(2014/01) January 2014

look yummy and i love white fungus! Nice and nutritious! How to pick good type of fungus huh coz some got bleached one leh so hv to beware. I missed the show (host by gou liang) abt fake and real stuff as it talk abt..anyone can recall and share?
Yep, just small amount. My mum cooked this for my 2 sisters and sister in law for all their pregnancies,. (8 pregnancies among the 3 of them!) all babies no jaundice. Cause I think it is added as an additional ingredient and not the main ingredient. Else you can add Pao Sheng instead ginseng.

Hmm.. I think if you are uncomfortable with it, then don't take bah. For me, cause everyone in my family who were pregnant took it and all okay. I did started taking it only after 2nd trimester. During my first trimester I cooked red dates and Logan drink to 补血. Then stopped drinking it after first trimester and switched to white fungus with ginseng.
Yep, just small amount. My mum cooked this for my 2 sisters and sister in law for all their pregnancies,. (8 pregnancies among the 3 of them!) all babies no jaundice. Cause I think it is added as an additional ingredient and not the main ingredient. Else you can add Pao Sheng instead ginseng.

really help if take weekly (with pao sheng)? Coz my lst pregnancy, my bb suffered jaundice and really to stay at hospital...very sad as that time she can't discharge together with me ;(
look yummy and i love white fungus! Nice and nutritious! How to pick good type of fungus huh coz some got bleached one leh so hv to beware. I missed the show (host by gou liang) abt fake and real stuff as it talk abt..anyone can recall and share?
Geez!! I dnt know got bleach wor... I actually dnt know how to pick. I jus go Ntuc buy or I buy from medical hall. Hahaha
Hmm.. I think if you are uncomfortable with it, then don't take bah. For me, cause everyone in my family who were pregnant took it and all okay. I did started taking it only after 2nd trimester. During my first trimester I cooked red dates and Logan drink to 补血. Then stopped drinking it after first trimester and switched to white fungus with ginseng.
Icic... I guess mummy always know best. Mayb I go check with my MiL c she know bo... Hehe
really help if take weekly (with pao sheng)? Coz my lst pregnancy, my bb suffered jaundice and really to stay at hospital...very sad as that time she can't discharge together with me ;(

It worked for everyone who had a baby in my family. And my sis in law said she shared this reciepe with her pregnant friend, baby came out without jaundice too. But like what GBOB shared, there are indeed articles saying not to take ginseng. So really up to you. My mum says take at least once during the whole pregnancy should help. But I'm taking it every other week :D for the 2nd trimester.
Icic... I guess mummy always know best. Mayb I go check with my MiL c she know bo... Hehe
haha yeah... Seems like every family have their own idea of what to take and what not to take. For me, mum says confirm cannot take lamb and squid. But once, I was so craving for calamari that I ate 1 :p
It worked for everyone who had a baby in my family. And my sis in law said she shared this reciepe with her pregnant friend, baby came out without jaundice too. But like what GBOB shared, there are indeed articles saying not to take ginseng. So really up to you. My mum says take at least once during the whole pregnancy should help. But I'm taking it every other week :D for the 2nd trimester.

will try to take more at least biweekly now :)
Wah.. ur mil treat u very good leh... so will u all be staying together with ur ils or buying flat or u all have flat liao?
thanks.. ya.. i'm feeling better liao... and i totally agree with u that in our generation having bb before married is nothing to be ashamed off de..
Yup, I'm lucky because my mil is really good to me. We're going to stay in their place first until we buy a flat. Plus, I will need some help to take care of the baby once i'm back to work.

Hi dear, yes it is cos I put rock sugar. Sweetness u can adjust... Dnt like too sweet then dnt put too many rock sugar... I like it v much... Bo Bian bird nest too ex. Hahaha
Can this recipe work with birdnest? My mil is cooking birdnest almost everyweek (except last weekend), most of the time, i will take 3 spoonfuls then give to htb. I told him that i'm not used to this kind of food so it will take a while to get used to...hehehehe. Maybe i can give the recipe to her...hahaha
Yup, I'm lucky because my mil is really good to me. We're going to stay in their place first until we buy a flat. Plus, I will need some help to take care of the baby once i'm back to work.

Can this recipe work with birdnest? My mil is cooking birdnest almost everyweek (except last weekend), most of the time, i will take 3 spoonfuls then give to htb. I told him that i'm not used to this kind of food so it will take a while to get used to...hehehehe. Maybe i can give the recipe to her...hahaha
Yes dear, bird nest can use this recipe but only diff is bird nest u need to double boil n exclude the white fungus
will try to take more at least biweekly now :)

Hope it helps :) my mum sent me a box of white fungus. Paosheng and ginseng and ask me to cook weekly. But i only do it once every 2 week. What you want to get out of it is the drink (the combi of white fungus and paosheng) but of course much on the white fungus if you want :)
Ask you all hor.. can we take ice jelly cocktail? Really feel like taking cold desserts .. but not sure if that is too cooling for us
I wld tink it's ok..even tho it's cooling..I always drink green bean soup too..n cook watercress soup n cook old cucumber soup too..Keke. Guess it's still e word - moderation!
Here's the recipe:-


