(2014/01) January 2014

Hi Ladies, im back :) my 13 week scan went well and am currently 17 weeks, am a regular at mummysg but having some issues with their password so shall hang around here for awhile :) glad to know all of you, my edd is 5th of jan :) and am expecting a girl :)
Happy gal, actually I alrdy "made it v obvious" that I'm not happy. My replies to his whatsapp messages r v "cold". He called n asked me what happened n I actually alrdy blasted him over the phone. But I v liberal. I still tell him to enjoy since he's there alrdy n dnt bother abt me cos no point sending me "fake" messages like I miss u or have u eaten etc. 人都不在这里讲这么多也没用right. He still dare to tell me if I don't wan him to go I could have told him so, but he doesn't get the difference between I DON'T WAN HIM TO GO & HE CHOSE TO STAY BY MY SIDE. It's obvious he chose Phuket over me what. Lolx... After saying all these he MSG say he's sorry but my anger is still not appeased. Wnt b so easy de. *super evil laughter* then next day he got the cheek to apps me he went phi phi n now like raw lobster. STUPID RIGHT?! Lolx

Oh I can't go stay with parents la. My mum passed away many years ago n my dad is staying with me but he's in hospital still not yet discharged. I go visit him lor

Hey godblessmybb, though i didnt read thru all your posts but i really do understand how u feel, at times my hubby will be very insensitive too, telling me he has had a hard day of work and just want to spend his only off day out with his friends, but for me i rather he choose to spend the time with me then coming back around 3 or 4 am in the wee hours. I guess its very hard for them to understand the emotional and also physical support we need for them. esp when our hormones run an all time high now. But must rmb to stay positive as being too stressed and unhappy is bad for you :)
Cheer up GBOB n mummies who will feel emo over the slightest thing. I am one too. Whenever I feel emo, I will think of baby as it might affect baby and will try to be positive. Mummies, Jia you!:) Mummies who hv the baby banner at the end of the post, may I know how to get it? It is so cute.
Thanks raineraine for understanding my plight. :p And welcome here dear

Cel, thanks. Am trying to stay as positive n as happy as I can... Tough these few days but getting better alrdy... Thanks dear
Oh dear this new interface is confusing....how to tell who is who? ehehe....I can only figure out GBOB.....how are you dear? Still feeling down I see.....try to cheer up ok? Baby can feel it if you feel sad....

Just did my 12wk scan today....all seem ok so far.

Can someone include me in FB?
Hi Pat, its pretty but its a little small, did you choose the correct one? the one on the right side for forum when you were in lilypie :)
Yoyo patl, thanks dear. I'm feeling abit better. Mayb cos dh is on the way back n I know I'm gonna exact my revenge on him real soon. Lolx
Hi Mummies

I would like to ask for advice on Philip Avent beast pump. Anyone used before and is it good? noisy, efficient and are the spare parts lasting? Tks
Good morning everyone!! Finally see my baby yesterday after one plus month :) Gynea show us both his hands and he is holding both thumbs up to us :) Gynea say he is telling us he is fine and happy inside my stomach..

Next visit will be 2nd September as hubby will be travelling for three weeks in a row in August :(
heheh, august come faster than i can see baby gender liao!!
Shirlynn : your bb so cute!! hahaha
aiyo your hubby away ah.. nvm, u have us here to accompany you! dont feel sad yea. hehehe
fanntasy.. my hubby always travel one ..I am used to it :) He is thinking whether to come back during the weekends or not.. as three weeks are in different countries. I tell him if he dun come back.. he dun need to come back liao as his daughter may not be able to recognise him...kekek
Shirlynn : oic... ur hubby very funny leh. of cos come back better but i think he also will come back autmatically without you asking him. I believed he misses the princess in your tummy too!
Yah, August come faster, I wanna see my bb again.....

Nidellia, can try... normally they will oblige n tell u it looks ok.

