(2014/01) January 2014

Nidellia, I tried v hard but my tears just kept flowing uncontrollably... I dnt know y also. It's kinda scary.... Be it pregnancy hormones or whatever la, I am just super pissed n disappointed with my DH for leaving me here when I needed him most. He still got the cheek to post on fb say he misses me. Miss me ah? Don't go lah!!! No one force him to go what! Duh right! :mad:


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Wow! Happy Monday mummies :p so cool lah this new interface! GBOB, cheer up k? I also getting very emo recently too, crying at the slightest things.
must take care ah!!

me ok. i noe im very emo during preggie, colleagues always on standby mode to "cool me down". hahaha!!! dat senior is a newcomer & alrdy cannot merge in wif us, now kena blasted frm me, she lagi unhappy! anyways, we all dun like her. too bossy!
ya lor, drinking lor. drink liao, when cough ah, u noe ah, i kena urine incontinence. dat's why wanna quickly go prenatal yoga n train my pelvic muscles. all loose liao. haha!
Take gd care! Me oso having a bad bout of flu..nose constantly blocked by mucus..preggy immune system reali lower, sick oso take longer to recover..
Btw u can train ur pelvic muscles by yourself anytime! Jus tighten e holding back of urine muscles n relax again..do it whenever u rem!
sayang GBOB..... understand how u feel... once I quarrel w hub.... my tears juz cannot be controlled.... I cry till I feel pain at tummy... think bb can feel us....
Bb hopeful, what happened to u? How come two days mc? R u ok?

Happygirl, me ok la... Feeling super duper emo for the past few days. Ain't talking to dh cos I'm angry at him for leaving me all alone while he go have fun with friends in Phuket. Was crying buckets n no appetite to eat. Mayb my hormones really gone haywire cos I am not an easily cry kind of person....
Gbob! I noe wat we say ain't gonna help much, but jus hope u'll feel much beta soon! Hope ur hub does sth tt will make u happy again! Rem: a happy mummy will haf a happy Bb!
Take gd care! Me oso having a bad bout of flu..nose constantly blocked by mucus..preggy immune system reali lower, sick oso take longer to recover..
Btw u can train ur pelvic muscles by yourself anytime! Jus tighten e holding back of urine muscles n relax again..do it whenever u rem!

i cannot leh! my 1st one still can. when pregs, all gone! dunno why
Nidellia, I tried v hard but my tears just kept flowing uncontrollably... I dnt know y also. It's kinda scary.... Be it pregnancy hormones or whatever la, I am just super pissed n disappointed with my DH for leaving me here when I needed him most. He still got the cheek to post on fb say he misses me. Miss me ah? Don't go lah!!! No one force him to go what! Duh right! :mad:

could you be having prenatal depression? if u feel ok, try to go out for a short walk, do some happy things. dun stay at home all the time ya
Thanks dearies! Mmm... I hope I m not suffering from prenatal depression lah... I oso dnt know. But I know that I'll continue to b angry with my DH for a long time cos I v 记仇one... Lolx... I can't really go out on my own too much leh cos of my cerclage op n doc tell me dnt walk too long or too much... But hor dh not ard so I have to go n get my own meals.. Pathetic right... That's y sometimes when I think of all these I feel so miserable n will start weeping lor...
Bb hopeful, what happened to u? How come two days mc? R u ok?

Happygirl, me ok la... Feeling super duper emo for the past few days. Ain't talking to dh cos I'm angry at him for leaving me all alone while he go have fun with friends in Phuket. Was crying buckets n no appetite to eat. Mayb my hormones really gone haywire cos I am not an easily cry kind of person....

me too! was tearing when i was having my lunch alone earlier and my mum called and asked me how is both of them.. tremble when i reply her and ask her to put down quick and hold back my tears but ended up crying badly in office toilet earlier.. duhz
aiyo.. i also emo leh!! last week i so emo dao i take half day leave and go taka bb fair and walk walk. Feel better after that. The emo feeling is like very sian and feel like tearing. Just suddenly like tat!
Happygal, haha no lah not so early shop. Hubby and i encountered it on sat when we were at marina sq. sale is apparently ongoing, maybe they clearing stock for newer series ba.