I added lotus seed, red dates and wolf berries too. Just need to soak the lotus seed n white fungus the night before. Soak one night. Soak wolf berries 20mins prior to cooking. Can buy canned ginkgo from Ntuc. Can also throw all into a slow cooker n cook. Easier cos no need monitor fire
thanks GBOB, I just printed out the recipe, definitely going to try cooking it.
Thanks for the recipe GBOB! Will cook it over the weekend :)

Ice Jelly with lime- omg i love it...i had 1 serving few weeks ago...my colleague didnt finish it and i was eyeing to finish hers....
If eat in moderation its fine lah...dont everyday eat can already...
I also drink green bean soup, red bean soup, soyamilk ..but about once a week....
i also dont dare to eat same fruits everyday...hahaha..
Thanks for the recipe GBOB! Will cook it over the weekend :)

Ice Jelly with lime- omg i love it...i had 1 serving few weeks ago...my colleague didnt finish it and i was eyeing to finish hers....
If eat in moderation its fine lah...dont everyday eat can already...
I also drink green bean soup, red bean soup, soyamilk ..but about once a week....
i also dont dare to eat same fruits everyday...hahaha..

U r v welcome dear :)
Just done with Gynae visit. Sigh... Little bud's still crossing legs cnt c gender o_O
maybe too shy or just wants to surprise you. When is your next visit? I can't wait for mine by end of the month. Hopefully baby not too shy to open the legs so we can confirm if the baby is really a girl or the gynae made a mistake.
maybe too shy or just wants to surprise you. When is your next visit? I can't wait for mine by end of the month. Hopefully baby not too shy to open the legs so we can confirm if the baby is really a girl or the gynae made a mistake.
Next apt two weeks later ;)
Ginseng> I quite lost lei. Because happens to read online can't have American ginseng during preg. But hor my gynae say okay. I so scare ask my MIL don't put for cooking bird nest. She say she put Korean ginseng. But I also donno Korean ginseng okay anot lei. I donno how. She like cook for me I don't wanna make a fuss. But I'm really scare :(

Donno who to ask which is safe to eat.
Ginseng> I quite lost lei. Because happens to read online can't have American ginseng during preg. But hor my gynae say okay. I so scare ask my MIL don't put for cooking bird nest. She say she put Korean ginseng. But I also donno Korean ginseng okay anot lei. I donno how. She like cook for me I don't wanna make a fuss. But I'm really scare :(

Donno who to ask which is safe to eat.
Deary, I think mayb ask TMC doc will b the best
Ginseng> I quite lost lei. Because happens to read online can't have American ginseng during preg. But hor my gynae say okay. I so scare ask my MIL don't put for cooking bird nest. She say she put Korean ginseng. But I also donno Korean ginseng okay anot lei. I donno how. She like cook for me I don't wanna make a fuss. But I'm really scare :(

Donno who to ask which is safe to eat.

Ginseng is quite a mixed bag... read articles and they all suggest not to have it... i've never ever once consider it unsafe to eat cause my family had been taking it during pregnancies. So i didn't even bother to google it until GBOB pointed it out.
Good morning mommies~~ have a great day ahead!! These few nights the weather so warm!!! air con spoil~~ sian to the max..
Ginseng> I quite lost lei. Because happens to read online can't have American ginseng during preg. But hor my gynae say okay. I so scare ask my MIL don't put for cooking bird nest. She say she put Korean ginseng. But I also donno Korean ginseng okay anot lei. I donno how. She like cook for me I don't wanna make a fuss. But I'm really scare :(

Donno who to ask which is safe to eat.

i attended antenatal class with wong boh boi and she was taking about birds nest..she said birds nest is best eaten on its own (dont put red dates etc...) as these 'stuff' will absorb the nutrients of the birds nest..and you will be eating for 'nothing'
Morning ladies! Talking about ginseng, my gynae told me before not to take ginseng leh. i dont know why... but eversince then, i nvr touch any food with ginseng inside wor... i duno is it only applicable for first tri or thruout the pregnancy..
For birds nest, can I ask if it is good enuf to take those pre-packed selling in medical shops? Like new moon, i think they got those ready packed (packaging just like essence of chicken) type. Cos raw one very exp :( or any mommies can advise where to get affordable birds nest?
Birds' nest : I am seeing my TCM next wk. I help you all ask k. Tt time she say no ginseng, tang gui and pineapple coz will cause contraction of uterus. That time I spotting so she gave me stuff to boil to drink n my spotting stopped. So I am careful abt chinese herbs I take. But I tink ginseng got many times. Seems like american ginseng cannot but korean wan can. I will ask.
Birds' nest : I am seeing my TCM next wk. I help you all ask k. Tt time she say no ginseng, tang gui and pineapple coz will cause contraction of uterus. That time I spotting so she gave me stuff to boil to drink n my spotting stopped. So I am careful abt chinese herbs I take. But I tink ginseng got many times. Seems like american ginseng cannot but korean wan can. I will ask.
Thanks gal
Birds' nest : I am seeing my TCM next wk. I help you all ask k. Tt time she say no ginseng, tang gui and pineapple coz will cause contraction of uterus. That time I spotting so she gave me stuff to boil to drink n my spotting stopped. So I am careful abt chinese herbs I take. But I tink ginseng got many times. Seems like american ginseng cannot but korean wan can. I will ask.
Thanks dear! U da best! Help us ask ya, I am curious :)
Thanks lovelittletan! cos now i tot of taking birds nest to 'bu' bb...
Yea i think many types ginseng, my gynae just generally told me not to take any thing with ginseng so I am also not sure which kind.
morning mummies! i'm back from MIA! went hk on babymoon over the long weekend and went crazy buying baby clothes there! all so cute!!! esp the hallmark brand etc.