Shirlynn, ur bb so cute. I tink after every u/s, I will feel so secure tt bb is ok until I find new tings to worry abt. LOL.
morning! Anybody hire CL already...i just confirmed mine but she not my preferred choice :( How much you all paid for CL?
but I not sure if they will tell the result over the phone...otherwise would have to wait till 13 aug to see dr tan ah.....
oh.. then I doubt so.. will have to wait till the 13th already
btw how cum ur amnio is so early? mine have to wait till 18th weeks :(
Saw a few mummies going and had done amnio...izit due to Oscar test not good or u all opt to do it? Usually Oscar is performed from 11 to 13 wks. Amnio is 16 wks onwards.
Saw a few mummies going and had done amnio...izit due to Oscar test not good or u all opt to do it? Usually Oscar is performed from 11 to 13 wks. Amnio is 16 wks onwards.
Oscar result is not good hence goin 2nd opinion then amnio lo :)
morning! Anybody hire CL already...i just confirmed mine but she not my preferred choice :( How much you all paid for CL?

Hi pyng, yes i have confirmed my CL a couple of wks ago. She was actually my "only" option, since the other 2 i called, one didn't want to do potentially over CNY, and the other one i couldnt get through her line at all. SGD 2.2k if confinement doesnt cross CNY, SGD 3k if any part of confinement is during CNY. but unlike some mummies' CL, she did not request to go back during CNY, so i take it as compensating her for that.
Yah, August come faster, I wanna see my bb again.....

Nidellia, can try... normally they will oblige n tell u it looks ok.

Shirlynn, ur bb so cute. I tink after every u/s, I will feel so secure tt bb is ok until I find new tings to worry abt. LOL.

thanks I shall try my luck .....

oh.. then I doubt so.. will have to wait till the 13th already
btw how cum ur amnio is so early? mine have to wait till 18th weeks :(

mine done at 16 weeks plus.....yours wait till 18weeks ma??? so long eh...the counsellor is the one who fixed the appointment right. Prof John Tee is the one who did it for me. He is good.

morning! Anybody hire CL already...i just confirmed mine but she not my preferred choice :( How much you all paid for CL?

almost confirmed...waiting for amnio results...after that will decide. so far, she has quoted $2.5k normal and $3.5k if fall into CNY period.
lovelittletan, once pregnant.. we will worry non stop .. even when born..new worries will come. so try to take it easy :)

For CL, confirmed mine at 2.5 k. Called a few.. market rate is about 2.4 k to 2.6 k. Just crossing fingers that she will be good
hey ladies who hire CL.... if you put bb to sleep with CL. bb will sleep in cot. then what about the CL? do we have to prepare a bed for her?
good morning ladies....

actually the morning is not so good for me... my hb received a call from AVA, saying that neighbors complaining that my dog is making alot of noise. I just don't get these neighbors. why cannot be more tolerant? every little thing also must complain. That time we did renovations at our place, EVERY SINGLE day at 2pm, my contractors must stop work because her baby cannot sleep. complain to HDB.

when renovations done, they complain that people have been smoking in the lift lobby. dono complain to who, the people came to put the "no smoking" posters only on my floor. the rest of the floor above and below us, nothing...
now, they say my dog is barking like mad. if they knew anything at all, my dog doesn't bark. yes. he does. but not excessively. he doesn't bark when there's anyone at home. even if visitors come, he doesn't bark at all! everyday when he sees the opposite neighbor come home, he will just sit quietly at the door. there are other dogs in my neighborhood that barks alot louder and longer, and at unearthly hours during the day.

sigh. i really don't know what to do with these neighbours already. My dog is properly licensed and steralised with the AVA. He has went for basic obedience training. does anyone know if AVA have the right to ask us to get rid of our dog because neighbors complain too many times?

Which dog doesn't bark anyway? so what? if her baby crys and make too much noise, what? get rid of her baby?

arrrgghhh... i'm so mad lor

Hi morning MTBs, another hurdle to cross in next 3 weeks is whether or not to do an AMNIO or not, to test for Down Syndrome. Can I get any of your opinion if any of you have already done the AMNIO? I think Nidelia had it? how would you handle if baby is DS? I'm not into aborting the baby since it would already be 4 mths old by the time the AMNIO is done, so not sure if taking the risk of AMNIO just to know for sure is worth the chance? Somehow each decision is different at different juncture of our life as I've done the AMNIO on #2 and didn't think much of it then as I still had time for more babies when I was younger and I was not too worried about the chances of miscarrying. But now 4 years later, I had one miscarriage in Dec last year and now I think I'm at the end of my road and don't think I'll be having another baby after this, even decided with hubby that I will get myself "tied up" after this birth. So this think is really bothering me quite badly and I can't sleep at night just thinking about it since I have to make a decision these few days whether to do an OSCAR or AMNIO. :-( some opinion, encouragement would help?