bb hopeful, got stokke explory, but that one they say can only give 20% discount, cannot 50%. still a good deal if you are already aiming stokke. mainly is the lesser-known in SGP brands. got one called ABC Design. at first thought it a chapalang brand, but after googled turn out to be a German brand. we bought the ABC Design Turbo 4S. big wheel de. 50% off so $557, inclusive of a carry cot as well.
That's the thing! Normal days we also can b so emo all of a sudden n sometimes over nothing, so imagine my dh left me all alone n having so much fun over in Phuket. Still got the cheek to apps me say he went phi phi island n now looks like a raw lobster! I feel like replying him ya!!! U r soooooo gonna b GRILLED & ROASTED!
Super not used to this layout. Maybe takes a while to get used. Also, kept saying login failed as wrong pwd but same pwd what.. so mah fun. Have to reset. What a gloomy Monday.. best to nuah at home.
GBOB cool down yeah! u have all of us here accompany u!! :D cheer up!
But i guess normal emo is normal hor. btw... normallly emo is in first tri or second tri?
gm : yeah. this layout bit weird hor. aiyo got so many pages. and when our conversation already in page 164, i still left behind at 162. haha. one page can take less than 10 post...
fanntasy: yah! must rem the page that you are on.. or else, so many to see.
GBOB: cheer up.. all worth it when you see bb in your hands. Just frustrate with us.. men wouldn't understand.
Ya. Men r really morons sometimes.

hahaha, GBOB, u r so cute. ok dun be angry. jus rem this n keep repeating to urself

A Happy Mummy = A Happy Baby. Smile!

u can do online shopping using ur hubby cc! or claim back later.

go asos do shopping for urself. or even baby gap/old navy/ralph lauren. buy unisex colors. or even do research on wat kind of prams u wan.
rest well, nw is e best time to rest. when bb really arrive. mayb u will miss ur time alone. there's really no time to even go to e loo.

I was using icandy but nw I find it troublesome cos e wheels and top part have to remove when putting in e car boot. but e gd thing is, I find it stable n not shaking. do ur research well.

or even reg for isetan card. sep & dec. they will have pte sale. usually baby stuff, have 15~20% discount.
gbob, for the sake of bb, cool down...understand that..haiz what to do..some men are wood wood...

bb_hopeful, haha good that your colleagues are on standby mode..well prepared man....hahaa..
Thanks dearies! Mmm... I hope I m not suffering from prenatal depression lah... I oso dnt know. But I know that I'll continue to b angry with my DH for a long time cos I v 记仇one... Lolx... I can't really go out on my own too much leh cos of my cerclage op n doc tell me dnt walk too long or too much... But hor dh not ard so I have to go n get my own meals.. Pathetic right... That's y sometimes when I think of all these I feel so miserable n will start weeping lor...

hug hug... dun walk too much or long means u can take short walks bah? go downstairs walk 5mins or so, especially when early morning sun, good to cheer up de
Happygal, haha no lah not so early shop. Hubby and i encountered it on sat when we were at marina sq. sale is apparently ongoing, maybe they clearing stock for newer series ba.

bb hopeful, got stokke explory, but that one they say can only give 20% discount, cannot 50%. still a good deal if you are already aiming stokke. mainly is the lesser-known in SGP brands. got one called ABC Design. at first thought it a chapalang brand, but after googled turn out to be a German brand. we bought the ABC Design Turbo 4S. big wheel de. 50% off so $557, inclusive of a carry cot as well.

think someone was aiming for stokke. i alrdy got my set le. waiting for delivery in august
gbob, for the sake of bb, cool down...understand that..haiz what to do..some men are wood wood...

bb_hopeful, haha good that your colleagues are on standby mode..well prepared man....hahaa..

cos when my temper comes, it gets really bad. so they dun wan me to flare up. hahaha! im a horrid person to be with when im pregs
think someone was aiming for stokke. i alrdy got my set le. waiting for delivery in august

hubby and i really loved the stokke too! but really v ex! haha. and it doesn't fold down very compactly either. think will be hard for me to bring bb go out myself during maternity leave. so forego it. sadz.. :(
Mickeygal, my pram, cot all pass me down. No nd to buy. As for bb clothings I think I'll have a lot of pass me downs also. But I'll go check out the maternity wear though. :D

Nidellia, my anger wnt b appeased till I get back at my man! I'm a Scorpio. Scorpios r vengeful by nature. Muahahaha

Haro jt_junior! *wave

Bb hopeful, ya I'll go for morning walks ba... ;)
wow...the forum outlook has been changed. Not used to it yet.