wah this thread move so fast! haha
morning mummies! i'm back from MIA! went hk on babymoon over the long weekend and went crazy buying baby clothes there! all so cute!!! esp the hallmark brand etc.

wah this thread move so fast! haha

welcome back cheer_bb!! wah hk shopping! haha so how much u spent over there?
Np babes. Will let u all noe asap.

morning mummies! i'm back from MIA! went hk on babymoon over the long weekend and went crazy buying baby clothes there! all so cute!!! esp the hallmark brand etc.

wah this thread move so fast! haha
Wah. Envious! Is it cheaper over there?
welcome back cheer_bb!! wah hk shopping! haha so how much u spent over there?
haha i think hubby and i ended up spending about $300 on bb clothes liao. but is the cute going-out kind. not the daily use ones.

Np babes. Will let u all noe asap.

Wah. Envious! Is it cheaper over there?
Not really cheaper ba. I think someone posted on the FB channel about a mothercare sale at KKH, 7 pack body suit was only about $12? Definitely not cheaper than that! But Marks and Spencer there also had a pack of 7 body suit, each piece works out to about SGD3 max? for daily use la.

Hubby and i mainly buy the cute go-out kind of clothes there cos the variety is much more than SGP. they have hallmark brand there! forever friends etc. and if anyone is going HK, in Central there's this Eugene Baby outlet, 13,000square feet of retail space all sell baby stuff! Got another outlet in Sha Tin at 30,000 square feet! can literally shop till tired! hehe.
i attended antenatal class with wong boh boi and she was taking about birds nest..she said birds nest is best eaten on its own (dont put red dates etc...) as these 'stuff' will absorb the nutrients of the birds nest..and you will be eating for 'nothing'
Too raw hor I don't think I dare to eat wor. Later waste
morning mummies! i'm back from MIA! went hk on babymoon over the long weekend and went crazy buying baby clothes there! all so cute!!! esp the hallmark brand etc.

wah this thread move so fast! haha

Welcome back! You are lucky.. Typhoon no. 8 is hoisted in HK now. All shops are closed.
HK stuff are expensive compare to SG.. even the 女人街 things more ex than our bugis street. jus that sometimes abit more unique than what we buy in SG. i went once last year.. but too mani PRCs that spoil my whole mood.. plus my girl kept pestering us to carry her.. dun wanna sit in pram.. the only thing that can buy there is their branded goods. becoz they dun have taxes (compare to buying in SG we have to pay GST).
i attended antenatal class with wong boh boi and she was taking about birds nest..she said birds nest is best eaten on its own (dont put red dates etc...) as these 'stuff' will absorb the nutrients of the birds nest..and you will be eating for 'nothing'

I don't think i can eat this. I'm having a hard time right now eating the cooked one with something on it as it smells like raw egg...so my MIL put some rooty stuff (don't know what it is), and cool it down to make the taste better.
For birds nest, can I ask if it is good enuf to take those pre-packed selling in medical shops? Like new moon, i think they got those ready packed (packaging just like essence of chicken) type. Cos raw one very exp :( or any mommies can advise where to get affordable birds nest?

正中平 this TCM shop sells concentrated birds nest. Everyday or every other day eat a tablespoon is enough. But it's also costly, I think $70 per bottle though they have buy 2get 1 or 25% off offer frequently.

I think all birds nest quite expensive.. The more affordable ones also not sure if quality is gd.. Maybe can consider alternatives like white fungus like what GBOB cooked.l. Apparently nutritional value similar?

HK stuff are expensive compare to SG.. even the 女人街 things more ex than our bugis street. jus that sometimes abit more unique than what we buy in SG. i went once last year.. but too mani PRCs that spoil my whole mood.. plus my girl kept pestering us to carry her.. dun wanna sit in pram.. the only thing that can buy there is their branded goods. becoz they dun have taxes (compare to buying in SG we have to pay GST).

I find HK cheaper.. my hubby made me buy 3 pairs of birkenstock for him and mothercare there cheaper as well. I always stock my cosmetic stuff there.
