weeks?

rainhowzstarz, same here! having nausea whole day!! ytd speed to office toilet to vomit :'(
Have all of you inform your boss? Think i can't hide long... my colleague will soon suspect...

hihi... i'm having the same problem as you. Have also informed my boss only to excuse me to knock off early.
Do you feel salty in your tongue and need sweet stuff to cover the salty taste? i keep drinking hot water to flush away the smell. quite irritating!
hi potatoe chips... ya.. this time round, i am also feeling like you... my mouth feels salty the whole time and i need something sweet. it is totally different from what i experience the last time man...
In contrary, sweet stuff makes me feel nausea :( I use to love sweet stuff…. Now when I see them, I have not appetite at all -_-“
Going to be 8th weeks this Friday and have make appt to see Dr Paul Tseng...
Anyone also seeing him?
Am having #2, hoping for VBAC ...

i am also still not added to FB Page, can someone add me : [email protected] Thanks!
i hope time pass quick quick.. 3 more wks to gynae visit n it seems so far. n on 24oct i can finally announce that im preggy. such a happy news that i cant share n nd kp to hide... hmm anyway moody these 2 days.. little bit of thgs make me unhappy
dunno also.mayb suffer bad nauseous over wkend till moody.
ya no nd to hide in 3wks time.wen ppl ask i can finally say yes u r rite.haha
in my 9 wks soon.n kind of lik wat babycrntre describe moodines..mood swings.these 2 days find my hubby talk.too much.haha tink im mad
how nice if today you know you pregnant, tomorrow you already 9 mths and ready to give birth ah... then no need to go through the process .of all these hahaha... i must be crazy
same here... although i have loads of dead lines to meet.. @_@"

my hands and feet are constantly cold due to the nausae feeling....
y r we sufferg so badly..u both also havg #2 rite?

the more worse is i hav been eatg vry unhealthily.. been eatg mac n kfc
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same here... although i have loads of dead lines to meet.. @_@"

my hands and feet are constantly cold due to the nausae feeling....
Ya.... i also have deadlines to meet but i just have no mood to even start it... looking at those excel numbers just makes me feel even more tired. Just now my staff ask me if i am ok.. coz i look very tired... so i told him, ya i am very tired... dare not say more hahaha
^5 rainbowzrainz and princess_sue... i also have been eating junk food and dun have to mood to do anything! i just dun feel like working and go home and sleep!
so princess_Sue are you giving birth at KKH again? i also nvr like KKH. My #1 hospitalise twice. once at KKH and the other time at TMC. I just feel that it is a heaven and hell! my sis giving birth at KKH. told her to change gynae but told me its very exp to give birth at tmc.
whenever i think abt food, i just cant stand the tots.. but when it comes to MAC and the fries, i cant resist the temptation. but scare i put on too much weight so trying v hard to restrain myself. have you all had your lunch?
back from my appt.
saw little beanie flicking.
but, theres a bit of blood clot near the womb there. hopefully the body discharge the blood itself.
gynae gave the hormones pill.
need to review in another 2 visit.
anyone hav similar experience before?
i didnt had this during #1.
whenever i think abt food, i just cant stand the tots.. but when it comes to MAC and the fries, i cant resist the temptation. but scare i put on too much weight so trying v hard to restrain myself. have you all had your lunch?
Yes, i pkt this morning for lunch... so ate it in my room with my mini ipad hahaha. watched a little drama during lunch time. I dunno i cannt stomach much food... but surprisingly i ate quite alot of the tang hoon i got for my lunch... hope it stays in there good...

No i wont be having my bb in KKH i will having it in gleneagles.. same as my no. 1 . When i had no. 1 i did all my test at KKH then 20 weeks, i went to KM Seng, which is at gleneagles for my package. I like Dr Seng. very nice , pro and steady when he delivered my first. when i had my no. 1 i put on 26 kg... i just lost all my weight a few months ago... ( my gal is already 3 lor) and now i will be putting it back on again. I am keeping my fingers cross i will not put on that much weight again And i feel so yuan wang... not tha i eat alot.. i have so much water retention:(
back from my appt.
saw little beanie flicking.
but, theres a bit of blood clot near the womb there. hopefully the body discharge the blood itself.
gynae gave the hormones pill.
need to review in another 2 visit.
anyone hav similar experience before?
i didnt had this during #1.
my gynae said there is some fluid or blood ard that area too... so he says.. nothing to worry for now.. well... lets hope things will be alright.
Hi may 2014 mummies!
I'm expecting my #1 and my edd is 10 may.
So excited but worried at the same time... Plus don't have much appetite nowadays :(
Btw, can add me to the fb group? My email: [email protected]
Welcome Mrsteoteo!

Princess_Sue: at least you lost all your weight. i din lose all my pre preg weight hahah... and now have to put on again! anyway, hope wont put on too much weight for this preg.
hahahah... I told my colleague that i wanna take urgent leave too. she said u still have long way to go till 9 months, so try to save your MC and leave for worst situation. lol
ur colleague is right man.... u nv know what is coming... better save it for something that really need it.