GBOB, read a bit of your hubby's trip. I can understand the imbalance you felt...Don't think too much, what you are sacrificing is all for your baby. Cheer up, it will all be worth it in a couple of months. :)
hi jt_junior - thread starter! hee

gbob, haa keep ur revenge till he's back ya and slowly tekan him LOL!
Darbebe, ya I know it's all worth it de. For baby's sake. But like what u said lor, I felt imbalanced cos y m I suffering here alone whereas he's there enjoying. The most hated part is I can't stand his fakeness. Don't come n tell me u miss me when u had a choice to b beside me lor. Don't come n ask if I've eaten when he's not ard to buy food for me. Sibey bullshit. Sigh... I know I v niam n childish in some aspect but can't help it. But girls, I'm feeling better after "exploding" here :D

Kmei2, ya. He better watch out! I'm not gonna let him off so easily
Bh hopeful, u take care and rest well... A chance to nua at hm also. Recover soon!

GBOB, mayb can msg ur hubby n release a bit of ur unhappiness. So he can stop saying how he's having fun and make u all the more imbalance. N give him a taste of wat he will expect when he's back frm the trip. *Evil laughter* ;)
Darbebe, ya I know it's all worth it de. For baby's sake. But like what u said lor, I felt imbalanced cos y m I suffering here alone whereas he's there enjoying. The most hated part is I can't stand his fakeness. Don't come n tell me u miss me when u had a choice to b beside me lor. Don't come n ask if I've eaten when he's not ard to buy food for me. Sibey bullshit. Sigh... I know I v niam n childish in some aspect but can't help it. But girls, I'm feeling better after "exploding" here :D

Kmei2, ya. He better watch out! I'm not gonna let him off so easily
Btw, GBOB, possible to go over to ur parents' place and stay wif them for the duration of the trip? mayb u will feel better wif ur loved ones around.
Happy gal, actually I alrdy "made it v obvious" that I'm not happy. My replies to his whatsapp messages r v "cold". He called n asked me what happened n I actually alrdy blasted him over the phone. But I v liberal. I still tell him to enjoy since he's there alrdy n dnt bother abt me cos no point sending me "fake" messages like I miss u or have u eaten etc. 人都不在这里讲这么多也没用right. He still dare to tell me if I don't wan him to go I could have told him so, but he doesn't get the difference between I DON'T WAN HIM TO GO & HE CHOSE TO STAY BY MY SIDE. It's obvious he chose Phuket over me what. Lolx... After saying all these he MSG say he's sorry but my anger is still not appeased. Wnt b so easy de. *super evil laughter* then next day he got the cheek to apps me he went phi phi n now like raw lobster. STUPID RIGHT?! Lolx

Oh I can't go stay with parents la. My mum passed away many years ago n my dad is staying with me but he's in hospital still not yet discharged. I go visit him lor
Happy gal, actually I alrdy "made it v obvious" that I'm not happy. My replies to his whatsapp messages r v "cold". He called n asked me what happened n I actually alrdy blasted him over the phone. But I v liberal. I still tell him to enjoy since he's there alrdy n dnt bother abt me cos no point sending me "fake" messages like I miss u or have u eaten etc. 人都不在这里讲这么多也没用right. He still dare to tell me if I don't wan him to go I could have told him so, but he doesn't get the difference between I DON'T WAN HIM TO GO & HE CHOSE TO STAY BY MY SIDE. It's obvious he chose Phuket over me what. Lolx... After saying all these he MSG say he's sorry but my anger is still not appeased. Wnt b so easy de. *super evil laughter* then next day he got the cheek to apps me he went phi phi n now like raw lobster. STUPID RIGHT?! Lolx

Oh I can't go stay with parents la. My mum passed away many years ago n my dad is staying with me but he's in hospital still not yet discharged. I go visit him lor
Im sure now he noes u super pissed liao, he also wun enjoy fully lah. But then men very 1 track mind one so he mayb also duno y we kicked up a fuss. I can totally imagine his outcome when he's back. (OMG) Oh, hope ur dad recovers soon.
Bh hopeful, u take care and rest well... A chance to nua at hm also. Recover soon!

GBOB, mayb can msg ur hubby n release a bit of ur unhappiness. So he can stop saying how he's having fun and make u all the more imbalance. N give him a taste of wat he will expect when he's back frm the trip. *Evil laughter* ;)

yup, thx!
Vanilla, none taken. No hard feelings at all. Actually I know what u mean. I didn't "let him go" I just "let him choose". I also don't know y I'm like so selfish, unreasonable, childish n spiteful. I just can't help it. He's alrdy 44 this year, no brains to think meh? I just did a cerclage 1week plus ago, my maid is always with my dad at hospital the whole day, I have no siblings, I'm just all alone.. Y can't he make the wiser decision n stay with me wor. Must say out then I find no meaning Liao. Anyway already no meaning Liao la... Lolx... But thanks vanilla, I totally understand what u mean. But I still won't let him off so easily. He's still enjoying himself there even though he knows I'm not happy leh... From last evening till now no apps at all... He must have gotten himself drunk last night... Happy ma... Cos no one to nag n stop him from drinking.... Oh well....
GBOB: I know what you mean. My hubby wants to go on Stag trip with his frens over his bday weekend. I gave him hell. I also tell him you choose lor.. U wana celeb your bday with your frens, then, fine.. Next time, I will go away on trips on your bday and no need celeb with you. Not that the guy getting married is his bf. Just that there are 20 pax going and some are ppl he has not caught up for a while. Nice to catch up over the trip since it's rare. We had a "discussion" abt it for a month and he didn't go eventually. Ha!

Men should have their priorities. Can understand the hurt and disappointment. But what is done is done.. try not to affect your mood and bb... Make him rem this incident forever when you want something in future. Haha...
Gbob: hope u dont feel offended by what i said.

I feel that if u let him go den don't feel angry about it or thk it's not fair or he should stay with u things like this.

Last time I also will like that, let him go but inside sibei buay song even when after a few days den usually will end up quarrelling. I always hope that he will ownself say don't want to go. But guys won't de. If u really feel that he wanna go and u choose to let him go den really really let him go lo.. It's not fair for him to get treatment like this.. I feel la..

I'm sure if u tell him u need his company, he will stay with you.

So now if I don't want him to go anywhere or do what, I'll tell him straight away. We are suppose to go Gold Coast convention in jun when I'm about 8 weeks, Gyane have clearance to go even spotting but I can't pass my own clearance so I ask hubby friend if he wanna go and purchase a ticket so that they 2 can go together. My ticket refund. My thinking is he worked so hard to clear these convention and if i cant go and he also dont go so not fair for him. I just ask him to buy things for me as present cuz i cant Go. sai nai abit and say if i go shopping in sg i can claim from him cuz i cant go gold coast.. lol.. Den he will also feel bad for leaving me in sg so he tried to anticipate me in what he is doing everyday. Take photos of what he eat and tell me where he went. He come back tell me lots of stories about what happen there. I feel he had fun there and makes me feel that i made the right choice by letting him go Gold Coast cuz he had fun he is happy and so am I.. =D

Don't make yourself feel so misery, and ur hubby too. Like when he come back u still buay song, he also Blurr Blurr, it's u who let me go yet come back wanna give me attitude.. Den also won't be good.. Just treat it as a last trip that he is ever going without you. =D haha.. Be happy den bb also will be happy. Jia you.. Don't keep thinking unhappy stuffs le.. Take this time as "Me & Baby" time!! Go shop for some bb stuffs.. Buy some bb clothes, unisex one lo.. Den when he come back sai nai tell ur hubby since u can't go den u go shopping for bb and can claim from him.. Haha.. Sai nai usually works.. Haha.. Well at least for me la.. =P

Just my 2 cents worth la.. Hope u don't feel offended by what I said.. No hard feelings.. Jia you hope u will feel better soon.. :)

Yeah.. i agree with you too.. Guys are different from woman.. they interpret messages differently from us.. Stay positive ok GBOB~~ :) Sometimes it's good to have time on urself.. go for window shoppings.. swimming.. anything that makes u happy..

Gm, men really sometimes no eq. shd know how to prioritize things right. mayb im just being unreasonable la... i also dont know y i like that... i only know my 怨气 very heavy still.... Hahaha..

Junior, The thing is, I'm not supposed to walk ard... That's what makes it more miserable... N I feel v tired. Ask me to surf net to shop I got no mood at all... Sigh

But thanks gals, all of your comforting words n honest words r deeply appreciated... I just needed to rant n lucky got here to rant...
